MINTUES HAC MEETING 9/18/2019 Housing Advisory Committee (HAC) Meeting When Wednesday, September 18, 2019 12:00noon Where Neighborhood Development Services (NDS) Conference Room City Hall, 605 E. Main Street (Attendees: Heather H, Phil, Lyle, LD Perry, Chris Murray, Chris Meyer, Lisa T., Ridge, Anthony, Dan, Sunshine, Frank, Estelle) (City Staff: John Sales, Mike Murphy, Erin Atak, Brenda Kelley, Susan Elliott) Agenda 1. Call to Order / Introductions / Housekeeping / Minutes i. Minutes to be provided to HAC for July meeting to get approved. 2. Subcommittee Updates – respective chairs i. Strategy/Outreach – RFP timeline – Jacobs 1. In the procurement process. ii. Policy – Legislative Packet, IAT, Work Sessions – Schuyler/Rosensweig 1. HAC Policy subcommittee was tasked with making legislative suggestions to City Council’s legislative team to discuss potentially adding items to the legislative agenda. A draft was reviewed and a couple of suggestions and changes were made, but document was already quite strong for Affordable Housing. The RCLCO was reviewed and items were identified that required legislation. 5 items were assigned for additional research. Virginia Housing Alliance(VHA) action items were attached to the legislation, but it was clarified that they have not been vetted through the HAC or City Council previously unlike the RCLCO items. The City Council could refer the items back to the HAC or to City staff. Sunshine stated the items from VHA are statewide and not just local items. The legislative recommendations are scheduled to appear on the October 21 City Council agenda. This should be flagged on a HAC future calendar to ensure work is started next year ahead of time. MINTUES HAC MEETING 9/18/2019 iii. Allocations – d’Oronzio 1. S. Lisa Herndon was asked to step in as the Allocations subcommittee chair. Staff is working on the Council agenda item now. Funding for the VSH project which has a proposal to build 80 units on CRHA owned property was recommended. Preliminary recommendation is tosupport this application with the full amount of $750,000, but they must gain site control by the deadline. It will be recommended that AHIP will receive $42,000 which is the remainder of the CAHF funding. Contingencies need to be put in place based on an earlier date than March for the VSH project. Mr. Murphy stated staff will add a contingency that requires VSH to have an agreement in place with CRHA or others by December 31, 2019 to receive voucher commitment. The contingency received support from all members with many highlighting the importance of the voucher to make the project sustainable. There was discussion about the scoring matrix, which is heavily weighted for LIHTC, but may not be appropriate for the scoring system of the CAHF. 3. Staff Reports – i. LLRisk Reduction Query – John Sales 1. Motion by Phil to task the Policy subcommittee with reexamining the LLRisk Reduction Fund. Second by Sunshine. All voted in favor. Is there a possibility of the landlord not taking the security deposit and the city accepting responsibility/ risk? Mr. Murphy stated no a non-profit would have to take on that risk, not the city. ii. Energy Standards and CAHF – Susan Elliot 1. Susan Elliot, the cities Climate Protection Program Manager provided background and a presentation regarding efforts to undertake in order to accomplish the cities efficiency and energy standard goals. She stated that the current energy efficient buildings do not have any numbers behind them and what the state requires is not efficient enough to help us meet the adopted goal by the City Council. The City is partnering with LEAP to find gaps in our current system. We could add requirements and expectations (standards) for energy efficient buildings. When it goes to the board of zoning, they would have the expectations which are specific and could judge the applicant by the energy standards and make suggestions to the City Council. The study should be completed by mid- spring. How can we incentivize the program to reach the greatest population? Staff suggests adding a preference to supported housing in the future CAHF applications. 4. Other Business i. None stated. 5. Public comment * i. There was a discussion about having the County as part of the group as well as meeting in different places. The Strategy subcommittee should look at how to adjust the board to get better input from the region. Mr. Murphy asked what MINTUES HAC MEETING 9/18/2019 about the housing navigation hub is going to be completed differently this time than what was completed last time when the city operated the program. Mr. Murphy suggested they schedule a meeting with the team that organized the city-run Housing navigation center to see why it was not successful The units are not available which is why the housing navigation was unsuccessful the first time. Meeting adjourned at 1:18pm. * Note – at the discretion of the Chair, public comments related to particular agenda items may be solicited at that point in the meeting. Staff Contact: John Sales, Housing Program Coordinator: (434) 970-3315 or