MINUTES Housing Advisory Committee (HAC) Meeting When Wednesday, April 14, 2021 12:00noon HAC members attending: Phil d’Oronzio, Dan Rosensweig, Lyle Solla-Yates, Ridge Schuyler, Anthony Haro, Steven Stokes, Russell Ray, Frank Stoner, S. Lisa Herndon, Nancy Kidd, Chris Meyer, Councilor Payne, Brandon Collins (filling in for Joy Johnson) Consultant Team: Jennifer Koch, Ronald Sessoms, Lee Einsweiler City Staff: Brenda Kelley, Erin Atak, Alex Ikefuna, Brian Wheeler Meeting started at 12:04pm. Motion to approve the minutes by Chris Meyer, seconded by Lyle Solla-Yates. Minutes approved. Alex Ikefuna gave a city update on the budget/CIP approval by City Council; status of Comprehensive Plan work; new Deputy City Manager hired. Ronald Sessoms presented the Draft Future Land Use Map and described the land use categories. Chris Meyer stated that he appreciates the Planning Commission observations on increased building height; need to make better use of land we have; why isn’t higher intensity following arteries, like to see better consistency around that. Phil d’Oronzio asked how does this have an impact on affordable housing? Jennifer Koch discussed the team’s thought process and recommendations they are making. Dan Rosensweig shared comments: changing of definitions from R-1 to low intensity and medium intensity residential is a good step in the right direction; how this map lies does still continue patterns of government imposed segregation and exclusion; 2 ½ stories doesn’t get you anything, should increase to minimum 4; critical intersections with the County could be jointly planning but need higher intensity, should mirror what County has; still think very Euclidean in nature, very much use-based, there are use deserts all through City, strongly encourage go back and look at single-use deserts, look at nodes; just creating middle density, just going to get more unaffordable housing, zoning code needs to be very specific about allowing additional density and additional allowances in exchange for deed restricted affordable housing. Chris Meyer added additional potential County connections where Stribling meets County line, might make sense to increase lot density around there. Jennifer Koch stated you’ll see in presentation, we have photos and precedent images, Planning Commission asked we use more Charlottesville context, asking for suggestions. Various HAC members provided suggestions. Frank Stoner asked if any thoughts has been given to infrastructure needs in the areas to be up- zoned? Jennifer Koch responded not had detailed discussions yet but will continue to happen. S. Lisa Herndon started discussion regarding historical racial mapping/redlining. Can that be overlay on current map? Lengthy input and comments followed regarding this topic. Dan Rosensweig read Sunshine Mathon comments to HAC: The current iteration of the map over-privileges existing patterns of development, thereby maintaining historically-established segregationist patterns of wealth and access. The sequence of work (affordable housing plan -> Comp Plan -> Rezoning) is a once-in- a-generation opportunity to confront the map of our history and chart a future for Charlottesville that reflects our aspirations in this moment in time. The mapping process must reflect a courageous effort to redress past harm. And maintaining exclusionary zoning by deferring to existing low-density neighborhoods – particularly for neighborhoods who have benefited financially from this exclusionary framework - simply reflects the status quo. Please re-organize the proposed residential land uses to remove exclusionary protections for historically privileged neighborhoods while also protecting historically lower-income neighborhoods from gentrification. Whether by: Re-mapping of the proposed resident land use categories; or Re-calibrating the density levels in the proposed residential land use categories; or Compressing the residential land use categories from three to two; or Some combination of the above. Lastly, strongly consider an “affordable housing overlay” category that overlays all future zoning types throughout the City such that affordable housing solutions are privileged, by: Removing the need for re-zoning for affordable housing developments; and Providing sensible, by-right increases to density, FAR, height, etc. Jennifer Koch provided timeline on next update to circulate for public review by end of month. Need any comments now. Frank Stoner started discussion regarding concern over gentrification in existing affordable areas; even if we eliminate boundaries in existing wealthier areas fear is existing affordable housing areas will be targeted, any thoughts given to how we protect those areas that are currently affordable and how do we foster more affordable housing in those higher income areas. Lengthy input and comments followed regarding this topic. Lyle Solla-Yates stated main concern should be sufficiency – does this implement the affordable housing strategy. Phil d’Oronzio asked for any HAC comments be sent to Lyle. Chris Meyer asked for update on UVA interest in participating on HAC. Ridge Schuyler advised he raised this point with UVA but has not gotten a response. Meeting adjourned at 1:23pm.