Human Right Commission Minutes Regular Meeting DATE: October 17, 2019 Susi Wilbur called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. ROLL CALL: Jeanette Abi-Nader, Kathryn Laughon, Olivia Gabbay, Elliot Brown, Robert Woodside, Ernest Chambers, Andy Orban, Melvin Grady, Idil Aktan (arrived after roll call) *Please note, the summarized notes presented below are recorded in real time and are not concise quotes from the correlated speaker. Please review the posted audio recording for specific language. The HRC intends to get word-for-word transcript meeting notes for accessibility purposes in the future. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Charlene a. Unveiling of school integration historical marker i. Wednesday, October 23, 2019, 1:00pm, Johnson Elementary School ii. Honoring Eugene and Loraine Williams iii. Identified 4 youth who integrated in 1962 1. Second wave of integration in Charlottesville City Schools 2. 2 of 4 students will be in attendance a. They are the daughters of Eugene and Loraine Williams b. The other two students live out of town and will not attend iv. Unveiling followed by short ceremony inside school b. Virginia Association of Human Rights Meeting i. Saturday, November 16, 2019, 10:00am to 3:00pm, Heritage Center at Jefferson School ii. Invitees from commissions across the state iii. 10:00am to 3:00pm c. Annual Dance and Step Show i. Saturday, November 16, 2019, The Paramount ii. 6th year that OHR provides question about human and civil rights for youth (10-18yrs) iii. Audience engagement in human and civil rights issues iv. Charlene has some reserved tickets for HRC members – let her know ASAP v. Tickets will otherwise go to students vi. Melvin and Susi asked for tickets d. Virginia Film Festival i. Will have series related to race and LGBTQ+ issues ii. Schedule available online iii. Ticket purchase may be required MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC (Include names of people who spoke and their concern or comment) None. COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC None. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES  Motion to accept: Jeanette Abi-Nader  Seconded by: Melvin Grady  Vote Record o # In favor: 10 o # Opposed: 0 o # Abstained: 0 BUSSINESS MATTERS 1. Ordinance Update a. Charlene (attached draft shared with HRC) i. Spoke to City attorney about the proposed amendments 1. They were comfortable with the language except for item “D.” a. “Develop new policies as needed to reflect the City’s goals and vision.” i. No one can make policy except City Council ii. This is now stricken from the amended language ii. No other changes to the language since last meeting except for the order of roles 1. This can stay the same unless you want to change it iii. Sec 2-432 1. This language will be amended b. Melvin i. Likes the new order of the roles ii. Feels like it reflects the priorities of the HRC c. Rob i. He and Pheobe ordered the roles intentionally ii. Looked at the roles through the lens of things being placed first might imply primacy d. Charlene i. Will submit the order of roles as written in red on the attached ii. She does not know when it will be on the Council agenda but will let the HRC know 2. Human Rights Community Survey a. Charlene (attached draft shared with HRC) i. Asks what people know about the Office and services provided ii. Could also ask questions about the Commission iii. Could couple this with community follow-up 1. To figure out what they might want to see or how they might want to participate b. Susi i. To whom will the survey be distributed? c. Elliot i. Not yet determined d. Jeanette i. Only the last question asks what people know about the OHR e. Charlene i. The preceding questions about experiencing discrimination were intended to 1. See if the responses match the stats from people who come to the office 2. Last question is an awareness question ii. Distribution ideas 1. Utility bill 2. Online 3. Paper copies at different events iii. This is still a draft and there is no timeline for implementation f. Jeanette i. Suggests some information at the top explaining that the first two categories pertain to what the OHR does ii. For the first two questions about discrimination 1. Suggests answer categories: Yes, No, I’m not sure iii. For the last question about “do you know your rights” 1. Use a range-type answer 2. Somewhat, Not at All, etc. g. Susi i. Agrees that range answers would be better for data collection ii. Regarding the question about “what would you like to see the OHR do” 1. Suggests either throwing out question or providing a list of options to choose from h. Andy i. Suggests a “would you like more information?” question 1. Olivia a. Collecting names and contacts would not protect anonymity b. Perhaps just include the contact information for the office i. Elliot i. Asks about the blank in the last Question 1. Charlene a. It is just there in case someone had an additional idea j. Jeanette i. Asks about including gender identity 1. Charlene a. Suggests including the expanded definition of sex from the ordinance i. Sexual orientation ii. Gender identity iii. Transgender status k. Melvin i. Keep it simple and not too long to appeal to general public l. Rob i. Suggests that the My Cville app could be used for distribution m. Elliot i. On the second and third questions she is uncertain about the blanks 1. She notes that she thought we were only considering what is already protected ii. Does not feel that the term “sex” alone is an accurate descriptor of “sexual orientation” 1. “Sex” feels more like “gender identity” n. Charlene i. Sex is the class in the ordinance ii. The expanded definition can be included in the survey o. Kathryn i. Recommends gender identity as a separate category on the survey ii. Data can then be aggregated under sex later p. Ernest i. Would like to see a change in the order of the questions ii. Start with the “do you know your rights” question first iii. Next ask “Do you know that the City has an OHR?” iv. Then ask “Have you ever experienced discrimination?” v. This provides some information to lead them into the questions q. Idyll i. At the bottom list contact information for the OHR for people who have questions r. Melvin i. Thinks the question about “have you experienced discrimination” will pull people in s. Susi i. Asks if we add information about the HRC t. Charlene i. There will be some sort of introduction ii. Can also include information about the HRC 3. Legislative Agenda recommendations to City Council a. Charlene i. Presents last year’s legislative recommendations ii. HRC can add to it and suggest changes iii. This was also in the orientation packet from the retreat b. Susi i. Would like to add something about communication access ii. Especially making 911 text friendly iii. There are text 911 capabilities in Richmond 1. Charlene a. HRC could recommend expanding 911 capabilities for text access 2. Susi a. This could also serve people outside of deaf and hard of hearing b. Could also serve people who have had strokes 3. Kathryn a. Believes it already exists in this area 4. Olivia a. Available in Charlottesville, Albemarle, and UVA grounds 5. Kathryn a. May not be statewide yet 6. Susi a. Has heard that there have been issues with the 911 text system in the community 7. Charlene a. Can invite someone from the 911 emergency command center to speak about the current system to the HRC b. Since it exists in the area, may not need to add to legislative agenda c. Could advocate for statewide access 8. Rob a. Reads online information that all localities must adopt by July 1, 2020 as mandated by Gov. Northam c. Kathryn i. Asks if HRC should prioritize the legislative items 1. Charlene a. No. b. You can add, remove, or edit items as recommendations to Council 2. Kathryn a. Some of these issues seem more relevant than others b. Asks if HRC can highlight issues of specific concern 3. Charlene a. Yes, HRC can highlight the issues it thinks are most important d. Jeanette i. Appreciates having the list as a values guide ii. For safe and inclusive schools item – should include race in the list of protected classes iii. Also add “academic success” 1. Charlene a. This section was specific to sexual orientation because of the lack of state protections around bullying b. We can still add race c. We can add academic success e. Jeanette i. Supports it as written for the purpose of protecting LGBTQ+ students, especially regarding bathroom usage ii. Would like to see something about police/community relations iii. Would like to see something about food equity f. Kathryn (to Jeanette’s suggestion about adding race to the inclusive school’s item) i. Thinks race is already protected by law, so adding it in may not be a legislative priority 1. Jeanette a. Acknowledges Kathryn’s point 2. Charlene a. Ask if HRC still recommends adding race 3. Melvin a. Feels that race is already covered 4. Rob a. Agrees with adding academic success 5. Jeanette a. Appreciates the specificity about sexual orientation in inclusive schools b. Asks if there is any way that the HRC can call attention to ordinances or laws that are already in place but maybe not enforced that affect other issues i. Charlene 1. HRC does not currently do that work 2. HRC can create a separate document and make recommendations to Council to make decisions that take into account the values that the HRC identifies 3. That would be outside of the legislative agenda g. Charlene invites the HRC to review the list of other legislative agenda items and requests feedback i. Notes that the following items are specific to advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights and protections 1. Discrimination-Free Work Place 2. Safe and Inclusive Schools 3. Fair Housing For All ii. Final review of all recommendations and request for feedback 1. Safe and Inclusive Schools a. All support with recommended additions 2. Discrimination-Free Work Place a. All support as-is 3. Fair Housing for All a. All support as-is 4. Equal Rights Amendment a. All support as-is b. Kathryn i. Notes that she feels this should be at the top of the legislative agenda 5. Restoration of Rights a. All support as-is 6. Hate Crimes Definition a. Charlene notes that the VAHR will be discussing this on November 16 th i. Definition still does not include LGBTQ+ identity ii. Definition does not include language around people with disabilities b. Rob i. Asks if the U.S. Supreme Court currently examining this c. Charlene i. Yes, but you can still make recommendations to the General Assembly ii. The Attorney General has been trying to expand the definition to include disability and sex iii. She will reword this item to reflect the Attorney General’s inclusive language d. Jeanette (TN note: added in out of order to tie to item) i. Asks if the actions of groups like Unite the Right and the KKK be viewed as hate crimes by expanding the definition ii. Would support the inclusion of language to address this e. Charlene i. Would need to check with an attorney on that 7. Temporary Driver’s License a. Charlene i. Idea is that undocumented drivers with a license might also be encouraged to get insurance ii. During a conversation with the Hispanic community (hosted by the OHR 3 or 4 years ago) this was a priority because they need to drive to get to their jobs b. Kathryn i. There is a big movement among the immigration rights community in support of this legislation ii. Feels this is within what is desired c. Charlene i. Will keep this item on the list of recommendations 4. Support for Civilian Review Board a. Susi i. Asks what Commissioners like to see included in a letter of support for the CRB b. Elliot i. Supports the bylaws as written ii. Would like to see that supported by HRC c. Charlene i. Will send out the CRB bylaws for HRC review by email ii. HRC members can respond with concerns but not votes of support (cannot vote electronically) d. Elliot i. Asks if the letter of support is time sensitive e. Olivia i. First reading is next Monday ii. They will likely vote on it before the next HRC meeting f. Andy i. Notes that there are two Council meetings before the next HRC meeting g. Jeanette i. Asks if the bylaws can be reviewed during the current meeting h. Charlene i. Asks Olivia to send the bylaws to her and she will forward to HRC to ensure receipt i. Kathryn i. There are two separate issues for which the CRB seeks support 1. Adoption of the bylaws 2. Request for funding j. Olivia sends the bylaws by email to Charlene k. Charlene sends the bylaws to the HRC l. Olivia i. The bylaws are 60 pages m. Melvin i. We cannot review this and vote in the time remaining during the meeting n. Charlene i. Individual HRC members can send their individual endorsements to Council o. Olivia i. Asks if it would be possible to vote on the two things that Kathryn shared p. Melvin i. Would support if Olivia felt like the bylaws were sound q. Olivia i. Thinks that the bylaws are exemplary ii. Other municipalities are already looking at the Charlottesville bylaws as a model iii. The need for staff support is very important for auditing and review r. Charlene i. Notes that CRB has not previously reached out to HRC during the creation of the bylaws ii. Notes that letters of support were included in the document s. Rob i. Asks if there are any other letters of support already imbedded in the document t. Olivia i. Notes that other organizations that gave letters of support did so of their own volition rather than be asked by the CRB ii. Eight organizations are listed, some of them include organizations on which the CRB members also serve u. Kathryn i. Thinks it is compelling that the Executive Director of LAJC is encouraging people to support v. Jeanette i. Asks about the amount of funding requested and the timeline w. Charlene i. Notes that the budget is $163K ii. Or could be 1% of CPD budget = $180K iii. The group could choose to vote iv. Some members have expressed concerns about voting too quickly v. HRC can also defer to Shantell and Susi to write a letter of support ahead of Monday’s Council meeting vi. MOTION 1. Motion being considered: Motion to vote to support the bylaws as-is along with the funding request. 2. Motion to accept (Commissioner name): Elliot Brown 3. Seconded by (Commissioner name): Olivia Gabbay 4. Discussion a. None. 5. Vote Record a. # In favor: 9 b. # Opposed: 0 c. # Abstained: 1 5. OHR staff report, Todd Niemeier a. Presents a monthly report b. A printed copy is attached c. Olivia i. Expresses support for this reporting format ii. Likes knowing d. Rob i. Asks about referrals from Sin Barreras 1. Todd a. Explains that Sin Barreras is another non-profit b. Todd provides two hours of office time at Sin Barreras monthly to meet people who find Sin Barreras a comfortable spot to seek services c. Most of the time, the people referred by Sin Barreras to the OHR come to the OHR to meet rather than come to Sin Barreras e. Olivia i. Asks if data collected by the OHR is available to the other organizations that receive referrals from the OHR 1. Todd a. The data is available to them upon request b. All data is uploaded to the City’s departmental scorecard system annually c. This data is available to the public through that platform 2. Olivia a. For fundraising, it may benefit the organizations to have the referral data 3. Charlene a. Notes that OHR does not always get follow-up information from the organizations to which we refer people b. We do collect data about follow-up if it is provided c. No good system for cross-organizational follow-up f. Jeanette i. Asks for clarification about how new and total inquiries are displayed in the data 1. Todd a. Notes that new inquiries and complaints are reflected in both the green fields, as well as the purple and lavender fields (broken down by protected activity and protected class) b. Notes that new inquiries and complaints can include multiple issues raised by the same person. 6. OHR staff report, Charlene Green a. Many ongoing conversations around equity i. There are efforts around town to link the efforts together ii. The OHR is connected to the UVA Equity Center – Charlene is on the steering committee 1. Focus areas a. Education b. Research c. Re-entry as relates to employment iii. Charlene is also involved in the UVA President’s Council on Community 1. Focus areas a. Employment b. Education c. Health d. Housing iv. Both UVA groups working to minimize duplication b. Continued racial and ethnic history presentations with groups around the City i. Intention is to impact policy and practice among organizations in city WORK SESSION 1. Policy Review Ad Hoc Committee Report a. Kathryn i. Committee reviewed the biased-based policing policy ii. Catherine redrafted the policy as a potential starting point and example iii. Draft document is ready for review by attorney that represents CPD iv. Also a general set of recommendations for policies overall 1. Make more accessible a. Add a table of contents for policies that are more than 5 pages b. Have standard sections (roles and responsibilities, definitions) c. Limit legalese d. Include complaint procedures and accountability measures e. Benchmarking against national standards f. Clearly specified, periodic review g. Appropriate data collection and analysis with annual reporting v. Ready to move this forward to the CPD b. Olivia i. Appreciates the work ii. Agrees with moving forward c. Jeanette i. Impressed and appreciates the work done d. Andy i. Also agrees that the new example is a very positive move from the old version 2. Community Engagement Ad Hoc Committee Report a. Melvin i. He and Pheobe met to develop the PSA language ii. Pheobe sent out an email about the script b. Charlene i. Notes that Pheobe has partnered with IRC and Jim Herndon ii. Also plans to reach out to The Arc, VIA, and Cville Parks and Rec 1. Seeking input on the scripts for the PSAs iii. This is and ADA awareness campaign c. Melvin i. Has talked to IRC Director (Tom) ii. Willing to help find spokespeople for PSA voiceovers OTHER BUSINESS 1. Complaint emailed to the HRC by a community member about an ADA concern a. Charlene i. Individual tried to send her email to the HRC but it did not make it to all members ii. Individual has a concern about construction sites being in compliance with ADA iii. Individual has worked with the Dept. of Justice in the past and arrived at a mediated agreement with the City of Charlottesville regarding responding to future ADA complaints iv. Individual alleges that the City is out of compliance with the mediation agreement v. Individual reached out to the OHR for assistance vi. Individual requested the HRC email from Charlene vii. Individual asked how the OHR can force the City to comply viii. City attorney explained that our role is not to enforce another agency’s agreement/finding ix. We have no jurisdiction to enforce x. City Attorney recommended taking the complaint back to the Dept. of Justice b. Kathryn i. Concerned that the emails can’t be sent to the HRC 1. Charlene a. This has been an IT issue for a long time b. Some emails work better than others with the City system ii. Feels like this is a fixable problem 1. Asks if Charlene or Todd can immediately forward the email to the HRC 2. Feels like the HRC should respond since the message was to the HRC a. Charlene i. Has spoken with Shantell ii. Shantell agrees that the individual deserves a response c. General discussion about difficulty receiving emails sent to the entire HRC d. Charlene forwards the email to all during the meeting e. HRC members note that the email is showing up in junk and spam folders f. Charlene notes that the City Attorney, City Manager, Deputy City Manager, and Director of Public Works are to respond 2. VAHR meeting a. Olivia asks if Charlene needs any assistance with preparations b. Charlene will check with other organizations and get back 3. Elliot asks who will write the CRB support letter a. Charlene will send to Shantell b. Jeanette notes that Shantell is on vacation until 10/31 and asks if someone can draft a letter for her to review c. Olivia volunteers to draft a CRB support letter for Shantell to review 4. Charlene shares that she will receive the African American Teaching Fellows Community Educator award tomorrow at Farmington – fundraiser for AATF 5. Rob notes that the HRC rules and procedures say that quorum is listed as 7 a. Asks if this should change to reflect half plus one b. The change would make it more difficult to achieve a quorum i. Charlene recommends waiting for first review of bylaws by Council to minimize ad hoc meetings ii. Jeanette asks Rob for clarification 1. Rob a. 7 would not be an official quorum for 17 commissioners b. Current rules and procedures allows votes by less than half of the HRC 6. Olivia notes that the City website does not list Commissioners a. Discussion about the fact that there are two HRC pages on the City which display different information i. One that links through Boards and Commissions (does not show names) ii. One that links through the City Manager’s Office (does show names) 1. (TN note: term dates need to be corrected) 7. Andy asks if HRC is moving anything forward from the Work Session a. Charlene suggests that Catherine can share and the draft can be sent to the CPD as a memo i. CPD attorney will look at first ii. After that can be sent as memo to Council MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC (Include names of people who spoke and their concern or comment) None. COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC None. Meeting adjourned: 8:53 PM. ACTION ITEMS 1. Charlene a. Legislative Agenda i. Will invite a representative from the Emergency Command Center to speak about accessibility at the current 911 system, especially related to text 911 services. ii. Will add language about “academic success” to legislative agenda item about Inclusive Schools. iii. Will reword the “Hate Crimes Definition” item to include wording from the Attorney General 2. Olivia a. Draft a letter of support for the Police Civilian Review Board bylaws. 3. Unassigned a. Send the draft bias-based policing policy recommendations as a memo to the CPD attorney 4. Todd a. Amend the HRC webpage by inserting the correct term dates for all commissioners Human Rights Commission AGENDA October 17, 2019 City Space 100 5th Street N.E. 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC Public comment permitted for those who sign up before the meeting (limit 3 minutes per speaker) and at the end of the meeting on any item COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC MINUTES* BUSINESS MATTERS 1. Ordinance Update 2. Human Rights Community Survey 3. Legislative Agenda recommendations to City Council 4. Support for Civilian Review Board 5. OHR staff report, Todd Niemeier and Charlene Green WORK SESSION 1. Ad Hoc Committee updates a. Policy Review b. Community Engagement OTHER BUSINESS 1. Human Rights Commissioners comment on meetings and other events attended since the last monthly meeting MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC *ACTION NEEDED CHARLOTTESVILLE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION 2019 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA ITEM RECOMMENDATIONS Human Rights Commission 2019 Legislative Agenda Items Safe and Inclusive Schools The Human Rights Commission believes that all students should have the right to feel safe and fully included in their school environment regardless of their sexual orientation, transgender status or gender identity. Discrimination-Free Work Place The Human Rights Commission supports the prohibition of discrimination in state and local government for public employment based on sexual orientation, transgender status or gender identity. The protected classes should be expanded to include the addition of sexual orientation, transgender status and gender identity. Fair Housing for All The Human Rights Commission supports adding language to Virginia law that prohibits the discrimination of individuals based on their sexual orientation, transgender status or gender identity in fair housing practices. Equal Rights Amendment The Human Rights Commission believes everyone deserves to be treated with equal rights. The Commission supports Virginia ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment ensuring that all Americans (including women) are equally protected under the law. Restoration of Rights The Human Rights Commission supports the automatic restoration of rights to individuals seeking to restore their civil rights in Virginia. Ex-felons should not have to depend on the discretion of the Governor for the restoration of their rights. Hate Crimes Definition The Human Rights Commission supports the expansion of the Virginia Hate Crimes code (52-8.5) to include sexual orientation, transgender status and gender identity. The Federal Hate Crimes statistics list people who identify as or who are perceived to be LGBT as the second highest category of people whom against crimes are committed. Temporary Driver’s License The Human Rights Commission supports the creation of a temporary driver’s license to undocumented residents in Virginia that allow for an improvement of day-to-day activities such as access to work or transportation their families to school. Office of Human Rights Todd Niemeier Monthly Staff Report October 17, 2019 Service Provision Data:  The chart below is based on service data entered as of 10/17/19 o Data entry for July is through 7/17/19 o Values may change in future reports following reviews for accuracy and categorization updates  Key to abbreviations and terms o Total Contacts = Includes externally generated contacts and staff contacts going out o Total External Contacts = Includes only contacts coming into the office o I = New Inquiries  Service provision involving any of the protected activities  Complaints of discrimination that fall outside the OHR’s jurisdiction o C = New Complaints  Complaints of discrimination that fall within the OHR’s jurisdiction for which the Complainant chose to take action o P.A. = Protected Activity o P.C. = Protected Class o Counseling = Contacts involving referrals to services or direct non-investigative assistance o Referral = Contact resulting in a referral to another agency for assistance  CSRAP = Charlottesville Supplemental Rental Assistance Program  LAJC = Legal Aid Justice Center  CVLAS = Central Virginia Legal Aid Society  PHA = Piedmont Housing Alliance  EEOC = Equal Employment Opportunity Commission  DPOR = Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (VA Fair Housing Office) Open office days in the month 22 20 21 22 23 20 22 Measures Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Total Contacts 152 145 189 195 206 201 77 Total External Contacts 132 110 121 153 171 166 62 Average External Contacts/Day 6 6 6 7 7 8 3 Referrals from Sin Barrerras 1 3 0 0 0 1 2 Contacts in Spanish 3 15 10 0 0 1 2 Total Staff Follow-ups 20 35 68 42 35 35 15 Total Client Follow-ups 52 27 60 68 85 68 23 Total Third Party Contacts 8 14 13 38 29 30 13 Total General Contacts 48 60 37 39 50 47 17 Total New Inquiries 24 8 10 7 7 20 9 Total New Complaints 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Total Allegations (Both I&C) 4 3 5 2 4 9 1 Total I&C: Locality - Cville 22 5 8 7 3 16 4 Total I&C: P.A. - Employment 7 1 3 0 2 3 1 Total I&C: P.A. - Housing 13 7 4 4 3 13 4 Total I&C: P.A. - Public Accomm. 1 1 3 1 2 2 0 Total I&C: P.A. - Credit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total I&C: P.A. - Private Education 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total I&C: P.A. - Other (Unprotected) 3 0 1 3 0 3 4 Total I&C: P.C. - Age 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total I&C: P.C. - Disability 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 Total I&C: P.C. - Marital Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Open office days in the month 22 20 21 22 23 20 22 Measures Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Total I&C: P.C. - National Origin 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 Total I&C: P.C. - Preg./Childbirth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total I&C: P.C. - Race/Skin Color 3 2 4 1 0 2 0 Total I&C: P.C. - Religion 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Total I&C: P.C. - Sex 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 Total I&C: P.C. - Not specified 19 6 3 5 2 13 8 Total Counseling Contacts 61 28 45 31 43 61 20 Total Employment Counseling 10 5 10 3 10 11 14 Total Housing Counseling 42 19 28 22 25 44 2 Total Pub. Accomm. Counseling 1 2 5 3 7 4 0 Total Credit Counseling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Private Education Counseling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Other (Unprotected) Counseling 8 2 2 3 1 2 1 Total Contacts resulting in Referrals 16 9 5 3 8 7 5 Referrals to CSRAP 9 1 4 2 1 1 3 Referrals to LAJC 1 2 0 0 3 2 0 Referrals to CVLAS 1 3 0 0 3 3 0 Referrals to PHA 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Referrals to EEOC 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 Referrals to DPOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Referrals to Other 5 5 1 1 3 0 3 Active Investigations:  One investigation ongoing o Public Accommodation Discrimination on the basis of race o Should wrap up by early November Outreach:  Service Provision o None since last HRC meeting  Education & Awareness o None since last HRC meeting  Facilitation & Leadership o Public Housing Association of Residents Community-Based Research Review Board  Next meeting: Monday, 10/21, 9am, at LAJC  Review draft MOU between PHAR, UVA, and Social and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board  Determine the legal and financial structure of the CRRB  Current outreach to community members interested in serving as paid Review Board members o Housing Hub  Next meeting: Wednesday, 10/22, 2pm, at City Space  Continued discussion about cross-organizational collaboration focusing on affordable housing navigation  Affordable housing database still expanding