Human Right Commission Minutes Work Session DATE: February 5, 2020 LOCATION: Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church 1901 Thomson Road, Charlottesville, VA Shantell Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm. ROLL CALL: Kathryn Laughon, Andy Orban, Rob Woodside, Lyndele Von Schill, Sue Lewis, Ernest Chambers, Shantell Bingham, Ann Smith. *Please note, the summarized notes presented below are recorded in real time and are not concise quotes from the correlated speaker. Please review the posted audio recording for specific language. The HRC intends to get word-for-word transcript meeting notes for accessibility purposes in the future. MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC None. COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC None. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES Postponed. BUSINESS MATTERS None. MARIA’S SANCTUARY – KATHRYN LAUGHON Kathryn explained that the church is hosting Maria on-site. WORK SESSION 1. Executive Director of OHR discussion a. Discussion regarding whether Director should be an attorney i. Previous Director/Manager was an attorney ii. Not necessarily beneficial for some of the work HRC tried to do iii. City Attorney’s office tends to be risk averse, HRC may want to push that b. Discussion of potential characteristics of a future Director i. Many years’ experience in human and civil rights ii.Local connections iii.“Outsider” (non-local) perspective iv. FEPA or fair housing experience v. Experience working with legislators at state level vi. Skills that Charlene brought 1. Outreach a. Commissioners could help 2. Facilitation a. Commissioners could help 3. Presentations vii. Comfortable working with the people who come to the OHR for service support viii. Someone who can interact well with staff and HRC c. Distinguishing and clarifying the roles of the OHR and HRC will be important going forward ENGAGEMENT PROCESS FOR CITY COUNCIL 1. Talking points a. Lyndele will develop a list of talking points to share with the HRC on Google Drive i. Stress the importance of hiring an OHR Manager/HRC Director ii. Discuss concern of merging OHR/HRC into Office of Equity and Inclusion 1. General interest in remaining separate a. Human Rights Ordinance dictates OHR/HRC duties/responsibilities b. Merging could dilute enforcement capacity iii. Preface talking points with a history of the HRC and OHR iv. Ordinance stipulates the inclusion of the advice and consent of HRC when hiring v. Commissioners must specify that they are not speaking on behalf of the HRC b. Public comment at City Council i. Make Council aware that City Manager’s Office has not yet attended an HRC meeting ii. Commissioners agreed to make public comment during Council meeting on 2/18 1. Discussed during the January meeting and is in the minutes 2. Strategy is to comment before Charlene presents report iii. Could offer a public invitation to City Manager at Council 1. Tone of presentation will be important to ensure that invitation is accepted 2. Could send a letter to City Manager prior to February 18th a. Catherine Spear offers to write a draft letter by February 10th b. Reiterate invitation to February 20th meeting c. If no response, then take to public comment in next Council meeting iv. Could make comment at Council that he has been invited to Feb. 20th meeting 2. Scheduling one-on-ones with Commissioners, Council, and City Manager a. Shantell requests that Commissioners copy her on their scheduling with City officials b. Lloyd Snook i. Sue ii. Ann c. Sena Magill i. Lyndele ii. Kathryn d. Heather Hill i. Andy ii. Sue e. Nikuyah Walker i. Shantell ii. Catherine f. Michael Payne i. Ernest ii. Shantell iii. Lyndele (separately) g. Tarron Richardson i. Lyndele 3. Recognizing Charlene Green’s decades of service a. Commissioners discussed various ideas for honoring Charlene b. Sue will reach out the VAHR 4. Agenda recommendations a. General agreement that the new draft agenda looked good 5. Robert’s Rules & meeting governance rules a. Suggestion to use “Martha’s Rules of Order” as an alternative to “Robert’s Rules” b. Check Bylaws to see if they specify parliamentary procedure i. If so, will vote at next HRC meeting ii. If not, will adopt new practices without a vote MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC None. COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC None. NEXT STEPS Meeting Adjourned: 7:59 pm. ACTION ITEMS 1. Lyndele will develop a list of talking points to share with the HRC on Google Drive. 2. Catherine Spear will write a draft letter to the City Manager by February 10th. 3. Shantell requests that Commissioners copy her on their scheduling with City officials. a. See meeting assignments above. 4. Commissioners will discuss plans for honoring Charlene over email. 5. Sue will reach out the VAHR regarding Charlene’s departure. 6. Todd will check the HRC Bylaws to see if they specify parliamentary procedure.