Human Right Commission Minutes Regular Meeting DATE: February 20, 2020 Shantell Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:12 PM. ROLL CALL: Phoebe Brown, Lyndele von Schill, Catherine Spear, Kathryn Laughon, Andy Orban, Shantell Bingham, Matthew Tennant, Sue Lewis, Jeanette Abi-Nader, Ernest Chambers, Olivia Gabbay, Ann Smith and Robert Woodside, . *Please note, the summarized notes presented below are recorded in real time and are not concise quotes from the correlated speaker. Please review the posted audio recording for specific language. The HRC intends to get word-for-word transcript meeting notes for accessibility purposes in the future. WELCOME 1. Mission recitation 2. Moment of silence MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC None. COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC None. REVIEW OF MINUTES: HRC Meeting January 16, 2020 1. Motion to accept (Commissioner name): Sue Lewis 2. Seconded by (Commissioner name): Jeanette Abi-Nader 3. Vote Record a. # In favor: 8 b. # Opposed: 0 c. # Abstained: 3 BUSSINESS MATTERS 1. OHR Staff Report – Todd Niemeier a. See attached written report b. Regarding ongoing investigation i. Shantell and Sue will serve as Administrative Judging Committee ii. They will recuse themselves if the finding comes back to the HRC for appeal 2. Chair Update a. Presentation to City Council i. Tentative work session with City Council July 28 or possibly earlier ii. Council wants to discuss the following 1. Relationships a. Office of Equity and Diversity b. City Council c. City Manager’s Office d. Police Civilian Review Board 2. HRC to set an agenda prior to meeting a. HRC Chair asked for volunteers to form ad hoc committee i. Jeanette – will chair ii. Ernest iii. Olivia iv. Pheobe iii. John Blair approached Shantell after Council meeting 1. Offered to meet and discuss any unresolved matters with City Attorney’s Office 2. Reiterated that Attorney’s Office is available to serve the HRC 3. Charlene notes that Allyson Davies is the primary contact 4. Catherine Spear willing to spearhead meeting a. Shantell will join 3. HRC Award & Recognizing of Charlene Green a. Shantell presents award b. Commissioners share appreciation for Charlene’s Service Recess called: 7:02pm Called back to order: 7:08pm WORK SESSION 1. OHR Manager discussion a. Commissioners review draft document outlining qualities of a Human Rights Manager i. Charlene suggests that HRC should create MOU’s with other organizations before offering endorsements ii. Suggestion that “Legal Background” does not necessarily reflect what the Manager requires 1. Compliance, Policy, or Regulatory background 2. Deep knowledge of the Civil Rights field 3. Ability to analyze and discuss the related issues iii. Change title from “Manager” to “Director” iv. Add an overarching mission statement to ground the position v. List required skills by saying “demonstrated ability” associated with specific skill vi. Look at the job description that is currently on file with the City vii. Ensure that language does not imply that the Director needs to be an attorney viii. Does not have to be someone from Charlottesville ix. “Sense of Place” rather than “Place” x. Outreach 1. “with specific focus on” rather than “preference toward” 2. Consideration should be given to other socio-economic sectors as well 2. Policy Ad Hoc Committee Report a. None. 3. Community Engagement Ad Hoc Committee Report a. Have volunteers ready to speak for the PSA b. Next step is to set up filming i. Charlene has communicated with Joe Rice 1. David Dillahunt runs studio at York Place 2. Need to set date 3. Someone should go through production training ($50 from OHR budget) 4. Dialogue on Race a. Still has action groups that are meeting b. Charlene will continue to work with history and media accountability groups 5. Charlene may also be coming back to HRC for collaboration around housing issues in her new role at PHA 6. Adopting Martha’s Rules a. This process was discussed at previous meetings b. Under this process motions are typed up ahead of time as part of agenda i. Still space for new motions to emerge during meetings ii. Concern about the practicality of typing motions in advance iii. Council already follows this procedure iv. Motions can emerge from ad hoc committees v. This is an incentive to get agendas out a week ahead of time vi. Having the motions on agendas ahead of time gives HRC time to consider ahead of time c. Concern that motions require a super majority (3/4 vote) to pass i. Our bylaws say 7 members can vote ii. If we do not change the bylaws, only 2 negative votes in 7 will stop a motion d. HRC could adopt a modified set of Martha’s Rules with a simple majority e. Concern that newcomers might not understand these rules i. Could note on agenda ii. Could pass out rules to anyone attending f. Suggestion that consensus concept should remain g. Question raised of who will be parliamentarian MOTION Motion being considered: Adopt an amended version of Martha’s Rules of Order that uses a simple majority in place of a super majority. 1. Motion to accept (Commissioner name): Kathryn Laughon 2. Seconded by (Commissioner name): Lyndele von Schill 3. Discussion: a. No additional discussion 4. Vote Record: a. # In favor: 9 b. # Opposed: 1 c. # Abstained: 2 5. Post-vote discussion a. Ad hoc Committee formed for amending the bylaws i. Olivia ii. Lyndele iii. Sue iv. Shantell b. Suggestion that a parliamentarian would be helpful i. Chair can appoint per bylaws OTHER BUSINESS 1. Commissioners comment on meetings and other events attended since the last monthly meeting. a. Sue i. Spoke with VAHR Steering Committee 1. All would like to honor Charlene 2. Would like to invite Charlene to annual meeting in Prince William Co. a. First Saturday in June ii. Notes that VAHR will be invoicing OHR for membership dues MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC None. COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC None. NEXT STEPS 1. Jeanette will be in touch about City Council Work Session ad hoc committee meeting 2. Shantell will be in touch about bylaws amendment ad hoc committee meeting Meeting Adjourned: 7:53 PM.