Human Rights Commission Ad Hoc Committee: Preparation for Joint Works Session with City Council July 2, 2020 Virtual/Electronic Meeting 12:00-1:00 pm 1. WELCOME a. CALL TO ORDER i. Committee Chair Jeanette Abi-Nader called the meeting to order at 12:00pm. b. ROLL CALL i. Jeanette Abi-Nader ii. Ann Smith iii. Shantell Bingham iv. Sue Lewis v. Laura Keppley vi. Lyndele Von Schill vii. Ernest Chambers c. MISSION (recited by all): Act as a strong advocate to justice and equal opportunity by providing citywide leadership and guidance in the area of civil rights. 2. MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC a. PUBLIC COMMENT i. None. b. COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC i. None. 3. WORK SESSION a. Update regarding Council Joint Work Session i. Clerk of Council shared that the Mayor would like to host 2:2:1 meetings 1. 2 Councilors:2 Councilors:1 Councilor (Mayor) 2. If only 2 Councilors and 2 Commissioners meet no public notice required ii. Discussion regarding format and composition of these meetings 1. Question: What is the purpose of meeting in 2:2:1 format? a. Council will hold a retreat at the end of July b. Mayor did not want to hold the joint work session before the retreat but wanted to have an opportunity to brief Councilors before a public meeting 2. Question: What information are Councilors looking for in these meetings? a. Clerk of Council noted that the Mayor requested a proposal fro the HRC for the 2:2:1 meetings 3. Question: Will the 2:2:1’s happen before the joint work session on July 28? a. 2:2:1 meetings would be scheduled after the end of July b. 2:2:1 meetings would not replace the joint work session but precede it 4. Suggestion that one of the 2:2:1’s happen before Council’s retreat a. These would offer a timely opportunity to discuss current issues b. A good opportunity to rebuild relationships with Councilors 5. Suggestion that the same two people talk with each group of two Councilors 6. Commissioner notes that there were Commissioner/Councilor meetings earlier in the year a. Lyndele met with Sena i. She felt that this conversation was productive b. Rob also met with another Councilor 7. General agreement that 2:2:1’s are a good idea 8. Suggestion that HRC Chair and Vice Chair could request to meet with the Mayor prior to the Council retreat a. General agreement 9. Regarding Chair and Vice Chair representing the HRC at all meetings a. Might be good for consistency of message b. Sharing the opportunity for other Commissioners to participate is also important c. There is benefit for Councilors to see the other Commissioners, besides the Chair and Vice Chair, in-person 10. Question: Will Commissioners be sharing their own viewpoints or will there be a consistent message with talking points? a. A unified message would be best, especially going between Councilors 11. Could invite groups of two Councilors to upcoming HRC meetings in July and August a. This may not fit with the Mayor’s interest in a non-public meeting ahead of the joint work session b. Might be more timely to host the 2:2’s in early August 12. Who is willing to attend 2:2 meetings? a. Commissioners present who are willing to attend i. Jeanette ii. Laura iii. Ernest iv. Ann v. Lyndele b. Can also share with full HRC c. Will need to then make decisions about who will serve, as only four Commissioners total would be able to participate. i. Laura 1. Offers to defer to other Commissioners who have more recent experience ii. Ernest 1. Offers to serve as an alternate to Ann and Lyndele iii. Lyndele 1. Offers to serve as an alternate d. Might be good to offer this opportunity to Commissioners other that those who have already had an opportunity to meet with Councilors i. Suggestion that it is important to inform the rest of the Commissioners before settling on who will represent at the 2:2 meetings ii. Suggestion that it might also be valuable and more efficient to just make a decision on representation from within the ad hoc committee 1. It makes the decision harder if we have multiple people interested and then have to decide e. Suggestion that HRC could send the proposal (as requested by the Mayor) for the meetings along with a request for dates and times first i. Once Kyna replies with the dates, times, and Councilors, the HRC could decide who will attend the meetings. f. Further discussion on whether to open it up to the larger HRC i. Of the Commissioners present at the ad hoc meeting, only Lyndele has met with a Councilor ii. The ad hoc committee therefore has adequate representation to handle the 2:2’s without opening it up to the full HRC, which would make the decision more challenging iii. When meetings with Councilors were previously explored, the HRC shared leadership and an open opportunity for all Commissioners to participate iv. The Chair of the HRC has not even met with a Councilor yet v. All Commissioners should be aware of who will be meeting with Councilors before the final decision is made vi. Time with Council is valuable, so having Commissioners who are most prepared to share the HRC’s talking points would be strategic for HRC advocacy vii. Inviting Councilors to public meetings has not worked previously, so 2:2’s not being public may be advantageous viii. Given that the HRC has existing talking points from previous planning around 1:1 Councilor meetings, any Commissioner should be able to represent the HRC when speaking to Councilors 1. Ernest and Andy had set up meetings with Councilors that were canceled 2. Lyndele and Rob were able to meet with Councilors 3. Talking points may have shifted slightly, but they are generally the same since their creation in February ix. Suggestion to do the following 1. Leading up to HRC meeting on July 16 a. Todd can ask Kyna for dates and times that Councilors and the Mayor can meet 2. At the HRC meeting on July 16 a. Ad hoc committee can share a preliminary plan for 2:2 meetings and which Commissioners have expressed interest b. All Commissioners can also see the dates and times suggested by Councilors c. Any Commissioners who have a strong interest in participation can express their interest and the plan can be modified accordingly x. 2:2 meetings could happen more than once to offer more Commissioners the option to meet with Councilors iii. Summary of discussion 1. Inform the full HRC about the plan discussed during the ad hoc meeting a. At the July 16 regular meeting b. In notes beforehand 2. General willingness to accept the offer of 2:2:1 meetings 3. Sue and Shantell will meet with the Mayor before Council Strategic Planning meeting 4. Get dates from Council when they can attend 2:2 meetings b. Develop HRC/City Council Joint Session Agenda Items & Roles i. Lyndele shares the talking points developed during the HRC work session on February 5, 2020 1. One of the key focuses at that time was requesting a response from the City Manager’s Office ii. Commissioners suggest other additional talking points 1. Prior to the 2:2:1 meetings the HRC can submit a proposal that includes the following a. Recommended joint work session agenda b. Updated job description 2. Status and relation of HRC/OHR to a. Office of Equity and Inclusion b. Police Civilian Review Board 3. Scheduling next steps for the review of the police use of force policy recommendations iii. In preparation for HRC Regular Meeting on July 16 1. Commissioners should comment on the following documents by noon on July 8 for inclusion into the agenda packet a. Proposed joint work session draft agenda i. Link: _vQcsEG3jiaiAd9/view?usp=sharing b. Proposed job description for the OHR Manager/HRC Director i. Link: Uc_xrjxZpQk1Cn/view?usp=sharing c. Proposed talking points for 2:2:1 meetings i. Link: UesOJYqJeiT42ngWaCEK65u3SWYo/edit?usp=sharing c. Sidebar discussion: updating the ordinance to include updates regarding recent changes in state and federal law that protects LGBTQ+ population i. Commissioner asks how this is done 1. HRC can draft language 2. Todd can then share proposed language with the City Attorney’s Office for review 3. Council must then vote to amend the Human Rights Ordinance d. OHR Director position Recommendations i. General sentiment that the document is currently ready for presentation to the HRC on July 16. 4. MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC a. PUBLIC COMMENT i. None. b. COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC i. None. 5. NEXT STEPS a. Add to the HRC Regular Meeting Agenda for July 16 i. Proposal to change the Human Rights Ordinance to include revised language around protection for LGBTQ+ populations ii. Lyndele will draft language b. Jeanette will send links to documents and summary of 2:2:1 plan in an email for Todd to send to the HRC i. This will also be included as an agenda item on July 16 MEETING ADJOURNED AT 12:58pm