Human Rights Commission Meeting Minutes Legal Representation Committee May 6, 2021 Virtual/Electronic Meeting 2:00 pm Public link to meeting rebroadcasts on Boxcast: Public link to HRC documents on Box: 1. WELCOME a. CALL TO ORDER i. Meeting called to order at 2:10 pm b. ROLL CALL i. Jessica Harris ii. Kathryn Laughon 2. WORK SESSION a. OHR staff i. Origin of the idea 1. Complainants typically do not have and cannot afford legal representation 2. Respondents typically have legal representation or the means to get it 3. Commissioners brought up the idea of Complainant legal representation during a committee meeting regarding public hearings 4. Potential to model after the tenant right to counsel program being supported by the HRC and City Council 5. No similar legal representation programs in other municipalities in Virginia that have HRC/OHRs ii. OHR staff has a draft resolution recommending a legal representation program to share with the committee b. Commissioner discussion i. Suggestion to seek other potential models in other states ii. Note that intention of program is not to provide additional funds to Respondents who can already afford legal counsel iii. Suggests UVA or other universities that provide counsel assistance in Title IX complaints 1. Kathryn will look into the legal representation model used by the UVA Title IX office c. OHR staff i. Notes that income and net worth limits are included in the resolution 1. Some respondents may also qualify 3. MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC a. PUBLIC COMMENT i. None b. COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC i. None 4. NEXT STEPS a. OHR staff will provide access to the draft resolution via i. b. Kathryn will look into the legal representation model used by the UVA Title IX office c. Jessica and Lyndele will review draft resolution d. Jessica will provide the committee update at the next HRC regular meeting 5. ADJOURN a. Meeting adjourned at 2:18 pm