Human Rights Commission Meeting Minutes Community Engagement Committee June 3, 2021 Virtual/Electronic Meeting 5:00 pm Public link to meeting rebroadcasts on Boxcast: Public link to HRC documents on Box: 1. WELCOME a. CALL TO ORDER i. Committee Chair, Jessica Harris, called the meeting to order at 5:11 pm b. ROLL CALL i. Jessica Harris ii. Lyndele von Schill iii. Andy Orban c. MISSION (recited by all): Act as a strong advocate to justice and equal opportunity by providing citywide leadership and guidance in the area of civil rights. 2. MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC a. PUBLIC COMMENT i. None. b. COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC i. None. 3. MINUTES a. Review of minutes from 05-26-2021 i. Vote 1. In favor: 3 2. Can live with: 0 3. Opposed: 0 4. Abstained: 0 4. WORK SESSION a. OHR staff presents draft of guidelines for public engagement resolution. i. OHR staff has written first draft ii. Subcommittee to review draft iii. Doc is provided as starting point, language is taken from previous resolutions “whereas language” iv. Example resolution intended to provide guidelines for future public engagement from HRC chair and provide clear protocol v. Subcommittee to recommend approval to full HRC when draft is finished. vi. Provided on the Box document website for editing by subcommittee. b. Lyndele: Is this language required? i. Can we use plain language? That kind of officious legal language can be daunting. ii. Is it inaccessible to have legal language? iii. If not required, can we make it more legible, easier to read? c. OHR staff response i. Language is from previous resolutions, based on convention. ii. Don't know if it's required. iii. Will follow up and ask. d. Jessica: A lot of our work is words, maybe we need graphics to explain. i. Combination of graphics and simple terms, i.e. infographic. ii. Difficult to understand wording also creates a language barrier iii. Should we create supplementary documents in non-technical terms? e. OHR staff response i. We do now have a website we can add materials as “companion documents” ii. Would need to run more sensitive stuff by Allyson [Davies, City Attorney's Office] f. Jessica: Can we start on one document, like the HRC Ordinance? g. OHR staff response i. Keep in mind the ordinance will need to be revised with the FHAP language which may add something like 15 addition pages, so may not be the best place to start h. Jessica: Maybe the community engagement plan? i. Go with a two-pronged approach, develop the draft detailed language while also preparing infographic ii. Jeanette had offered at last meeting to prepare a draft resolution iii. Ask Todd to share HRO community outreach flyers he prepared recently i. OHR staff response i. Current and old materials are available on the Box website ii. Continuing to work on revising old materials iii. Re-entry resource guide has not been added to the Box website j. Jessica: Mentions handing out brochures with Todd at Friendship Court. i. “One thing I love about doing outreach is you actually don't know what you don't know or what you're not presenting most effectively until you're talking to people and then you're like, Oh, I need to change this I need to adapt that” ii. Brochure possibly missing something to provoke a person to reach out to the HRO. What do we do, why would you reach out? iii. Can we look at the HRO outreach brochure that we were giving out at Friendship Court? k. Todd: screenshare of 2 page brochure i. larger [previous] brochure had more details about “protected classes,” etc. ii. This is a simplified brochure, the goal is to prompt someone to call the [Human Rights] Office. iii. The people who call have stories, and no two stories are the same. iv. “So that in that I do get into detail in here I just want people to call me, even if they don't know if it's discrimination.” l. Lyndele: Excellent plain language example m. Jessica: I really just feel like “#CallTodd” should be a thing! i. Like the simple language of the brochure ii. Wonder if people hesitate because they think sometimes a thing has to be a big major thing and an explicit thing that happened. iii. “As a black woman, a lot of my discrimination hasn't been these big major things they've been these micro aggressions that have built up over time.” iv. I'm aware of them, but someone may not know. They have an experience like a hostile work environment and may not be conscious of seemingly minor triggers. We can provide something that says: “you don't know, but you feel like something's not right.” Then follow up with a call to Todd/ HRO. n. Todd: Great idea, can add that to the brochure. i. A way to tell people not to hesitate, just call if you feel in your gut that something is not right. o. Lyndele: Instead of the City logo on the brochure, maybe a graphic of someone looking concerned. p. Todd: has stock image i. could add pictures with a tag line like “Has something happened that makes you feel that you've been discriminated against? Call me.” q. Jessica: Could it be something more durable, like laminated brochure or refridgerator magnet? i. Is there budget for it? r. Todd: We do have magnets but they're out of date. i. Should consider #CallHumanRightsOffice or something not tied to one person. ii. Send me ideas of the design and I can look into printing them. s. Jessica: will follow up with graphics and language for magnet. i. Post flyers in public spaces t. Human Rights Ordinance distilled into poster form u. Lyndele: Will start document of simplified ordinance language and put it on the Box website. i. Will start drafting a communications plan. (Where to put posters, and other outreach material.) Add to Box website. v. Todd: Would need to develop resolution for full HRC approval in order to codify steps we are taking. A document we can refer back to & cover our bases. w. Reach out to Jeanette to see if we can get a draft of the community engagement resolution for the next subcommittee meeting. 5. MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC a. PUBLIC COMMENT i. None. b. COMMISSION RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC i. None. 6. NEXT STEPS a. OHR Staff i. Will ask if the standard formal resolution language is required or if it can be rephrased to be easier to understand. ii. Will update brochure by 1. Removing logo 2. Adding a tag line to encourage people to call 3. Adding photos of people b. Jessica i. Will send ideas for an update OHR magnet c. Lyndelle i. Will start a draft simplified language version of the Human Rights Ordinance on Box d. Not assigned i. Follow up with Jeanette regarding draft community engagement resolution 7. ADJOURN a. Meeting adjourned at 5:43pm Human Rights Commission Meeting Minutes Legal Representation Committee June 3, 2021 Virtual/Electronic Meeting 6:00 pm Public link to meeting rebroadcasts on Boxcast: Public link to HRC documents on Box: Meeting postponed and not called to order.