MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, THE COUNTY ALBEMARLE, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA REGARDING EQUITY AND INCLUSION DRAFT WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, the County of Albemarle, and the University of Virginia are committed to the provision of quality services to our entire community regardless of ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, religion, language competence, socioeconomic status, physical health, mental health, gender identification, age, cognitive ability, physical ability, cultural affiliation, immigration status, family structure, or employment status; and WHEREAS, the City, the County, and the University are uniquely poised to promote an equitable and inclusive community by increasing accessibility, promoting unity, and honoring diversity; and WHEREAS, the City, the County, and the University recognize and affirm their shared responsibility in advancing equitable outcomes in our regional community and seek to work in partnership to achieve their mutual goal of fostering an equitable and inclusive community; and WHEREAS, the City, the County, and the University recognize the importance of collaboration in creating a more equitable and inclusive community; and WHEREAS, While the City, the County, and the University recognize that each locality’s first and main priority is to serve the residents of their own jurisdictions, we pledge to: ○ Evaluate current programs and policies and modify appropriately to address deficiencies ○ Set measurable goals and monitor progress of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts ○ Use available tools (such as the Equity Atlas and impact assessment tools) to support data-informed decision making ○ Deepen our commitment to improved inclusivity and equity in the communities we serve ○ Evaluate services and relationships through an equity lens that affect our communities ○ Identify underserved communities through outreach and community partnership ○ Implement programs and develop partnerships that close opportunity gaps ○ Work to achieve alignment in both priorities and strategies employed to improve regional outcomes ○ Designate resources including staff member(s) assigned to promote success NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Charlottesville, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, and the University of Virginia hereby agree to this Memorandum of Understanding committing to developing and enacting plans to identify mutually beneficial ways to cooperate and communicate where possible. This Memorandum of Understanding shall begin on the date of signatures by the Mayor of the City of Charlottesville, the Chair of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, President Ryan as authorized by their respective bodies.