Minority Business Commission Meeting Thursday, January 28th, 2021 at 3pm via Zoom Present: Mark Menafee, Kaye Monroe, Andrea Copeland-Whitsett, Sarah Hawthorne, Rek LeCounte, Bellamy Brown, Zoie Smith Absent: Mayor Walker Menafee called the meeting to order 3:03pm and Monroe seconded. (Ayes: Menafee, Monroe, Copeland-Whitsett, Hawthorne) Smith began the meeting with a review of October’s meeting minutes. No changes were made. Menafee motioned to approve. All ayes. Smith transitioned to amend the MBC bylaws. No changes were made. Menafee motioned to approve. All ayes. Smith gave an update on OED programming. The BEF mini-grant application closed and 16 preliminary selections were made (12 black-owned, 2 woman- owned, 2 minority-owned). The fourth cohort of GO Start-Up is underway and class will begin on Monday, February 8th with 10 students. Hawthorne presented Procurement numbers for last quarter. Lee asked about capturing minority-owned businesses in self-identifying option for submission. Brown brought up the need to increase City spending with minority-owned businesses. Copeland-Whitsett presented Chamber’s goals to advocate stronger for successful economic development. Monroe presented on behalf of Minority Business Alliance with results from small endurance grants with United Way. Menafee opened the floor to general discussion about goals and visions for 2021. Lee suggested an informal information session with minority businesses to get feedback. Smith agreed to meet with Chair and Vice Chair to discuss further. LeCounte motioned to close the meeting at 4:32pm and Copeland-Whitsett seconded. All ayes. Minutes Approved by MBC on 4/22/2021