PARKING ADVISORY PANEL MEETING The PARKING ADVISORY PANEL (PAP) met on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, at 3:30 p.m. in the Economic Development Conference Room at 605 E. Main Street. The panel met for its regular monthly meeting on this date with the following members present: Mr. Knuppel, the Committee Chair, Mr. Hutto and Mr. Rodi. Ms. Fenton was absent. City staff including Mr. Siebert and Mr. Ness were present. Mr. Knuppel began the meeting with the introduction of the draft minutes of the last meeting for approval. They were unanimously approved by voice vote. The floor was opened for public comment. None was offered. Mr. Siebert, at the request of the Chair, provided updates on remaining agenda items. Mr. Siebert indicated that the outstanding items from the new equipment installation at the Market St and Water St Garages were unchanged. 1. The integration of HUB JMS with Lanier Paris was still being worked. 2. Addition of Parkmobile services were scheduled for October 1, 2019. 3. Vehicle count data from sensors at Water St Garage were being tested. Mr. Ness provided a briefing on the NDS test to reverse Monticello Road between Graves Street and Levy Avenue. He indicated the purpose was to improve traffic flow from the Belmont NDS area west to 9th St. He further indicated 2 on-street parking spaces would be lost based on fire hydrant and curb cut locations when parking was switched to the other side of the street. While no formal approval by the Panel of the switch was requested, none of the Panel members suggested this seemed to be a bad idea. The panel continues to await a decision by the City Manager and the Chief of Police on advertising an RFP for supplemental contract parking enforcement. Mr. Siebert indicated he is aware that the Tow Committee Chair has been provided the names of a few city business owners who may be interested in employing a vehicle immobilization service as an alternative to towing. He indicated it is his understanding the Chair simply wanted to survey their motivations. Mr. Siebert said he would attend the next meeting of the Tow committee on October 17th and further update the Panel on their deliberations. For the surface lot located at the corner of Water and West 2nd Streets, Mr. Siebert indicated that the new pay stations were scheduled to be delivered the week of October 7, 2019. They were to be installed with new signage on the week of October 14 and if all went well they would go live on Monday morning, October 21. Mr. Siebert indicated the CivicSmart test sensors were still operating and he was still awaiting some requested database customizations. He did provide one day of data that had been pulled from the database. It indicated a significant number of overtime parking violations that day that limited the designed space turnover on the street. He also noted no parking violations were issued on that block that day. It was suggested better parking enforcement could improve this situation. It was asked what the next steps were regarding the sensors. Mr. Siebert indicated they were on loan from the vendor and at the end of the test, they would be returned. Mr. Siebert further indicated that to procure them in significant numbers on a long term basis would likely require a competitive bidding process. Mr. Knuppel asked if anyone had any new business to add. There was none offered and the meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.