PARKING ADVISORY PANEL MEETING The PARKING ADVISORY PANEL (PAP) met on Tuesday, October 15, 2015, at 3:30 p.m. in the Economic Development Conference Room at 605 E. Main Street. The panel met for its regular monthly meeting on this date with the following members present: Mr. Knuppel, the Committee Chair, Mr. Hutto, Ms. Fenton and Mr. Rodi. City staff including Mr. Siebert and Mr. Ness were present. Mr. Knuppel began the meeting with the introduction of the draft minutes of the last meeting for approval. They were unanimously approved by voice vote. The floor was opened for public comment. None was offered. Mr. Siebert, at the request of the Chair, provided updates on remaining agenda items. Mr. Siebert indicated that the transition to the new parking equipment was largely compete and new equipment was working well. He did indicate the integration of HUB JMS with Lanier Paris was still being worked. He explained this was important form a financial auditing perspective and for the system to be fully capable of providing parking data for analysis. Mr. Ness provided a briefing on the six month pilot program to alter the CAT bus route down South St. He provided some information on boarding’s since the initiation of the pilot and talked about some of the negative community feedback requiring the reversal of West 2nd and 1st Streets. Multiple Panel members expressed their sincere concerns how this pilot was started without sufficient notice to the public and the Panel. It was noted that Ms. Fenton had requested a meeting with the City Manager to discuss this issue of public notice and the City Manager had agreed to the meeting but it had not been scheduled. Mr. Ness volunteered to contact the City Manager’s office and follow up on having a date set for that meeting. Mr. Ness then briefed the Parks and Recreation project for a pedestrian and bike trail extension on Water Street east of the Belmont Bridge. He noted that again there had been a lack of sufficient public notice when the project was about to begin. He indicated the City had halted the project to ensure legally required notice was given and that the public comment period in that notice was scheduled to close on Friday, October 18, 2019. Panel members pointed out that yet again this was an example of the City’s failure to follow even its own Code requirements for project public notice. The panel continues to await a decision by the City Manager and the Chief of Police on advertising an RFP for supplemental contract parking enforcement. Mr. Ness provided data that showed a significant decline in the issuance of parking citations in the downtown area by the City Police over the last three years. The Tow Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 17, 2019. Mr. Siebert indicated he would be unable to attend but that he was aware that the Committee Chair had contacted some local businesses regarding the issue of raising the vehicle immobilization fee to enable booting on private property Mr. Siebert briefed the Panel on the replacement of the individual meters with automated pay stations on the surface lot located at the corner of Water and West 2nd Streets. Mr. Ness displayed a copy of the City’s press release on this subject. Mr. Siebert indicated that the new pay stations were on schedule to go live on Monday, October 21, 2019. Mr. Siebert indicated the CivicSmart test sensors were still operating. He then provided a series of slides from a marketing presentation by another parking space sensor provider. He did so indicating that he thought the presentation highlighted the basic reasoning behind a growing trend for cities to provide parking sensors as part of a Smart Parking program. He indicated that Charlottesville was considering operating another sensor trial similar to the CivicSmart test using this manufacturer’s equipment. He further indicated that the primary alternate technology for parking space monitoring was with camera systems. He explained that Charlottesville was in the midst of planning a camera based test for the West 2nd St Lot. He said that if this test was successful, the City would have data on the actual usage of parking on the lot to compare with paid parking data from the new pay stations. Mr. Knuppel asked if anyone had any new business to add. There was none offered and after reminding the Panel that the next meeting was scheduled for November 19, 2019, the meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.