PARKING ADVISORY PANEL MEETING The PARKING ADVISORY PANEL (PAP) met on Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at 3:30 p.m. in the Economic Development Conference Room at 605 E. Main Street. The panel met for its regular monthly meeting on this date with the following members present: Mr. Hutto; Ms. Fenton; Mr. Knuppel and Mr. Rodi. City staff including Mr. Engel. Mr. Siebert and Mr. Ness were present. Mr. Rick Siebert, Parking Manager for the City of Charlottesville, began the meeting with item 1 on the agenda. The administrative procedures required for an appointed board were discussed. By a vote 3 in favor with one abstention, Mr, Knuppel was appointed Chair. Mr. Siebert presented the draft minutes from the last meeting and they were unanimously accepted by vote of the members. Mr. Siebert, at the request of the Chair, provided updates on remaining agenda items. Mr. Siebert indicated that the installation at the Market St Garage was successfully completed and the planned installation at the Water St Garage was on schedule for the morning of June 24. Mr. Ness provided an update on the scope and impact of the East High St Project. Mr. Hutto provided further details about the project. There was a discussion of how the public could provide input and Mr. Hutto agreed to draft a letter for the DBAC to consider submitting as public comment of the project. There was also a discussion about the City’s need to de-conflict this project with the future construction on the two City controlled parcels on Market St between 7th and 9th Streets. Regarding parking enforcement changes Mr. Siebert said there had been no further decision on the release of the previously drafted and circulated RFP for contract parking enforcement. Mr. Engel asked if the Panel would like to make a recommendation to the City Manager with regard to this decision. After some discussion, the panel voted unanimously to support the concept of consistent enforcement via the contracted parking enforcement method. Mr. Knuppel made the specific point that whether it was additional CSOs or contract enforcement, the City needed to insure greater consistent parking enforcement so the parking restrictions in the area of the Mall operated as designed. A member of the public suggested one option was to empower Charlottesville residents with the power to write parking tickets using an app seen elsewhere. The Panel suggested the City should first try contract enforcement through a company with specific experience and expertise in this area. With respect to a potential code change to allow Private Booting, Mr. Siebert said there had been no further developments regarding this issue since his update last month. For the surface lot located at the corner of Water and West 2nd St., Mr. Siebert indicated that the new pay stations had been ordered and were not expected to be delivered for another 8 weeks. After which time they will be installed and the old meters will be removed. As mentioned at the previous meeting, the city has accepted an offer from CivicSmart to test sensors that can provide accurate space utilization data. Mr. Siebert said the previously described curb mounted sensors had been installed but they had all been damaged by vehicles in the process of parking. He indicated that the company had acknowledged this as a design flaw and was re- engineering the product. He went on to say, the company had replaced the inoperative curb sensors with in ground sensors designed to provide the same information. He said he expected to brief the Panel on data the sensors can provide at the next meeting. Mr. Knuppel asked if anyone had any new business to add. It was decided by consensus to cancel the regular July meeting and that the next meeting would be in August. The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.