PARKING ADVISORY PANEL MEETING The PARKING ADVISORY PANEL (PAP) met on Tuesday, August 20, 2019, at 3:30 p.m. in the Economic Development Conference Room at 605 E. Main Street. The panel met for its regular monthly meeting on this date with the following members present: Mr. Hutto, Mr. Knuppel and Mr. Rodi. Ms. Fenton arrived a few minutes late. City staff including Mr. Siebert and Mr. Ness were present. Mr. Knuppel, Committee Chair, began the meeting with the introduction of the draft minutes of the last meeting for approval. They were unanimously approved by voice vote. Mr. Knuppel asked that the draft minutes from the last meeting be circulated with the agenda for the next meeting to ensure members can review them in advance. He also asked that a last standing agenda item be added for any new business and public comment. Mr. Siebert, at the request of the Chair, provided updates on remaining agenda items. Mr. Siebert indicated that the installation at the Market St Garage was successfully completed at both garages. Mr. Siebert made some general comments about the operation of the garage and suggested he was looking into adding a backup generator to better cope with periodic electrical outages. He indicated there were still three outstanding issues: 1. Integration of HUB JMS with Lanier Paris. 2. Addition of Parkmobile services. 3. Vehicle count data at Water St Garage. Mr. Ness provided an update on the scope and impact of the East High St Project. The interlocking of the Belmont Bridge and new 7th St Garage Projects was discussed. Ms. Fenton in particular asked City staff to ensure there were robust opportunities for public input regarding traffic management and signage for all three projects. A white paper has been prepared for the City Manager on the pros and cons of contract parking enforcement. We are currently holding for a senior decision on the matter. With respect to a potential code change to allow Private Booting, Mr. Siebert attended a Tow Committee meeting last week. The Committee is reviewing a number of proposed changes to the Tow code and agreed to consider incorporating a change in the immobilization fee. The Tow Committee requested some references for private booting and a list of any Charlottesville property owners who might consider the service. Panel members indicated they would make some inquiries and forward the names of any interested property owners to Mr. Siebert. For the surface lot located at the corner of Water and West 2nd St., Mr. Siebert indicated that the new pay stations had been ordered and were not expected to be delivered until late September. After which time they will be installed and the old meters will be removed. As mentioned at the previous meeting, the city has accepted an offer from CivicSmart to test sensors that can provide accurate space utilization data. The sensors were installed in late June and Mr. Siebert provided some data for the month of July. Those data sheets are attached. Mr. Siebert indicated he was pursuing the ability to customize some CivicSmart reports to make the collected data more valuable. Mr. Knuppel asked if anyone had any new business to add and asked that this be a standing agenda item in the future. Mr. Rodi commented on a previous item when Mr. Siebert brought up the idea of a backup generator. He suggested the City explore a solar back-up system rather than a diesel generator. Mr. Siebert agreed he would do so. The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.