PARKING ADVISORY PANEL MEETING -DRAFT MINUTES- The PARKING ADVISORY PANEL (PAP) met on Tuesday, March 20, 2021, at 3:30 p.m. as a virtual Zoom meeting. The meeting was opened by the Acting Chair, Kirby Hutto. The following members were present as well as Mr. Hutto: Jake Mooney, Joan Fenton, Michael Cusano and Mike Rodi. City staff in attendance were Chris Engel, Rick Siebert and Jason Ness. Hutto asked that he be allowed to relinquish his responsibilities as the Acting Panel Chair and recommended Joan Fenton be appointed the new permanent Chair. A motion to that effect was unanimously passed. The minutes for the March meeting was than unanimously approved. Ms. Fenton than raised the issue of an email from Siebert to the Panel in which he had provided a summary of the founding of the Panel by the City Council. The summary included the latest action by Council to change the change the Panel from a Council advisory body to staff advisory. Fenton asked if there were any questions or comments on the email. There were none and the meeting moved on to the next agenda item of the Parking Enterprise Fund. Siebert then provided a summary of the purpose of the enterprise fund separate from the General Fund of the City and the relationship between the two. He then moved on to the current financial status of the fund as described by the City Manager’s FY22 budget submission. A copy of that budget submission had been provided to the Panel members in advance of the meeting This elicited some discussion of the panned year end transfer from the Enterprise Fund to the General Fund. Siebert again provided some history of that transfer. Fenton suggested the Panel recommend to staff that a policy be established to dedicate part of the surplus of the Enterprise Fund to promotions in support of downtown businesses. Siebert recommended that be advanced in August for the FY23 budget cycle. Mooney recommended the Panel consider other transportation transfers be considered as well as business promotions. Rodi brought up parking enforcement in the context of the budget. There followed a discussion of the parking fine revenue currently being generated by the Police and what might happen if this function were supplemented by contractors. Fenton then moved the discussion more broadly to how the Panel can influence the city to contract for supplemental parking enforcement. This ultimately resulted in a decision by the Panel to draft a letter to be sent to the City Manager recommending advertisement of the 2019 contract enforcement RFP. A motion to that effect was passed unanimously. Hutto brought the discussion back to the Enterprise Fund. There was a discussion where Panel members asked if the City could create a policy for how much is transferred back to the General Fund and how long these transfers last. Engel provided some historical background and suggested the transfer is a negotiated number each year. Engel went on to explain that the current Enterprise Fund is notional rather than a formal separate fund. Next on the agenda was the Parking Action Plan. It was agreed that the best way to move the discussion forward to consensus on a plan would be to have action items written down. Siebert agreed to provide the Panel with a draft Plan for review prior to the next meeting. Public Comment was the last item on the agenda. Ms. Fenton asked for the floor to be opened. The only volunteer was Roy Stolzenberg. He commented on the ground lease for the Water St Garage. He correctly indicated it would be reset in 2024 and suggested that rates for that garage may need to be substantially increased in the future to simply cover the costs of the spaces leased from CPC and the obligation to the common expenses of the Water St Parking Garage Condominium Association. There was no further public comment and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:30 p.m.