PARKING ADVISORY PANEL MEETING -DRAFT MINUTES- The PARKING ADVISORY PANEL (PAP) met on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, at 3:30 p.m. as a virtual Zoom meeting. The meeting was opened by the Chair, Joan Fenton. The following members were present as well as Ms. Fenton: Jake Mooney, Kirby Hutto, Danny Yoder, and Jamelle Bouie. City staff in attendance were Rick Siebert and Jason Ness. The Chair opened the meeting at 3:35 p.m. The minutes for the May meeting was than unanimously approved without change. The Parking Action Plan was accidently not distributed by Siebert and this item was postponed for the next meeting. Siebert talked about the current utilization of the garages as shown in the distributed utilization graphs for September. He indicated that the monthly parking waiting lists had been exhausted but were back in place for the 7th St Lot and Market St Garage. The Water St Garage still has plenty of available monthly parking. There followed a discussion of the lower utilization of the Market St Garage although the traditional maximum number of monthly permits had been sold. Danny Yoder specifically suggested that based on the lower utilization wouldn’t it make sense to sell more permits. Siebert explained that the current rationale was that if additional permits were sold and then telework patterns changed, and the utilization filled the garage then it would be necessary to revoke some of the now sold monthly permits. He expressed some concern over the process of revoking some permits and not others. This then moved to a discussion of the difficulty in predicting how much teleworking would be going on in the near and longer term. It was agreed this would be a continued topic of discussion. Siebert then provided a brief synopsis of the status of parking enforcement based on the distributed September ticket report. Siebert again recommended that the city supplement the efforts of the CPD with contract enforcement. He noted the specific issues of a lack of any Saturday parking enforcement and nay overtime enforcement on the W 2nd St Lot. The Panel noted their continued support for contract enforcement and requested that the new interim City Manager (to be named at this time) join the next Panel meeting in November to discuss the topic. Siebert provided a brief summary of the first quarter results for FY22 (the current fiscal year). He indicated that the fund as whole did not make budget for each of the first two months of the quarter but did finally make budget for the third month. He suggested that this was encouraging and seemed to reflect the slow but steady increase in revenue for the garages. He pointed out that a lack of demand for monthly parking in the Water St Garage was the largest impediment to the stability of the Fund. The Panel recommended a press release be prepared by the city to note the availability of parking and market the garages. The Chair asked for any New Business. Siebert volunteered that after multipole delays the city had that day finally gone live at the two garages with a mobile payment system provided by Parkmobile. He indicated a press release to that effect would go out very soon. The Chair then opened the meeting to public comment. There was none and the meeting was closed at 4:35 p.m. Later that week the city made available a press release announcing the new mobile payment system with Parkmobile and publicizing the current availability of parking at both garages.