Draft Parks & Recreation Advisory Board MINUTES March 12, 2020 The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board held a regular meeting on Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. @ Parks & Recreation admin conference room. Members present were: Llezelle Dugger, Anne Hemenway, Ned Michie, Hosea Mitchell, Bridget Moss, Jennifer Slack and Shawn Strubbe. Staff: Todd Brown, Vic Garber, Chris Gensic Motion for a Board Closed Session  Pursuant to section 2.2-3712 of the Virginia Code, I hereby move that Charlottesville Parks and Recreation Advisory Board closed this open meeting and convene in a closed session, as authorized by Virginia Code Section 2.2- 3711(A)(1) for the discussion and consideration of specific prospective candidates to be employed as the City of Charlottesville’s Director of Parks and Recreation  Motion by Hosea Mitchell, second by Ned Michie, 7 ayes, 1 absent Motion for Certification of Closed Meeting  I move that this Board certify by a recorded vote that to the best of each Board member’s knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the Motion convening the closed session were heard, discussed or considered in the closed session.  Motion by Hosea Mitchell, second by Ned Michie, 7 ayes, 1 absent Public Session Present: Chantel Bingham, Richard Morris, Brook Ray, Gabby Levitt, Tamber Wright, Michael Riley, Michael James, Shannon Gabby, Jeanette, Emily Tucker, Peter Krebs  Food Justice Network – presented slide presentation to Advisory Board. o How to plan more equitable urban gardens o 30 member organization o Working with Parks & Recreation - Riaan Anthony & Chris Gensic o Award – Urban agriculture – 12-13 years, volunteers, community effort o Have lost space which has caused an impact on program o Locate gardens in parks – suggestion Washington Park – ¼ acre. o Urban gardens should fit in urban spaces, can grow a lot of food in small spaces o Advisory Board Member Introductions  Board members introduced themselves Motion – Adoption of Minutes  Anne Hemenway made a motion to adopt January 9, 2020 minutes with the following changes: o Change title from Chairman Matters to Project Updates  Second with updated changes by Bridget Moss, motion was unanimously approved. Smith Renovations o Vic Garber discussed ventilation system revamp project @ Smith Aquatic Center. Facilities maintenance working on air quality, ventilation. This project will include revamping Crow facility which will be used during Smith Aquatic Center closure. Stated that Riaan Anthony & Philip Seay and their staff will be handling programming during this project. o Commend staff for preserving programming during this project. Have minimized scheduling conflicts o Will be operating Smith Aquatic Center until 5/3 o Crow – services @ Smith will go to Crow, minus two pools, summer will utilize outdoor pools o Fitness classes – will go to Carver o Passes to Carver o Moving Teen Center from Carver to Key, converting room to aerobics studio will be two areas o No workout @ Smith o 6 summer camps – 4 @ schools and @ Carver & Key centers o Camp Crow was @ Crow – moving to Tonsler, Tonsler hours will be modified due to camp o Changes @ Crow are ongoing – painting, flooring, ADA compliance o Todd Brown stated that no one would be losing jobs, programs offered, parks staff working to get Crow ready, proud of staff o Ned Michie asked about funding, Todd Brown replied he will get number and forward to board. Crow work includes ADA bathrooms, painting, cosmetic o Jennifer – asked about YMCA helping during closure o Birthday parties @ Smith – honored until 5/3; Carver has birthday packages, also available @ the outdoor pools, o Walker Swim Program – no swim program until 2nd semester of 20-21 o No impact to lifeguard training o Outside groups will have less availability o Revenue concerns – passes will change, will include all facilities during renovation, ongoing developing o Summer swim passes will be available 4/1 o Crow daily fees – have been reduced with a 30 percent discount o Staff changes – moving to other facilities, won’t have to hire as many guards due to two less pools o Summary – keep spring & summer programs intact, relocation of staff, Crow improvement ongoing, deep cleaning end of April, Smith renovation will include 73,000 geo thermal walls, series of fans, exhaust repairs o Jennifer – asked are we repairing or fixing the problem Todd Brown replied that he can bring Mark from Facilities Maintenance to next meeting to provide information on the project o Smith will close in May and reopen end of October Motion – Schedule a special meeting for Park Naming o Michie Drive Garden Plots o Northeast Park o Park/property naming o Hosea Mitchell felt that Peter Krebs was on target to stay away from naming after individuals and lean towards naming after locations o Anne Hemenway stated that it doesn’t have to be blanket policy o Bridget Moss also felt that areas should not be named after individuals o Shawn Stubbe & Ned Michie liked the name Azalea Natural Area o Fornes o Jennifer – asked about Moore’s Creek, Todd Brown replied that area was different than park o Chris Gensic stated that areas have not been master planned, no formal plans o Azalea West  Motion – Azalea Park West o Naming Azalea West – Jennifer Slack made a motion to name Azalea West, Hosea Michelle second. Shawn Stubbe asked to amend to Azalea Park West. Jennifer Slack made a motion to amend to Azalea Park West, Hosea Mitchell second, motion was unanimously approved.  Heyward Community Forest o Heyward name came from grant submission o Has to be maintained as forest o Anne Hemenway suggested Jane Heyward Community Forest o Jennifer Slack & Ned Michie suggested Ragged Mountain Natural Forest o Shawn Stubbe suggested Foxhaven Community Forest o Shawn Stubbe made a motion to name Foxhaven Community Forest, Hosea Mitchell second. o Ned Michie & Jennifer Slack suggested to table motion o Met last month, ideas from public, public input, did more outreach, summary of all submissions, citizens here to back up comments o Karen Honeycutt (Weaver), Davis Field – house backs field, Cy Weaver Park o Kristina Weaver – married to Cy Weaver, Jr – supports naming o Peter Crebbs with Piedmont Environmental Council – have close relationships with some people that donate the land. Doesn’t think it’s a good idea to name parks after donors, sometimes is actually a sale, have seen local difficulties with names of parks. Signage & presentations might be a better way to go o Heyward property – Albemarle Garden Club Candace Crosby – support naming 142 acres parcel Heyward Community Forest o Molly Perry – Piedmont Environmental Council – Fornes property – Azalea  Northeast Park - offer  10th & Page Park - Chris Gensic stated that neighborhood received a grant to develop park. Neighborhood involved, will be a ribbon cutting Washington Park Project o Vic Garber reported that the Washington Park Center has been running an After School Program but children have not been attending o Adaptive Program and staff will be moving into facility, will be used for Adaptive programming Chairmans Matters o Advisory Board will be meeting 4/16 for park naming meeting Directors Matters o Working to redefine Garden Plot program o Corona virus – talking 2 weeks, things are changing constantly, good chance all programs canceled. o Some will be postponed, trying best to keep staff, working with county & other localities, schools Motion to Adjourn  Anne Hemenway made a motion to adjourn meeting, Ned Michie second, motion was unanimously approved.  Meeting adjourned @ 7:58 pm Respectfully submitted, Linda Daly Secretary to the Advisory Board “Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to ada@charlottesville.gov. The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48 hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made.”