DRAFT ZOOM MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD November 17, 2021 Present: Jeffrey Fracher, Anne Hemenway, Ned Michie, Bridget Moss, Jennifer Slack and Shawn Strubbe. Absent: Lashundra Bryson-Morsberger and Hosea Mitchell Staff: Vic Garber, Chris Gensic, Sarah Blech, Riaan Anthony and Andrea Ross Public Comment No public comment Adoption of Minutes • Correction – under Naming of Parks – note there has been public input & went forth with names, and that there will be another opportunity for public input @ City Council meeting, • Correction – Chris Gensic under naming of parks should be Livery not Liberty • Correction – under Bylaws – add bullet that there will be a delay voting on amended bylaws due to waiting for review by City Attorney • Anne Hemenway made a motion to approve minutes as amended of October 14, 2021, second by Shawn Strubbe, motion was unanimously approved. Introduction of new Deputy Director – Parks • Vic Garber announced that Riaan Anthony is the new Deputy Director – Parks; was Management Specialist II in the Recreation Division supervising dry land facility operations, programs and the skate park • Riaan Anthony stated that he had been working for Charlottesville Parks & Recreation for 7 years and was excited for his new role & challenges. Goals for the Parks Division are meeting needs of the residents, that parks are the gateway to Charlottesville, they stimulate the economy, Charlottesville has great parks and to have a clean & safe park system Updates on Parks & Recreation facilities & programs • Riaan Anthony stated that the Parks Division was in the winterizing stage in parks; closing restrooms but that Pen, McIntire and Tonsler were year round bathroom facilities and port-a-johns are placed in the areas that restroom were closed for winter • Reported that the Parks Division were short staffed due to vacant full-time positions, staff were getting things done but at a slower pace; vacancies include Horticulture Supervisor (3) Horticulture staff, Urban Forester, 1-3 Maintenance workers; Gardeners • Parks staff will be performing a maintenance inventory of parks, looking @ shelters rating them from excellent to needs improvement, performing an assessment of restrooms; will be using a park to park approach and have a plan to accomplish what is needed in stages • Ned Michie stated that there was a sign @ Greenbrier about donors that was moldy and had nothing to do with the playground that is now in place • Anne Hemenway stated that the playground @ Northeast Park needs assessment • Vic Garber reported the following updates for the Recreation Division: • Smith – still looking @ opening 1/3/22 – have met with Deputy City Manager and are still doing checks on facility, looking @ being short staffed, operational hours being looked at; condensed hours very possible, • City of Charlottesville has a new executive order – all staff must be vaccinated and have lost a few staff. Employees who do not complete weekly testing will be put on unpaid leave. Has left an impact on our young staff 15-16 year olds • The following positions are also vacant: Golf Superintendent, Aquatics Manager and Aquatics Maintenance Manager • Ned Michie asked about the hiring of a new HR Director, Vic Garber replied no announcement @ this time • Chris Gensic reported the following: • Building of new single track nature trails @ Quarry Park, • Washington Park ramp project • Two connections with land behind Tonsler Park – open area for trails • Burley school field project – mulch path into the area has been opened • Ned Michie asked about the 250 underpass project, replied close to going to bid • Kneedler Bridge – City Council had a first reading appropriation last night, adding extra $150,000, bid probably in February, same for east McIntire Botanical Garden bridge, waiting for flood study, should be received Friday • Park naming package – should be on Council agenda with an estimate of later part of December • Greenbrier – has been looked @, Riaan want to contract out, out of lump sum funding • • Tonsler Field House – have two conceptual designs, two for parking, meeting with Deputy City Manager about parking, loss of trees, getting cost estimates for parking lot & field house, least impact for citizens being looked at. After go out to community for feedback, slight change of community over last 10 years, timeline – spring to move forward with public input • Towe Park softball field lighting, there is a group that is trying to promote lighting, city funds are budgeted for this project • Skate park lighting – project is now about $45,000 away from funding the needed lighting skate park is a very popular location • Planning commission will meet Tuesday by zoom, presentation by budget office, discuss various projects, legal mandates & safety issues, draft, following presentation public comment, Bylaws Update • Vic Garber reported that staff has been corresponding with City Attorney’s office, there is not a final process in place for filling vacancies at this time, Advisory Board has two members that are eligible for renewal and there is one vacancy, hope to finalize process soon. Future Meeting agenda Items & Dates (select meeting dates for 2022) • No December meeting • January meeting – January 13 - 2nd Thursday Chairman’s Matters Happy Holidays Board Matters • Anne Hemenway asked about status of YMCA leasing @ Crow, Vic Garber replied that he has been talking to the YMCA and they have discussed future not immediate needs. Also noted that Crow Pool doesn’t meet ADA guidelines • Anne Hemenway thanked Linda Daly for her work with the Advisory Board Directors Matters • Ned Michie wished board members Happy Holidays • Director Search Process Update -decision should be made this week MOTION TO ADJOURN • Ned Michie dismissed the meeting @ 6:25 pm Respectfully submitted, Linda Daly Secretary to the Advisory Board “Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to ada@charlottesville.gov. The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48 hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made.”