Draft ZOOM MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD March 10, 2022 Present: Jeffrey Fracher, Anne Hemenway, Ned Michie, Shawn Strubbe, Anne Hemenway, Jennifer Slack, and Hosea Mitchell Staff: Dana Kasler, Riaan Anthony Public Matters No public matters Administration Matters Adoption of Minutes  All in favor to approve the minutes  Correction to “Bennett’s Village” spelling instead of “Venice” Reappoint Jeffrey Fracher  Hosea Mitchel move to reappoint  All in favor Darden Towe Update- Dana Kasler  Brief review of the funds allocated and where the project is now.  The county has an upcoming meeting on March 23rd to include environmental sustainability studies and safety information. Their parks and rec staff will give a presentation on the studies and the need for additional fields in the city and the county.  Ned Michie references an article from the Daily Progress regarding the county directing their attention to Biscuit Run fields.  Ned Michie suggests the money that has been sitting for this project could be used elsewhere. (almost 1 million dollars)  Riaan Anthony explains that this is a CIP project, so the funds are allocated for a specific project. We must ask for permission to move the funds to another project. Meade and Belmont Playground  Jennifer Slack asked about the renovations to the playground equipment and community input options.  Riaan Anthony replies- Meade playground will on focus renovations on the 2-5- year-old playground and Belmont playground.  Proposing making yard signs with a QR code at the park to find the survey and it will be an online survey.  Hoping to get this out April 1st CHS Tennis Courts  Ned Michie asked about the CHS tennis courts.  Riaan Anthony says the upper courts have been closed for 8 months.  Looking at small capitol funding to move to the total rehab of the tennis courts project. Bylaws Updates- Ned Michie  Nothing to make a formal vote on today.  Dana wants to speak with the Deputy City Manager about the roll that the city board needs to play in the appointments.  Ned Michie suggest having a membership sub-committee to go over applications.  Concerns with having designated seats from members and Dana because of possible limitations to specific applicants.  Dana Kasler likes the idea of focus group recruitments.  Dana Kasler and the board take recommendations for a committee to review applications. Riaan  Tonsler Park public meeting presentation for the proposal to construct a new field house and parking options. Virtual meeting Tuesday 3/22/2022 at 1p and 6p. In person meeting from 10a-2p on 3/21/2022 to explain the proposal.  Bennett’s Village public meeting presentation for the proposal to construct multi- generational, all abilities playground at Penn Park. Virtual meeting 3/15/2022 1p and 5p and then in person on 3/14/2022 from 9a-5p with information. Chairman’s Matters None Board Matters None Directors Matters  The Dogwood festival will not be held at McIntire Park this year. Will be held at the old Kmart parking lot.  Dana Kasler will ask will there be fireworks.  The parade route is in discussion. MOTION TO ADJOURN  Ned Michie dismissed the meeting @ 7:00pm Respectfully submitted, Danielle Johnson Secretary to the Advisory Board “Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to ada@charlottesville.gov. The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48 hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made.”