Draft ZOOM MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD April 14, 2022 Present: Jeffrey Fracher, Ned Michie, Shawn Strubbe, and Jennifer Slack Absent: Anne Hemenway, Lashunrda Morsberger, and Hosea Mitchell Staff: Dana Kasler, Riaan Anthony, Vic Garber and Algreatus Batton Public Matters No public matters Administration Matters Adoption of Minutes  All in favor to approve the minutes  Minutes approved Bylaws Updates- Ned Michie  Bylaws approved  Keeping designated student seat  Removing designated “low income” seat  Will add up to 4 new seats  Board meetings moved to the 3rd Thursday each month  Bylaws email sent to board members by Ned Michie** Aquatics update- Algreatus Batton  Aquatics slideshow  Job openings- sign on bonus offer  Pool projects  Swim Program updates  Slideshow sent to board members** Smith Pool update- Vic Garber  All 3rd party vendors have completed their testing (filtration and chemical feed)  Will do another test after opening to ensure the standards and expectations  Looking forward to increasing staffing, cleaning the facility and can finally announce an opening date.  Might reopen with operating hours due to staffing obstacles.  New fitness equipment, new TV’s and lobby furniture to be updated prior to opening. Riaan Anthony  Tonsler update- We had 4 public input sessions. 2 virtual and 2 in person  Presented the field house and the parking lot plans.  Public see a need for parking but do not want to take away green space.  The public want to wait for the Parks and Recreation master plan.  Will create a list of priorities and develop a construction plan/phase to be able to start introducing those amenities.  Will send slideshow presentation to board members** Chairman’s Matters  Ned mentioned funds not being used through city projects (Tonsler and Darden Towe). Sent an email to the county board of supervisors directly about holding funds for plans that are not being focused on.  County decision scheduled for a meeting on April 27th Board Matters  Ned will let the school board, Lashundra and CHS principal know about the open student seat.  Monthly updates about what was done to diversify the board. Directors Matters  Budget has been approved  $105,000 for Ash tree removal and $100,000 for tree planting MOTION TO ADJOURN  Ned Michie dismissed the meeting @ 6:49pm Respectfully submitted, Danielle Johnson Secretary to the Advisory Board “Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to ada@charlottesville.gov. The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48 hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made.”