PLACE Design Taskforce Meeting Thursday, July 12, 2018 12 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ‐‐ Neighborhood Development Services Conference Room. 1. Arrival (5 minutes) 2. Matters by the Public (5 minutes) Serve council, we get no re‐action, Glasses‐ what has been a successful with PLACE We have a lot of initiatives we recommend long range plan and design. 3D Modeling, landscape project, completed the 3d modeling with UVA. Zoning ordinance re‐write. A big relief for staff, the wisdom of the task force, comprehensive plan is done, this is an area, PC understanding of Place, will be sketchy to the new members, if nothing these are complex issues and hard to reach consensus. Long agenda, no time or will for something extra, there could be a role for PLACE, good quality design, design is a luxury, good design doesn’t have to cost more, our task is messaging and reaching out and design can help to solve problems. Alex: something that relates to the task force, considering spend time talking lighting standards, coming year submitting CIP fund for that. Wants the Task force to take a lead on. Where the city needs assistant, Lighting study. Mark spoke: needs to move some of the things this groups talks about, stay close to the zoning, what are the top 3 things that happens when the zoning changes. Form Based Code for the world city, is a pretty big task. Broad policy, from one neighborhood to the other because all neighborhoods are not the same. Make the right decision for each community. Glasses: what kind of strategy was required when it was formed? Urban infrastructure, profile design, figure out ways from the top down, look for ways to let the community ideas our success stems from Council We have 15 million implement streets that work, Emmet from ivy to Arlington, jpa county boundary. 1. community engagement, streets that works, very successful, 2. it’s still just guidelines 3. Carl: minimum size of creativity to get more stuff out of narrow streets, streets that are much wider than we have. He appreciate looking at standard and design manual. Council had bundled together as one comprehensive design, functional 1 4. Lena: working with steering committee, doesn’t happen at this table. We are seeing more than previously, things come to this group, small things we want things completely different. More judicial 5. , positives or the negatives, happens more often, more thoughtful and at an equal level. 6. Rachel: those are the things to pursue are not helpful or if is helpful. 7. Lena: see something and put on staff radar. 8. Mike: lighting work we had recommendation a. Rapid fire for crosswalk and better ways to alert drivers, front and center in this manual, he doesn’t recall hearing we hear you and we could appreciate what you did. b. Maybe send a report at the end of every meeting. Send NDS engineering, SUP or c. Rachel would send a memo to staff and council d. Send to other boards or commission, advocate for what you came up with, you filter to other commissions, try to put it forward. e. Asked for this group for their advice by P.C. or Council. f. Lisa: and Missy to Planning Commission to some research on Alleys. It never happens to have on Council. g. Lena appears to be independence, developers, there’s not necessary know more about the people that set around this table. Difficult to understand people perception. h. Mike: we are like CADRE, development profession, rounded of urban design. i. Take for granted, you would likely to tend to that direction of design. j. That is why we are here: Comp Plan, historical preservation, those are the same thing and in his mind that is not the same thing. It creates into policy making and who ask people for help k. Represents bike peds, and tree commission, l. Fred: said that is what makes us different, a board that gives recommendations. m. Rachel is not a developers! 9. Mark: this mission, provisional role long range planning makes our obsolete someday, gets us in trouble, where we want to go, what do you do with it 10. There was a planning dept. that did not plan 11. Support the planning commission the makeup of NDS has changed. 12. Gennie: some design to show how this might work. Heights and setbacks. 13. Mike the go to body for all things urban design assigned the task to work it out value to be in own it. Council and Planning Commission. He wants them to ask them for their help, how is that going to 14. You did help us with Mixed Use. 15. How are community engagement, council planning commission, NDS? Meet a strategy meeting and have the newspaper. Newly elective official, was place in that conversation, council to meet with us. Ultimately, Cathy comes to the committee. 2 16. Lena: start making out product more educational, use the knowledge to make up their own minds, Mixed Use, what did us do. 17. We did the same thing for height and mixed us. 18. 12.5 %, root of frustration, agree cause, lets come up with rational, we what have is pretty good, Alex, somehow we did not delivered, height, mixed use, waiver, Mixed Use: on the agenda, WHAT IF WE HAVE A SESSION WITH COUNCIL? THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THIS GROUP SHOULD DO. WHAT RESOURCES CAN BE SHARED? Community engagement, so much more out there than we have what community engagement looks like. Gennie not the #1 of PLACE, encourage something about design that could become available. Is not representative of all of Charlottesville, not that adept at reading site plans. You could play role. 3. PLACE Agenda for Upcoming Year (20 minutes) 3. Standards and Design Manual Update Discussion (60 minutes) Comments on the minutes, Lena: 1. Ped the crosswalks, how are defining how far apart that is are kind of high, where the numbers came from, Chapter 3, section 3, uncontrolled crosswalks, consider greater than 600 feet apart. Better defined a larger blocks, we need more definitions of in shorter interval, are only for consideration for considering more crosswalk, avoid midwalk crossing in from of the There is a balancing act, Lena: there is no mid walk at Friendship Court. Constantly no cross within 300 feet. So many crosswalks Statewide, national wide, rialto low terrible density you don’t need a crosswalk. If it goes over, you have one that is between the 300 variable, 300 feet is a guidelines, we need one at….ability to assign crosswalk, yes and no. Landscaping: really good and guidelines were really strong, the section totally strong sense of best practices, set out set of design guidelines, how to deal with situation where the guidelines don’t work. So many corky conditions, conflicts what is the decision process. There is a waiver for the corky conditions, will be some kind of waiver. A door idea that deviates from the letter of the law, that don’t want to comply, or public infrastructure from the public. There is a section, here is the guidelines we do allow tree wells, to fit stuff in there, these are the guidelines. The Zaxbys, Emmet both of those utilized tree while still having the planning area. Trying to accomplish that happy medium. 3 Intersection spacing: between streets back to 500 street Block length, west main 350 block length, VDOT making the rules, how can we take that to what is real. Grained and still keep VDOT to what they would do to us. By district, urban district, the whole roadway, they are making a plaza, than the downtown mall was strict a create and understand about outcomes. Do you feel constrained because of VDOT, new guidelines and their criteria is geared to highway? Everyone by Council and engineer not fitting any criteria, VDOT doesn’t consider because a crosswalk, work with the fire department, can you design them, maintenance money, we have to meet certain criteria, doesn’t meet they will cut off the money which is millions. Trees: meet with prioritization of large canopy trees, soil volume section m large 6 foot minimum planter large canopy other sort of a goal to do with diversity, large canopy street on the site and one type of tree and a lot of it highly improved. She would rather see more variety and spacing the wonky, felt like it veered and can be built into the system. Some trees growing into each, descriptive rules, 25 feet apart, doesn’t someone to space them out some percentage Carrie said it is per your frontage. We don’t find is reasonable or find it unreasonable. The code does allow it to be group together. 20 preferred, and 30 feet possible. Fred: site plan review process, Missy, Design and Control, very clearly written, reference back to guidelines, entrance corridor, ADC district. That was done so went one should speak to and we will reference it should only be one spot and contradict. The purpose should be able to sit down with this manual your one stop, some things are in many places. Nonstandard crosswalk crossing, would it be looked at, what streets are appropriate for autism crosswalks, the Manuel, a place holder, as far as what artistic engineer control. ADA, expecting a certain thing for a crosswalk, what are our bear minimum, if it’s just those are not crosswalk, those don’t meet our national guidelines. Safety and legal guidelines, Lena: points to pay attention, As approaching a curve, they feel like they are approaching faster than they are. That affect goes away. Fact 3D ones, with proper creativity Safety and traffic calming, protective and make people drive slower. Parallel parking anything on the edge. Edge friction: narrowing, landscape design, could be all of those things, no 4 9 is a parking space, two lane street and transit buses Fire code allows 20 minimums, fire chief big trucks. We need small fire trucks. In order you have to change the approach to how the fire department reviewing annually. A provision driven by the fire department, VDOT, make choices, street width what is it based on. Code Commentary, tells you the reason why this is happens helps you understand intent, subject to change. Formed code, they don’t work on the daily stuff. There is more to think about than smaller trucks, nationally we have a smaller middle of the road, they did buy a smaller truck. Keep alleys and no cull de sac. Is her name. Serena Gruia 4. New Business (20 minutes) 5. Matters by the Public (10 minutes) 5