PLACE Design Task Force Minutes October 10, 2019 - 12:00- 2:00 p.m. Neighborhood Development Services Conference Room, 2nd Floor City Hall Members Present: Mike Stoneking (Chair), Andrew Mondschein, Navarre Bartz, Rory Stolzenberg, Lena Seville, Mark Rylander, Emily Wright, Andrea Trimble, Cliff Fox Staff Present: Patrick Cory, Kyle Kling, John Sales, Alex Ikefuna, Rick Seibert, Read Brodhead CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 12:05 PM 1. MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC (5 minutes) None 2. BARRACKS ROAD AND EMMET STREET UPDATE (25 minutes) Andrew Mondschein provided an update on the project: The City hired a design consultant who has conducted traffic counts, surveying, met with property owners, began work on some conceptual designs. Project focuses on relieving congestion at the intersection and implementing bike/ped improvements along Barracks Rd from Emmet St to Hilltop Rd. Design team held a public meeting to solicit feedback on November 2nd. Barracks Road (Hessian Rd to Hilltop Rd) 4 Bike/Ped Options Presented: 1.) Climbing Bike Lane (6’), Planting Strip (4’) and 6’ Sidewalk behind Curb 2.) Protected Climbing Bike Lane (6’ lane with 2’ buffer) and 6’ Sidewalk behind Curb 3.) 10’ Shared use path and planting strip (6’) behind curb 4.) 10’ Shared use path behind curb Barracks/Emmet Intersection Options Presented: 1.) 10’ Travel Lanes with minimal roadside and tree impact 2.) 11’ Travel lane with additional queue capacity and retaining wall on north side 3.) 11’ Travel lane with maximum capacity and retaining wall on north side All improvements are proposed with 11’ travel lanes. Improvements will occur on south side of Barracks Road. Comments from public meeting showed support for minimal impact approaches at both the intersection and along Barracks Road. Steering Committee meeting set for late October with a second public meeting occurring in November/December. PLACE to review concept plans in detail and let design know which options are supported. 1 3. DOWNTOWN PARKING POLICY PRESENTATION (40 minutes) Rory Stolzenberg provided information on the policy: The City of Charlottesville now operates the two downtown parking garages with the same rate. Improved security cameras are installed and security patrols both of the parking garages. Agreement between the City and County. The property on 7th is going to be appraised and the City would pay the County the difference. Agreement with the County was to build parking on the 7th Street NE site, including Lucky Seven and Guadalajara properties. The County will be provided 90 spots for County use. Still trying to determine what kind of building is going to go on the spot. The price for monthly passes could be increased. Have displays in both garages that would show how many spaces are available in both garages. Market Street would have how many spaces are available in the Market Street and Water Street and vice versa. There are a lot of parking spaces in the downtown area. The peak time of parking is between 11 AM and 3 PM. Parking that does serve the courts is vital and necessary. Assemble a list of questions on the downtown parking policy and write a memo that addresses these questions. Going to bring it back to the next meeting. 4. ADU PROCESS PRESENTATION (20 minutes) Navarre Bartz provided an overview of the process: Provisional use permit – rubber stamped – as long as there are no red flags, the permit is approved. Off street parking is required, owner does not live on the property in other municipalities. Two ADUs per site Good idea to have a price guideline, design competition The reason for adding ADUs is add more affordable housing without tearing down historic buildings. More by right allowances, changes in the zoning. 5. MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC (10 minutes) None 2 Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM 3