PLACE Design Task Force Minutes April 8, 2021 - 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Neighborhood Development Services Zoom Meeting Webinar Members Present: Andrew Mondeschein (Chairman), Rory Stolzenberg, Lena Seville, Cliff Fox, Mark Rylander, Susan Perkins Staff Present: Patrick Cory, Carrie Rainey, Jeanette Janiczek, Alex Ikefuna CALL TO ORDER The Chairman called the meeting to order at 12:06 PM 1. CONTRIBUTIONS BY THE PUBLIC (5 minutes) No Contributions by the Public 2. WEST MAIN STREETSCAPE DISCUSSION (60 MINUTES)  Jeanette Janiczek, Project Manager, presented the different phases of the West Main Streetscape project to the members of PLACE.  There was a recent Council work session regarding the CIP Budget. City Council has instructed staff to have Phases 1 and 2 align with Phase 3.  City Council is pushing back the schedule until after the school reconfiguration and its associated cost have been identified. Other funding opportunities for both projects is being pursued to determine if both projects are able to move forward.  The schedule has been postponed to 2025 to align with Phase 3.  There is $6.5 million shortfall primarily with Phase 2.  There was a discussion regarding the different phases of the project. Staff answered questions from members of PLACE regarding the different aspects of the project.  Phase 1 of the project is Ridge Street to Sixth Street, Phase 2 is Sixth Street to Eighth Street, and Phase 3 is Eighth Street to Roosevelt Brown Boulevard.  The members of PLACE were very appreciative of the staff that provided an update to PLACE regarding the different phases of the project.  There are going to be efficiencies in pushing the phases together. However, inflation could start to increase as the project is pushed further “down the road.”  There has been a lot of investment in this project by the City.  City Council does have the final responsibility to approve changes that are made and the conditions of the changes to the final project. 3. NEW MEMBERSHIP AND FUTURE SCHEDULE DISCUSSION (25 MINUTES)  The discussion started with making PLACE meetings a quarterly meeting.  There was widespread support for meeting quarterly.  There was concern regarding the need for subcommittee meetings between the quarterly meetings. 1  There was a wide ranging discussion on the roles that PLACE can play within the City going forward. Topics of the discussion included community outreach and upcoming city projects.  Mr. Rylander brought up the full rezoning with the consultants and the interest what the full zoning rewrite is going to look like.  Staff recommended members of PLACE continue to pay attention to the work that the consultants are doing with the rezoning, land use, and the comprehensive plan.  Staff also recommended members of PLACE send their notes and concerns to the consultant teams that is currently working on comprehensive plan.  The Chairman noted there is a need to recruit new people to join PLACE.  There was discussion regarding recruiting new members and the makeup of PLACE.  Green energy was discussed as another opportunity for PLACE to get involved with in the City.  The decision was made to not disband PLACE and to recruit to fill the opening spots on PLACE. 4. ANNUAL REPORT DISCUSSION (20 MINUTES)  The members present decided there will be no memo of the past year given the COVID-19 pandemic and the lack of PLACE meetings. 5. CONTRIBUTIONS BY THE PUBLIC (5 MINUTES) No Contributions from the Public The meeting was adjourned at 1:53 PM 2