Agenda PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR DOCKET TUESDAY, March 13, 2018 at 5:30 P.M. and WEDNESDAY, March 14 at 5:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS ** Items I, II & III to occur on March 13, 2018 **Items IV to occur on March 14, 2018 I. Commission Pre-Meeting (Agenda discussion(s)) Beginning: 4:30 p.m. Location: City Hall, 2nd Floor, NDS Conference II. Commission Regular Meeting Beginning: 5:30 p.m. Location: City Hall, 2nd Floor, Council Chambers A. COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS B. UNIVERSITY REPORT C. CHAIR'S REPORT D. DEPARTMENT OF NDS E. MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC NOT ON THE FORMAL AGENDA F. CONSENT AGENDA (Items removed from the consent agenda will be considered at the end of the regular agenda) 1. Minutes – January 9, 2018 – Pre- meeting and Regular meeting 2. Minutes – November 28, 2017 - Work Session 3. Minutes – January 3, 2018 - Work Session 4. Minutes – January 23, 2018 - Work Session III. JOINT MEETING OF COMMISSION/ COUNCIL Beginning: 6:00 p.m. Continuing: until all public hearings are completed Format: (i) Staff Report, (ii) Applicant, (iii) Hearing 1. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Funding— 1st Year Action Plan, FY 18- 19: The Planning Commission and City Council are considering projects to be undertaken in the 1st Year Action Plan of the multi-year Consolidated Plan utilizing CDBG & HOME funds for the City of Charlottesville. In Fiscal Year 18-19 it is expected that the City of Charlottesville will receive about $388,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds and about $57,100 in HOME funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD. CDBG funds will be used in the City to address neighborhood improvements in Belmont and Ridge Street, economic development activities, housing activities, and public service projects that benefit low and moderate income citizens. HOME funds will be used to support the housing needs of low and moderate income citizens through down payment assistance and homeowner rehabilitation. Report prepared by Tierra Howard, Grants Coordinator. 2. SP18-00001 - 901 River Road SUP Request - Robert High Development, LLC, contract purchaser, and landowner River Road Plaza, LLC, have submitted an application seeking approval of a Special Use Permit (SUP) request for the property located at 901 River Road with road frontage on River Road and Belleview Avenue. The proposal requests to allow for a self-storage company, pursuant to City Code Section 34-480. The property is further identified on City Real Property Tax Map 49 Parcel 98 (“Subject Property”). The Subject Property is zoned IC (Industrial Corridor District). The site is approximately 2.203 acres or 95,963 square feet. The Comprehensive Plan designates the land use of the Subject Property as Business and Technology. Information pertaining to request may be viewed online at services/departments-h-z/neighborhood-development-services or obtained from the Department of Neighborhood Development Services, 2nd Floor of City Hall, 610 East Main Street. Persons interested in this SUP application may contact NDS Planner Heather Newmyer by e-mail ( or by telephone (434-970-3968). 3. ZM17-00003 – 0 Monticello Road- Henningsen Kestner Architects, on behalf of Richard Spurzem, the owner of the property, has submitted a rezoning petition for 0 Monticello Road, also identified on City Real Property Tax Map 61 as Parcel 265.A (“Subject Property”). The petition proposes a change in zoning from M-I Industrial (current zoning) to R1-S Low-Density Residential (proposed zoning). The Subject Property has frontage on Monticello Road, and contains approximately 0.0895 acres or 3,899 square feet. The general usage of the proposed R-1S zoning classification is low-density residential areas characterized by small-lot development. The general usage specified in the Comprehensive Plan for the Subject Property is High-Density Residential. The Comprehensive Plan specifies density greater than 15 units per acre. Information pertaining to request may be viewed online at or obtained from the Department of Neighborhood Development Services, 2nd Floor of City Hall, 610 East Main Street. Persons interested in this rezoning petition may contact Carrie Rainey by email ( of by telephone (434-970-3453). 4. SP17-00003 – 0 Carlton Road – Stony Point Design/Build, LLC, as the owner of the Subject Property, has submitted an application seeking approval of a Special Use Permit (SUP) request to allow for multi-family residential use up to 21 dwelling units per acre per City Code Section 34-480 and a reduction of the minimum required front yard setback from 20-feet to 0-feet per City Code Section 34-162(a) at 0 Carlton Road, also identified on City Real Property Tax Map 57 Parcels 123.69, 123.701, 123.71 and Tax Map 61 Parcel 2.2 (“Subject Property”). The Subject Property has frontage on Carlton Road and Monticello Road. The site is zoned M-I Industrial. The property is approximately 0.623 acres or 27,138 square feet. A residential density of 19.26 units per acre is proposed (up to 21 DUA by SUP can be requested) for a total of 12 units. The Land Use Plan calls for High-Density Residential. The Comprehensive Plan specifies density greater than 15 units per acre. Information pertaining to request may be viewed online at z/neighborhood-development-services or obtained from the Department of Neighborhood Development Services, 2nd Floor of City Hall, 610 East Main Street. Persons interested in this rezoning petition may contact Carrie Rainey by email ( of by telephone (434-970-3453). 5. 1206 Carlton Avenue a. ZM-17-00004 - 1206 Carlton Avenue – Justin Shimp (Shimp Engineering) on behalf of Chris Hulett (owners of 1206 Carlton Ave) has submitted a rezoning petition for 1206 Carlton Avenue (Subject Property). The rezoning petition proposes a change in zoning from the existing R-2 Two- family Residential to R-3 Multi-family with no proffered development conditions. The Subject Property is further identified on City Real Property Tax Map 57 Parcels 127. The Subject Property is approximately 0.26 acres. The Land Use Plan calls for Low Density Residential. The Comprehensive Plan specifies density no greater than 15 units per acre. Information pertaining to request may be viewed online at development-services or obtained from the Department of Neighborhood Development Services, 2nd Floor of City Hall, 610 East Main Street. Persons interested in this rezoning petition my contact Matt Alfele, City Planner by email at ( or by telephone (434-970-3636). b. SP17-00008 - 1206 Carlton Avenue – Justin Shimp (Shimp Engineering) on behalf of Chris Hulett (owners of 1206 Carlton Ave) has submitted an application seeking approval of a Special Use permit (SUP) for 1206 Carlton Avenue (Subject Property). The SUP application proposes increasing the density from a By-Right 21 Dwelling Units per Acres (DUA) to 24 DUA (per City Code Section 34- 420) and adjusting the southeastern side setback from 10’ to 8’ (per City Code Section 34-162(a)). The applicant is requesting a rezoning (see petition ZM-17-00004) and a SUP to build a 6 unit apartment. The Subject Properties are further identified on City Real Property Tax Map 57 Parcels 127. The Subject Property is further identified on City Real Property Tax Map 57 Parcels 127. The Subject Property is approximately 0.26 acres. The Land Use Plan calls for Low Density Residential. The Comprehensive Plan specifies density no greater than 15 units per acre. Information pertaining to request may be viewed online at z/neighborhood-development-services or obtained from the Department of Neighborhood Development Services, 2nd Floor of City Hall, 610 East Main Street. Persons interested in this rezoning petition my contact Matt Alfele, City Planner by email at ( or by telephone (434-970- 3636). 6. Hogwaller Farm DEFERRED BY APPLICANT ON MARCH, 6, 2018 a. ZM-18-00001 – Hogwaller Farm – Justin Shimp (Shimp Engineering) on behalf of Charles Hurt and Shirley Fisher (owners) has submitted a rezoning petition for Tax Map 61 Parcels 79.17, 79.18, & 79.19, 918 Nassau Street, and a portion of Tax Map 61 Parcel 79 (Subject Properties). The rezoning petition proposes a change in zoning from the existing R-2 Two-family Residential to HW Highway Corridor with no proffered development conditions. The Subject Property is further identified on City Real Property Tax Map 61 Parcels 79, 79.17, 79.18, 79.19, & 79.201. The Subject Properties is approximately 1.16 acres. The Land Use Plan calls for Low Density Residential. The Comprehensive Plan specifies density no greater than 15 units per acre. Information pertaining to request may be viewed online at services or obtained from the Department of Neighborhood Development Services, 2nd Floor of City Hall, 610 East Main Street. Persons interested in this rezoning petition my contact Matt Alfele, City Planner by email at ( or by telephone (434-970-3636). b. SP18-00004 – Hogwaller Farm – Justin Shimp (Shimp Engineering) on behalf of Charles Hurt and Shirley Fisher (owners) has submitted an application seeking approval of a Special Use permit (SUP) for Tax Map 61 Parcels 79, 79.16, 79.17, 79.18, & 79.19, 918 Nassau Street (Subject Properties). The SUP application proposes a density of 24 Dwelling Units Acres (DUA) per City Code Section 34-740. The applicant is requesting a rezoning (see petition ZM-18-00001) and a SUP for the proposed development of (18) one-bedroom and (12) two-bedroom units split between (2) three-story buildings for a total of (30) dwelling units. The development is being proposed as an urban farm and will accommodate a 1,280 square foot greenhouse and a 600 square foot retail farm store. Additional parking, farm sheds, and agricultural fields supporting the development are proposed on an adjacent 7.52 acre county parcel. The Subject Properties are further identified on City Real Property Tax Map 61 Parcels 79, 79.16, 79.17, 79.18, 79.19, & 79.20. The Subject Properties are approximately 1.26 acres and has road frontage on Nassau Street. The Land Use Plan calls for Low Density Residential. The Comprehensive Plan specifies density no greater than 15 units per acre. Information pertaining to request may be viewed online at services or obtained from the Department of Neighborhood Development Services, 2nd Floor of City Hall, 610 East Main Street. Persons interested in this rezoning petition my contact Matt Alfele, City Planner by email at ( or by telephone (434-970-3636). PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR DOCKET Continued WEDNESDAY, March 14 at 5:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Commission Pre-Meeting (Agenda discussion(s)) Beginning: 5:00 p.m. Location: City Hall, 2nd Floor, NDS Conference IV. COMMISSION’S ACTION ITEMS Continuing: until all action items are concluded – beginning at 5:30 P.M. 1. Site Plan – 1011 East Jefferson Street Site Plan 2 Entrance Corridor Review Board (ERB) – 912 East High Street 3. Dairy Central - 946 Grady Avenue a. Preliminary Discussion b. ERB – Recommendation on SUP request 4. Preliminary Discussion - 140 Emmet Street North 5. Hydraulic/29 Transportation Plan Presentation V. FUTURE MEETING SCHEDULE/ADJOURN Thursday , March 22, 2018 – 5:00 PM Work Session Joint Work Session with City Council on Hydraulic 29 Transportation Plan Tuesday, March 27, 2018 – 5:00 PM Work Session Comprehensive Plan Tuesday, April 10, 2018 – 4:30 PM Pre- Meeting Tuesday, April 10, 2018 – 5:30 PM Regular Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Meeting Hydraulic/29 – Land Use and Transportation Plans and inclusion as Urban Development Area Presentation - Ivy Corridor Preliminary Development Plan Rezoning and SUP – Hogwaller Farm Anticipated Items on Future Agendas Site Plan - Sunrise Park PUD Phase IV Subdivision - Paynes Mill Entrance Corridor - 916, 920 East High Street, 325 10th Street NE (10th & High), Seminole Square shopping center Zoning Text Amendments – Mixed Use definition (initiation), Parking Exempt zone revisions. SUP –MACAA (1021 Park Street), 1233 Cedars Court, Cleveland Avenue, 1817 Nassau, Brookwood SUP Persons with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting or (434)970-3182 PLEASE NOTE: THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE PRIOR TO THE MEETING. PLEASE NOTE: We are including suggested time frames on Agenda items. These times are subject to change at any time during the meeting.