Agenda PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR DOCKET TUESDAY, March 10, 2020 at 5:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. Commission Pre-Meeting (Agenda discussion(s)) Beginning: 4:30 p.m. Location: City Hall, 2nd Floor, NDS Conference II. Commission Regular Meeting Beginning: 5:30 p.m. Location: City Hall, 2nd Floor, Council Chambers A. COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS B. UNIVERSITY REPORT C. CHAIR'S REPORT D. DEPARTMENT OF NDS E. MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC NOT ON THE FORMAL AGENDA F. CONSENT AGENDA (Items removed from the consent agenda will be considered at the end of the regular agenda) 1. Minutes – January 14, 2020 – Pre- meeting and Regular meeting III. JOINT MEETING OF COMMISSION/ COUNCIL Beginning: 6:00 p.m. Continuing: until all public hearings are completed Format: (i) Staff Report, (ii) Applicant, (iii) Hearing 1. ZM20-00001 - Flint Hill PUD - DEFERRED by Applicant IV. COMMISSION’S ACTION ITEMS Continuing: until all action items are concluded. 1. Site Plan - South First Street Phase 2 V. FUTURE MEETING SCHEDULE/ADJOURN Wednesday, March 24, 2020 – 5:00PM Work Accessory Dwelling Unit, Middle Density Session zoning and Affordable Dwelling Unit, Arlington Boulevard Preliminary Discussion Tuesday, April 14, 2020 – 4:30 PM Pre- Meeting Tuesday, April 14, 2020 – 5:30 PM Regular CDBG/HOME Budget Meeting Rezoning – Landonia/Long Street , Flint Hill PUD Minutes – February 12, 2020 – Pre- meeting and Regular meeting Minutes – February 26, 2020 –Work Session Anticipated Items on Future Agendas Zoning Text Amendments –Off-street parking facilities requirements along streets designated as “framework streets” (initiated May 8, 2018), Site Plan Requirements Site Plan and Entrance Corridor – 1617 Emmet Street, Gallery Court Hotel Entrance Corridor – Preston Turn Lane Project Comp Plan Amendment – Small Area Plan – Starr Hill, Cherry Avenue Sidewalk Waiver - Landonia Circle Special Use Permit - Seminole Square (internal parcel – drive through) Site Plan – 612 West Main Street Persons with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting or (434)970-3182 PLEASE NOTE: THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE PRIOR TO THE MEETING. PLEASE NOTE: We are including suggested time frames on Agenda items. These times are subject to change at any time during the meeting. LIST OF SITE PLANS AND SUBDIVISIONS APPROVED ADMINISTRATIVELY 2/1/2020 TO 2/29/2020 1. Preliminary Site Plans a. 1201 Druid Avenue – TMP 610034000 – February 19, 2020 2. Final Site Plans 3. Site Plan Amendments a. 1000 Cherry Avenue (Boys and Girls Club Modular Building at Buford) – February 19, 2020 4. Subdivision