Agenda PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR DOCKET TUESDAY, July 14, 2020 at 5:30 P.M. Virtual Meeting I. Commission Pre-Meeting (Agenda discussion(s)) Beginning: 5:00 p.m. Location: (Electronic/Virtual) II. Commission Regular Meeting Beginning: 5:30 p.m. Location: (Electronic/Virtual) A. COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS B. UNIVERSITY REPORT C. CHAIR'S REPORT D. DEPARTMENT OF NDS E. MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC NOT ON THE FORMAL AGENDA F. CONSENT AGENDA (Items removed from the consent agenda will be considered at the end of the regular agenda) 1. Site Plan – 612 West Main Street 2. Site Plan – 167 Chancellor III. JOINT MEETING OF COMMISSION/ COUNCIL Beginning: 6:00 p.m. Continuing: until all public hearings are completed Format: (i) Staff Report, (ii) Applicant, (iii) Hearing 1. Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) Funding, FY 20-21: The Planning Commission and City Council are considering projects to be undertaken in the amended Fiscal Year 2021 Action Plan of the multi-year Consolidated Plan utilizing CDBG-CV funds for the City of Charlottesville in response to the growing effects of the historic public health crisis. In Fiscal Year 20-21 it is expected that the City of Charlottesville will receive about $246,699 in Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). CDBG-CV grants will be used to facilitate projects to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. Information pertaining to this application may be viewed online at Persons interested in this item may contact Grants Coordinator Erin Atak by e-mail ( 2. ZM19-00004 – 909 Landonia Circle – Landowner Long Street LLC, by its member Stockbridge OPCO LLC, has submitted an application seeking a rezoning for a lot, having an area of approximately 0.6790 acres, identified within City tax records as Tax Parcel Identification No. 490079000 (“Subject Property”) and having an address of 909 Landonia Circle. The Subject Property has approximately 378 feet of frontage on Landonia Circle. The rezoning application proposes to change the zoning district classification of the Subject Property from B-1 Business to B-2 Business subject to a proffered development condition (“Proffer”). The Proffer states the following shall not be permitted on the Subject Property: Amusement Center; Auditoriums, Theaters; Bowling Alleys; Clubs, Private; Dry Cleaning Establishments; Movie Theaters; Dance Hall / all night; Pharmacies >1,700 SF, GFA. The Comprehensive Land Use Map for this area calls for Low Density Residential Development. Information pertaining to this application may be viewed online at Persons interested in this Rezoning may contact NDS Planner Joey Winter by e-mail ( IV. COMMISSION’S ACTION ITEMS Continuing: until all action items are concluded. V. FUTURE MEETING SCHEDULE/ADJOURN Tuesday, August 11, 2020 – 5:00 PM Pre- Meeting Tuesday, August 11, 2020 – 5:30 PM Regular Minutes – June 9, 2020 – Pre- meeting and Meeting Regular meeting Site Plan and Entrance Corridor – Chick-fil- A Barracks Rd Site Plan –Kappa Kappa Gamma (503 Rugby Rd) Cville Plans Together – Project Update and Housing Discussion. Presentation: JAUNT Anticipated Items on Future Agendas Zoning Text Amendments –Off-street parking facilities requirements along streets designated as “framework streets” (initiated May 8, 2018), Site Plan Requirements, Accessory Dwelling Unit, Middle Density zoning and Affordable Dwelling Unit Comp Plan Amendment – Small Area Plan –Cherry Avenue, Community Vision Plan – Starr Hill PLEASE NOTE: THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE PRIOR TO THE MEETING. PLEASE NOTE: We are including suggested time frames on Agenda items. These times are subject to change at any time during the meeting. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48 hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. During the local state of emergency related to the Coronavirus (COVID19), City Hall and City Council Chambers are closed to the public and meetings are being conducted virtually via a Zoom webinar. The webinar is broadcast on Comcast Channel 10 and on all the City's streaming platforms including: Facebook, Twitter, and Public hearings and other matters from the public will be heard via the Zoom webinar which requires advanced registration here: . You may also participate via telephone and a number is provided with the Zoom registration or by contacting staff at 434-970-3182 to ask for the dial in number for each meeting. CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DATE OF MEETING: July 14, 2020 Project Planner: Brian Haluska, AICP Date of Staff Report: June 25, 2020 Development: 602-616 West Main Street (Tax Map 29 Parcel 3) Applicant: Heirloom West Main Street Second Phase, LLC Applicant’s Representative(s): Craig Kotarski, Timmons Group Current Property Owner: Heirloom West Main Street Second Phase, LLC Applicable City Code Provisions: 34-800 – 34-827 (Site Plans) Zoning District: West Main Street East Corridor with Architectural Design Control District and Parking Modified Overlay Reason for Planning Commission Review: Preliminary site plans associated with a property which has a Special Use Permit (SUP) are subject to review by the Planning Commission. Vicinity Map Page 1 of 7 2018 Aerial Zoning Map KEY – Magenta (WME): West Main Street East; Magenta (CH): Cherry Avenue Corridor; Yellow: R-1S – Single-Family, Low-Density Residential; Light Orange: R-2 – Two-Family, Low-Density Residential; Deep Orange: R-3 – Multi-Family, High-Density Residential; Aqua Blue: Planned Unit Development; Pink: B-1 – Commercial; Red: B-3 - Commercial Page 2 of 7 Standard of Review Approval of a site plan is a ministerial function, as to which the Planning Commission has little or no discretion. When an applicant has submitted a site plan that complies with the requirements of the City’s Site Plan Ordinance, then approval of the plan must be granted. In the event the Planning Commission determines there are grounds upon which to deny approval of a site plan, the motion must clearly identify the deficiencies in the plan, that are the basis for the denial, by reference to specific City Code sections and requirements. Further, upon disapproval of a site plan, the Planning Commission must identify the modifications or corrections that would permit approval of the plan. Summary Craig Kotarski of Timmons Group, acting as agent for Heirloom West Main Street Second Phase, LLC is requesting approval of a preliminary site plan to construct a mixed-use development with 45 residential dwelling units and, 6,700 square feet of retail space at 602­ 616 West Main Street (TMP 29-3). City Council approved a Special use Permit (SP19-00003) with conditions on October 7, 2019. Site Plan Compliance Site plans are reviewed for compliance with City codes and standards. An overview of site plan requirements and the location of those items on the site plan are outlined below. Site Plan Requirements A. Compliance with applicable zoning district regulation West Main East Corridor (per Sections 34-636 through 34-643) The property is zoned West Main East Corridor. The project complies with all requirements of the district. B. Compliance with the City’s Erosion and Sediment Control ordinance, Chapter 10 The applicant’s erosion and sediment control plan will be submitted and reviewed during final site plan submission. The applicant will be required to comply with staff comments. C. Compliance with General Standard for site plans (Sections 34-800 - 34-827) 1. General site plan information, including but not limited to project, property, zoning, site, and traffic information: Found on Sheet C0.0. 2. Existing condition and adjacent property information: Found on Sheet C2.0. Page 3 of 7 3. Phasing plan: The project will be constructed in one phase. 4. Topography and grading: Found on Sheet C4.0. 5. Existing landscape and trees: Found on Sheet C2.0. 6. The name and location of all water features: Not applicable to this site. 7. One hundred-year flood plain limits: Not applicable to this site. 8. Existing and proposed streets and associated traffic information: Found on Sheets C4.0 & C0.0. 9. Location and size of existing water and sewer infrastructure: Found on Sheet C2.0. 10. Proposed layout for water and sanitary sewer facilities and storm drain facilities: Found of Sheets C4.0. 11. Location of other existing and proposed utilities and utility easements: Found on Sheet C4.0. 12. Location of existing and proposed ingress to and egress from the property, showing the distance to the centerline of the nearest existing street intersection: Found on Sheet C4.0. 13. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements: Found on Sheet C4.0. 14. All areas intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use: Found on Sheet C4.0 (Sidewalks). 15. Landscape plan: Found on Sheet L1.0. 16. Where deemed appropriate by the director due to intensity of development: a. Estimated traffic generation figures for the site based upon current ITE rates: Found on Sheet C0.0 D. Additional information to be shown on the site plan as deemed necessary by the director or Commission in order to provide sufficient information for the director or Commission to adequately review the site plan. The Special Use Permit granted by City Council on October 7, 2019 includes the following conditions, which are provided on Sheet C0.1 of the preliminary site plan. 1. The specific development being approved by this special use permit (“Project”), as described within the site plan exhibit required by City Code §34-158(a)(1), shall have the following minimum attributes/ characteristics: a. Not more than one building shall be constructed on the Subject Property (the “Building”). The Building shall be a Mixed Use Building. The site description on Page C0.0 shows one building. Page 4 of 7 b. The Building shall not exceed a height of four (4) stories. The site description on Page C0.0 shows a four story building with a maximum height of 50 feet and 6 inches. c. The Building shall contain no more than 55 dwelling units. The site description on Page C0.0 shows 45 dwelling units. d. The Building shall contain space to be occupied and used for retail uses, which shall be located on the ground floor of the Building facing West Main Street. The square footage of this retail space shall be at least the minimum required by the City’s zoning ordinance. The site description on Page C0.0 shows three commercial retail spaces totaling 6,700 square feet in space. e. Underground parking shall be provided within a parking garage structure constructed underneath the Building serving the use and occupancy of the Building. All parking required for the Project pursuant to the City’s zoning ordinance shall be located on-site. All parking required pursuant to the ordinance for the Project shall be maximized onsite to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission. No direct access shall be provided into the underground parking from the Building’s street wall along West Main Street. The plan shows a preliminary parking layout on Page C4.1, and complies with all requirements of this condition. 2. The mass of the Building shall be broken down to reflect the multi-parcel massing historically on the site, as well as the West Main Street context, using building modulation. The Building and massing refer to the historic buildings on either side. The applicant is aware of this condition, and it will be reviewed as a part of the required Board of Architectural Review application review. 3. There shall be pedestrian engagement with the street with an active, transparent, and permeable façade at street level. The applicant is aware of this condition, and it will be reviewed as a part of the required Board of Architectural Review application review. 4. The Landowner (including, without limitation, any person who is an agent, assignee, transferee or successor in interest to the Landowner) shall prepare a Protective Plan for the Rufus Holsinger Building located on property adjacent to the Subject Property at 620- Page 5 of 7 624 West Main Street (“Holsinger Building” or “Adjacent Property”). The Protective Plan shall provide for baseline documentation, ongoing monitoring, and specific safeguards to prevent damage to the Holsinger Building, and the Landowner shall implement the Protective Plan during all excavation, demolition and construction activities within the Subject Property (“Development Site”). At minimum, the Protective Plan shall include the following: a. Baseline Survey—Landowner shall document the existing condition of the Holsinger Building (“Baseline Survey”). The Baseline Survey shall take the form of written descriptions, and visual documentation which shall include color photographs and/or video recordings. The Baseline Survey shall document the existing conditions observable on the interior and exterior of the Holsinger Building, with close-up images of cracks, staining, indications of existing settlement, and other fragile conditions that are observable. The Landowner shall engage an independent third party structural engineering firm (one who has not participated in the design of the Landowner’s Project or preparation of demolition or construction plans for the Landowner, and who has expertise in the impact of seismic activity on historic structures) and shall bear the cost of the Baseline Survey and preparation of a written report thereof. The Landowner and the Owner of the Holsinger Building (“Adjacent Landowner”) may both have representatives present during the process of surveying and documenting the existing conditions. A copy of a completed written Baseline Survey Report shall be provided to the Adjacent Landowner, and the Adjacent Landowner shall be given fourteen (14) days to review the Baseline Survey Report and return any comments to the Landowner. b. Protective Plan--The Landowner shall engage the engineer who performed the Baseline Survey to prepare a Protective Plan to be followed by all persons performing work within the Development Site, that may include seismic monitoring or other specific monitoring measures of the Adjacent Property if recommended by the engineer preparing the Protective Plan, and minimally shall include installation of at least five crack monitors. Engineer shall inspect and take readings of crack monitors at least weekly during ground disturbance demolition and construction activities. Reports of monitor readings shall be submitted to the city building official and Adjacent Landowner within two days of inspection. A copy of the Protective Plan shall be provided to the Adjacent Landowner. The Adjacent Landowner shall be given fourteen (14) days to review the Report and return any comments to the Landowner. c. Advance notice of commencement of activity--The Adjacent Landowner shall be given 14 days’ advance written notice of commencement of demolition at the Development Site, and of commencement of construction at the Development Site. This notice shall include the name, mobile phone number, and email address of the construction supervisor(s) who will be present on the Development Site and who may be contacted by the Adjacent Landowner regarding impacts of demolition or construction on the Adjacent Property. The Landowner shall also offer the Adjacent Landowner an opportunity to have meetings: i. prior to commencement of demolition at the Development Site, and ii. at least fourteen (14) days prior to commencement of construction at the Page 6 of 7 Development Site, on days/ times reasonably agreed to by both parties. During any such preconstruction meeting, the Adjacent Landowner will be provided information as to the nature and duration of the demolition or construction activity and the Landowner will review the Protective Plan as it will apply to the activities to be commenced. d. Permits--No demolition or building permit, and no land disturbing permit, shall be approved or issued to the Landowner, until the Landowner provides to the department of neighborhood development services: i. copies of the Baseline Survey Report and Protective Plan, and NDS verifies that these documents satisfy the requirements of these SUP Conditions, ii. documentation that the Baseline Survey Report and Protective Plan were given to the Adjacent Landowner in accordance with these SUP Conditions. The applicant has indicated that the protective plan will be in place in accordance with the SUP condition prior to the commencement of construction activities. E. Compliance with Additional Standards for Specific Uses (Sections 34-930 - 34-938) Not applicable to this site. Public Comments Received Staff has not received any comment on the site plan during preliminary review. The original site plan was submitted to the City on February 26, 2020. A Site Plan Conference was scheduled to be held on March 18, 2020, and the City sent notice to property owners within 500 feet of the property, and advertised the meeting. The conference was forced to be cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the applicant will be required to follow the City’s guidance for holding a public meeting to fulfill the site plan conference requirement following the submission of the final site plan. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the preliminary site plan with the following condition: 1. Following the submission of the final site plan, the applicant will participate in a site plan conference that is organized in compliance with City policies governing such meetings. Attachments A. Preliminary Site Plan dated February 26, 2020 and a Revision date of June 23, 2020 B. Special Use Permit Resolution dated October 7, 2019 Page 7 of 7 SITE DATA: 612 WEST MAIN STREET TAX MAP PARCEL: 290003000 TOTAL SITE AREA: 0.455 ACRES TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE: 0.516ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA: EXISTING 0.492 ACRES PROPOSED0.490 ACRES PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE SOURCE OF SURVEY, BOUNDARY, AND TOPOGRAPHY: TIMMONS GROUP 628 IMPERIAL DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE STAUNTON, VA 24401 (540) 885-0920 DATED: JUNE 13, 2019 DATUM REFERENCE: VERTICAL: NAVD 88 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA REVISION DESCRIPTION HORIZONTAL: NAD83, VA STATE GRID, SOUTH ZONE MISS UTILITY TICKET NUMBER: (TICKET SUBMITTED ON 5/29/2019) A914903630 USE: CURRENT:SERVICE REPAIR GARAGE PROPOSED: MIXED USE RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL 14 - STUDIO UNITS, 20 - 1 BEDROOM UNITS, 9 - 2 BEDROOM UNITS, 2 - THREE BEDROOM UNITS = 45 TOTAL UNITS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS (58 TOTAL BEDROOMS) (UP TO 55 UNITS ALLOWED PER SPECIAL USE PERMIT) 2 X 2,500 SF RETAIL SPACE 1 X 1,700 SF RETAIL SPACE 2/26/2020 3,500 SF LOBBY & LOUNGE 1,500 SF PUBLIC PARK 1,800 SF AMENITY SPACE PRELIMINARY PAVED PARKING AND VEHICULAR CIRCULATION AREA IS LOCATED UNDER THE BUILDING AND ACCESSED THROUGH THE EXISTING ADJACENT UNDERGROUND PARKING AREA AT 600 WEST MAIN STREET. SITE PLAN ZONED: (WMEH) WEST MAIN STREET EAST CORRIDOR Sheet List Table OVERLAY DISTRICTS:HISTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICT Sheet Number Sheet Title PARKING MODIFIED ZONE C0.0 COVER 4/22/20 6/23/20 SETBACKS: PRIMARY STREET FRONTAGE (WEST MAIN): 10' MINIMUM, 20' MAXIMUM C0.1 SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DATE SIDE AND REAR (NOT ADJACENT TO LOW DENSITY RES.): NONE PROJECT LOCATION C1.0 NOTES & DETAILS STEPBACK: STREETWALL 40' MAXIMUM C1.1 NOTES & DETAILS STEPBACK AT HEIGHT OF STREET WALL 10' MINIMUM C1.2 NOTES & DETAILS DATE ADJACENT AREAS: NORTH - COMMERCIAL/RETAIL C2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 2/26/2020 NAD83 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. EAST - COMMERCIAL/RETAIL C2.1 DEMOLITION PLAN DRAWN BY SOUTH - RAILROAD WEST - COMMERCIAL/RETAIL C3.0 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS A.FONTAINE C3.1 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL - PHASE I ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT:52' MAX. 35' MIN. DESIGNED BY PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT: 50'-6" PLUS 11'-0" ROOF APPURTENANCE C4.0 LAYOUT & UTILITIES PLAN C4.1 PRELIMINARY PARKING LAYOUT A. ALLISON BUILDING AND SITE SIGNAGE: SIGNAGE PACKAGE TO BE SUBMITTED UNDER SEPARATE COVER C5.0 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN CHECKED BY UTILITIES:CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE PUBLIC WATER, SEWER C6.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN C. KOTARSKI MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE RESIDENTIAL DENSITY: 120 DUA (PER SUP) C6.1 STORMWATER NARRATIVE & CALCULATIONS SCALE MAXIMUM PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY: 101 DUA L1.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN N/A PARKING SPACES REQUIRED: TOTAL = 15 SHEETS 1 SPACE PER DWELLING UNITS (STUDIO, 1 BEDROOM & 2 BEDROOMS) 43 DWELLING UNITS X 1 SPACE/DWELLING UNIT = 43 SPACES 2 SPACES PER THREE BEDROOM DWELLING UNTI 2 THREE DWELLING UNITS X 2 SPACE/DWELLING UNIT = 4 SPACES NO PARKING IS REQUIRED FOR ANY RETAIL USE HAVING LESS THAN FIVE THOUSAND (5,000) SQUARE FEET IN FLOOR AREA SEC. 34-643.2 RETAIL 2 X 2500 SF AND 1 X 1700 SFT = 0 SPACES TOTAL = 47 PARKING SPACES PARKING REDUCTION These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not BUS STOP WITHIN 301 FT - 600 FT OF THE SITE = <1 SPACE> UTILITY DEMANDS 46 LONG TERM BIKE SPACES - 31 LONG TERM BIKE SPACES (REQ.) = 15 SPACES AT 1:5 RATIO = 3 SPACES WATER FLOW (AVERAGE DAILY DEMAND) TOTAL = 47 SPACES - 1 SPACE - 3 SPACES TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 43 PARKING = SPACES REQUIRED VICINITY MAP SEE SHEET C1.2 FOR AWWA M2 WATER CUSTOMER DATA SHEET AVERAGE FLOW RATES (FROM TABLE 9-1 & 9-2, CHARLOTTESVILLE STANDARDS & DESIGN MANUAL): 43 SPACES PROVIDED (CONSISTS OF 12 COMPACT SPACES AND 2 ACCESSIBLE SPACES, 1 OF WHICH IS VAN ACCESSIBLE) ACCESSIBLE SPACES REQUIRED: FOR 26-50 TOTAL SPACES, 2 ACCESSIBLE SPACES REQUIRED, 1 OF WHICH SHALL BE VAN-ACCESSIBLE. SCALE: 1" = 500' APARTMENTS/CONDOMINIUMS: 300 GPD X 45 UNITS = 13,500 GPD RETAIL: 2000 GPD/AC X 0.154 AC = 308 GPD 612 WEST MAIN STREET TOTAL: 13,808 GPD BICYCLE PARKING REQUIRED (PER SECTION 34-882 OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CODE) RETAIL: LONG TERM: 6,700 SF X 1 SPACE PER 10,000 SF FLOOR AREA = 0.7 BICYCLE SPACES (2 MIN.) AVERAGE HOUR: 13,808 GPD/24 = 575.3 GALLONS PER HOUR SHORT TERM: 6,700 SF X 1 SPACE PER 5,000 SF FLOOR AREA = 1.3 BICYCLE SPACES (2 MIN.) MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING:LONG: 58 BEDROOMS X 0.5 SPACE / BEDROOM = 29.0 BICYCLE SPACES SHORT: 58 BEDROOMS X 0.1 SPACE / BEDROOM = 5.8 BICYCLE SPACES OWNER: MAX HOUR = 300% OF AVERAGE HOUR = 575.3 X 3 = 1,726 GALLONS TOTAL LONG TERM =31 BICYCLE SPACES REQUIRED TOTAL SHORT TERM 8= BICYCLE SPACES REQUIRED HEIRLOOM WEST MAIN STREET SECOND PHASE LLC PEAK HOUR = MAX HOUR X 1.5 = 1,7256 X 1.5 = 2,589 GALLONS CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 2,589 GPH = 43.15 GPM BICYCLE PARKING PROVIDED: 32 LONG TERM SPACES (ONE SPACE WITH EACH 1, 2 & 3-BEDROOM UNIT - "TALIC WALL MOUNT") 14 LONG TERM SPACES (WITHIN THE PARKING GARAGE - "SARIS STACK RACK") 178 COLUMBUS AVE #231409 WATER METER SIZING 8 SHORT TERM SPACES (4 EXTERIOR BIKE RACKS, 2 SPACES PER RACK -" DURA OMEGA CIRCULAR STYLE RACK") TOTAL =54 BICYCLE SPACES PROVIDED NEW YORK, NY 10023 SAFE MAXIMUM OPERATING CAPACITY (GPM) FOR A 1.5" METER = 100 GPM COVER SEWER FLOW (AVERAGE DAILY FLOW) - PHASE 1 LOCATION OF NEARBY FIRE HYDRANTS: ALONG WEST MAIN STREET AT THE FRONT OF THE PROJECT SITE. (APPROX. 18' FROM NEW BUILDING) AVERAGE FLOW RATES (FROM TABLE 9-1 & 9-2, CHARLOTTESVILLE STANDARDS & DESIGN MANUAL): ENGINEER OF RECORD: APARTMENTS/CONDOMINIUMS: 300 GPD X 45 UNITS = 13,500 GPD THE ANTICIPATED START DATE FOR THE PROJECT IS FALL 2020. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE ANTICIPATED TO LAST PROJECT TIMING: RETAIL: 2000 GPD/AC X 0.15 AC = 308 GPD APPROXIMATELY 12-18 MONTHS. TOTAL: 13,808 GPD limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. WETLANDS: NO WETLANDS ARE IMPACTED AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. TIMMONS GROUP S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C0.0 COVER.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:41 AM | by Anna Fontaine FLOODPLAIN: THIS SITE IS NOT WITHIN A 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN. 608 PRESTON AVENUE SUITE 200 PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES: BUILDING AND SITE SIGNAGE: SIGNAGE PACKAGE TO BE SUBMITTED UNDER SEPARATE COVER CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 A. PER THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WATERWORKS REGULATIONS (PART II, ARTICLE 3, SECTION 12 VAC 5-590 THROUGH 630), ALL BUILDINGS THAT HAVE THE POSSIBILITY OF CONTAMINATING THE POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (HOSPITALS, INDUSTRIAL SITES, BREWERIES, ETC.) SHALL HAVE A BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE INSTALLED WITHIN THE FACILITY. THIS DEVICE SHALL MEET SPECIFICATIONS CONTACT: CRAIG KOTARSKI, P.E. OF THE VIRGINIA UNIFORM STATEWIDE BUILDING CODE, SHALL BE TESTED IN REGULAR INTERVALS AS REQUIRED, AND TEST RESULTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ADMINISTRATOR IN THE DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES. TELEPHONE: 434-327-1688 B. ALL BUILDINGS THAT MAY PRODUCE WASTES CONTAINING MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED (100) PARTS PER MILLION OF FATS, OIL, OR GREASE SHALL INSTALL A GREASE TRAP. THE GREASE TRAP SHALL MEET SPECIFICATIONS OF THE VIRGINIA UNIFORM STATEWIDE BUILDING CODE, MAINTAIN TRIP GENERATION RECORDS OF CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE, AND BE INSPECTED ON REGULAR INTERVALS BY THE REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ADMINISTRATOR IN THE DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES. C. PLEASE CONTACT THE REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ADMINISTRATOR AT 970-3032 WITH ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE GREASE TRAP OR BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES. APPROVALS DIRECTOR OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL: JOB NO. PER SEC. 34-828, FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL IS CONTINGENT ON THE PLAN BEING CONSISTENT WITH WHAT WAS A) REVIEWED BY THE BOARD OF 43751 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW; AND B) THE ASSOCIATED CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE WEST MAIN STREET SHEET NO. ADC DISTRICT C0.0 S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C0.1 SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:42 AM | by Anna Fontaine THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE PRELIMINARY CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 SITE PLAN TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION 612 WEST MAIN STREET 4/22/20 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS 6/23/20 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS N/A DATE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA SCALE C0.1 JOB NO. DRAWN BY SHEET NO. 43751 CHECKED BY 2/26/2020 DESIGNED BY A. ALLISON A.FONTAINE C. KOTARSKI SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. GENERAL NOTES: DRAINAGE SITE PLAN LEGEND UTILITIES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE, ESPECIALLY AT INTERSECTIONS AND GUTTER LINES, TO PROVIDE POSITIVE 1. ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES CAUSED BY CONTRACTOR OR ITS SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL BE DRAINAGE. ANY AREAS WHERE WATER IS IMPOUNDED SHALL BE CORRECTED BY CONTRACTOR AT NO EXISTING CONTRACTOR'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY AND REPAIRED AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. ADDITIONAL COST. POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF ALL ROADWAY AREAS TO THE STORM DRAIN INLETS OR OTHER PROPERTY LINE X FENCE 2. ACCEPTABLE DRAINAGE CHANNELS AS NOTED ON THE PLANS IS REQUIRED. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS DO NOT GUARANTEE THE EXISTENCE, NON-EXISTENCE OR LOCATION OF UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OR THE NON-EXISTENCE OF UTILITIES. AT 2. LEAST CONTRACTOR 48 SHALL MAINTAIN EXISTING STREAMS, DITCHES, DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, CULVERTS AND FLOWS POST/BOLLARD XXX MAJOR CONTOUR HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY MISS UTILITY AT ALL TIMES DURING THE WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR ALL PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE SIGN XXX MINOR CONTOUR (1-800-552-7001) AND/OR THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY COMPANIES FOR GAS, WATER, SEWER, POWER, PHONE WHICH AND MAY OCCUR AS A RESULT OF FAILING TO MAINTAIN ADEQUATE DRAINAGE. TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 CABLE. CONTRACTOR SHALL TIMELY ARRANGE TO HAVE THE VARIOUS UTILITIES LOCATED, AND TO HAVE THEM 3. ALL PIPES, DI'S AND OTHER STRUCTURES SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE ENGINEERING INSPECTOR BEFORE BEING BUMPER BLOCK SURVEY CONTROL MONUMENT REMOVED OR RELOCATED, OR TO DETERMINE THE METHOD OF PROTECTION ACCEPTABLE TO THE RESPECTIVE BACKFILLED OR BURIED. THE ENGINEERING INSPECTOR MAY REQUIRE CONTRACTOR, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST, OWNER, IF THE METHOD OF PROTECTION IS NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT ITS TO UNCOVER AND RE-COVER SUCH STRUCTURES IF THEY HAVE BEEN BACKFILLED OR BURIED WITHOUT SUCH TC TRAFFIC CONTROL BOX SURVEY CONTROL POINT WORK IN THE VICINITY OF EXISTING UTILITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY'S RULES INSPECTION. AND REGULATIONS. ANY COST INCURRED FOR REMOVING, RELOCATING OR PROTECTING UTILITIES SHALL4. BE REMOVED BORNE PIPE SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF CONTRACTOR AND IF NOT SALVAGED FOR RE-USE, SHALL BE U UNKNOWN MANHOLE BY CONTRACTOR UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE TO LOCATE BURIED UTILITIES DISPOSED OF LAWFULLY. THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE FAR ENOUGH IN ADVANCE OF ITS WORK TO ALLOW FOR HORIZONTAL AND /OR VERTICAL ADJUSTMENTS STORM SEWER 5. TO ALLITS STORM SEWER PIPE AND DROP INLETS SHALL BE CLEARED OF DEBRIS AND ERODED MATERIAL PRIOR TO PROPOSED CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE WORK AND/OR THE UTILITIES. NO ADJUSTMENT IN COMPENSATION OR SCHEDULE WILL BE ALLOWED FORFINAL ACCEPTANCE. D STORM SEWER MANHOLE DELAYS RESULTING FROM CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TO CONTACT AND COORDINATE WITH UTILITIES. 6. ALL STORM SEWER PIPE JOINTS SHALL BE SEATED AND SEALED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S W WATER 3. WHEN THE WORK CROSSES EXISTING UTILITIES, THE EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED SPECIFICATIONS. CATCH BASIN AND PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE DUE TO THE WORK. ALL METHODS FOR SUPPORTING AND MAINTAINING THE 7. ALL EXISTING ROOF DRAINS AND OTHER DRAINAGE CONDUIT TIED INTO EXISTING PIPE SHALL BE TIED INTO G GAS EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY COMPANY AND/OR THE ENGINEER. NEW PIPE. ALL EXISTING ROOF DRAINS AND OTHER DRAINAGE CONDUIT BLOCKED OR DISRUPTED FROM THEIRSAN SANITARY SEWER CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE TO INSURE THAT THE GRADE AND ALIGNMENT OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE PRE-CONSTRUCTION DRAINAGE PATTERNS SHALL BE SHORTENED, EXTENDED OR OTHERWISE CONNECTED TO S STORM REVISION DESCRIPTION MAINTAINED AND THAT NO JOINTS OR CONNECTIONS ARE DISPLACED. BACKFILL SHALL BE CAREFULLY PLACED THE NEW WORK USING MATERIALS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEERING INSPECTOR, AND IN SUCH A WAY THAT THE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE AND COMPACTED TO PREVENT FUTURE DAMAGE OR SETTLEMENT TO EXISTING UTILITIES. ANY UTILITIES NEW DRAINAGE PATTERNS ARE ACCEPTABLE TO ENGINEER. SAN SANITARY REMOVED AS PART OF THE WORK, AND NOT INDICATED TO BE REMOVED OR ABANDONED, SHALL BE RESTORED W WATER LINE CATCH BASIN USING MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION EQUAL TO THE UTILITY'S STANDARDS. WATER MANHOLE 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDOWNERS, TENANTS AND THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE INTERRUPTION VEGETATION OF ANY W STORM MANHOLE 1 SERVICES. SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS SHALL BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM. WATER VALVE D 5. ALL RECTANGULAR WATER METER BOXES LOCATED IN SIDEWALKS SHALL BE REPLACED WITH ROUND 1. ONES. THETO REMOVING ANY VEGETATION, CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH THE PROPERTY OWNERS AND THE REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS PRIOR SANITARY MANHOLE S ADJUSTMENT OF ALL MANHOLE TOPS, WATER VALVE BOXES, GAS VALVE BOXES AND WATER METER BOXES SHALL TO REVIEW THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND OBTAIN PERMISSION TO REMOVE VEGETATION ENGINEER FIRE HYDRANT E BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR. REQUIRED TO DO THE WORK. SANITARY CLEAN OUT G GAS LINE 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY UTILITIES DIVISION AT LEAST TWO FULL WORKING DAYS IN2. ADVANCE TREE AND PLANT ROOTS OR BRANCHES THAT MAY INTERFERE WITH THE WORK SHALL BE TRIMMED OR CUT ONLY FIRE HYDRANT TO ARRANGE GAS SERVICE LINE ADJUSTMENTS TO BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY. WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER AND ENGINEER. ANY TREES OR PLANTS WHICH ARE SHOWN TO REMAIN GAS METER 7. ALL WATER METER, VALVES AND FIRE HYDRANT ADJUSTMENTS/RELOCATIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED OR THAT DO NOT INTERFERE WITH THE WORK, BUT ARE DAMAGED BY CONTRACTOR OR HIS SUBCONTRACTORS, FDC PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE PUBLIC WORKS SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED BY CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. GAS MARKER REQUIREMENTS. PRELIMINARY METER UGT COMMUNICATIONS/TELEPHONE LINE TRAFFIC AND SIGNAGE SITE PLAN SETBACK EROSION CONTROL & WORK AREA PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE T TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS MANHOLE WATER VALVE 1. ALL TEMPORARY NO PARKING REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR WITH APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNICATIONS VAULT 1. ALL FENCES REQUIRED TO BE REMOVED OR DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SALVAGED, STORED, TRAFFIC ENGINEER. BOLLARD PROTECTED AND RE-INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. IF SUCH FENCE MATERIAL CANNOT BE REUSED DUE2.TOCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NECESSARY REFLECTORS, BARRICADES, TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND/OR FLAG UGP ELECTRIC LINE DAMAGE CAUSED BY CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL NEW FENCE OF THE SAME TYPE OF MATERIAL.PERSONS TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF ITS WORKERS AND THE PUBLIC. STREET SIGN 4/22/20 6/23/20 E ELECTRIC MANHOLE TEMPORARY FENCING REQUIRED BY PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR. DATE 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SAFE AND PASSABLE PUBLIC ACCESS TO PROPERTIES AND THE PUBLIC X FENCE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED TO CONTACT PROPERTY OWNERS AT LEAST FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS IN ADVANCE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DURING CONSTRUCTION. EXCEPT AS APPROVED IN ADVANCE IN WRITING BY THE ENGINEER, ELECTRIC PULLBOX REMOVING ANY FENCE IN ORDER TO COORDINATE RELOCATION AND TO ESTABLISH AND CONFIRM WITH THE TWO WAY TRAFFIC SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES THROUGH WORK AREAS WITHIN THE PUBLIC XXX MAJOR CONTOUR OWNER THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITION OF ANY FENCE TO BE REMOVED, DISTURBED OR REPLACED. RIGHT-OF-WAY. THESE TRAFFIC CONTROLS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST CURRENT MUTCD ELECTRIC METER 2. CONTRACTOR IS PERMITTED TO WORK IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ANY TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT MANUAL. ACCESS FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. ADDITIONALLY XXX MINOR CONTOUR DATE EASEMENT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. HOWEVER, CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY PROPERTY OWNER(S) FORTY-EIGHT CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE PEDESTRIAN BARRIERS AND MAINTAIN PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION UTILITY POLE (48) HOURS PRIOR TO WORKING ON ANY PRIVATE PROPERTY TO COORDINATE ACCESS AND TO DETERMINE DURING A CONSTRUCTION. SITE LIGHT 2/26/2020 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. STORAGE AREA FOR MATERIALS IF NEEDED. COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AND DECIDUOUS TREE 4. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY THE ENGINEER, THE WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED AND X PARKING SPACE COUNT DRAWN BY STORAGE OF MATERIALS THEREON SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TO PERFORMED IN A MANNER SO THAT ALL EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE AT ALL TIMES DURING GUARDRAIL SO NOTIFY AND COORDINATE WITH PROPERTY OWNERS AND/OR THE ENGINEER MAY RESULT IN DELAYS. THE NO WORK. TC TOP OF CURB A.FONTAINE ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION OR TIME FOR PERFORMANCE WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANY SUCH DELAYS. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY PROPERTY OWNER(S) TWELVE (12) HOURS IN ADVANCE OF BLOCKING ANY 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL, AT HIS EXPENSE, MAINTAIN THE WORK SITE IN A CLEAN AND ORDERLY APPEARANCEENTRANCE. AT ALL NO ENTRANCE SHALL BE BLOCKED FOR MORE THAN TWELVE (12) HOURS IN ANY 24 HOUR PERIOD DESIGNED BY TIMES. ALL DEBRIS AND SURPLUS MATERIAL COLLECTED SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF THE WORK SITE BY WITHOUT APPROVAL OF THE PROPERTY OWNER, EXCEPT WHERE NEW ENTRANCES ARE CONSTRUCTED. CONTRACTOR, AT HIS EXPENSE. 6. WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THEIR REMOVAL, CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE MAILBOXES, STREET SIGNS, TRAFFIC GENERAL NOTES A. ALLISON 4. EXISTING LAWNS, TREES, SHRUBS, FENCES, UTILITIES, CULVERTS, WALLS, WALKS, DRIVEWAYS, POLES, SIGNS, SIGNS, AND THE LIKE THAT ARE REMOVED FOR CONSTRUCTION. PERMANENT OR SUITABLE TEMPORARY ITEMS CHECKED BY RIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENTS, MAILBOXES AND THE LIKE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE DURING THE WILL BE USED AS THE STATUS OF WORK PERMITS. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY STOP SIGNS MUST BE IN PLACE WORK. ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO SUCH ITEMS SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED BY CONTRACTOR AT NOAT ALL TIMES. 1. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF C. KOTARSKI ADDITIONAL COST. PROPERTY PINS DISTURBED BY CONTRACTOR THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS TO BE 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING THE CITY TRAFFIC DIVISION ONE FULL WORKING DAY TRANSPORTATION'S SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS. DISTURBED SHALL BE RESTORED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. PRIOR TO ANY CONCRETE POUR WHERE TRAFFIC AND STREET SIGNS ARE TO BE REPLACED. UPON SUCH 2. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT THE ENGINEER AND VERIFY THE APPROVAL OF SCALE 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND METHODS AS REQUIRED TO MEET THE NOTIFICATION, THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SIGN POST SLEEVES, WHEN NEEDED, AND IDENTIFY THE LOCATION THE PLANS BY ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE ELEVATIONS OF ALL POINTS OF CONNECTION OR PROPOSED WORK TO N/A REQUIREMENTS AND INTENT OF THE CITY EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDEWHERE THE SIGNS ARE TO BE PLACED. NECESSARY DIVERSION DITCHES, DIKES OR TEMPORARY CULVERTS REQUIRED TO PREVENT MUD AND8. DEBRIS ALL SIGNAGE AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE SHOWN ON PLANS AND SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH THE EXISTING CURBS, SANITARY LINES, WATERLINES, ETC, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. FROM BEING WASHED ONTO THE STREETS OR PROPERTY. CONTRACTOR'S VEHICLES SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN TO MUTCD. 4. UPON DISCOVERY OF SOILS THAT ARE UNSUITABLE FOR FOUNDATIONS, SUBGRADES, OR OTHER ROADWAY PREVENT MUD OR DUST FROM BEING DEPOSITED ON STREETS. NO AREA SHALL BE LEFT DENUDED FOR MORE 9. A TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR CLOSURE OF SIDEWALKS, PARKING PACES, AND CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THE OWNER. THESE AREAS SHALL THAN SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS. ROADWAYS AND IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER. BE EXCAVATED BELOW PLAN GRADE AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER, BACKFILLED WITH SUITABLE MATERIAL AND 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN UP, RESTORE, PERMANENTLY SEED AND MAINTAIN ALL DISTURBED AREAS COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT. IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF WORK ON EACH SITE. TOPSOIL, SEED, FERTILIZER AND MULCH SHALL BE 5. ALL STORM SEWER DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LD-94 VDOT (D)I 121.13. AND I PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARDS ON ALL DISTURBED AREAS. A PERMANENT STAND OF MISCELLANEOUS GRASS 6. ALL RCP STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED TONGUE AND GROVE CONCRETE PIPE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADEQUATE TO PREVENT EROSION SHALL BE ESTABLISHED PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE. ASTM-C-76. PIPE SHALL BE MINIMUM CLASS III OR GREATER IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VDOT STANDARDS 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS, INSPECTIONS, BONDS, AND OTHER APPROVAL RELATED 7. AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER, ANY DEFECTIVE, FAULTY, CRACKED, BROKEN OR GRAFFITIED SIDEWALKS, AND SPECIFICATIONS. These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not DRIVEWAYS, HANDICAP RAMPS OR CURB & GUTTER SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED PRIOR TO FINAL ITEMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL POLICIES. CONTACT 7. IF PRE-CAST UNITS ARE TO BE USED CERTIFICATION AND VDOT STAMP WILL BE REQUIRED ON ALL UNITS. ACCEPTANCE. NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR SUCH WORK. FOR CITY STREET/SIDEWALK CUT PERMITS, PLEASE CALL (434) 970-3361. 8. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE A3-AE (AIR ENTRAINED 3,000 PSI), UNLESS 2. THE 8. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ADHERE TO REQUESTS FROM THE CITY'S E&S INSPECTOR CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO PLACE “DEAR NEIGHBOR” DOOR HANGER NOTIFICATIONS ON THE OTHERWISE NOTED. TO ADD OR MODIFY E&S MEASURES DURING CONSTRUCTION. FRONT DOOR OF ALL RESIDENCES AFFECTED BY THE CONSTRUCTION AND “SIDEWALK” SAFETY SIGNS AT E ACH 9. DESIGN CHANGES, SPECIFIED MATERIALS CHANGES AND/OR FIELD CHANGES FROM THE APPROVED PLANS NEED LOCATION WITH WORKING CREWS. THIS SHALL BE DONE PRIOR TO ANY WORK STARTING. TO BE RESUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. A LETTER OF EXPLANATION 3. WATER METERS THAT ARE TO BE MOVED SHALL BE MOVED COMPLETELY IN THE SIDEWALK OR COMPLETELY OUT SHALL ACCOMPANY THE REVISED PLANS AND/OR THE DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS, WHICH MUST BE SUBMITTED EARTHWORK AND SITE CONDITIONS OF THE SIDEWALK. WATER METERS MOVED IN THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 18" OF THE EDGE. AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 612 WEST MAIN STREET 4. RETAINING WALLS WITH A MAX HEIGHT OF 12" OR LESS SHALL BE POURED IN CONTINUITY WITH THE SIDEWALK. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON PLANS IN WALLS WITH A MAX HEIGHT GREATER THAN 12" SHALL BE SEGMENTAL BLOCK WALLS. AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. CONTACT ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF LOCATION OR 1. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLANS, ALL CUTS AND FILLS SHALL MATCH EXISTING SLOPES OR BE NO GREATER THAN 2:1. 5. ALL SIGNS TO BE RELOCATED SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 6 INCHES BEHIND THE BACK EDGE OF THE SIDEWALK. ELEVATION IS DIFFERENT FROM THAT SHOWN ON PLAN. IF THERE APPEARS TO BE A CONFLICT, AND/OR UPON 6. MAILBOXES SHALL BE RELOCATED TO THE FRONT OF THE SIDEWALK BUT SHALL ALSO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 3 DISCOVERY OF ANY UTILITY NOT SHOWN ON THIS PLAN, CALL MISS UTILITY OF CENTRAL VIRGINIA AT 2. NO NEW SIDEWALK SHALL EXCEED 2.0% CROSS-SLOPE (PERPENDICULAR TO THE DIRECTION OF PEDESTRIAN FEET OF CLEARANCE BEHIND THE MAILBOX TO MEET ADA REQUIREMENTS. 1-800-552-7001. TRAFFIC). 11. THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER, WATER, AND GAS MAINS (INCLUDING SERVICE LATERALS AND SLEEVES) SHALL BE 7. EXISTING ROOF DRAINS SHALL BE ROUTED THROUGH SIDEWALK. ROOF DRAINS LARGER THAN 4" WILL REQUIRE 3. ALL GRADING AND IMPROVEMENTS TO BE CONFINED TO THE PROJECT AREA UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. A TROUGH DRAIN COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF AGGREGATE BASE COURSE. 4. ALL MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE ENGINEERING 12. A PRIME COAT SEAL BETWEEN THE AGGREGATE BASE AND BITUMINOUS CONCRETE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA NOTES & DETAILS DIVISION STANDARDS AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE CITY ORDINANCES. RATE OF 0.30 GALLONS PER SQUARE YARD (REC-250 PRIME COAT) PER VDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 5. ANY UNUSUAL OR UNANTICIPATED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT 13. THE SCHEDULING OF AGGREGATE BASE INSTALLATION AND SUBSEQUENT PAVING ACTIVITIES SHALL ENGINEER. ACCOMMODATE FORECAST WEATHER CONDITIONS PER SECTION THE ROAD 315 OF AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS . 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS AND LOCATIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK,1. BUILDING AND STREET NUMBERS SHALL BE PLAINLY VISIBLE FROM STREET. 14. THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE SHALL HAVE APPROVED THE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE(S) FOR DEPTH, TEMPLATE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN THE EVENT THERE ARE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN SUCH 2. A KNOXBOX KEY BOX SHALL BE MOUNTED TO THE SIDE OF THE FRONT OR MAIN ENTRANCE. AND PERFORMED THE REQUIRED FIELD INSPECTION (PROOF ROLL) PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY SURFACE CONDITIONS AND THOSE SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 3. AN ELEVATOR KEYBOX WILL BE REQUIRED. COURSE(S). CONTACT THE OWNER FOR INSPECTION FOR THE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE(S) 48 HOURS PRIOR TO 4. OVERHEAD WIRING OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE HIGHER THAN 13.5'. APPLICATION OF THE SURFACE COURSE(S). 5. AN APPROVED WATER SUPPLY DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE AS SOON AS COMB USTIBLE 15. ALL VEGETATION AND ORGANIC MATERIAL MATERIAL IS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE PROPOSED PAVEMENT LIMITS S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C1.0 NOTES & DETAILS.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:43 AM | by Anna Fontaine CONCRETE AND ASPHALT MATERIAL ARRIVES ON SITE. PRIOR TO CONDITIONING OF THE SUBGRADE. 6. IF THE FLOOR LEVEL OF THE HIGHEST STORY IS MORE THAN 30' ABOVE THE LOWEST LEVEL OF FIRE DEPARTMENT 16. CERTIFICATION AND SOURCE OF MATERIALS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER FOR ALL MATERIALS AND BE limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. 1. ALL FORMS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE ENGINEERING INSPECTOR BEFORE ANY CONCRETE IS PLACED. THE VEHICLE ACCESS, THEN A CLASS I STANDPIPE SYSTEM MUST BE INSTALLED IN ADDITION TO THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS, AND ROAD AND BRIDGE . STANDARDS ENGINEER INSPECTOR MAY REQUIRE CONTRACTOR, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST, TO REMOVE AND REPLACE 7. WHERE A BUILDING HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED TO A HEIGHT GREATER THAN 50' OR FOUR STORIES, AT LEAST 17.ONEALL NEW HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE REQUIREMENTS ON-SITE AND WITHIN ALL NEW STRUCTURES SHALL COMPLY CONCRETE PLACED PRIOR TO OR WITHOUT SUCH INSPECTION. TEMPORARY LIGHTED STAIRWELL SHALL BE PROVIDED UNLESS OR MORE PERMANENT STAIR ARE ERECTED AS THE WITH THE 2006 UNIFORM STATEWIDE BUILDING CODE, 2006 VIRGINIA CONSTRUCTION CODE, AND ICC/ANSI CONSTRUCTION 2. ALL MATERIAL INSIDE FORMS SHALL BE CLEAN AND FREE OF ALL ROCKS AND OTHER LOOSE DEBRIS. SUB-BASE PROGRESSES. A117.1-03. MATERIAL SHALL BE COMPACTED BY MECHANICAL MEANS. 8. BUILDINGS FOUR OR MORE STORIES IN HEIGHT SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH NOT LESS THAN ONE STANDPIPE18. OR HORIZONTAL USE AND VERTICAL SIGHT DISTANCES SHALL BE FREE OF PARKED VEHICLES. 3. CONCRETE SHALL NOT BE PLACED UNLESS THE AIR TEMPERATURE IS AT LEAST 40 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT (F) DURING IN CONSTRUCTION. SUCH STANDPIPES SHALL BE INSTALLED WHEN THE PROGRESS OF CONSTRUCTION IS NOT THE SHADE AND RISING. MORE THAN 40' IN HEIGHT ABOVE THE LOWEST LEVEL OF FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS. SUCH STANDPIPE SHALL BE 4. CONCRETE SHALL NOT BE PLACED UNTIL STEEL DOWELS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED IN EXISTING CONCRETE IN PROVIDED WITH FIRE DEPARTMENT HOSE CONNECTIONS AT ACCESSIBLE LOCATIONS ADJACENT TO USABLE STAIRS. ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARDS. SUCH STANDPIPES SHALL BE EXTENDED AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES TO WITHIN ONE FLOOR OF THE HIGHEST 5. 1/2” PREMOLDED EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 30' INTERVALS ON NEW POINT OF CONSTRUCTION HAVING SECURED DECKING OR FLOORING. SIDEWALK, CURB, CURB & GUTTER, AT EACH END OF DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES, AT EACH END OF HANDICAP RAMPS, TO BE ALLOWED IN ONLY DESIGNATED SPACES WITH PROPER RECEPTACLES. "NO SMOKING" SIGNS SHALL BE 9. SMOKING SOME POINT ON ENTRANCE WALKS AND STEPS ADJUSTMENTS, AND ALONG BUILDINGS AND WALLS WHEREPOSTED NEW AT EACH BUILDING SITE AND WITHIN EACH BUILDING DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ARE PLACED AGAINST THEM. 10. WASTE DISPOSAL OF COMBUSTIBLE DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE BUILDING AT THE END OF EACH WORKDAY. 11. CUTTING AND WELDING. OPERATIONS INVOLVING THE USE OF CUTTING AND WELDING SHALL BE DONE IN 6. ALL EXISTING CURBS, CURB & GUTTER, SIDEWALK AND STEPS TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE TAKEN OUT TO THE ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 35, OF THE VIRGINIA STATEWIDE FIRE PREVENTION CODE, ADDRESSING WELDING AND NEAREST JOINT. DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL COST TO BE INCLUDED IN OTHER UNIT BID ITEMS. NO SEPARATE HOTWORK OPERATIONS. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR THIS WORK. 12. FIRE EXINGUISHERS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH NOT LESS THAN ONE APPROVED PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER AT EACH 7. DRIVEWAY ADJUSTMENTS ARE TO BE DONE IN GENTLE TRANSITIONS RATHER THAN ABRUPT BREAKS AT THE STAIRWAY ON ALL FLOOR LEVELS WHERE COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS HAVE BEEN ACCUMULATED. BACK OF WALKS. GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS ABOVE STREET GRADE SHALL BE PAVED FOR A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 20' 13. REQUIRED VEHICLE ACCESS FOR FIRE FIGHTING SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALL CONSTRUCTION OR DEMOLITION SITES. BEYOND THE BACK OF THE SIDEWALK OR CURB & GUTTER APRON WHERE APPLICABLE. VEHICLE ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHIN 100' OF TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS. 8. EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT SHALL BE SAW CUT AND REMOVED AS PER THE SPECIFICATIONS. REMOVAL VEHICLE SHALL ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY EITHER TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ROADS, CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING BE DONE IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO NOT TEAR, BULGE OR DISPLACE ADJACENT PAVEMENT. EDGES SHALL BE VEHICLE LOADING UNDER ALL WEATHER CONDITIONS. VEHICLE ACCESS SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL PERMANENT FIRE CLEAN AND VERTICAL, ALL CUTS SHALL BE PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULAR TO THE DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC. APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS ARE AVAILABLE. ALL PAVEMENT SHALL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING FIRE APPARATUS 9. DISPOSAL OF ALL EXCESS MATERIAL IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR. WEIGHING 85,000LBS. 14. A PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR FIRE LINE INSTALLATION. A DETAILED DRAWING (2 SETS) SHOWING FITTINGS AND THRUST BLOCKS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE PERMIT APPLICATION. ONCE INSTALLED, THE FIRE LINE REQUIRES A VISUAL INSPECTION AND A PRESSURE TEST INSPECTION BY THE FIRE MARSHALL'S OFFICE. 15. FIRE HYDRANTS, FIRE PUMP TEST HEADER, FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS OR FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM CONTROL JOB NO. VALVES SHALL REMAIN CLEAR AND UNOBSTRUCTED BY LANDSCAPING, PARKING OR OTHER OBJECTS. LANDSCAPING IN THE AREA OF THESE ITEMS SHALL BE OF THE TYPE THAT WILL NOT ENCROACH ON THE REQUIRED FIVE FOOT RADIUS ON 43751 MATURITY OF THE LANDSCAPING. 16. NO VEHICLE/MACHINERY OF ANY TYPE, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OR CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS IS TO BE PARKED SHEET NO. WITHIN 15 FT OF EITHER SIDE OR IN FRONT OF A FIRE HYDRANT. C1.0 WALL-MOUNTED HANDICAP SIGN (TYP.) WALL-MOUNTED GARAGE HANDICAP SIGN (VAN) WALL 4" GARAGE PAINTED WALL STRIPE TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 2% MAX. 18' 18' (TYPICAL) 16' 4" COMPACT 8' 8' PAINTED 8' THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE VAN PER CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE ACCESSIBLE VDOT SPEC. HANDICAP SPACES REGULAR SPACE COMPACT SPACE TYPICAL PARKING SPACE DETAILS REVISION DESCRIPTION No Scale REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 4/22/20 6/23/20 DATE 6' ABOVE 6' ABOVE FINISHED FINISHED DATE GRADE GRADE SPACES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY ABOVE GRADE SIGNS AS RESERVED FOR 2/26/2020 PHYSICALLY DISABLED PERSONS. PROVIDE ONE (1) R-7-8 SIGN AT EACH PARKING YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. SPACE INDICATED ON SITE PLAN. SIGN SHALL BE ALUMINUM (PAINTED WHITE) DRAWN BY WITH GREEN LETTERS AND INTERNATIONAL WHEELCHAIR SYMBOL. SIGN SHALL BE PLACED ON STEEL POST 1-1/2" O PAINTED BLACK SET IN MIN. 2' OF CONCRETE. A.FONTAINE DESIGNED BY VA. SIGN FOR THE DISABLED ON 0.80 GAUGE ALUMINUM. COLORS: GREEN BORDER & A. ALLISON LEGEND, BLUE SYMBOL FOR ACCESSIBILITY, CHECKED BY WHITE BACKGROUND. C. KOTARSKI SCALE N/A PARKING SIGNS FOR THE DISABLED No Scale These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not 612 WEST MAIN STREET CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA NOTES & DETAILS S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C1.0 NOTES & DETAILS.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:43 AM | by Anna Fontaine limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. JOB NO. 43751 SHEET NO. C1.1 S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C1.0 NOTES & DETAILS.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:43 AM | by Anna Fontaine No Scale WHERE: QR = 1,919 GPM QR = QF(HR/HF)0.54 QF = TOTAL TEST FLOW (GPM) QR = RATED CAPACITY AT 20 PSI (GPM) FIRE FLOW CALCULATION - HYDRANT #3 HR= STATIC PRESSURE MINUS 20 PSI (PSI) FIRE HYDRANT TEST RESULTS QR = 1130 GPM * ((68 PSI - 20 PSI) / (68 PSI - 50 0.54 PSI)) HF = STATIC PRESSURE MINUS RESIDUAL PRESSURE (PSI) NOTE: CITY STANDARD 2-INCH METER SETTER IS A MCDONALD 720B712WFFF 775 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE PRELIMINARY CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 SITE PLAN TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION 612 WEST MAIN STREET 4/22/20 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS 6/23/20 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS N/A DATE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA SCALE C1.2 JOB NO. DRAWN BY SHEET NO. 43751 CHECKED BY 2/26/2020 DESIGNED BY A. ALLISON A.FONTAINE C. KOTARSKI NOTES & DETAILS These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. OHP OHP TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 OHP OHP CURB OHP CURB EP P MHS EP OH TOP=488.82 O (FULL)-NO SIZE OR P HP G G G OH G G G G OHP G G DIRECTION MEASURED G G G THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE OHP CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE P OH O S S HP 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OH P 8'' SAN 488 G P 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OH 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN REVISION DESCRIPTION 63.19' 44.69' 44.56' OHP ROW OH P (DYL) O HP 128.41' TO MANHOLE MHS OH P WEST MAIN STREET TOP=486.08 (VARIABLE WIDTH) 48 P 488 OH INV IN=481.57 8" D.I. (E) 7 PUBLIC R/W O REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS INV OUT=481.47 8" D.I. (W) P HP OH SAN (SWL) G OHP P W W W W 488 OH W W W 10" C.I. BIKE LANE BIKE LANE O HP P P OH OH 487 * (FLUSH) SAN PRELIMINARY EP * (FLUSH) * * OH P * * CURB OHP OHP SITE PLAN OHP OHP OHP OHP CURB OHP OHP OHP G OHP OHP OHP OHP CONC. SWK IRON (F) & OHP OHP OHP 8 W N72°29'33"W BRICK W / INTERGAL CURB 48 IRON (F) 22IN" DECIDUOUS BENCH MARK 487 CONC. SWK 1" WATER METER 170.54' ELEV=487.04 488 CONC. SWK. W 4/22/20 6/23/20 PATCH DATE CURB OHP W 22IN" DECIDUOUS 48 SAN 1056 488 7 22IN" DECIDUOUS 22IN" DECIDUOUS 493.05 22IN" DECIDUOUS TW=488.36 22IN" DECIDUOUS TW=488.65 G DATE 488 2/26/2020 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. CONCRETE CHAIN-LINK FENCE DRAWN BY OHP (HT=8') "AREA OF UNCERTAIN OWNERSHIP" 48 A.FONTAINE TW=487.65 342 SQ-FT 6 W SAN DESIGNED BY CONC. WALL CONC. WALL (1' W) X X A. ALLISON G (0.55' W) CHECKED BY 48 BUILDING OHP S18°44'39"W 5 C. KOTARSKI TW=488.53 62.28' 620-624 W MAIN ST SCALE TRUSTEES OF 510-600 W MAIN ST X HEIRLOOM WEST X FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HEIRLOOM WEST 1"=10' CHAIN-LINK FENCE MAIN STREET SECOND PHASE LLC PARCEL ID: 290007000 SAN W OF CHARLOTTESVILLE (HT=8') 8 TW=488.97 PARCEL ID: 290002000 48 PARCEL ID: 290003000 D.B.2017, PG. 1776 G 484 ZONED: WMEH D.B.2012, PG. 4015 DB. 2019, PG. 593 OHP N17°58'47"E ZONED: WMEH DB. 2019, PG. 593 (PLAT) USE: RESIDENTIAL, RETAIL, 116.55' USE: CHURCH ASPHALT RESTAURANT & COFFEE SHOP ZONED: WMEH X X EP USE: AUTO MECHANIC SHOP CURB These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not SAN BLDG. OHP W G ASPHALT HT=504.9 TW=488.55 X X 483 TW=488.08 489 CONC. CONC. 2.6' 612 WEST MAIN STREET 54.9' 488 TW=489.20 58.6' X BLDG. HT=505.8 G CONC. 0.9' EXISTING CONDITIONS 482 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 488 X CONC. WALL (1' W) 52.2' #602-#616 S22°04'29"W 1 STORY S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:44 AM | by Anna Fontaine 50.1' 56.00' X BLOCK / BRICK / FRAME BUILDING 481 BUILDING limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. 487 X CHAIN-LINK FENCE TW=486.94 BLDG. (HT=8') CONC. WALL HT=504.3 BLDG. (1' W) TW=487.29 HT=502.8 1179 X 48 1186 480.00 1178 0 479.20 DOWNSPOUT 480.30 X X X X X DOWNSPOUT DOWNSPOUT 110.5' PIPE (F) 1.16' N70°34'24"W 481 1.46' 165.70' 480 BOTTOM OF DITCH 480 480 481 RAILROAD TRACKS 83 NAD RAILROAD T CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC RACKS D.B.76, PG. 187 D.B.76, PG. 186 JOB NO. USE: RAILROAD SCALE 1"=10' 43751 0 10' 20' SHEET NO. C2.0 OHP OHP TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 OHP OHP CURB OHP CURB EP P MHS EP OH TOP=488.82 O (FULL)-NO SIZE OR P HP G G G OH G G G G OH P G G DIRECTION MEASURED G G G THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE OHP SEWER LATERAL TO BE GAS LINE TO BE REMOVED BACK CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE REMOVED BACK TO MAIN. TO THE MAIN BY THE GAS DEPT. OH P SEE CITY STD WW 7.2. O S S HP 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OH P 8'' SAN 488 G P 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OH 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN REVISION DESCRIPTION 63.19' 44.69' 44.56' OHP ROW OH P (DYL) O HP 128.41' TO MANHOLE REMOVE/RELOCATE MHS ASPHALT PAVEMENT REPAIR PER CITY STANDARD PP-1 OH P REMOVE EXIST. OVERHEAD POWER STREET LIGHT. COORDINATE WITH CITY. WEST MAIN STREET OVERHEAD POWER TOP=486.08 WATER LINE. TO REMAIN. (VARIABLE WIDTH) 48 P 488 TO REMAIN. REMOVE CURB OH INV IN=481.57 8" D.I. (E) PLACE CAP AT 7 REMOVE/RELOCATE DO NOT DISTURB. PUBLIC R/W O DO NOT DISTURB. REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS INV OUT=481.47 8" D.I. (W) STREET LIGHT. OH P CONNECTION. H ISLAND AND TREE SAN P (SWL) G COORDINATE WITH CITY. OHP SAWCUT SIDEWALK REMOVE CURB P REMOVE CONCRETE W W W W 488 AT NEAREST JOINT OH W W ISLAND AND TREE W SIDEWALK REMOVE/RELOCATE 10" C.I. SAWCUT W W BIKE LANE BIKE LANE W W W W STREET LIGHT. O SAWCUT HP COORDINATE WITH CITY. P REMOVE P OH OH 487 * (FLUSH) SAN PRELIMINARY SAWCUT SIDEWALK EP AT NEAREST JOINT * (FLUSH) * * OH P * * CURB OHP OHP SITE PLAN OHP OHP OHP OHP TREE PROTECTION FENCE CURB OHP CONC. SWK REMOVE OHP OHP G OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP REMOVE IRON (F) & OHP 8 W REMOVE BRICK BRICK W / INTERGAL CURB 48 IRON (F) 22IN" DECIDUOUS BENCH MARK REMOVE SIGN 487 CONC. SWK 1" WATER METER ELEV=487.04 REMOVE 488 X X X X CONC. SWK. W 4/22/20 6/23/20 X REMOVE REMOVE PATCH DATE CURB METAL POST METAL POST OHP W REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE 22IN" DECIDUOUS 48 REMOVE SAN REMOVE METAL POST REMOVE 1056 488 7 22IN" DECIDUOUS 22IN" DECIDUOUS 493.05 REMOVE 22IN" DECIDUOUS TW=488.36 FIRE HYDRANT TO 22IN" DECIDUOUS TW=488.65 METAL POST G REMAIN. DO NOT DATE DISTURB.88 REMOVE 4 2/26/2020 REMOVE YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. CONCRETE REMOVE CURB CHAIN-LINK FENCE REMOVE CURB DRAWN BY OHP ISLAND AND TREE REMOVE OVERHEAD (HT=8') ISLAND DIRECTION AND TREE OF "AREA OF UNCERTAIN OWNERSHIP" 48 SURFACE FLOW (TYP) POWER LINE A.FONTAINE TW=487.65 342 SQ-FT 6 REMOVE WATER METER REMOVE W SAN DESIGNED BY REMOVE CONC. WALL CONC. WALL (1' W) X X A. ALLISON G (0.55' W) CHECKED BY 48 BUILDING OHP 5 REMOVE PORTION OF C. KOTARSKI GAS LINE AND RESET TW=488.53 620-624 W MAIN ST METER TO SERVE SCALE TRUSTEES OF VERIFY LOCATION THEN 510-600 W MAIN ST X HEIRLOOM WEST X REMOVE PROPOSED BUILDING HEIRLOOM WEST 1"=10' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH REMOVE SANITARY LINE CHAIN-LINK FENCE MAIN STREET SECOND PHASE LLC PARCEL ID: 290007000 SAN FROM MAIN TO BUILDING W OF CHARLOTTESVILLE (HT=8') 8 TW=488.97 PARCEL ID: 290002000 48 PARCEL ID: 290003000 D.B.2017, PG. 1776 G 484 ZONED: WMEH D.B.2012, PG. 4015 DB. 2019, PG. 593 OHP ZONED: WMEH DB. 2019, PG. 593 (PLAT) REMOVE USE: RESIDENTIAL, RETAIL, USE: CHURCH ASPHALT RESTAURANT & COFFEE SHOP ZONED: WMEH X X EP USE: AUTO MECHANIC SHOP REMOVE CURB VERIFY LOCATION THEN These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not REMOVE WATER LINE SAN REMOVE BLDG. OHP FROM MAIN TO BUILDING W G ASPHALT HT=504.9 TW=488.55 X X 483 REMOVE TW=488.08 489 REMOVE CONC. CONC. 2.6' 612 WEST MAIN STREET 54.9' 488 TW=489.20 58.6' X BLDG. REMOVE HT=505.8 G CONC. BOLLARDS (TYP) 0.9' 482 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA DEMOLITION PLAN 488 X REMOVE CONC. WALL (1' W) REMOVE METER 52.2' #602-#616 1 STORY X BLOCK / BRICK / FRAME S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C2.1 DEMOLITION PLAN.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:46 AM | by Anna Fontaine BUILDING 481 BUILDING limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. REMOVE BUILDING 487 X CHAIN-LINK FENCE TW=486.94 REMOVE BLDG. (HT=8') CONC. WALL HT=504.3 BLDG. (1' W) TW=487.29 HT=502.8 X 48 0 X X X X X 110.5' LEGEND: PIPE (F) 1.16' 481 1.46' REMOVE CONCRETE 480 480 REMOVE ASPHALT BOTTOM OF DITCH 480 481 ASPHALT PAVEMENT REPAIR RAILROAD TRACKS REMOVE HARDSCAPE 83 RAILROAD T NAD CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC RACKS REMOVE BUILDING D.B.76, PG. 187 D.B.76, PG. 186 JOB NO. USE: RAILROAD SCALE 1"=10' X REMOVE TREE 43751 SHEET NO. 0 10' 20' SAW CUT C2.1 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE: MINIMUM STANDARDS : COMPACTED SOIL CWD TO HAVE VDOT STANDARD EC-2 MATTING ON UPHILL PROJECT DESCRIPTION AN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PROGRAM ADOPTED BY A DISTRICT OR LOCALITY MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, 18" MIN. SIDE 70' MIN. 5:1 EXISTING THIS PROJECT INCLUDES THE DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING STRUCTURE AND PARKING LOT, AS WELL AS THE TECHNIQUES AND METHODS: FLOW A 3' PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION OF A MULTISTORY BUILDING WITH A BELOW GROUND PARKING GARAGE AND OTHER ASSOCIATED SITE 0.516 WORK. THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE IS ACRES. MS-1. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS FILTER 6" MIN. A MOUNTABLE BERM REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS CLOTH (OPTIONAL) ADJACENT PROPERTY THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE SIDE ELEVATION APPLIED THE PROJECT SITE IS BOUND BY WEST MAIN STREET TO THE NORTH, AN OFFICE BUILDING TO THE WEST, A MIXED USE TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR. TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 EXISTING GROUND BUILDING TO THE EAST, AND TRAIN TRACKS TO THE SOUTH. DD 4.5' MIN. 3.09-1 MS-2. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT, SOIL STOCKPILES AND BORROW AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED OR PROTECTED WITH SEDIMENT 70' MIN. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS TRAPPING MEASURES. THE APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TEMPORARY PROTECTION AND PERMANENT STABILIZATION OF ALL SOIL STOCKPILES ON SITE AS WELL AS BORROW AREAS AND SOIL INTENTIONALLY TRANSPORTED FROM THE PROJECT SITE. TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE B WASHRACK 10' MIN. THE SITE CURRENTLY CONTAINS AN AUTO REPAIR BUILDING AND A PARKING AREA. No Scale (OPTIONAL) 10' OFF-SITE AREAS MS-3. A PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ON DENUDED AREAS NOT OTHERWISE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. PERMANENT 12' MIN. MIN. EXISTING THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE PAVEMENT NO OFFSITE AREAS WILL BE DISTURBED VEGETATION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ESTABLISHED UNTIL A GROUND COVER IS ACHIEVED THAT IS UNIFORM, MATURE ENOUGH TO CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE SURVIVE AND WILL INHIBIT EROSION. B VDOT #1 COARSE AGGREGATE POSITIVE 10' MIN. CRITICAL EROSION AREAS DRAINAGE TO THERE ARE NO CRITICAL EROSION AREAS ON THIS SITE. MS-4. SEDIMENT BASINS AND TRAPS, PERIMETER DIKES, SEDIMENT BARRIERS AND OTHER MEASURES INTENDED TO TRAP SEDIMENT SHALL BE * MUST EXTEND FULL WIDTH OF SEDIMENT CONSTRUCTED AS A FIRST STEP IN ANY LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITY AND SHALL BE MADE FUNCTIONAL BEFORE UPSLOPE LAND INGRESS AND EGRESS OPERATION TRAPPING DEVICE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES DISTURBANCE TAKES PLACE. PLAN VIEW UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ALL VEGETATIVE AND STRUCTURAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES REVISION DESCRIPTION SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO MINIMUM STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MS-5. STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE APPLIED TO EARTHEN STRUCTURES SUCH AS DAMS, DIKES AND DIVERSIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER STANDARD ORANGE VINYL OR PLASTIC CONSTRUCTION FENCE 12' MIN. CURRENT ADDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. THE MINIMUM STANDARDS OF INSTALLATION. ATTACHED TO POSTS (PRE-WEATHERED WOOD, GALVANIZED 3" MIN. THE VESCH SHALL BE ADHERED TO UNLESS OTHERWISE WAIVED OR APPROVED BY A VARIANCE BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES 3" MIN. MS-6. SEDIMENT TRAPS AND SEDIMENT BASINS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED BASED UPON THE TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA TO BE STEEL, IRON OR THICK PVC PLASTIC), AT LEAST 40" ABOVE FINISH HAVING JURISDICTION. SERVED BY THE TRAP OR BASIN. GRADE WITH SPAN BETWEEN POSTS NO GREATER THAN 6' ON FILTER CLOTH SECTION A-A CENTER. EVERY NINTH POST SHALL CONTAIN A WARNING SIGN STORMWATER RUNOFF CONSIDERATIONS A. THE MINIMUM STORAGE CAPACITY OF A SEDIMENT TRAP SHALL BE 134 CUBIC YARDS PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA AND THE TRAP THAT CLEARLY IDENTIFIES THE FENCE AS A TREE PROTECTION REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS STORMWATER RUNOFF WILL BE DETAINED IN STORAGE PIPES AND OFFSITE CREDITS WILL BE PURCHASED. SHALL ONLY CONTROL DRAINAGE AREAS LESS THAN THREE ACRES. FENCE. 6'-7" STRUCTURAL PRACTICES: TP B. SURFACE RUNOFF FROM DISTURBED AREAS THAT IS COMPRISED OF FLOW FROM DRAINAGE AREAS GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THREE 3.38 1. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE- 3.02 A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE LOCATION INDICATED ON THE PLANS. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THIS MEASURE BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT ACRES SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY A SEDIMENT BASIN. THE MINIMUM STORAGE CAPACITY OF A SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL BE 134 CUBIC CONSTRUCTION. ITS PURPOSE IS TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF MUD TRANSPORTED ONTO PAVED PUBLIC ROADS YARDS BY PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA. THE OUTFALL SYSTEM SHALL, AT A MINIMUM, MAINTAIN THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF THETREE BASIN PROTECTION MOTOR VEHICLES OR RUNOFF. DURING A 25-YEAR STORM OF 24-HOUR DURATION. RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS USED IN RUNOFF CALCULATIONS SHALL CORRESPOND TO A No Scale REINFORCED CONCRETE DRAIN SPACE 2. STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - 3.07 STONE FILTERS SHALL BE PLACED AT THE INLET OF ALL DRAINAGE BARE EARTH CONDITION OR THOSE CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO EXIST WHILE THE SEDIMENT BASIN IS UTILIZED. SECTION B-B PRELIMINARY STRUCTURES AS INDICATED ON PLANS. ITS PURPOSE IS TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM PRIOR TO PERMANENT STABILIZATION. MS-7. CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED IN A MANNER THAT WILL MINIMIZE EROSION. SLOPES THAT ARE FOUND SITE PLAN CE 3.02 3. DUST CONTROL- 3.39 DUST CONTROL IS TO BE USED THROUGH THE SITE IN AREAS SUBJECT TO SURFACE AND AIRTO BE ERODING EXCESSIVELY WITHIN ONE YEAR OF PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH ADDITIONAL SLOPE MOVEMENT. STABILIZING MEASURES UNTIL THE PROBLEM IS CORRECTED. STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE VEGETATIVE PRACTICES: MS-8. CONCENTRATED RUNOFF SHALL NOT FLOW DOWN CUT OR FILL SLOPES UNLESS CONTAINED WITHIN AN ADEQUATE TEMPORARY OR No Scale - 3.30 TOPSOIL SHALL BE STRIPPED FROM AREAS TO BE GRADED AND 1. TOPSOIL (TEMPORARY STOCKPILE) PERMANENT CHANNEL, FLUME OR SLOPE DRAIN STRUCTURE. 4/22/20 6/23/20 STOCKPILED FOR LATER SPREADING. STOCKPILE LOCATIONS SHALL BE LOCATED ONSITE AND SHALL BE DATE STABILIZED WITH TEMPORARY SILT FENCE AND VEGETATION. MS-9. WHENEVER WATER SEEPS FROM A SLOPE FACE, ADEQUATE DRAINAGE OR OTHER PROTECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED. 2. TEMPORARY SEEDING - 3.31 ALL DENUDED AREAS WHICH WILL BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS SHALL BE SEEDED WITH FAST GERMINATING TEMPORARY VEGETATION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING GRADING MS-10. OF ALL STORM SEWER INLETS THAT ARE MADE OPERABLE DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED SO THAT SEDIMENT-LADEN WATER CANNOT ENTER THE CONVEYANCE SYSTEM WITHOUT FIRST BEING FILTERED OR OTHERWISE TREATED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT. BLOCK AND GRAVEL DROP INLET SEDIMENT FILTER THOSE AREAS. SELECTION OF THE SEED MIXTURE SHALL DEPEND ON THE TIME OF YEAR IT IS APPLIED. DATE 3. PERMANENT SEEDING- 3.32 FOLLOWING GRADING ACTIVITIES, ESTABLISH PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER BY PLANTING SEED TO REDUCE EROSION, STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS, AND ENHANCE NATURAL BEAUTY. MS-11. BEFORE NEWLY CONSTRUCTED STORMWATER CONVEYANCE CHANNELS OR PIPES ARE MADE OPERATIONAL, ADEQUATE OUTLET PROTECTION PERSPECTIVE VIEW 2/26/2020 4. SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKETS & MATTING - 3.36 A PROTECTIVE COVERING BLANKET OR SOIL STABILIZATION MAT AND ANY REQUIRED TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CHANNEL LINING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN BOTH THE CONVEYANCE CHANNEL AND YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. CONCRETE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON PREPARED PLANTING AREAS OF CHANNELS TO PROTECT AND PROMOTE VEGETATION RECEIVING CHANNEL. WIRE BLOCK DRAWN BY SCREEN ESTABLISHMENT AND REINFORCE ESTABLISHED TURF. MS-12. WHEN WORK IN A LIVE WATERCOURSE IS PERFORMED, PRECAUTIONS SHALL BE TAKEN TO MINIMIZE ENCROACHMENT, CONTROL SEDIMENT A.FONTAINE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES TRANSPORT AND STABILIZE THE WORK AREA TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE DURING CONSTRUCTION. NONERODIBLE MATERIAL 1. PROVIDE SEDIMENT TRAPPING MEASURES AS A FIRST STEP IN GRADING, SEED AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY SHALL BE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CAUSEWAYS AND COFFERDAMS. EARTHEN FILL MAY BE USED FOR THESE STRUCTURES IF DESIGNED BY FOLLOWING INSTALLATION. ARMORED BY NONERODIBLE COVER MATERIALS. POLYETHYLENE FABRIC (ATTACH A. ALLISON 2. PROVIDE TEMPORARY SEEDING OR OTHER STABILIZATION IMMEDIATELY AFTER GRADING. TO POSTS WITH 3. ISOLATE TRENCHING FOR UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE FROM DOWNSTREAM CONVEYANCES IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE MS-13. WHEN A LIVE WATERCOURSE MUST BE CROSSED BY CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES MORE THAN TWICE IN ANY SIX-MONTH PERIOD, A METAL TIE WIRES.) CHECKED BY PERIMETER CONTROLS. TEMPORARY VEHICULAR STREAM CROSSING CONSTRUCTED OF NONERODIBLE MATERIAL SHALL BE PROVIDED. WIRE 4. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL THEY ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED FABRIC C. KOTARSKI TO COMPLY WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS OR STATE LAW. MS-14. ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO WORKING IN OR CROSSING LIVE WATERCOURSES SHALL BE LINE POST MET. CONVENTIONAL GROUND LINE GRAVEL FILTER SCALE METAL (T) OR PERMANENT STABILIZATION (U) POSTS BRACING CONCRETE FOOTING WIRE 1"=10' MS-15.THE BED AND BANKS OF A WATERCOURSE SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY AFTER WORK IN THE WATERCOURSE IS COMPLETED. ALL NON-PAVED AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH PERMANENT SEEDING IMMEDIATELY SCREEN FILTERED PERSPECTIVE VIEW PERSPECTIVE VIEW FOLLOWING FINISHED GRADING. SEEDING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STD. & SPEC. 3.32, PERMANENT SEEDING. METAL FENCE WATER SEED TYPE SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED FOR "MINIMUM CARE LAWNS" AND "GENERAL SLOPES" IN THE HANDBOOK FOR MS-16. UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER SAF PLASTIC FENCE 3.10 RUNOFF OVERFLOW SLOPES LESS THAN 3:1. FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1, SEED TYPE SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED FOR "LOW MAINTENANCE APPLICABLE CRITERIA: WATER WITH SLOPES" IN TABLE 3.32-D OF THE HANDBOOK. FOR MULCH (STRAW OR FIBER) SHALL BE USED ON ALL SEEDED SAFETY FENCE SEDIMENT SURFACES. IN ALL SEEDING OPERATIONS SEED, FERTILIZER AND LIME SHALL BE APPLIED PRIOR TO MULCHING. A. NO MORE THAN 500 LINEAR FEET OF TRENCH MAY BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. No Scale DROP SEQUENCE OF INSTALLATION B. EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF TRENCHES. INLET TABLE 3.31-B SEDIMENT PHASE I ACCEPTABLE TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS WITH GATE C. EFFLUENT FROM DEWATERING OPERATIONS SHALL BE FILTERED OR PASSED THROUGH AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, OR These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not 1. A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING IS REQUIRED WITH THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE E&S INSPECTOR, CONTRACTOR, "QUICK REFERENCE FOR ALL REGIONS" OWNER, AND ENGINEER. THIS MEETING SHALL TAKE PLACE ON SITE. BOTH, AND DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS OR OFF-SITE PROPERTY. EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS 2. PRIOR TO DEMOLITION BEGINNING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL INLET PROTECTION, CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, SAFETY FENCE AND SILT FENCE. D. MATERIAL USED FOR BACKFILLING TRENCHES SHALL BE PROPERLY COMPACTED IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE EROSION AND PROMOTE PLANTING DATES SPECIES RATE (LBS./ACRE) SPECIFIC APPLICATION: THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE 3. CONSTRUCT SEDIMENT TRAP. STABILIZATION. WHERE HEAVY FLOWS ARE EXPECTED AND WHERE AN OVERFLOW CAPACITY SEPT. 1 - FEB. 15 50/50 MIX OF IS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE PONDING AROUND THE STRUCTURE. 4. AFTER ALL ESC ITEMS SHOWN ON THE PHASE 1 E&S PLAN ON SHEET C3.1. CONTRACTOR CAN BEGIN DEMOLITION. 5. TEMPORARILY SEED DENUDED AREAS PER VESCH STANDARDS. E. RESTABILIZATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. ANNUAL RYEGRASS (LOLIUM MULTI-FLORUM) * GRAVEL SHALL BE VDOT #3, #357 OR #5 COARSE AGGREGATE. 612 WEST MAIN STREET PHASE II F. APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. & 50-100 CEREAL (WINTER) RYE 1. BEGIN STRUCTURE EXCAVATION. INSTALL AND MAINTAIN SHEETING & SHORING AS DESIGNED BY OTHERS. IP 2. CONSTRUCT WALLS AS ALLOWED AND LOWER SEDIMENT TRAP AS EXCAVATION OCCURS. MS-17.WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED OR PUBLIC ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE (SECALE CEREALE) 3.07- 3 TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY VEHICULAR TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PAVED OR PHASE III PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SURFACE SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE FEB. 16 - APR. 30 ANNUAL RYEGRASS 60-100 1. INSTALL ADDITIONAL INLET PROTECTION WHERE SHOWN ON THE PHASE III E&S PLAN ON SHEET C3.3, AS THE FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL (LOLIUM MULTI-FLORUM) STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION STORM SYSTEM IS CONSTRUCTED AND BECOMES OPERATIONAL. BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER. THIS PROVISION SHALL APPLY TO INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT LOTS AS No Scale WELL AS TO LARGER LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. MAY 1 - AUG. 31 GERMAN MILLET 50 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 2. FINE GRADE PROJECT AREA. APPLY PERMANENT SOIL STABILIZATION WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS (SETARIA ITALICA) ACHIEVED. 3. ALL STORMWATER PIPING AND STRUCTURES SHALL BE INSPECTED FOR SILT/SEDIMENT. IF PRESENT MS-18. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION TS OR 3.31 AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM AUTHORITY. SILT/SEDIMENT SHALL BE CLEANED OUT FOR THE SYSTEM TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE E&S INSPECTOR. TRAPPED SEDIMENT AND THE DISTURBED SOIL AREAS RESULTING FROM THE DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES SHALL BE 4. MULCH AND SEED ALL AREAS TO BE GRASS IN FINAL CONDITION AS SOON AS FINAL GRADE IS ACHIEVED. PERMANENTLY STABILIZED TO PREVENT FURTHER EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS 1. SET THE STAKES. 2. EXCAVATE A 4"X 4" TRENCH UPSLOPE ALONG THE LINE OF STAKES. PREVIOUSLY PAVED AREAS SHALL BE ROTOTILLED WITH 6" OF AMENDED TOP SOIL PRIOR TO PERMANENT SEEDING No Scale BEING APPLIED. MS-19. PROPERTIES AND WATERWAYS DOWNSTREAM FROM DEVELOPMENT SITES SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT DEPOSITION, EROSION 6' 5. ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND ALL CONTRIBUTING AREAS ARE STABILIZED, EROSION CONTROL AND DAMAGE DUE TO INCREASES IN VOLUME, VELOCITY AND PEAK FLOW RATE OF STORMWATER RUNOFF FOR THE STATED FREQUENCY MAX. MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED UPON APPROVAL FROM THE E&S INSPECTOR. STORM OF 24-HOUR DURATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS AND CRITERIA LISTED IN THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT TABLE 3.32-D SITE SPECIFIC SEEDING MIXTURES FOR PIEDMONT AREA CONTROL HANDBOOK, CHAPTER 8 PAGES 20-24. limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C3.0 E&SC N&D.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:47 AM | by Anna Fontaine TOTAL LBS. PER ACRE FLOW 4" GENERAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES: SOILS INFORMATION MINIMUM CARE LAWN COMMERCIAL OR RESIDENTIAL 175-200 LBS. 3. STAPLE FILTER MATERIAL TO STAKES AND 4. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE ES-1: ENTIRE SITE IS CLASSIFIED AS 91 - URBAN LAND - 0 TO 25 PERCENT SLOPES, 10 INCHES PLUS TO UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN ALL VEGETATIVE AND STRUCTURAL EROSION KENTUCKY 31 OR TURF-TYPE TALL FESCUE 90-100% EXTEND IT INTO THE TRENCH. EXCAVATED SOIL. AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES ACCORDING TO MINIMUM STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OFRESTRICTIVE THE FEATURES. HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP D. IMPROVED PERENNIAL RYEGRASS 0-5% LATEST EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK AND VIRGINIA KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS 0-5% REGULATIONS VR 625-02-00 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REGULATIONS. GENERAL SLOPE (3:1 OR LESS) ES-2: THE CONTROLLING EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AUTHORITY WILL MAKE A CONTINUING REVIEW AND KENTUCKY 31 FESCUE 128 LBS. EVALUATION OF THE METHODS AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. RED TOP GRASS 2 LBS. SEASONAL NURSE CROP * 20 LBS. FLOW ES-3: PLACE ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO OR AS THE FIRST STEP IN CLEARING, 150 LBS. GRADING, OR LAND DISTURBANCE. LOW-MAINTENANCE SLOPE (STEEPER THAN 3:1) * SEE SLOPE STABILIZATION SEED MIX SHEET FLOW INSTALLATION (PERSPECTIVE VIEW) ES-4: MAINTAIN A COPY OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. * USE SEASONAL NURSE CROP IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEEDING DATES ES-5: PRIOR TO COMMENCING LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITIES IN AREAS OTHER THAN INDICATED ON THESE PLANS PLACEHOLDER TO MEET REQUIREMENTS. AS STATED BELOW: 3' (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, OFFSITE BORROW OR WASTE AREA), SUBMIT A SUPPLEMENTARY EROSION FEBRUARY 16TH THROUGH APRIL.................................. ANNUAL RYE FLOW MAX. CONTROL PLAN TO THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND THE CONTROLLING EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLEASE DO NOT REVIEW. MAY 1ST THROUGH AUGUST 15TH............................ FOXTAIL MILLET A A AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE. AUGUST 16TH THROUGH OCTOBER............................... ANNUAL RYE NOVEMBER THROUGH FEBRUARY 15TH........................ WINTER RYE ES-6: PROVIDE ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES NECESSARY TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION AS DETERMINED BY THE RESPONSIBLE LAND DISTURBER. (MODIFIED NOTE) ** SUBSTITUTE SERICEA LESPEDEZA FOR CROWNVETCH EAST OF FARMVILLE, VA (MAY THROUGH SEPTEMBER USE HULLED SERICEA, ALL ES-7: ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL DRAIN TO APPROVED SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AT ALL TIMES DURING OTHER PERIODS, USE UNHULLED SERICEA). IF FLATPEA IS USED IN LIEU POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT B. LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND DURING SITE DEVELOPMENT. OF CROWNVETCH, INCREASE RATE TO 30 LBS./ACRE. ALL LEGUME SEED MUST BE PROPERLY INOCULATED. WEEPING LOVEGRASS MAY BE ES-8: DURING DEWATERING OPERATIONS, PUMP WATER INTO AN APPROVED FILTERING DEVICE, ENSURE THAT ADDED TO ANY SLOPE OR LOW-MAINTENANCE MIX DURING WARMER DRAINAGEWAY INSTALLATION JOB NO. PUMP INLET IS KEPT ABOVE SETTLED SEDIMENT. SEEDING PERIODS; ADD 10-20 LBS./ACRE IN MIXES. (FRONT ELEVATION) PS 3.32 SF 3.05-2 43751 ES-9: INSPECT ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES DAILY AND AFTER EACH RUNOFF- PRODUCING RAINFALL EVENT. MAKE ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS OR CLEANUP TO MAINTAIN THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE EROSION CONTROL SHEET NO. DEVICES IMMEDIATELY. PERMANENT SEEDING MIX FOR PIEDMONT AREA SILT FENCE (W/O WIRE SUPPORT) No Scale No Scale C3.0 OHP OHP TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 OHP OHP CURB OHP CURB EP P MHS EP OH TOP=488.82 O (FULL)-NO SIZE OR P HP G G G OH G G G G OH P G G DIRECTION MEASURED G G G THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE OHP CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE P OH O S S HP 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OH P 8'' SAN 488 G P 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OH 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN REVISION DESCRIPTION 63.19' 44.69' 44.56' OHP ROW OH P (DYL) O HP 128.41' TO MANHOLE MHS OH P WEST MAIN STREET TOP=486.08 LIMITS OF (VARIABLE WIDTH) PROVIDE GATE FOR 48 P INSTALL INLET PROTECTION 488 OH INV IN=481.57 8" D.I. (E) DISTURBANCE 7 PUBLIC R/W CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE FOR INLET AT THE SOUTHERN O REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS INV OUT=481.47 8" D.I. (W) P HP OH SAN CORNER OF WEST MAIN (SWL) G STREET & 7TH ST SW. OHP P W W W W 488 OH W W IP W 10" C.I. W W BIKE LANE BIKE LANE W W W W O SAF SAF SAF SAF HP P P SAF OH OH SAF 487 SAF SAF * (FLUSH) SAN PRELIMINARY EP SAF * (FLUSH) * * SAF SAF OH P SAF * * CURB TP OHP OHP SITE PLAN OHP OHP OHP OHP CURB OHP OHP OHP G OHP OHP OHP OHP CONC. SWK IRON (F) & OHP OHP OHP 8 W BRICK W / INTERGAL CURB 48 IRON (F) 22IN" DECIDUOUS BENCH MARK 487 CONC. SWK 1" WATER METER ELEV=487.04 488 SF CONC. SWK. W SF 4/22/20 6/23/20 PATCH DATE CURB SAF OHP W STONE WEIR CE 22IN" DECIDUOUS 48 488 SAN 1056 488 7 22IN" DECIDUOUS 22IN" DECIDUOUS 493.05 489 22IN" DECIDUOUS TW=488.36 22IN" DECIDUOUS TW=488.65 G DATE 489 SAF SF 488 INSTALL SILT FENCE SEDIMENT TRAP 488 2/26/2020 ALONG PROPERTY LINE 487 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. DRAINAGE AREA = 0.44 AC CONCRETE BOTTOM OF TRAP = 483.0 CHAIN-LINK FENCE DRAWN BY 486 OHP TOP OF TRAP = 488.0 (HT=8') 485 "AREA OF UNCERTAIN OWNERSHIP" 48 A.FONTAINE TW=487.65 342 SQ-FT 6 W SAN DESIGNED BY CONC. WALL SAF CONC. WALL (1' W) X X A. ALLISON G ST (0.55' W) DC CHECKED BY TS 48 BUILDING OHP 5 C. KOTARSKI SAF TW=488.53 620-624 W MAIN ST 48 5 SCALE 6 510-600 W MAIN ST TRUSTEES OF 48 87 X HEIRLOOM WEST X FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 4 88 HEIRLOOM WEST 1"=10' CHAIN-LINK FENCE 4 MAIN STREET SECOND PHASE LLC PARCEL ID: 290007000 SAN W OF CHARLOTTESVILLE (HT=8') 8 TW=488.97 PARCEL ID: 290002000 48 PARCEL ID: 290003000 D.B.2017, PG. 1776 G 484 DC ZONED: WMEH D.B.2012, PG. 4015 DB. 2019, PG. 593 OHP ZONED: WMEH TS DB. 2019, PG. 593 (PLAT) USE: RESIDENTIAL, RETAIL, SAF USE: CHURCH ASPHALT IPRESTAURANT & COFFEE SHOP ZONED: WMEH DIRECTION OF X X USE: AUTO MECHANIC SHOP SURFACE FLOW EP (TYP.) SOIL TYPE: SAF CURB These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not 91 - URBAN LAND SAN BLDG. OHP W G ASPHALT HT=504.9 TW=488.55 X X 483 TW=488.08 489 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL - PHASE I CONC. CONC. SAF 2.6' 612 WEST MAIN STREET 54.9' 488 TW=489.20 58.6' X BLDG. HT=505.8 SAF G CONC. 0.9' 482 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 488 X CONC. WALL (1' W) PLACEHOLDER TO MEET REQUIREMENTS. SAF 52.2' #602-#616 PLEASE DO NOT REVIEW. 1 STORY X BLOCK / BRICK / FRAME SAF REMOVE BUILDING AND BUILDING BUILDING S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C3.1 E&SC - PHASE I.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:49 AM | by Anna Fontaine 481 ASSOCIATED UTILITIES AFTER limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. DD ALL PERIMETER E&SC MEASURES ARE IN PLACE. EROSION CONTROL LEGEND 487 * LIMITS OF CLEARING AND GRADING - X DC TS DRAINAGE DIVIDE - SAF CHAIN-LINK FENCE TW=486.94 BLDG. CE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 3.02 (HT=8') CONC. WALL HT=504.3 BLDG. (1' W) TW=487.29 HT=502.8 SILT FENCE X SAF SF SAF 48 SF 3.05 0 X X X X SF SF SAF X IP 110.5' INLET PROTECTION 3.07 SAF SAF SAF SAF SAF SAF SAF PIPE (F) 1.16' SAF 481 1.46' DD DIVERSION DIKE 3.09 480 ST SEDIMENT BASIN 3.13 BOTTOM OF DITCH 480 480 TS TEMPORARY SEEDING 3.31 481 RAILROAD TRACKS PS PERMANENT SEEDING 3.32 83 RAILROAD T MU MULCHING NAD CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC RACKS 3.35 D.B.76, PG. 187 D.B.76, PG. 186 TP TP TREE PROTECTION 3.38 JOB NO. USE: RAILROAD SCALE 1"=10' DC 43751 DUST CONTROL 3.39 SHEET NO. 0 10' 20' * "VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK" SPECIFICATION NUMBER C3.1 OHP OHP TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 OHP OHP CURB OHP CURB EP P MHS EP OH TOP=488.82 O (FULL)-NO SIZE OR P HP G G G OH G G G G O HP G G DIRECTION MEASURED G G G THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE OHP REFER TO CITY STD WW CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE P 5.0 FOR LATERAL OH CONNECTION O S S HP 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN P 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OH P 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OH 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 4" SDR-26 PVC SANITARY REVISION DESCRIPTION 63.19' SEWER LATERAL 44.56' 44.69' OHP ROW OH P (DYL) O HP 128.41' TO MANHOLE PORTION OF 10" CI TO BE MHS REPLACED (SEE NOTE #5) OHP WEST MAIN STREET TOP=486.08 CUT-IN 10"x6" TEE (VARIABLE WIDTH) STANDARD SIDEWALK P CUT-IN 10"X4" TEE STANDARD SIDEWALK OH INV IN=481.57 8" D.I. (E) & GATE VALVE PUBLIC R/W & GATE VALVE MONOLITHIC WITH CURB O REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS INV OUT=481.47 8" D.I. (W) HP MONOLITHIC WITH CURB SAN HP SAN O (SWL) OHP P W W W W OH W W W 10" C.I. W STREET TREE IN MINIMUM PAVEMENT BIKE LANE W W W BIKE LANE EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT TO REMAIN W W 5' 5'X5' PIT (TYP) PATCH (TYP) O HP OPEN AND ACCESSIBLE AT ALL TIMES P P OH OH PRELIMINARY P OHP OHP OH SITE PLAN OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP SAN IRON (F) & OHP OHP W 2" WATER METER BOX 10.78' 6''W 22IN" DECIDUOUS BENCH MARK 10.5' (CITY STD W 6.2) ELEV=487.04 5.2' 5.1' CLEANOUT 5' W 4/22/20 6/23/20 (3) 4" SCH-40 PVC CONDUTIS FOR UFO DATE PIV D 9.7' 5' D UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE/FIBER 10' OPTIC LINES D 5' POWER TO BE PROVIDED FROM 600 W MAIN TRANSFORMER VAULT DATE THROUGH PARKING LEVEL TO 3.65' MECHANICAL ROOM LOCATED HERE 2/26/2020 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. CONCRETE SIDEWALK 4' DRAWN BY 2" COPPER DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE 4 BIKE RACKS A.FONTAINE 4' DURA OMEGA RACK FDC (SEE DETAIL) DESIGNED BY 4' 6" DIP FIRE LINE CONNECTION A. ALLISON CHECKED BY PROPOSED BUILDING BUILDING FOOTPRINT ALIGNS WITH C. KOTARSKI 620-624 W MAIN ST 10' MINIMUM SETBACK SCALE TRUSTEES OF 510-600 W MAIN ST HEIRLOOM WEST HEIRLOOM WEST 1"=10' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHARLOTTESVILLE MAIN STREET SECOND PHASE LLC PROPOSED BUILDING BELOW PARCEL ID: 290007000 PARCEL ID: 290002000 PARCEL ID: 290003000 GROUND PARKING LEVEL D.B.2017, PG. 1776 D.B.2012, PG. 4015 DB. 2019, PG. 593 ZONED: WMEH ZONED: WMEH DB. 2019, PG. 593 (PLAT) USE: RESIDENTIAL, RETAIL, USE: CHURCH CONCRETE SIDEWALK RESTAURANT & COFFEE SHOP ZONED: WMEH USE: AUTO MECHANIC SHOP These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not 612 WEST MAIN STREET PROPOSED BUILDING LAYOUT & UTILITIES PLAN MIXED-USE RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 16,500 SF FOOTPRINT S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C4.0 LAYOUT & UTILITIES PLAN.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:53 AM | by Anna Fontaine PARKING GARAGE ACCESS BUILDING PROPOSED THROUGH EXISTING NOTES: limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. UNDERGROUND PARKING AREA 1. ALL WATER LINE SHUT DOWNS SHALL BE AT 600 W. MAIN ST. COORDINATED WITH AND PERFORMED BY THE CITY. SITE DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF NOTICES TO ALL AFFECTED CUSTOMERS AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF SHUT DOWN. WATER LINE SHUTDOWN WORK MAY BE LIMITED CHAIN-LINK FENCE TO SUNDAY NIGHT WORK DUE TO SURROUNDING (HT=8') PROPERTY USES. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CITY UTILITIES DEPT. ACCORDINGLY. 2. ALL FIRE LINES SHALL BE FULLY RESTRAINED. X 3. ALL DIP FIRE LINES SHALL BE CLASS 52. 4. ALL WATER LINE TAPS MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 5' FROM A BELL ON ANY CAST IRON PIPE. 5. DUE TO THE EXIST. COVER OF 10" CI WATER LINE, THE EXIST. PIPE BETWEEN THE PROPOSED DOMESTIC AND FIRE LINE CONNECTIONS SHALL BOTTOM OF DITCH BE REPLACED. LONG SLEEVES SHALL BE USED TO RECONNECT THE EXIST. LINE. ALL CUT-IN FITTINGS SHALL BE ROLLED DOWN TO PROVIDE RAILROAD TRACKS ADEQUATE COVER (3.5 FT). 83 NAD RAILROAD T CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC RACKS D.B.76, PG. 187 D.B.76, PG. 186 JOB NO. USE: RAILROAD SCALE 1"=10' 43751 SHEET NO. 0 10' 20' C4.0 S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C4.0 LAYOUT & UTILITIES PLAN.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:53 AM | by Anna Fontaine 0 10' 83 SCALE 1"=10' NAD 20' THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE PRELIMINARY CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 SITE PLAN TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION 612 WEST MAIN STREET 4/22/20 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS 6/23/20 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS DATE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA SCALE C4.1 JOB NO. 1"=10' DRAWN BY SHEET NO. 43751 CHECKED BY 2/26/2020 DESIGNED BY A. ALLISON A.FONTAINE C. KOTARSKI PRELIMINARY PARKING LAYOUT These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. OHP OHP TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 OHP OHP CURB OHP CURB EP P MHS EP OH TOP=488.82 O (FULL)-NO SIZE OR P HP G G G OH G G G G O HP G G DIRECTION MEASURED G G G THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE OHP CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE P OH O S S HP 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OH P 8'' SAN 488 P 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OH 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN REVISION DESCRIPTION 63.19' 44.69' 44.56' OHP ROW OH P (DYL) O HP 128.41' TO MANHOLE MHS OH P WEST MAIN STREET TOP=486.08 (VARIABLE WIDTH) 48 P DRAINAGE TRENCH UNDER DRAINAGE TRENCH 488 UNDER OH INV IN=481.57 8" D.I. (E) 7 SIDEWALK WITH SOLID COVER. PUBLIC R/W EXIST. BC ±487.45 O REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS INV OUT=481.47 8" D.I. (W) P SIDEWALK WITH SOLID COVER. SAN OH HP TC 487.95 SAN SEE SHEET C6.0 FOR GUTTER (SWL) SEE SHEET C6.0 FOR GUTTER SPREAD CALCULATIONS. EXIST. BC ±487.52 OHP SPREAD CALCULATIONS. P W W W W 488 TC 488.02 OH W W W 10" C.I. EXIST. BC ±487.36 W W EXIST. BC ±486.74 BIKE LANE EXIST. BC ±487.22 BIKE LANE TC 487.86 W W W W TC 487.24 EXIST. BC ±486.97 TC 487.72 O HP EXIST. BC ±486.51 P P TC 487.47 OH EXIST. BC ±487.32 OH 487 TC 487.01 TC 487.82 PRELIMINARY P OHP OHP OH SITE PLAN OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP SAN IRON (F) & OHP OHP 8 W 48 6''W BENCH MARK 487 487.64 480.00 ELEV=487.04 487.89 487.45 488 488 W 4/22/20 6/23/20 UFO 488.04 DATE 102 487.24 D D 488.10 488.40 106 488 48 488 488 7 101 D 107 DATE 24" ACCESS 488 2/26/2020 105 488.21 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. 103 RISER FFE 488.21 4" ROOF DRAIN FFE 488.21 DRAWN BY TO SWM A DIRECTION OF 104 48 SURFACE FLOW (TYP) REFER TO PLUMBING PLANS A.FONTAINE 6 24" ACCESS RISER (PROVIDED WITH FINAL SITE WEIR PLATE DESIGNED BY SWM A LOW POINT PLAN) FOR FURTHER DETAIL ON PROPOSED UNDERGROUND DETENTION DOWNSPOUT TO 4" ROOF PIPE RUNNING WITHIN THE DRAIN CONVEYS WATER TO A. ALLISON 488 70 LF OF 48" CMP PROPOSED GARAGE LEVEL WEST MAIN ST CURB LINE 4" ROOF DRAIN CHECKED BY 48 TO SWM A BUILDING 5 C. KOTARSKI DOWNSPOUT TO 4" ROOF 620-624 W MAIN ST DRAIN CONVEYS WATER TO SCALE TRUSTEES OF 510-600 W MAIN ST WEST MAIN ST CURB LINE HEIRLOOM WEST HEIRLOOM WEST 1"=10' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHARLOTTESVILLE MAIN STREET SECOND PHASE LLC SURFACE DRAIN WITH PARCEL ID: 290007000 8 PARCEL ID: 290003000 109 D.B.2017, PG. 1776 PARCEL ID: 290002000 48 PEDESTRIAN RATE COVER 484 ZONED: WMEH D.B.2012, PG. 4015 DB. 2019, PG. 593 TO TIE TO BUILDING ZONED: WMEH DB. 2019, PG. 593 (PLAT) PLUMBING SYSTEM USE: RESIDENTIAL, RETAIL, USE: CHURCH RESTAURANT & COFFEE SHOP ZONED: WMEH 110 USE: AUTO MECHANIC SHOP 488 111 These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not LOW POINT 483 489 488.21 612 WEST MAIN STREET 488 488.21 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN PROPOSED BUILDING MIXED-USE RESIDENTIAL AND 482 COMMERCIAL WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 488 16,500 SF FOOTPRINT S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C5.0 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:54 AM | by Anna Fontaine 481 BUILDING limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. 487 CHAIN-LINK FENCE CLASS A1 RIPRAP OUTLET (HT=8') PROTECTION PER VDOT DETAIL EC-1. 18" DEPTH, TYPE A INSTALLATION. 48 0 EXIST. GRADE X ±480.00 EXIST. GRADE ±479.86 481 480 EXIST. GRADE 480 480 ±481.53 BOTTOM OF DITCH REFER TO PLUMBING PLANS (PROVIDED WITH FINAL SITE 481 RAILROAD TRACKS PLAN) FOR PIPE OUTFALL 83 NAD RAILROAD T CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC RACKS D.B.76, PG. 187 D.B.76, PG. 186 JOB NO. USE: RAILROAD SCALE 1"=10' 43751 0 10' 20' SHEET NO. C5.0 OFFSITE W. MAIN ST. AREA TO SITE OUTFALL 1 TOTAL = 0.288 AC IMPERVIOUS = 0.277 AC MULCH AREA = 0.011 AC W. MAIN ST. PARKING LANE OHP CENTERLINE OHP P OH G G G G G G TRAVEL LANE P TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 OH O S P HP 8'' SAN S OH 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 488 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OHP 128.41' P OH G TO MANHOLE 48 488 O 7 HP THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE P OH P 488 OH W CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE W SITE OUTFALL 1 W W W W W 11.8' 487 P OH OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP 8 487 48 488 W REVISION DESCRIPTION G 488 488 SAN 48 1056 22IN" DECIDUOUS 22IN" DECIDUOUS 22IN" DECIDUOUS 493.05 7 22IN" DECIDUOUS 22IN" DECIDUOUS 488 W DIRECTION OF OHP SURFACE FLOW (TYP) 48 6 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS 48 PRE AREA 1 X 5 TO SITE OUTFALL 1 G X TOTAL = 0.306 AC SAN 8 IMPERVIOUS = 0.293 AC 484 48 OHP MULCH AREA = 0.013 AC W PRELIMINARY X SITE PLAN X 483 489 G 2.6' 54.9' 488 58.6' PRE AREA O-3 (OFFSITE) 4/22/20 6/23/20 0.9' TO SITE OUTFALL 2 DATE 482 PRE AREA 2 AREA= 0.370 ACRES 488 TO SITE OUTFALL 2 X IMPERVIOUS=0.330 ACRES TOTAL = 0.210 AC EXISTING BUILDING PERVIOUS=0.040 ACRES 52.2' IMPERVIOUS = 0.199 AC 600 WEST MAIN STREET MULCH AREA = 0.011 AC DATE 481 EXISTING BUILDING 2/26/2020 612 WEST MAIN STREET YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. 487 X EXISTING OUTLET PIPE TO DRAWN BY WEEP HOLES & UNDERDRAIN OUTFALL FOR 600 WEST OUTLETS ALONG RETAINING WALL MAIN STREET A.FONTAINE 48 X DESIGNED BY 0 X 110.5' 1.16' 481 1.46' LEGEND: A. ALLISON 480 480 480 DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY CHECKED BY (4) DOWNSPOUTS RIPRAP AT 600 WEST MAIN DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW SITE OUTFALL 2 481 BOTTOM OF STREET OUTFALL C. KOTARSKI DIRECTION OF 100-YEAR FLOW DITCH SCALE PRE-DEVELOPED AS SHOWN 83 OFFSITE W. MAIN ST. AREA NAD TO SITE OUTFALL 1 TOTAL = 0.288 AC IMPERVIOUS = 0.277 AC MUCLH AREA = 0.011 AC W. MAIN ST. PARKING LANE OHP CENTERLINE OHP SCALE 1"=20' These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not P OH G G G G G G 0 20' 40' TRAVEL LANE P OH O S P HP 8'' SAN S OH 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 488 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OHP 128.41' P TO MANHOLE OH 612 WEST MAIN STREET STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 48 488 O 7 HP P OH P 488 OH W SITE OUTFALL 1 W W W W W W SAN 11.8' 487 P OH OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP 488 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 487 488 W 488 S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C6.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:55 AM | by Anna Fontaine 488 48 D 7 488 SWM A 48 6 100-YEAR FLOW ROOF DRAIN CONVEYS 48 ARROW (TYP.) POST AREA 2 TO SWM A limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. 5 DOWNSPOUT TO ROOF DRAIN 8 CONVEYS POST AREA 1 TO CURB LINE 484 48 POST AREA 1 DIRECTION OF TO WEST MAIN STREET (UNDETAINED) SURFACE FLOW (TYP) TOTAL = 0.256 AC IMPERVIOUS = 0.228 AC PERVIOUS = 0.028 AC 483 489 PROPOSED BUILDING 612 WEST MAIN STREET 488 POST AREA O-3 BYPASS TO SITE OUTFALL 2 482 BYPASS FLOW THROUGH PIPE AREA= 0.370 ACRES 488 POST AREA 2 INTERNAL TO BUILDING WALL. IMPERVIOUS=0.330 ACRES TO SOUTH VIA SWM A (DETAINED) EXISTING BUILDING PERVIOUS=0.040 ACRES FLOW THROUGH PIPE TOTAL = 0.260 AC INTERNAL TO BUILDING IMPERVIOUS = 0.260 AC 600 WEST MAIN STREET WALL. PERVIOUS = 0.000 AC STORMWATER FROM 600 WMS 481 REROUTED SO THE 487 PROPOSED PARKING AREA CAN CONNECT THROUGH THE PARKING LEVEL OF 600 WMS. 48 0 481 LEGEND: 480 480 480 DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY JOB NO. 481 DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW SITE OUTFALL 2 BOTTOM OF DIRECTION OF 100-YEAR FLOW 43751 DITCH POST-DEVELOPED SHEET NO. C6.0 PRELIMINARY WATER QUANTITY ANALYSIS TO SITE OUTFALL 1 PRELIMINARY STORMWATER NARRATIVE DRAINAGE AREA ANALYSIS (PRE-DEVELOPED) DRAINAGE AREA ANALYSIS (POST-DEVELOPED) GUTTER SPREAD CALCULATIONS THIS PROJECT PROPOSES THE DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING AUTO REPAIR BUILDING, PARKING AREA, AND ASSOCIATED UTILITIES, FOLLOWED BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW MIXED AT W. MAIN ST. CURB USE BUILDING WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING, UTILITY CONNECTIONS, AND ASSOCIATED SITE WORK. THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE IS 0.516 ACRES. PRE AREA 1 POST AREA 1 (UNDETAINED) TO SITE OUTFALL 1 TO SITE OUTFALL 1 THE UNDERGROUND PARKING LEVEL FOR 612 WEST MAIN STREET IS PROPOSED TO BE ACCESSED FROM THE EXISTING UNDERGROUND PARKING LEVEL OF 600 WEST MAIN STREET. TO AREA = 0.306 AC AREA = 0.256 AC ACCOMMODATE THIS CONNECTION, THE STORMWATER FROM 600 WEST MAIN STREET WILL BE RE-ROUTED AROUND THE PROPOSED NEW BUILDING AND WILL DISCHARGE AT SITE OUTFALL FLOW FROM OFFSITE TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 0.293 AC (IMPERVIOUS) 0.228 AC (IMPERVIOUS) 2, DOWNSTREAM OF ITS EXISTING OUTFALL. TO SITE OUTFALL 1 0.013 AC (MULCH AREA) 0.028 AC (MANAGED TURF) Tc = 6 MIN Tc = 6 MIN TO MEET WATER QUANTITY REQUIREMENTS, THE SITE HAS BEEN ANALYZED CONSIDERING TWO OUTFALLS TO WHICH STORMWATER IS DISCHARGING. Q (CFS) PRE POST Q (CFS) V (AC-FT) Q (CFS) V (AC-FT) SITE OUTFALL 1 2 YEAR 3.01 2.75 1 YEAR 1.28 0.072 1 YEAR 1.05 0.058 IN THE PRE-DEVELOPED CONDITION, THE FRONT OF THE SITE (PRE AREA 1) SHEET FLOWS ACROSS THE IMPERVIOUS DRIVE AREA AND SIDEWALK THROUGH THE 3 EXISTING CURB CUTS ON THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE 2 YEAR 1.55 0.088 2 YEAR 1.28 0.071 WEST MAIN STREET. THE CURB ON WEST MAIN STREET ACTS AS A MANMADE CHANNEL CONVEYING WATER TO SITE OUTFALL 1. CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE 10 YEAR 2.36 10 YEAR 1.97 IN THE POST-DEVELOPED CONDITION, THE AREA DRAINING TO SITE OUTFALL 1 (POST AREA 1) HAS BEEN REDUCED SO THAT THE DISCHARGE AT SITE OUTFALL 1 MEETS ENERGY BALANCE EQUATION REQUIREMENTS. ADDITIONALLY, THE VDOT GUTTER SPREAD CALCULATIONS ARE INCLUDED ON THIS SHEET AND SHOW THAT, WITH THE REDUCTION IN AREA TO SITE OUTFALL 1, OFFSITE W. MAIN ST. AREA (UNDETAINED) THE GUTTER SPREAD AT SITE OUTFALL 1 REDUCES TO 6.49 FEET DURING THE 2-YEAR STORM. THIS IS A REDUCTION FROM THE PRE-DEVELOPED GUTTER SPREAD OF 6.72 FEET. IT IS TO SITE OUTFALL 1 IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS GUTTER SPREAD IS IN THE WEST MAIN STREET PARKING LANE, NOT THE TRAVEL LANE. AREA = 0.288 AC REVISION DESCRIPTION 0.277 AC (IMPERVIOUS) SITE OUTFALL 2 0.011 AC (MULCH AREA) IN THE PRE-DEVELOPED CONDITION, THE REMAINING PROJECT SITE AREA (PRE AREA 2) DRAINS TO SITE OUTFALL 2, AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SITE. THIS OUTFALL IS LOCATED Tc = 6 MIN WITHIN A ROCKY, SHALLOW, ROUNDED-BOTTOM DITCH. THERE ARE 4 DOWNSPOUTS ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE EXISTING BUILDING DISCHARGING ROOF RUNOFF, AND AT LEAST 10 OUTLETS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE EXISTING RETAINING WALL, PRESUMABLY DISCHARGING WATER FROM UNDERDRAINS ASSOCIATED WITH THE WALL. ADDITIONALLY, WATER SHEET Q (CFS) FLOWS ACROSS THE PARKING LOT TO A GRASS STRIP ALONG THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE LOT. FROM THERE, SOME WATER LIKELY INFILTRATES, BUT BASED ON THE PROMINENT 1 YEAR 1.20 WATER STAINS ON THE RETAINING WALL, A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT FLOWS OVER THE TOP OF THE WALL. THE DOWNSPOUTS, OUTLETS AND OVERFLOW ALL DISCHARGE TOWARDS THE 2 YEAR 1.46 AFOREMENTIONED DITCH. NOTE THAT THERE IS CURRENTLY NO TYPE OF OUTFALL PROTECTION TO SLOW VELOCITY OF THIS DISCHARGE INTO THE DITCH. REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS 10 YEAR 2.22 THE ADJACENT PROPERTY, 600 WEST MAIN STREET, CONTAINS AN UNDERGROUND DETENTION PIPE WHICH RECEIVES DRAINAGE FROM AREA O-3 (OFFSITE). THIS SYSTEM CURRENTLY CHANNEL PROTECTION (ENERGY BALANCE): FLOWS THROUGH A PIPE INSTALLED ALONG THE INSIDE OF THE WESTERN WALL OF THE EXISTING UNDERGROUND PARKING GARAGE, AND OUTFALLS TO A RIPRAP AREA AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE PROPERTY. QDEVELOPED ≤ 0.90*(QPRE-DEVELOPED*RVPRE-DEVELOPED)/RVDEVELOPED IN THE POST-DEVELOPED CONDITION, THIS PLAN PROPOSES AN UNDERGROUND DETENTION FACILITY TO HANDLE STORMWATER FROM POST AREA 2, AND AN 18" HDPE BYPASS PIPE TO OK 1.05 CFS ≤ 0.90*(1.28 CFS*0.072 AC-FT)/(0.058 AC-FT) = 1.43 CFS RE-ROUTE STORMWATER FROM AREA O-3 (OFFSITE). THE BYPASS PIPE CONNECTS TO THE 612 WEST MAIN STREET PIPE NETWORK AFTER THE DETENTION PIPE, AND STORMWATER FROM PRELIMINARY THERE, FLOWS THROUGH A PIPE INSTALLED ON THE INSIDE WALL OF THE UNDERGROUND PARKING LEVEL, DISCHARGING TO A RIPRAP AREA, TO SITE OUTFALL 2. THIS PROPOSED FLOOD PROTECTION: OUTFALL FOR 612 WEST MAIN STREET IS BEING DESIGNED SIMILARLY TO THAT OF THE EXISTING 600 WEST MAIN STREET PIPE. ALSO, BASED ON THE DIRECTION OF THE DITCH FROM THE SITE PLAN SURVEY, THE PROPOSED OUTLET PIPE WILL OUTFALL WITHIN THE DITCH, AT SITE OUTFALL 2. POST-DEVELOPED Q10 ≤ PRE-DEVELOPED Q10 TPRE = 1.24 [3.01 x 0.013/((0.043) x (0.0067) )]3/8 5/3 1/2 OK 1.97 CFS (POST-DEVELOPED Q10) ≤ 2.36 CFS (PRE-DEVELOPED Q10) THE PROPOSED UNDERGROUND DETENTION FACILITY (SWM A) CONSISTS OF 95 LF OF 42" CMP DETENTION PIPE AND A WEIR PLATE (DETAIL ON THIS SHEET). THE OFFSITE FLOW FROM TPRE = 1.24 [3.01 x 0.013/(0.0053 x 0.082)]3/8 = 6.72 FT POST AREA O-3 (OFFSITE) IS ADDED TO THE ENERGY BALANCE EQUATION AND DEMONSTRATES THAT THE RESULT OF THIS PROPOSED SITE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONFIGURATION REDUCES THE 1-YEAR, 24-HOUR STORM TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ENERGY BALANCE EQUATION AT SITE OUTFALL 2. REFER TO CALCULATIONS ON THIS SHEET FOR DETAILED 4/22/20 6/23/20 DISCHARGE VALUES. DATE TPOST = 1.24 [2.75 x 0.013/((0.043) x (0.0067) )]3/8 5/3 1/2 IN ADDITION TO MEETING ENERGY BALANCE/CHANNEL PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS, MANNING'S EQUATION HAS BEEN UTILIZED IN THE PROGRAM FLOWMASTER TO DETERMINE THE VELOCITY AT THE PIPE OUTFALL DURING THE 2-YEAR STORM. WITH THE FOLLOWING INPUTS, THE VELOCITY AT THE END OF THE PIPE, NOT CONSIDERING THE RIPRAP AREA, IS 4.40 FPS. TPOST = 1.24 [2.75 x 0.013/(0.0053 x 0.082)]3/8 = 6.49 FT FLOWMASTER INPUTS: DATE ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENT = 0.013 THE AREA OF SITE PROPOSED TO BE ROUTED TO SITE OUTFALL 1, COMBINED WITH CHANNEL SLOPE = 0.0095 FT/FT 2/26/2020 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. THE EXISTING STREET STORMWATER FLOW TO SITE OUTFALL 1, PRODUCES A DIAMETER = 1.50 FT DRAWN BY DISCHARGE = 1.86 CFS (FROM HYDROCAD) SPREAD OF 6.49 FT INTO THE PARKING LANE WITH THE 2-YEAR STORM. RESULT: A.FONTAINE VELOCITY = 4.40 FPS DESIGNED BY THIS FURTHER DEMONSTRATES THAT A 2-YEAR STORM WILL NOT CAUSE EROSION OF THE DITCH BED OR BANKS, ESPECIALLY WITH THE OUTLET PROTECTION OF RIPRAP. A. ALLISON FLOOD PROTECTION CHECKED BY WHEN COMPARED TO THE PRE-DEVELOPED CONDITION, THE POST-DEVELOPED CONDITION IN A 10-YEAR, 24-HOUR STORM WILL RESULT IN A REDUCTION OF DISCHARGE AT BOTH SITE OUTFALL 1 AND 2. THE FLOOD PROTECTION CALCULATIONS ON THIS SHEET DEMONSTRATE THIS, INDICATING THAT THIS DESIGN MEETS FLOOD PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS. C. KOTARSKI PRELIMINARY WATER QUANTITY ANALYSIS TO SITE OUTFALL 2 ADDITIONALLY, TO ENSURE THE BUILDING IS PROTECTED IN MORE SEVERE STORM EVENTS, THE DETENTION PIPE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO HANDLE THE 100-YEAR, 24-HOUR STORM. SCALE FINALLY, TO MEET WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS, 0.10 LB/YR OF OFFSITE NUTRIENT CREDITS WILL BE PURCHASED. THE SUMMARY PER THE VIRGINIA RUNOFF REDUCTION DRAINAGE AREA ANALYSIS (PRE-DEVELOPED) DRAINAGE AREA ANALYSIS (POST-DEVELOPED) SPREADSHEET IS PRESENTED IN THE "PRELIMINARY WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS" BOX, BELOW. AS SHOWN PRE AREA 2 POST AREA 2 FLOW FROM PROPOSED SWM A TO SITE OUTFALL 2 TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE PIPE SWM A 95 LF OF 42" CMP - SEE WEIR PLATE DETAIL AREA = 0.210 AC AREA = 0.26 AC 0.199 AC (IMPERVIOUS) 0.26 AC (IMPERVIOUS) Q (CFS) 0.011 AC (MULCH AREA) 0.00 AC (MANAGED TURF) 1 YEAR 0.62 Tc = 6 MIN Tc = 6 MIN 2 YEAR 0.70 10 YEAR 1.59 PRELIMINARY WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS Q (CFS) V (AC-FT) Q (CFS) V (AC-FT) SITE DATA These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not 1 YEAR 0.88 0.049 1 YEAR 1.09 0.061 COMBINED FLOW TO SITE OUTFALL 2 2 YEAR 1.07 0.060 2 YEAR 1.32 0.075 PRE DEVELOPED AREA 10 YEAR 1.62 10 YEAR 2.01 Q (CFS) MANAGED TURF = 0.024 ACRES 1 YEAR 1.62 IMPERVIOUS = 0.492 ACRES DRAINAGE FROM 600 W. MAIN ST. DRAINAGE FROM 600 W. MAIN ST. 2 YEAR 1.86 PRE DEVELOPMENT LOAD (TP) (LB/YR) = 1.08 STORMWATER NARRATIVE & CALCULATIONS 10 YEAR 4.20 PRE AREA O-3 (OFFSITE) POST AREA O-3 (OFFSITE) POST DEVELOPED AREA TO SITE OUTFALL 2 ROUTED THROUGH 612 PIPES TO SITE OUTFALL 2 MANAGED TURF = 0.026 ACRES 612 WEST MAIN STREET AREA = 0.37 AC AREA = 0.37 AC IMPERVIOUS = 0.490 ACRES 0.33 AC (IMPERVIOUS) 0.33 AC (IMPERVIOUS) POST DEVELOPMENT LOAD (TP) (LB/YR) = 1.08 0.04 AC (MANAGED TURF) 0.04 AC (MANAGED TURF) MAXIMUM PERCENT REDUCTION REQUIRED FOR REDEVELOPMENT = 10% Tc = 6 MIN Tc = 6 MIN TOTAL LOAD REDUCTION REQUIRED (LB/YR) = 0.10 LB/YR. Q (CFS) V (AC-FT) Q (CFS) V (AC-FT) 1 YEAR 1.49 0.080 1 YEAR 1.49 0.080 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 2 YEAR 1.83 0.099 2 YEAR 1.83 0.099 10 YEAR 2.82 10 YEAR 2.82 S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\C6.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:55 AM | by Anna Fontaine FLOW FROM EXISTING CMP STORAGE PIPE FLOW FROM EXISTING CMP STORAGE PIPE TOP OF STORAGE PIPE Q (CFS) Q (CFS) ELEV. = 484.50 1 YEAR 1.00 1 YEAR 1.00 2 YEAR 1.16 2 YEAR 1.16 42" 10 YEAR 2.76 10 YEAR 2.76 TOP OF WEIR 100 YEAR WSE 484.40 PLATE 483.90 COMBINED FLOW TO SITE OUTFALL 2 10 YEAR WSE 484.11 Q (CFS) limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. 1 YEAR 1.80 2 YEAR 2.13 10 YEAR 4.26 2 YEAR WSE 483.08 1 YEAR WSE 482.65 CHANNEL PROTECTION (ENERGY BALANCE): QDEVELOPED ≤ 0.90*(QPRE-DEVELOPED*RVPRE-DEVELOPED)/RVDEVELOPED + QOFFSITE OK 1.62 CFS ≤ 0.90*(0.88 CFS*0.049 AC-FT)/(0.061 AC-FT) + 1.00 CFS = 1.63 CFS STEEL PLATE ELEV. 481.00 FLOOD PROTECTION: 4.4" ORIFICE WITH TRASH RACK POST-DEVELOPED Q10 ≤ PRE-DEVELOPED Q10 INV 481.00 OK 4.20 CFS (POST-DEVELOPED Q10) ≤ 4.26 CFS (PRE-DEVELOPED Q10) SWM A WEIR PLATE SECTION DETAIL JOB NO. 43751 SHEET NO. C6.1 PLANTING SCHEDULE P OHP OHP OHP QTOH BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MINIMUM INSTALLED SIZE ROOT CANOP AREA TOTAL OHP 5 OSTRYA VIRGINIANA AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM 2" CAL. B&B 99 495 P MHS OH TOP=488.82 O (FULL)-NO SIZE OR P HP G GNOTES G OH G G G G OHP G G DIRECTION 1. TREE PRESERVATION SHOULD FOLLOW GUIDANCE AND REQUIREMENTSMEASURED IN THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE'S G G G OHP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR TREE PRESERVATION, TRANSPLANTING, REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT. TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 P OH 2. PROPOSED TREE MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT (IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE CITY'S ARBORIST) OF O S HP ALL STREETSCAPE 8'' SAN TREES PLANTED IN THE CITY'S RIGHTS OF WAY IS GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF TWO (2) 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF PLANTING. P 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OH P 8'' SAN 8'' SAN OH 8'' SAN 8'' SAN 8'' SAN THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE TREE COVER CALCULATIONS OHP P CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE OH O HP 128.41' TO MANHOLE SITE AREA REQUIREMENT CALCULATION REQUIRED QUANTIT PROVIDED QUANTIT MHS OH P WEST MAIN STREET 0.455 AC 10% COVER (0.455-0.377) X 0.10 340 SF TOTAL PROPOSED = 495 SF TOP=486.08 (VARIABLE WIDTH) P 0.377 AC = 0.0078 AC OH INV IN=481.57 8" D.I. (E) PUBLIC R/W O (BUILDING AREA) = 340 SF REVISION DESCRIPTION INV OUT=481.47 8" D.I. (W) P SAN OH HP SAN OHP P W W W W OH W W W 10" C.I. W W W W W W O HP P P OH OH REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS P OHP OHP OH OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP SAN IRON (F) & OHP OHP W IRON (F) 6''W 22IN" DECIDUOUS BENCH MARK ELEV=487.04 PRELIMINARY W UFO SITE PLAN 102 D D 106 101 D 107 4/22/20 6/23/20 105 DATE 103 (5) AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM104 (TYP) "AREA OF UNCERTAIN OWNERSHIP" 342 SQ-FT DATE 2/26/2020 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. DRAWN BY BUILDING A.FONTAINE 620-624 W MAIN ST DESIGNED BY TRUSTEES OF 510-600 W MAIN ST HEIRLOOM WEST HEIRLOOM WEST A. ALLISON FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHARLOTTESVILLE MAIN STREET SECOND PHASE LLC PARCEL ID: 290007000 PARCEL ID: 290003000 109 D.B.2017, PG. 1776 CHECKED BY PARCEL ID: 290002000 D.B.2012, PG. 4015 DB. 2019, PG. 593 ZONED: WMEH C. KOTARSKI ZONED: WMEH DB. 2019, PG. 593 (PLAT) USE: RESIDENTIAL, RETAIL, USE: CHURCH RESTAURANT & COFFEE SHOP SCALE ZONED: WMEH 110 USE: AUTO MECHANIC SHOP 1"=10' 111 These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not PROPOSED BUILDING MIXED-USE RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL WITH 612 WEST MAIN STREET UNDERGROUND PARKING 16,500 SF FOOTPRINT CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA LANDSCAPE PLAN BUILDING S:\103\43751-612_WMS\DWG\Sheet\CD\L1.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN.dwg | Plotted on 6/23/2020 10:57 AM | by Anna Fontaine limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. CHAIN-LINK FENCE (HT=8') X PIPE (F) BOTTOM OF DITCH RAILROAD TRACKS RAILROAD T CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC RACKS D.B.76, PG. 187 D.B.76, PG. 186 NAD 83 USE: RAILROAD SCALE 1"=10' JOB NO. 0 10' 20' 43751 SHEET NO. L1.0 RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 602-616 WEST MAIN STREET WHEREAS, landowner Heirloom West Main Street Second Phase, LLC is the current owner of a lot identified on 2019 City Tax Map 29 as Parcel 3 (City Parcel Identification No. (290003000) (the “Subject Property”), and pursuant to City Code §34-641, the landowner proposes to redevelop the Subject Property by constructing a mixed use building on the Subject Property (“Project”), containing residential dwelling units at a density of up to 120 dwelling units per acre (“DUA”); and WHEREAS, the Project is described within the Applicant’s application materials dated May 14, 2019 submitted in connection with SP19-00003, including, without limitation, a narrative statement dated May 14, 2019, and a preliminary site plan dated May 13, 2019, as required by City Code §34-158 (collectively, the “Application Materials”); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the Application Materials, and the City’s Staff Report, and subsequent to a joint public hearing, duly advertised and conducted by the Planning Commission and City Council on August 13, 2019, the Planning Commission voted to recommend that the City Council should approve the requested special use permit, to allow residential density up to 120 dwelling units per acre (DUA), subject to certain suitable conditions and safeguards recommended by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, upon consideration of the comments received during the joint public hearing, the Planning Commission’s recommendation, and the Staff Reports discussing this application, as well as the factors set forth within Sec. 34-157 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance, this Council finds and determines that granting the proposed Special Use subject to suitable conditions would serve the public necessity, convenience, general welfare or good zoning practice; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that, pursuant to City Code §§ 34-641, a special use permit is hereby approved and granted, subject to the following conditions: 1. The specific development being approved by this special use permit (“Project”), as described within the site plan exhibit required by City Code §34-158(a)(1), shall have the following minimum attributes/ characteristics: a. Not more than one building shall be constructed on the Subject Property (the “Building”). The Building shall be a Mixed Use Building. b. The Building shall not exceed a height of four (4) stories. c. The Building shall contain no more than 55 dwelling units. d. The Building shall contain space to be occupied and used for retail uses, which shall be located on the ground floor of the Building facing West Main Street. The square footage of this retail space shall be at least the minimum required by the City’s zoning ordinance. e. Underground parking shall be provided within a parking garage structure constructed underneath the Building, which shall provide at least 53 parking spaces serving the use and occupancy of the Building. All parking required for the Project pursuant to the City’s zoning ordinance shall be located on-site. All parking required pursuant to the ordinance for the Project shall be maximized on- site to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission. No direct access shall be provided into the underground parking from the Building’s street wall along West Main Street. 2. The mass of the Building shall be broken down to reflect the multi-parcel massing historically on the site, as well as the West Main Street context, using building modulation. The Building and massing refer to the historic buildings on either side. 3. There shall be pedestrian engagement with the street with an active, transparent, and permeable façade at street level. 4. The Landowner (including, without limitation, any person who is an agent, assignee, transferee or successor in interest to the Landowner) shall prepare a Protective Plan for the Rufus Holsinger Building located on property adjacent to the Subject Property at 620- 624 West Main Street (“Holsinger Building” or “Adjacent Property”). The Protective Plan shall provide for baseline documentation, ongoing monitoring, and specific safeguards to prevent damage to the Holsinger Building, and the Landowner shall implement the Protective Plan during all excavation, demolition and construction activities within the Subject Property (“Development Site”). At minimum, the Protective Plan shall include the following: a. Baseline Survey—Landowner shall document the existing condition of the Holsinger Building (“Baseline Survey”). The Baseline Survey shall take the form of written descriptions, and visual documentation which shall include color photographs and/or video recordings. The Baseline Survey shall document the existing conditions observable on the interior and exterior of the Holsinger Building, with close-up images of cracks, staining, indications of existing settlement, and other fragile conditions that are observable. The Landowner shall engage an independent third party structural engineering firm (one who has not participated in the design of the Landowner’s Project or preparation of demolition or construction plans for the Landowner, and who has expertise in the impact of seismic activity on historic structures) and shall bear the cost of the Baseline Survey and preparation of a written report thereof. The Landowner and the Owner of the Holsinger Building (“Adjacent Landowner”) may both have representatives present during the process of surveying and documenting the existing conditions. A copy of a completed written Baseline Survey Report shall be provided to the Adjacent Landowner, and the Adjacent Landowner shall be given fourteen (14) days to review the Baseline Survey Report and return any comments to the Landowner. b. Protective Plan--The Landowner shall engage the engineer who performed the Baseline Survey to prepare a Protective Plan to be followed by all persons performing work within the Development Site, that may include seismic monitoring or other specific monitoring measures of the Adjacent Property if recommended by the engineer preparing the Protective Plan, and minimally shall include installation of at least five crack monitors. Engineer shall inspect and take readings of crack monitors at least weekly during ground disturbance demolition and construction activities. Reports of monitor readings shall be submitted to the city building official and Adjacent Landowner within two days of inspection. A copy of the Protective Plan shall be provided to the Adjacent Landowner. The Adjacent Landowner shall be given fourteen (14) days to review the Report and return any comments to the Landowner. c. Advance notice of commencement of activity--The Adjacent Landowner shall be given 14 days’ advance written notice of commencement of demolition at the Development Site, and of commencement of construction at the Development Site. This notice shall include the name, mobile phone number, and email address of the construction supervisor(s) who will be present on the Development Site and who may be contacted by the Adjacent Landowner regarding impacts of demolition or construction on the Adjacent Property. The Landowner shall also offer the Adjacent Landowner an opportunity to have meetings: (i) prior to commencement of demolition at the Development Site, and (ii) at least fourteen (14) days prior to commencement of construction at the Development Site, on days/ times reasonably agreed to by both parties. During any such preconstruction meeting, the Adjacent Landowner will be provided information as to the nature and duration of the demolition or construction activity and the Landowner will review the Protective Plan as it will apply to the activities to be commenced. d. Permits--No demolition or building permit, and no land disturbing permit, shall be approved or issued to the Landowner, until the Landowner provides to the department of neighborhood development services: (i) copies of the Baseline Survey Report and Protective Plan, and NDS verifies that these documents satisfy the requirements of these SUP Conditions, (ii) documentation that the Baseline Survey Report and Protective Plan were given to the Adjacent Landowner in accordance with these SUP Conditions. Approved by Council October 7, 2019 Kyna Thomas, CMC Clerk of Council CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE DEPT. OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MEETING DATE: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 DEVELOPMENT NAME: 167 Chancellor St. (Chi Psi Fraternity) Prelim. Site Plan APPLICATION NUMBER: P19-0132 Reason for Planning Commission Review: Preliminary site plan reflects the proposed development of a property that is the subject of an existing or proposed special permit Planner: Joey Winter Date of Staff Report: June 29, 2020 Applicant: Design Develop LLC Applicant’s Representative: Mr. Kevin Schafer Owner of Record: Alpha Omicron of Chi Psi Corporation Application Information Property Street Address: 167 Chancellor Street (“Subject Property”) Tax Map | Parcel Number: TM 9-126 | 090126000 Site Area (per GIS): 0.1380 acres (6,011 ft2) Comprehensive Plan (Land Use Plan): High Density Residential Zoning District: R-3H Overlay District(s): Corner Architectural Design Control District Applicant’s Request Mr. Kevin Schafer of Design Develop LLC, on behalf of Alpha Omicron of Chi Psi Corporation, is seeking Planning Commission approval for the 167 Chancellor St. (Chi Psi Fraternity) Preliminary Site Plan. This preliminary site plan proposes renovations and upgrades to the existing fraternity house on the Subject Property. On December 2, 2019, City Council approved Special Use Permit SP19-00007 authorizing a fraternity house at 167 Chancellor Street for up to 16 occupants. As per the City’s Zoning Ordinance, Planning Commission shall review this preliminary site plan because it reflects the proposed development of property that is subject to a Special Use Permit. Page 1 of 6 P19-0132 167 Chancellor St. (Chi Psi Fraternity) Preliminary Site Plan Vicinity Map Zoning Map Page 2 of 6 P19-0132 167 Chancellor St. (Chi Psi Fraternity) Preliminary Site Plan Standard of Review Site plan approval is a ministerial function of Planning Commission in which no discretion is involved. If this final site plan contains all required information then it must be granted approval. If Planning Commission disapproves this plan, it shall set forth in writing the specific reasons therefor. The reasons for disapproval shall identify deficiencies in this plan which cause the disapproval, by reference to specific ordinances, laws or regulations. If this plan is disapproved, Planning Commission must also generally identify modifications or corrections that will permit approval of this plan. Site Plan Requirements A. Compliance with applicable zoning district regulations [City Code - Chapter 34] Staff has determined that this site plan complies with requirements of the R-3H Zoning District. B. Compliance with the City’s Erosion and Sediment Control ordinance [City Code - Chapter 10] Staff has determined that this final site plan complies with the City’s Erosion and Sediment Control ordinance. A full Erosion and Sediment Control Plan is not required since disturbed area is under 6,000 ft2. C. Compliance with the City’s site plan requirements [City Code - Sec. 34-827] Staff has determined that this site plan contains the following information as required: PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS [Sec. 34-827(d)] SHEET(S) 1. General site plan information 1 2. Existing condition and adjacent property information 2 3. Phasing plan N/A 4. Topography and grading 3 5. Existing landscape and trees 2 6. Name and location of all water features N/A 7. One hundred-year flood plain limits N/A 8. Existing and proposed streets and associated traffic information 1, 2 9. Location and size of existing water and sewer infrastructure 2 10. Proposed layout for water/sanitary sewer facilities & storm drain facilities 4, 5 11. Location of other existing and proposed utilities and utility easements 4 12. Location of existing and proposed ingress to and egress from the property 4 13. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements 4 14. All areas intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use N/A 15. Landscape plan (if subject to entrance corridor review) N/A 16. Where deemed appropriate due to intensity of development: a. Estimated traffic generation figures based upon current ITE rates 1 b. Estimated vehicles per day 1 Page 3 of 6 P19-0132 167 Chancellor St. (Chi Psi Fraternity) Preliminary Site Plan D. Additional information to be shown on the site plan as deemed necessary by the director or Commission in order to provide sufficient information for the director or Commission to adequately review the site plan. The Special Use Permit approved by City Council on December 2, 2019 includes the following conditions for the 167 Chancellor St. (Chi Psi Fraternity) Preliminary Site Plan: 1. The fraternity house located at 167 Chancellor Street shall have a maximum of sixteen (16) residents. Any expansion of the fraternity house beyond sixteen (16) residents will require an amendment to this Special Use Permit. COMPLIES – SEE SITE PLAN SHEET 1 2. 165 Chancellor Street: Special Use Permit approval for the land, buildings and structures located at 165 Chancellor Street to be used for a “boarding, fraternity and sorority house”, as that term is defined in City Code §34-1200 is expired and no longer valid. However, yard regulations for this lot will remain modified as follows: a. Building setback (front), adjacent to Madison Lane: the required building setback along Madison Lane shall remain modified as shown on the site plan for 165 and 167 Chancellor Street approved on November 4, 1985. NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS SITE PLAN 3. 167 Chancellor Street: The land, buildings and structures located at 167 Chancellor Street may be used for a “boarding, fraternity and sorority house”, as that term is defined in City Code §34-1200. The number of residents shall not exceed 16 at 167 Chancellor Street. a. Building setback (front), adjacent to Madison Lane: the required building setback along Madison Lane shall be 8 feet. COMPLIES – SEE SITE PLAN SHEET 4 b. Building setback (corner side), adjacent to Chancellor Street: the required building setback along Chancellor Street shall be 4 feet. COMPLIES – SEE SITE PLAN SHEET 4 c. Building setback (side), adjacent to 165 Chancellor Street: the required building setback along the property line shared with 165 Chancellor Street shall be 4 feet. COMPLIES – SEE SITE PLAN SHEET 4 Page 4 of 6 P19-0132 167 Chancellor St. (Chi Psi Fraternity) Preliminary Site Plan d. Building setback (rear), property corner adjacent to Chancellor Street and 165 Chancellor Street: the required building setback from property corner adjacent to Chancellor Street and 165 Chancellor Street shall be 25 feet. COMPLIES – SEE SITE PLAN SHEET 4 4. The “boarding, fraternity or sorority house” use approved by this special use permit, and (except as specifically modified within condition (2) and condition (3), above), all buildings and structures located on the Subject Property, shall comply with the provisions of City Code Sec. 34-353 and all other applicable provisions of Chapter 34 (Zoning) of the Code of the City of Charlottesville. COMPLIES – SEE SITE PLAN SHEET 1 5. Bicycle storage facilities shall be provided at 167 Chancellor Street at a rate of one (1) bicycle storage facility per resident, and all such facilities shall be a type permitted by the zoning ordinance. COMPLIES – SEE SITE PLAN SHEETS 1 & 4 6. Sidewalk shall be extended along the frontage of Madison Lane as shown on the proposed preliminary site plan for 167 Chancellor Street dated September 17, 2019. COMPLIES – SEE SITE PLAN SHEETS 4 & 5 7. Curb ramps shall be installed at the end of any proposed sidewalk on Madison Lane to align with the existing curb ramp on the east side of Chancellor Street. COMPLIES – SEE SITE PLAN SHEET 5 8. The elevated sidewalk to the south on Chancellor Street must be repaired and vegetation cleared to remove obstructions. If this work is not done prior to requesting an updated Certificate of Occupancy for 167 Chancellor Street then the landowner shall provide a development agreement specifying the timing for completion of sidewalk work. COMPLIES – SEE SITE PLAN SHEET 4 9. An accessible route from the public sidewalk to 167 Chancellor Street shall be required. COMPLIES – SEE SITE PLAN SHEET 4 PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED No public comment was received during the preliminary site plan review process. A public site plan conference was held on October 23, 2019. Page 5 of 6 P19-0132 167 Chancellor St. (Chi Psi Fraternity) Preliminary Site Plan STAFF’S RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the 167 Chancellor St. (Chi Psi Fraternity) Preliminary Site Plan be approved. ATTACHMENTS 1) 167 CHANCELLOR ST. (CHI PSI FRATERNITY) PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN – for approval 2) SP19-00007 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A FRATERNITY HOUSE AT 167 CHANCELLOR STREET FOR UP TO 16 OCCUPANTS – approved by City Council on December 3, 2019 3) CITY CODE SECTION 34-827 – Preliminary site plan contents Page 6 of 6 VICINITY MAP: 1" = 500' SHEET INDEX T.M.P. 9-126 SHEET2 SHEET3 EXISTING CONDITIONS DEMOLITION PLAN Alan Franklin PE, LLC SHEET4 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN Civil and Site Plan Engineering 427 Cranberry Lane Crozat, VA 22932 SHEETS PROFILES & DETAILS 434-531-5544 SHEETS DETAILS PROJECT DATA: PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN PROPERTY OWNER: ALPHA OMICRON OF CHI PSI CORPORATION 500 E MAIN STREET NORFOLK. VA 23510 TAX MAP I PARCEL: TMP 9-126 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA PROPERTY ADDRESS: 167 CHANCELLOR STREET I- PROPERTY SIZE: CURRENT ZONING: 0.138ACRES w SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 (REV. 02.27.20) R-3 W/ CORNER ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CONTROL DISTRICT - SPl 9-00007 APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON 12/2/2019 FOR FRATERNITY USE & REDUCED YARD SETBACKS. zW ~ 0:: [SEE CONDITIONS BELOW) EXISTING/PROPOSED USE: SORORITY/FRATERNITY PROFFERS: N/A w I- THE DIRECTOR OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I- STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS: GENERAL NOTES: WAIVERS I VARIANCE REQUEST: SPl 9-00007 APPROVED ON 12/2/2019 FOR FRATERNITY USE & REDUCED YARD SETBACKS. en en r- ~ SURVEY SOURCES: BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC: LINCOLN SURVEYING; 434-973-1417 < z 0:: w 1. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION [V.D.O.T.) ROAD AND BRIDGE I. ALL SITE WORK AND ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE REQUIRED TO BE PERFORMED AND I OR INSTALLED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY ITEMIZED AS "NOT INCLUDED IN CONTRACT' IN THE OWNER I DATUM: HORIZONTAL DATUM IS BASED ON NAD83. THE VERTICAL DATUM IS BASED ON NAVD88. <( CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING AND I OR INSTALLING ALL SITE WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS, INCLUDING ANCILLARY EFFORTS AND z SPECIFICATIONS, DATED 2016. BENCHMARK: FLASHER NAIL T-17233383 IN THE SHARED PARKING LOT - ELEVATION 550.19 CJ 2. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION [V.D.O.T.) ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK NORMALLY ASSOCIATED WITH SPECIFIED IMPROVEMENTS. MISS UTILITY TICKET#: A720502657-00A :::!!: 0 > !?'. w STANDARDS, DATED 2016. 2. CALL MISS UTILITY [1-800-552-7001) PRIOR TO ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY. EXPLORATORY EXCAVATIONS MAY BE NECESSARY TO CONFIRM THE EXISTENCE OR NON-EXISTENCE OF CERTAIN UNDERGROUND FEATURES. FLOODPLAIN: ACCORDING TO FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 510033 PANEL 267D, DATED ...J w _J ui I en _J _J 3. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION, DIVISION OF SOIL AND 02/04/05, THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT LIE IN ZONE A [100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN) 0:: WATER CONSERVATION, VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK, 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ALL LOCAL AUTHORITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING THE WORK AND SCHEDULE I ATTEND ALL REQUIRED PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL a.. _J > Cf) w CONFIRM THAT ALL BONDS HAVE BEEN POSTED AND PULL ALL PERMITS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE PERMITS AND AN APPROVED SET OF THESE WORKINGDRAWINGS AND PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS SITE STATISTICS: AREA OF LAND DISTURBANCE= 5900 SF [SEE NOTE ON SHEET 4 REGARDING LOD) w 4. THIRD EDITION, 1992. INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS [ITE MANUAL), TRIP GENERATION, I OTH ON-SITE AT ALL TIMES. PRE-DEVELOPMENT IMPERVIOUS AREA= 3,000 SF [SUBJECT SITE) POST-DEVELOPMENT IMPERVIOUS AREA= 3,611 SF [SUBJECT SITE) i=== :::!!: ~ 0_J w _J 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT HIS I HER WORK IS PROPERLY COORDINATED WITH THAT OF THE OTHER TRADES ON-SITE. Q2(PRE) = 0.48 CFS 0:: (.) -r- EDITION. !?'. Q1o(PREJ =0.63 CFS w < 5. VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES [MUTCD) STANDARDS, DATED 2009 [REVISIONS I & 2, MAY 2012). 5. UNEXPECTED SITE CONDITIONS MAY ARISE DURING CONSTRUCTION THAT REQUIRE A DEVIATION FROM THESE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY CONDITIONS THAT CONFLICT WITH THE PROPER EXECUTION OF THESE PLANS. THE ENGINEER SHALL DETERMINE THE NATURE AND DEGREE OF CHANGES NECESSARY. AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A COST FOR SAID CHANGES. NO CHANGES ARE TO BE MADE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER. Q21P0S1J = 0.53 CFS Q10(POSTJ = 0.69 CFS a.. w en z<( I 0 r- 6. VIRGINIA UNIFORM STATEWIDE BUILDING CODE - CURRENT EDITION. 6. CONTACT ENGINEER IF THERE ARE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE LAYOUT OF THE WORK. BECAUSE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN MANY TIMES CONTINUES AFTER SITE PLAN APPROVAL. STRUCTURAL INFORMATION LAND USE BREAKDOWN: IMPERVIOUS AREA : SF AC % ~ BUILDINGS : 2,468 0.06 41 °/o ...J 7. CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE CONSTRUCTION STANARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. REFLECTED ON THESE DRAWINGS MAY NOT REPRESENT FINAL ARCHITECTURAL DIMENSIONS. PRIOR TO STAKEOUT OF ANY STRUCTURES, SURVEYOR AND I OR CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN FINAL ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND CONSULT WITH ENGINEER REGARDING EXACT PLACEMENT OF BUILDINGS ON SITE. PAVED/GRAVEL AREA: 1,143 0.03 19°/o <( (.) I LEGEND: 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND FEATURES REPRESENTED ON THESE PLANS TO THE BEST OF HIS I HER ABILITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO VERIFY, BY STAKEOUT, THE RELATIONSHIP OF ALL MAJOR SITE IMPROVEMENTS TO EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND FEATURES AND NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES, ERRORS AND OMISSIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. PERVIDUS AREA: 2,382 0.05 w a.. (.) - W - - WATER LINE (EX./ PROP.) - - - - - BOUNDARY I R.O.W. LINE lroTAL SITE ACREAGE: 5,993 0.14 100°/o en WV8 WMO WATER VALVE I METER FHA-6- FIRE HYDRANT l.F. IRON PIN FOUND l.S. IRON PIN SET 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE CONDITIONS, THE SAFETY OF HIS I HER WORKERS AND THOSE ASSISTING HIM I HER WITH SUPPLYING OR EXECUTING THE WORK, AND THE SECURITY OF PROPERTY HE I SHE IS STORING ON-SITE. THE CONTRACTOR IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE SAFETY OF THOSE WITHIN THE BUILDINGS OR WORKING ON THE BUILDINGS, NOR IS HE I SHE RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURING THE BUILDING HEIGHT: 26' PROPOSED/45' ALLOWABLE I'- YH-6- YARD HYDRANT - - - SETBACK LINE PROPERTY OF THE BUILDING CONTRACTOR OR THEIR ASSOCIATED TRADES. HOWEVER. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A CLEAN. ORGANIZED AND SAFE SITE. AND IS THE FINAL AUTHORITY AS TO THE NUMBER OF UNITS: I RESIDENTIAL UNIT W/ 16 MAX BEDS IN 6 BEDROOMS (0 BOAe BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY - - - - - EASEMENT LIMITS LOCATION, PLACEMENT OR STORAGE OF ANY AND ALL MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, VEHICLES AND TEMPORARY STRUCTURES USED DURING CONSTRUCTION. NEITHER THE OWNER NOR ENGINEER SHALL BE HELD - S -- SANITARY SEWER LINE (EX./ PROP.) - - - - - CENTERLINE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEFT, DAMAGE OR INJURY ON-SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION UNLESS IT IS DUE TO TO THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR ENGINEER. DENSITY: 7.14 UNITS/ACRE ~ coo CLEANOUT - - - - CONTOUR LINE {EX./ PROP.) SETBACKS: FRONT [ADJACENT TO MADISON LANE): 8' MIN. [PER SPI 9-00007) Mlt· MANHOLE +-3:1- f-2..50%- DEGREE I SLOPE DIRECTION 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEMARCATE THEM CLEARLY PRIOR TO COMMENCING GRADING OF THE SITE. ALSO, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL SEDIMENT AND SIDE [ADJACENT TO 165 CHANCELLOR): 4' MIN. [PER SPI 9-00007) = = =-==- STORM LINE (EX./ PROP.) 479.70 + SPOT ELEVATION EROSION CONTROL MEASURES THAT CAN LOGISTICALLY BE PLACED BEFORE GRADING COMMENCES. CORNER/SIDE [ADJACENT TO CHANCELLOR ST): 4' MIN. [PER SPl 9-00007) DI c::!Ql STORM INLET HP HIGH POINT 10. DURING THE INSTALLATION OF UTILITIES TO SUPPORT THE PROJECT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SERVICE TO NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES. DAMAGE TO LINES OR INTERRUPTIONS OF SERVICE SHALL BE REAR [ADJACENT TO 165 CHANCELLOR): 25' MIN. [PER SPI 9-00007) YDIBI YARD DRAIN LP LOW POINT DSo DOWNSPOUT · · · - DITCH/SWALE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE SERVICE PROVIDER AND ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH REPAIR AND RESTORATION OF SERVICE. PARKING: CORNER PARKING ZONE - NO ON-SITE PARKING REQUIRED - G - - GASLINE(EX./PROP.) = '''='''=WATERCOURSE - I ADA PARKING SPACE PROVIDED ON SITE GV8 GMO GASVALVE/METER BM. BENCHMARK 11. ALL EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS ADJACENT TO THE PROPERTY, SUCH AS ROADWAYS, SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE DUE TO THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK. ALL REPAIR MADE NECESSARY BY THE i!.1>\,~H Op JI/ CONTRACTOR OR THOSE ASSISTING HIM I HER IN THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK SHALL BE BORNE BY THE CONTRACTOR. BICYCLE PARKING: I BICYCLE SPACE PER RESIDENT REQ. PER SPl9-00007 = 16 SPACES REQUIRED [MIN. 4 IN BLDG) r::~ ;p~ 'I :1k4?J{:_ 't - O H E - - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC {EX./ PROP.) CG-2 CITY STD. HEADER CURB - UGE-- UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC (EX./ PROP.) CG-6 CITY STD. CURB & GUTTER - 16 BICYCLE PARKING SPACES PROVIDED [8 WITH RACK+ 8 SPACES IN BLDG) CG-12 CITY STD. HANDICAP RAMP PPO POWER POLE 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES WITH CITY INSPECTORS PRIOR TO OR AS PART OF THE REQUIRED PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE. HC HANDICAP PARKING SYMBOL LP(> LIGHT POLE DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE PROP. SAN. SEWER: 16 MAX. RESIDENTS X I 00 GPD/RESIDENT = I ,600 GPD Alan 0. Franklin GUY..- GUYWIRE RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 13. ALL UNSUITABLE SOIL MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED AND ITS DISPOSITION DETERMINED BY THE OWNER WHILE THE EARTHWORK ASPECT OF THE SITE WORK IS STILL UNDERWAY. Lie. No. 36326 ~ EMc:::::i ELECTRIC METER PROP. WATER DEMAND: 29 GPM [BASED ON FIXTURE COUNT OF 66 & STATIC PRESSURE OF 80 PSI) CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE "' 04-17-2020 ~ (!] TRANSFORMER PVC POLYVINYLCHLORIDE PIPE 14. ALL SPRINGS SHALL BE CAPPED AND PIPED TO THE NEAREST DRAINAGEWAY OR DIRECTED TO A STORM SEWERAGE STRUCTURE. l,740 GPH PEAK HOUR DEMAND [29 GPM X 60) - OHT-- OVERHEAD COMM. (EX./ PROP.) HOPE HIGH-DENSITY POLY. PIPE PROP. FIRE FLOW DEMAND: LTH OJ:i TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF TAX MAP 9 PARCEL 126 \ -- -- -- -- LINC o~ ~ I NOTE: THE LOCAT ION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES I ALSO KNOWN AS ~~-M IS SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY. UTILI TIES ARE LOCATED USING UTILITY COMPANY LOCATIONS , CITY/COUNTY I SURVEY 1NS 167 CHANCELLOR STREET -- -- UTILITY MAPS, ANO FIELD VERIFIC ATION.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING I UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THEY AGREE TO BE I THOMAS B. LINCOLN CHARLOTTESVILLE VIRGINIA FULL Y RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES WHICH MIGHT Ii> Innovation. Integrity. Vision. BE OCCASIONED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. I 0 -- 632 BERKMAR CIRCLE LIC. NO. 1321 -l 08-24-20!7 DATE: AUGUST 24, 2017 SCALE: 1" • 10' CONTOUR INTERVAL• 1' 'lf&sUR~0.., I :iS - - - .... RLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901 MISS UTILIT Y TICKE T FOR THIS PROJECT, A720602857·00A I 2 --.......... OFFICE: 434-974-1411 NAVO ' 88 VERTICAL DATUM ffi - . . --........ ... FAX, 434 -974 - 1178 - www.llnoolnsutvsyin9.oom TM DATA\ 114000901_TS_17223.PRO 114-0 008-01 OR AS DIRECTED OTHERWISE BY THE CITY ENGINEER 2' COLD PATCH OR ASPHALT TACK AND SEAL Alan Franklin PE, LLC f-------5'-6"------< TACK AND SEAL ASPHALT 1.5 TIMES Civil and Site Plan Engineering , >;'~-. J.A~-~,!'_·ALK~S~LO~'::_'.'~'~·_'.'PER~"':,·,..''!"'.::!P~"R; _[_TOP OF FINISHED EXISTING PAVEMENT THICKNESS 6 r PAVING - SLOPE EXI NG PAVEMENT MIN. 2" ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE 427 Cranberry Lane Crozet, VA 22932 ,; .• ,, ; .. . ·-_, , ,, · , ·, -. ~ - - ~ ,. .-. 1/4" PER FT. AND 4" ASPHALT ~E COURSE ·~~~,~~~~~~~ l-----f13• :~:~:~:~:~ . ........................ ·. ~:~~~~~:~~B- EWiE TACK AND SEAL TACK AND SEAL 434-531-5544 BC CITY MIX ' L """""+~~,.'"'""' ........ . ,. ~ COMPACTED Flll CLASS A J500 CONC. OR UNDISTURBED ~MPACTED VOOT STONE, S\JB:-flAS.E • • . :. ... ••• #21A STONE BASE SECTION A-A COMPACTED ,. ,. VDOT #21A ~LED JOINT 5' COMPACTED oc. VDOT f21A I/ ,. 1/2" PREMOLDED EXPANSION JOINT .• PIPE BEDDING AS REQUIRED ..... Fill.ER 30' t.IAX. ON CENTER~ BEDDING AS REQUIRED ', \; -.............. PAVING .,. .• NOTES; 1. TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIR WILL BE REQUIRED IF PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR CAN NOT BE PERFORMED WITiilN 24 HOURS OF w ELEVATION AT CURB LINE TRENCH BACKFIWNG. zW ~ 0:: 2. PAVEMENT CUTS SHALl BE STRAIGHT AND VERTICAL J. CONTRACTOR SHAl.l MAINTAIN TiiE TEMPORARY REPAIR UNTIL '--A PLAN ..... PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR IS MADE. • CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE STANDARD SIDEWALK CITY STANMRDS • CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE REPAIR Cm' STANDARDS TEMPORARY PAVEMENT • CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE REPAIR CITY STANDARDS PERMANENT PAVEMENT w - en I- Cl) z<( MONOLITHIC WITH CURB ~ REVISION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUt.IBER: REVISION DATE SC>J..E: N.T.S. STANDARD NUMBER: P 1.1 RE'v1SION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUl.IBER: PR-1 <( _J O~ILD SIDEWALK MONOLITHIC wt cu~~ O~c7io~MANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR z- 0:: <( z ~ a.. O!c7io~PORARY PAVEMENT REPAIR \ NTS NTS :2 - _J 0 _J > w z 0- ...I w (!) ;: ~- ASPHALT & CURB TO BE ...I c::: a. _J iiif-w ~v · REMOVED AND REPLACED TMP~149 FOR SANITARY SEWER AND ADA-RAMP INSTALLATION 0 5' 10' 20' j::: w a:: f- 0 -..... H&F,LLC :2 ...I _J SANITARY SEWER STORM DRAIN D.B. 2017 PG. 162 c::: (.) <( /BY OR IS DIRECTED OTHERWISE TiiE Cm' ENGINEER STRUCTURE: 09-281C TYPE:SSMH TOP:547.66 /NV IN 535.48 fFR WESTJ 8" VCP /NV OUT 53528 (TO 28(8) 8" VCP STRUCTURE· 0173 TYPE:SDMH TOP:543.54 /NV IN 536.77 (FR WEST) 6• PVC OLD FHA TOBE REMOVED & REPLACED f; EX. B" INV. FROM MH 0~287 TO BE CONVERTED TO 4" SAN. LATERAL INVERT FROM 167 CHANCELLOR w a. w Cl) z<( :c u 0 ~ / i-- ?" _ 1 ---t 4" f-/ r-- 12 2"R CITY MIX CLASS A 3500 CONC. STRUCTURE: 09-2818 TYPE:SSMH INVOUT536.55(T00174) 12•HDPE STRUCTURE· 0174 WITH NEWFHAAS SHOWN ON SITE PLAN 0 EX.ADA ::::> _J w ,('<.//.'(/i'f ui IN THE PROJECT LIMITS BEYOND WHAT IS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WILL IS w ~ PROVIDE A SIDEWALK THAT MEETS THE (ADAAG) ADA STANDARDS FOR LONGITUDINAL ...J LIKELY PUSH THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE BEYOND 6,000 SQUARE WHICH ...J GRADE; HOWEVER THE WALK DOES CONFORM TO (PROWAG) ADA STANDARDS FOR 0:: a.. _J ' LONGITUDINAL GRADE. THE PROPOSED WALK WILL BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN THE WILL RESULT IN A FINE AND A STOP WORK ORDER THAT WILL HALT WORK > Cf) A ' \. MADISON LANE SIDEWALK TERMINUS AND THE CHANCELLOR STREET SIDEWALK SO PEDESTRIAN NO LONGER NEED TO TRAVEL IN THE STREET. UNTIL E&S AND SWM DOCUMENTS ARE SUBMITTED, REVIEWED, AND APPROVED. i=== :::!!: w w ~ 0...J <( ""/' ' \ " 'j 2"SMOOTH TROWELED EDGE; SANITARY SEWER STRUCTURE· ~281C STORM DRAIN LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 0:: w (.) a:: < z- z<( ' STRUCTURE: 0173 (5,640 SF)" \_ CONTRACTION JOINT OPTIC NAL TYPE:SSMH TOP:547.66 TYPE:SDMH ~---- a.. I u ~ INSTALL CG-12 ADA RAMP SCORED BROOM FINISH; TYP. /NV IN 535.48 (FR l!IESTJ 8" VCP TOP:543.54 SIDEWALK TO FOLLOW w -_ J /NV IN 536.7.T (FR l!IEST) 6" PVC (PARALLEL) W/ TRUNCATED "\_CURBING (WHERE APPLICABLE) PERPENDICULAR TO DIRECTION /NV OUT 535.28 (TO S1f8) 8" VCP /NV OUT 536.55 (TO 0174) 12" HDPE EX. TOP OF CURB ELEV. DOME & 2% LANDING en OF TRAVEL STRUCTURE: 09-2818 TYPE:SSMH STRUCTURE: 0174 &GRADE NEW FHA & WATE~ EX.ADA (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 5) ::::> /p ...J 1 Y.• DEEP CONTRACTION/SCORE TOP:542.02 /NV IN 533.01 (FR S117J 8" VCP INVOUT532.77 (TOSf19)8" VCP TYPE: SDMH TOP:541.17 (Q'°"'1 ,624 GPM) EASEMENT INVIN+/- 536.89(FRD173) 12"HDPE(FULL OF DEBRIS) CJ RAMP ADD CROSSWALK <( (.) I w JOINT, SPACED EVERY 5' O.C.; TYP. EXPANSION JOINT W/ X." RECESSED X,• BACKER ROD AND CAULK, SPACED STRUCTURE· 09-281A TYPE:SSMH /NV OUT+/- 536.80 (TO 0175) 12"RCP (FULL OF DEBRIS) STRIPING TO EX. RAMP w a.. (.) 0:: EVERY 25 (MIN) O.C.; TYP. TOP:541.09 /NV IN 532.29 (FR S118 J 8" VCP STRUCTURE· 0175 TYPE: SDMH PROVIDE CLEAN-OUT_..,.,_, ....__A/ _,.....--BOUNDARY LINE en a_ CLASS A 3,500 PSI CONCRETE AT 28 DAYS, AIR-ENTRAINED /NV IN 531.96 (FR WESt) 8" VCP /NV OUT 531.90 (TO 5120) 8" VCP i!l!:f:3/ia64 48(FRD174) 12.HDPE & 4" PVC LATERAL TIE INVIN536.13(FRD175A) 12"VCP INTO EX. SMH 09-281 ADJUSTMENT TO DEDICATE R.O.W. TO CITY I'--- CITY MIX STRUCTURE: 09-281 TYPE·SSMH /NV OUT 535.79 (TO EAST.JO) 12" VCP APPROX/MA TE (0 / ~ 2"VCP-IO (NOT FOUND) WWF6" X6"W1.4XW1.4 W/2" TJ':jff"/:io"Jm (FR S119J 8" VCP /NV IN 535.20 (FR S1211AJ 8" VCP STRUCTURE: D175A TYPE: GRATE H&F,LLC TMP9-149 / // / ~ MIN.COVER D.B. 2017 PG. 162 / /NV JN 531.96 (FR S120C) 8" VCP TOP: 539.52 INVOUT530.64 (TOS120B)8"PVC INVOUT535.97(TOD175) 12" VCP COMPACTED VDOT IK.l1A STONE STRUCTURE: 09-287 NO PARKING BASE TYPE:SSMH SIGN TOP:549.50 /NV IN 546.31 (FR si18" VCP /NV IN 545.33 (FR S 6" VCP 95% COMPACTED SUBGRADE /NV IN 546.37 (FR S J 6" VCP SMH O!l-260A /NV OUT 545.57 (TO 5120) 8" VCP 530.23 SECTION O~c?o~CRETE SIDEWALK NTS R=1091.75' A=136.65' T=68.41' C=136.56' CB=S30"45'20"E STRUCTURE· 120C TOP:543.97 /NV OUT 539.62 (TO S120) 8" VCP EXTEND 5' CITY STD - - - - - - - . _ _f CONCRETE SIDEWALK : ~-:Ts---- 544.73 CITY UTILITY GIS SHOWS CURVING 6" VCP (8"?) (PUBLIC) 544.69 SANITARY SEWER LINE IN Flange Mounting PAVEMENT OF CHANCELLOR STREET ALL OTHER WALKS PRIVATE NOT MARKED IN FIELD. 8R@7"EA. 7' PEDESTRIAN & UTILITY _ , 1.u·[46J ACCESS EASEMENT 540.00 SCALE: LIMITS OF --.__ LIMITS OF ISSUED: 10-01-19 CD® DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCE (5,640 SF)• 539.63 DRAWN BY: 8"DRAIN (5,640 SF)• CONC. STAIRS TO REVISIONS: REMAIN EX CONC. FLUME AND-~ 1 01.06.20 • CITY COMMENTS CHANNEL UNDER WALK 2 02.27.20 ·CITY COMMENTS REHAB EX. SAN. MH (O!l-281C) - - - , 549.24 3 04.17.20 ·CITY COMMENTS A PERWW8.0 .. -- ' ... ,, ' ' , .. . . . ., ··.. . ~-=-i::... . .. . . ." ' '• ... ... :·. ' : .' .. . ,. . '· , ·' ' . SEE~ING OPTIONS /~ TOP547.66 /NV. IN 535.48 (8, /NV OUT 535.28 (8") INSTALL NEW 8" INV. IN FROM 09-287 @ ELEV. 536.00 167 CHANCELLOR SI FFFE 549.26 -- u:::::::::s::i, I BFFE 540.00 RE-PLACE EX. 1.5" WM ----~v I Embedded Mounting WI 1" WM IN EX. VAULT RE-ROUTE SEWER MAIN FROM -up""/-...~ 7 011-287 TO 09-281 C L_ 1 ! - 1'-2"[3lioll] - · -· - 1 7'9' [481 27.00 LF OF 8" DIP@ 35.44% ,,..---, FDC & WALL MOUNTED ELEC. ~- -~ (WITH CONCRETE ANCHORS) MONITORED POST INDICATOR 548.96 I VALVE ~ ! @© .... REPLACE CONC. ----'"tJ-~ WALK&CURB REMOVED FOR ~-7 , -EX. 1.5" WATER SERVICE All rtghls raserved. No pert o1' Iha metertel protectad by this copyright (plans, Ideas, deslgn1, sections or details expre1Sed on these plan•) may be ruproduced, changed I I ;~ ' ' or utilized in any farm or by any means, elactmnic or 3'-0"(li11!J11 1 I / ' SEWER CONST. I mechanlcal, Including photocopying, scanning, or by any other means of retrieval sy&tem without written permission L I 3'·11 719"11211!1 1 I I ====o T 114· EX. SAN. MH (011-287) TOP549.50 j LUSH 549.17 from Alan Franklin PE., LLC Al&o, these plans may not be assigned ID e third perty I I I ~- ••. --j /NV. IN 546.31 (8" VCP) /NV. IN 545.33 (6" VCP) ELEC. without flrst written authorization of Alan Franklin PE., U.C ' ' ' METER I I I DETAIL A /NV. IN 546.37 (6" VCP) @Alan Franklin PE, LLC /NV OUT 545.57 I . ·· I I :.· ir·: 'W: .: ' ..:. ' ·.· .,,f_ '··oO '~- ..... I (PLUG & ABANDON PER WW 7. 1) INSTALL NEW 8" INV. OUT TO O!l-281C ~ ~ . : · . f.. •, .~- .·.·: ' ..... . . ' ' ' @ ELEV. 545.57 G~ SHEET Bike Rack ~ P1rtr.lumber ~ ~ ~ Uoit207,64~- 148 Sll'Oel, Surrey,SC,Cmwla V3S-707 LIMITS OF 'i 1 2 R-8212 R-8212-SS 8 lkeR1ck Bike flllck S!HI SleklltM Steel 191bl. 19 lbl. l .SBB-71~-S680 -°""' "!."Y'~fi>undcy. com W!( I """.¥' .bib-~ DISTURBANCE C ) * -- 3 R-.11212-EM 81keRack Steel 201>1 Bike Rack, Model R-821 2 (5,640 SF)" I - 4 R-8212-EM.SS BlleRack Slakllol8Steel 20bs SCALE NTS DAAWING NUMSER ACCESSIBLE ROUTE - I IC======~ =,= 0 ":::'."=,,=_ =™=,=,~ =,AA=w=..,=~=,'....~-,"-""-"-.~-0-.,-~-,-.,-,~ --.™-,-.,- "-00 ~ -,~-,- ~ - ..-,~-~-,~ ,,- -~-00 -.-,ro-.-----~::'~~'"'."=05= ,,.,=,d13 R-82121R-8212-S&R-8212-EIMl.-8212.£M-SS A A EX. LONG. GRADE= 2.~0 PROVIDE 36' WIDE ROUT W/ 2% MAX. CROSS SLOPE FROM . WALK TO RAMP TMP9-127 WADS HOLDINGS, LLC. REPAIR CONCRETE _ .::::::><:._ I D.B. 776 P. 392 SIDEWALK AS NECESSARY \ D.B. 467 P. 562 PIA T D.B. 769 P. 502 ALONG LIMITS OF FRONTAGE \ 0 5' 10' (STUDENT HOUSING R-3) OF6 EX. ADA RAMP ---..._ THE PROPOSED SIDEWALK EXTENSION ABUTS THE EXISTING MADISON x LANE TOP OF CURB SO ITS LONGITUDINAL GRADE WILL MATCH THAT OF 540.17 MADISON LANE, WHICH IS IN EXCESS OF (ADAAG) ADA STANDARDS. GIVEN ~­ ! ' THE ELEVATION CHANGE OVER SUCH A SHORT DISTANCE AT THE I I I ', ', ', Alan Franklin PE, LLC CHANCELLOR STREET INTERSECTION, IT IS NOT FEASIBLE TO PROVIDE A II ',, Civil and Site Plan Engineering SIDEWALK THAT MEETS THE (ADAAG) ADA STANDARDS FOR LONGITUDINAL I I ', ,, GRADE; HOWEVER THE WALK DOES CONFORM TO (PROWAG) ADA I ', 427 Cranberry Lane Croze1, VA 22932 I ', STANDARDS FOR LONGITUDINAL GRADE. THE PROPOSED WALK WILL REPAIR-~ I ') 434-531-5544 I I BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN THE MADISON LANE SIDEWALK TERMINUS AND ASPHALT I I THE CHANCELLOR STREET SIDEWALK SO PEDESTRIAN NO LONGER NEED / @ I TO TRAVEL IN THE STREET. \ /CUT EX. CURB / \ \ /\! / TO PROVIDE / 1 ADARAMP / EX.CURB I/ 540.34 EX BC / "' \ I ___;~-=--~· I 540.84 EX TC \ STOP SIGN \ \ I r- ""' 6.35' 4.1' NEWCONC. 540.10 EX BC 540.60 EX TC 539.72 540 r-c..+~~~~rt-~-+-~~--+~~ 540 I r- w I x I 27 LF OF 8" SDR-26 SIDEWALK@ ) ~39.74 -L r EX. TOP OF h9.lsac S. . @ 35.44% W/ z w C NCRETE ANCHORS CURB GRAD EX.CURB @ 16' MAX SPACING x ~ HANDICAP SIGN- .... .... <( " .s: - • "' 540.34 ~' '5:9.72 530 >----+-~~___y,l----"'L-"'--~--+--~~----+-~~ s3o ~ BLUE BACKGROUND, WHITE LETTERING (MUTCD R7-8 (VIRGINIA) MAY BE SUBSITUTED AS EQUIVILENT) PENALTY ~" ' R.o.w DE: . DiC4 TION "'< ~ ' .~""'il'7' - ~ , ' '- , __J a_ w r- en $100 - $500 FINE HY-N-AWAY ZONE MUTCD / N / 541.00 BC 541.50 TC j {;,,3.5t_ "' "'543 ......_ 540.44 BC 541.44 TC ' ""' ""' ~540.20 BC 541.20TC , 'O. \ i ~ \ , \ EX.DI BOTH S.S. M HOLES TO B REHABBED P R DETAIL WW 8.0 I- Cf) Cl) >- -<( .....J 10+00 10+10 10+20 10+30 PENALTY R7-8 (VA) ""' ~ f ......_ "'-.: ) ""' \ ~ 0:::: ~ f-_ I - - _ \ . ..___ \.: \ ~ . " \ SCALE: H: 1"=10', V: 1"=10' :2: __J 0 > u.j 0 AUTHORITIES) ADA-RAMP MADISON/CHANCELLOR SCALE: 1" = 5' w 0:::: a_ _J _J > _J _J ca SIGN MUTCD R7-8B SHALL BE INSTALLED AT SPACES WHICH ARE VAN ENLARGEMENT i=== w (/) w I- en + •0 ""*'"------ ACCESSIBLE ONLY AS SHOWN ON PLANS :2: 0:::: (.) I- 0 _J c:: w w .....J "' METAL SIGN POST- 84" CLEAR MIN. WHEN PEDESTRIAN PATH FROM CAR TO WALK PASSES BY OR UNDER THE SIGN - - -14 9/1 6"---> 1'---12 1/2"-----r ! ,-- 3/4" TYFE "K" SOFT COPPER a_ w z<( ---6' MIN ---<~--·2 ' TO 6'----< CLEARANCE 2 02.27.20 - CITY COMMENTS UNPAVED SURFACE PAVED SURFACE 3 04.17.20 - CITY COMMENTS 7 CU. FT. VDOT # 57 BITUMINOUS CRUSHED LOAM AND SEED PAVEMENT PATCH. VALVE AS SPECIFIED / STONE (SEE Pl.O OR Pl.I) 24" MIN ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX W/LID BOX\ r BINGHAM & TAYLOR MOD.# 4906 (SCREW TYPE TOP) & 4909-D #160 (OVAL SCREW TYPE BASE) """""~"""'""' ~fl~?(i::: • .,•. VDOT # 21A 36" MIN OR APPROVED EQUAL <*:~ _ i;.o.~ -: \ ! ·.~ ... ----4-- 24 .. MIN NOTES: SELECT Fl LL-----... 1:·;''.i-': 12 • SEE NOTE I. IN REMOTE AREAS, VALVE BOXES 2~ .t:;•; · SHALL EXTEND SIX (6) INCHES ABOVE VDOT #57 CRUSHED STONE All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this GRADE. PLACED AGAINST UNDISTURBED copyright (plans, ideas, designs, sections or details ~~:::;~./ M.J. GATE VALVE 2. USE RESTRAINED JOINTS IN BOTH SIDES AND BOTTOM OF TRENCH _ _ _, expressed on these plans) may be reproduced, changed DIRECTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH TO SPRINGUNE OF PIPE or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or " MIN BEDDING mechanical, including photocopying, scanning, or by any DETAIL W2.4. BELOW OUTSIDE other means of retrieval system without written permission UNDISTURBED EARTH _,/ DIA OF PIPE from Alan Franklin PE, LLC " - - - - - - - 2'X2' BEARING BLOCK AT Also, these plans may not be assigned to a third party ALL JOINTS SHAUL BE MECHANICALLY RESTRAINED--~ VALVE (NOT REQUIRED IF ALL without first written authorization of Alan Franklin PE, LLC WATER LINE DUCTILE IRON PIPE JOINTS ARE RESTRAINED) 1A • NOTES: ~ . .,I NOTES: ©Alen Franklin PE, LLC I. SURROUND WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE OF CONCRETE. I I 1. MAINTAIN VERTICAL TRENCH WALLS FROM BOTTOM OF TRENCH TO 24" ABOVE 2. MAINTAIN A 3' MIN. COVER FROM THE MAIN TO THE FIRE HYDRANT (INCLUDING DITCHES). L -....:- .J CROWN OF PIPE. TRENCH WIDTH IN THIS AREA: PIPE O.D. + 24". 3. FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM TH E FIRE HYDRANT AND VALVE BOX. 4. GATE VALVE SHALL NOT BE PLACED WITHIN THE DITCH LINES. 3000 P.S.I. CONCRETE 2. FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER 5 FT. DEEP, SLOPE TRENCH WALLS AS REQUIRED AND/ OR SHEET 5. IF GROUNDWATER IS PR ESENT AT THE INSTALLATION SITE, COORDINATE TH E RELOCATION OF THE HYDRANT WITH BEARING BLOCK 2' X 2' BEARING AREA PROVIDE OTHER SAFETY MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSHA GUIDELINES. CITY. (NOT REQUIRED IF ALL 6. EACH NEW FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE FRESHLY PAINTED WITH "GLID" GUARD #45 SAFETY RED, BY "GLIDDEN" JOINTS ARE RESTAINED IN 3. ROCK SHALL BE REMOVED TO A MINIMUM OF 6- INCH CLEARANCE AROUND THE OR APPROVED EQUAL. ACCORDANCE WITH W 2.4) BOTTOM AND 12-INCH MINIMUM CLEARANCE TO THE SIDES OF PIPE. 7. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT ALL FIRE HYDRANTS ARE PROVIDED WITH "CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE" THREADS. 8. ALL CHAINS SHAUL BE REMOVED FOLLOWING INSTALLATION AND TESTING. JAN 2012 CITY STANDARDS JULY 20 11 CITY STANDARDS FEB 2012 CITY STANDARDS PIPE TRENCH UNIVERSAL CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE FIRE HYDRANT - TYPICAL CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE GATE VALVE - TYPICAL CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE STANDARD SUBGRADE - TYPICAL REVISION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUMBER: W 3.0 REVISION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUMBER: W 4.0 REVISION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUMBER: W 1.0 OF6 EXISTING FRAME & COVEA - ~, MANHOLE ~Oim ISi A T'l'PiCAL !HAflE. HOWE\/Elt, IJ. COA'T INVERT CHANNELS 'Wini A OOICKSET ALL MANHOl..ES COATEC WITH EPOXY &IAU.. SE SPAAK RESET, RAISE OR REPLACE PER MANHctE SHAFE! llfJLL VAPLL BE: RE-IBUIWNO MA'f BE: FIE®IFiED IF 11-iaiE IS NO (ABANDON IN PLACE.) At.LOVE! TO E(lllEf! nE SEWERS. 1"1 AC01100, NO S~l:>llNG, AND fl!O OEf'lfllED INVERT CHANNEL OR IF C~EMICJ\LS USEC F'1::i.Ft CLEA!iJNG OR OT.1£.ft THE EXISTING IN\DT CHANNEL IS Mefl!E THAN 6 OPERA11005 SHALL l!E ALLC'1£0 TO ~lEFi THE JNOHIES ~DER THAN THE INCOMIMIJ AND OUTGOING ~ SEll.EFI. CEl.IENllTIO.JS Ul\IHG &lALL BE PIPE OIAME'TERS. EXISTING INVE~T CHANNELS THAT MONOLlil-UCALLY !PRA'r'- AFPUEO IN ONE °P'AS'S ANO AFi:E LESS 11-IAN -5 ltJCHES \i/loe:FI THAN 1HE PWG VOIDS AROUND STEPS \/!TH GROOT PRIOR TO INSTALUNQ iROWELEO ~ AnEA AFPi..lCATION. EPOXY :SHALL BE SPRAi'-.1.P~um IW ONC: CR TWO ~AiSES. CONWl.Am'.QR !HALL MO\i~E S~A!S '1J~i'IN~ AS REQUl~C WHLE R£HABlLrTA11NQ MANHt:l.ES. B'l'PA5S INct•MltoH)/OOTOOINGI PIPE OlAME'IERS SHALL BE NAAIP!OWE'c TO PFl:0\110.E: A UNIFORM CtlANNEL PEii: NOil~ 6 AS PART OF "'l"l"IE MANHOLE R&IAEIJLliATlON WOR.K AND AT NO ADOITIONAL COST. BENCHES ANO M SCREW PLUG INSTALLED IN SERVICE LATERAL w CE MEN TI TIOUS LINER PUMPING Mlt!T BE FE~ED WIEI COAilNG THE INl/ERT CHANMflli \MT'tt ~oor A/£1~ EP¢X'r'. NO ~".(r~J!im~~o~Jn~~~~~tN:r~ MATEi'ilAL !HALLS~~ ALLOWEO TO DJT.ER 'THE SEWEflS. ;, ALL MANHOLES COATED WITH CEMENTI TIOIJS M°"TAA N01E 6 • FROM MANHOLE TO REMAIN PEAMANEN1lY zW ~ 0:: &. PROVIOE: AOD110NJ>A_ CEfENTmOIJS !iAA'IEFlj~ AS 9iA1.l BE VACUUM TES'!EO IN ACCCRDANGE Wlni tl.E:CESSAA'T' TO PRl:lVU A Mll>MtlUJ..4 2-. F'ALL f'ROlli ASTIJ C-1244 EXCEPT 1HAT THE MINIMUM TEST TIME iHE MANHCt.E WAl1 TO H M\1£RT atAN'IEL NY SHA1.l BE 1 MINUTE. VACUUM 1ES11NG SHALL BE FILL CHANNEL FOR SERV1CE ANO AU. AmTICNAi CEIJ"EM~no.ux MA1'Eff:IAL A P~J~ORMED AF"TER All MANHOL.£ REHABILITATION liEQIJl~C TO FRO\fCE THE r FALL SHAl.1. BE INCIDENfAJ. fO THE WORK pt.jD SHAU. SE INCLIJD£D IN wal:.K IS COMPl.ETE. TESTINO SHAU. INCUJDE VACUUM ~illl!> THE FRAME-et-llMNEV IHttll:FACE, LATERAi. INSIDE MANHOLE COMPLETELY WITH CONCRETE OR w ~ I- THE UHIT Pf!K:E SJCl f\if.! TI£ CEfl.EN'Tl'l10U5 OOATING THE CO.NTRACT.oR ll5 AD~SED THAT MOST Of' Tl-IE ' EXIST!~ BENCtt.ES 'AlllE .FLAT PROVDE CHANNEL JN BEMCt!HIJ F'CR fEWERS .EHJERriO lllAJIHOl.ES ABOVE CONTFiACTOft TO PfftFCflM ALL '-IANHOLE J:IEHABIUTATION WORK NECESSARY IN Ol!tt:lER TO PASS TH£ VACUUM TEST, ll-IE OON'TJiiACTOF! SHALL REPAIR ALL l.£AKS AND Sl-IAl.L ftE-TEST MANHOLES TI-IAT FAIL NON-SHRINK GROUT. SMOOTH FILLED CHANNEL TO MATCH EXISTING BENCHING AND PROVIDE en en BEHCHM CHANNEL TO PR0\10E SN0011-I TRANSITION TO MA~ IMl/Ef.IT CHANN£L THE VACUUM TEST REGARDLESS OF THE !'!EASON FOR 11-IE FAILURE {IHCL\JDING LEAKS AT THE SMOOTH TRANSmON. ~ <( z z 0:: flll1Al.1E- CHIMNE'l' SEAL) AT NO AODITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER:. <( EXISTING INVERT CHANNEL ~ CJ) :20 > REHAB or CllY STANDARDS EXISTING MANHOLE REHAB or CllY STANDARDS EXISTING MANHOLE CllY STANDARDS SEWER LATERAL ABANDONMENT __J w _J w· --' --' - ....J ~ • CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE • CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE • CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE c:: a.. _J iiiw (PAGE 1 of 2) (PAGE 2 of 2) AT MANHOLE REVISION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUMBER: WW 8.0 REVISION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUMBER: WW 8.0 REVISION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUMBER: WW 7.1 p :2 c:: w ~ 0 --' a: w NOTE: CLCANOUTS IN PAVED OR 'WYE" TYPE FlmNG. w (..) <( I 0 ANCHORS SHALL BE SPACED IS SHOWN ON PLAN I /8" x 2" STAINLESS SQUARE LAMPHOLE COVER NEENAH OR EQUAL MECHANICAL PWC CONCRETE SHALL BE TRAFFIC RATED. TEE BRANCH SHALL SE SAi.iE SIZE IS LATERAL (4" M a.. w en z<( () STEEL STR.AP ,\ . NOTES: ::::> __J 154 FELT TRENCH BOTTOM A,. : •, ~" .. ,_•_._.._,_·,____ 3000 PSI CONCRm 1. USE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FROM SEWEA MAIN TO CLEANOUT IF LESS TliAN 3.5 FT. COVER <( u I ' D 0+4" 24" 1/2"STAINLESS STEEL .· ' ' (PRIVATE PAVED DRIVEWAYS EXISTS. w a.. (..) ONLY) ANCHOR BOLTS EMBEDDED S" 1"11'. -+r~----< .. " 2. SEWEA LATERAi. TAPPED INTO EXl511NG SEWEA MAIN SHALL SE CONNECTED USING en ""c.o 8' IN CONCRm A ROMAC PIPE SADDLE (S1'1LE 58) ,OR 1/8" x 2" UNDISTURBED SOIL •' . APPROVED EQUAi.. ALL TAPS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL ON FACE AND CONNECTING PIECE CORE-DRILLED. STRAP-_,,. BOTTOM OF ANCHOR (LENllTli VARIES) CONCRETE PER .. 3. LA1ERAL SHALL NOT PROTRUDE INTO SEWER ~ SPECIFICATIONS MAIN. ELEVATION ~· BEND-'---\ '• CONCRETE ANCHOR ' (MAY BE PRECAST) CLEANOUT 4. WHEAE THE DISTANCE "A" IS SUCH THAT W'fE OR CLEAl10UT 'IEE SEE DRAWING WW 5.1 MORE TliAN ONE PIPE JOINT IS REQUIRED CONCRm ANCHOR ANO THE PIPE SLOPE EXCEEDS 20JI FOR SLOPES OVER 20lll ·.YOOT f 57. · SEWER LINE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ANCHORAGE IN CRUSHE)l STO~E. ACCORDANCE WITl1 DRAWING WW o.O. "' ' 5. SEWEA LATERAL CONNECTIONS INTO lllllli: ---- --- EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITl1 DETAIL DRAWINGS WW 1. SIDES AND BOTTOM OF CONCRETE ANCHOR TO ... 2.0, WW 2. 1, WW 2.2. OR WW 2.3 IS APPLICABLE. BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTJi. 2. SPACING OF ANCHORS: 6. IF MAIN LINE IS LINED, SEE DETAIL WW 5.2. SLOPES: 20:1 - 35~: <3B FEET CENTER-TO-CENTER OVER JSn: <16 FEET CENTER-TO-CENTER N01E: CLCANOUT TO BE SAAlE SIZE ANO MATERIAL AS SEWER LINE. El£\IA]ON CllY STANDARDS CllY STANDARDS JULY 2011 CllY STANDARDS SEWER LATERAL • CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE CLEANOUT DETAIL • CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE SCALE: • CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE CONCRETE ANCHOR CONNECTION - TYPICAL REVISION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUMBER: WW 5. 1 REVISION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUMBER: WW 5.0 ISSUED: 10-01-19 REYlSION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUMBER: WW 6.0 DRAWN BY: REVISIONS: UNPAVED SURFACE PAYED SURFACE 1 01.06.20 - CITY COMMENTS BITUMINOUS 2 02.27.20 - CITY COMMENTS MIN 1" THICK LINER ·ro BE INSTAU.EO AFTER LO.AM ANO SEED SEWER REPLACEMENT IS COMPLETE \fl.HERE I'S SPECIFIED PAVEMENT :SPECIFlED. MATCH UNER TO END OF PIPE AS PATCH SHOWN, SEE DETAIL A. REMOVE EXISTING PIPE AND MANHOLE WALL AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL MEW 12" SELECT FILI:: PIPE. MIN OPENING IN WALL SHAU. EXISTING MANHOLE WALJ. BE PIPE 00+3" ALL AROUNO. AFTER PIPE INSTAll.A TION, Flll. COMMON Fill VOIDS AROUND PIPE COMPLETELY INSTAU. CONCRETE COLLAR ALL \1!1H NON-SHRINK GROUT. AROUND NEW PIPE, CONCRETE SHALL SE MIN .3,aoo PSI. YDOT #57 CRUSHED STONE PLACED AG;JNST UNDISTURBED EX1END NEW PIPE MIN 2" INTO MAN HOLE MATCH NEW PIPE TO SIDES AND BOTTOM OF TRENC EXISTING INVERT ELEYA110N - UNPAVED SURFACE PAYED SURFACE All rtghl5 reserved. No part of Iha material prolBcled by this copyr1ght (plans, Idem, designs, aeetlons or detells expraBSBd on these plans) may be reproduced, changed BITUMINOUS or uUllzed In any form or by any means, electronlc or PAVEMENT mechanical, including photoc;opying, scanning, or by any other meEll'll of ratrlaval system without wrtttan permission NEW SEWER PIPE PVC PIPE PATCH from Alan Franklin PE, LLC Also, these plans may nol be assigned to a third party EXISTING MANHOLE BASE· YOOT # 21A without flnd written autllor1zaUon of Alan Franklin PE, U.C N01!5: C Alen Franklin PE, LLC I. M;JNT;JN VERTICAL TRENCH WALLS FROM BOTTOM OF TRENCH TO 24" ABOVE CROWN OF PIPE. TRENCH WIDTH IN THIS AREA: PIPE 0.0. + 24". 1. CONTRACTOR SHAU. REFE:R TO THIS DETAIL l'itiEN CONNECTING NEW SEWER PIPES TO VOOT #57 CRUSHED STONE SHEET 2. FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER 5 FT. DEEP, SLOPE TRENCH PLACED AGAINST UNDISTURBED EXISTING OR NEW MANHOILES. THE NEW PIPES MAY SE INSTALLED FOR A POINT REPAIR, PIPE REPLACEMEl~T, PIPE BURSTING, OR SERVICE LATERAL REPLACEMENT, WALLS AS REQUIRED AND/OR PROVIDE OTliEA SAF£1Y SIDES AND BOTTOM OF TRENCH MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSHA GUIDELINES. s•-a" MIN BEDDING BELOW OUTSIDE J. ROCK SHALL BE REMOVED TO A MINIMUM OF 6-INCH UNDISTURBED EARTH DIA OF PIPE CLEARANCE AROUND TliE BOTTOM AND 12-INCH MINIMUM CLEARANCE TO TliE SIDES OF PIPE. QUCT!Lf !RON PIPE JULY 2011 CllY STANDARDS JAN 2012 CllY STANDARDS NEW PIPE CONNECTION AT PIPE TRENCHING AND • CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE MANHOLE • CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE BEDDING - TYPICAL REVISION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUMBER: WW 2.B REVISION DATE SCALE: N.T.S. STANDARD NUMBER: WW 1.0 OF6 SP19-00007 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A FRATERNITY HOUSE AT 167 CHANCELLOR STREET FOR UP TO 16 OCCUPANTS WHEREAS, pursuant to City Code §34-420, landowner Alpha Omicron of Chi Psi Corporation has submitted an application seeking to modify a special use permit previously approved in 1985, for the purposes of authorizing a “boarding, fraternity and sorority house”, as defined within City Code §34-1200, at 165 and 167 Chancellor Street (the proposed “Special Use Permit”); and WHEREAS, the proposed Special Use Permit will apply to the land, buildings and structures located at 165 and 167 Chancellor Street (the “Subject Property”), which is further identified on 2019 City Tax Map 9 as Parcels 126 and 127 (City Parcel ID Nos. 090126000 and 090127000, respectively) and both lots are located within the City’s R-3 zoning district, subject to an historic district overlay (the Corner major design control district, per §34-272(6); and WHEREAS, previously, on July 15, 1985 City Council granted a special use permit to authorize a “sorority complex” to be established at 165 and 167 Chancellor Street, consisting of two buildings: one, at 165 Chancellor, another at 167 Chancellor, together, having thirty-three (33) residents, total. The current owner of the land, buildings and structures located at 165 Chancellor Street (WADS Holdings, LLC) has confirmed in writing that it does not object to this application, which will update and modify the previously-granted special use permit as to both 165 and 167 Chancellor Street; and WHEREAS, the proposed Special Use is generally described within written materials submitted in connection with SP19-00007, including: the application materials dated September 17, 2019, and related narrative; and a proposed preliminary site plan dated September 17, 2019 as required by City Code §34-158 (collectively, the “Application Materials”); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the Application Materials, and the City’s Staff Report pertaining thereto, and then, following a joint public hearing duly advertised and conducted by the Planning Commission and City Council on November 12, 2019, the Planning Commission voted to recommend that City Council should approve this proposed Special Use, subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, upon consideration of the comments received during the joint public hearing, the Planning Commission’s recommendation, and the Staff Report, as well as the factors set forth within Sec. 34-157 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance, this Council finds and determines that granting the proposed Special Use subject to suitable conditions would serve the public necessity, convenience, general welfare or good zoning practice; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that, pursuant to City Code Sec. 34-420, the proposed Special Use is granted, subject to the following conditions: 1. The fraternity house located at 167 Chancellor Street shall have a maximum of sixteen (16) residents. Any expansion of the fraternity house beyond sixteen (16) residents will require an amendment to this Special Use Permit. 2. 165 Chancellor Street: Special Use Permit approval for the land, buildings and structures located at 165 Chancellor Street to be used for a “boarding, fraternity and sorority house”, as that term is defined in City Code §34-1200 is expired and no longer valid. However, yard regulations for this lot will remain modified as follows: a. Building setback (front), adjacent to Madison Lane: the required building setback along Madison Lane shall remain modified as shown on the site plan for 165 and 167 Chancellor Street approved on November 4, 1985. 3. 167 Chancellor Street: The land, buildings and structures located at 167 Chancellor Street may be used for a “boarding, fraternity and sorority house”, as that term is defined in City Code §34-1200. The number of residents shall not exceed 16 at 167 Chancellor Street. a. Building setback (front), adjacent to Madison Lane: the required building setback along Madison Lane shall be 8 feet. b. Building setback (corner side), adjacent to Chancellor Street: the required building setback along Chancellor Street shall be 4 feet. c. Building setback (side), adjacent to 165 Chancellor Street: the required building setback along the property line shared with 165 Chancellor Street shall be 4 feet. d. Building setback (rear), property corner adjacent to Chancellor Street and 165 Chancellor Street: the required building setback from property corner adjacent to Chancellor Street and 165 Chancellor Street shall be 25 feet. 4. The “boarding, fraternity or sorority house” use approved by this special use permit, and (except as specifically modified within condition (2) and condition (3), above), all buildings and structures located on the Subject Property, shall comply with the provisions of City Code Sec. 34-353 and all other applicable provisions of Chapter 34 (Zoning) of the Code of the City of Charlottesville. 5. Bicycle storage facilities shall be provided at 167 Chancellor Street at a rate of one (1) bicycle storage facility per resident, and all such facilities shall be a type permitted by the zoning ordinance. 6. Sidewalk shall be extended along the frontage of Madison Lane as shown on the proposed preliminary site plan for 167 Chancellor Street dated September 17, 2019. 7. Curb ramps shall be installed at the end of any proposed sidewalk on Madison Lane to align with the existing curb ramp on the east side of Chancellor Street. 8. The elevated sidewalk to the south on Chancellor Street must be repaired and vegetation cleared to remove obstructions. If this work is not done prior to requesting an updated Certificate of Occupancy for 167 Chancellor Street then the landowner shall provide a development agreement specifying the timing for completion of sidewalk work. 9. An accessible route from the public sidewalk to 167 Chancellor Street shall be required. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Special Use Permit approved by this Resolution amends and supersedes the special use permit previously approved by resolution dated July 15, 1985 for the buildings and structures located at 165 and 167 Chancellor Street. Approved by Council December 2, 2019 Kyna Thomas, CMC Clerk of Council Sec. 34-827. - Preliminary site plan contents. (a) Sixteen (16) clearly legible blue or black line copies of a preliminary site plan shall be submitted along with an application for approval. In addition, a three-dimensional drawing or model of the proposed site and the surrounding areas showing massing in context shall be submitted along with any preliminary site plan that is to be reviewed by the planning commission. If revisions to the submitted preliminary site plan are necessary, then sixteen (16) full-sized revised copies, and, if the preliminary site plan is to be reviewed by the planning commission, an additional ten (10) revised copies shall be submitted by the revision deadline. (b) All waiver, variation and substitution requests shall be submitted with the preliminary site plan, and the applicant shall clearly state the specific items being requested for waiver, variation or substitution. (c) The preliminary site plan shall be prepared to an engineering scale of 1:20, unless, in the determination of the director a different scale will allow a better representation of the development. (d) The preliminary site plan shall contain the following information: (1) The name of the development; names of the owner(s), developer(s) and individual(s) who prepared the plan; tax map and parcel number; zoning district classification(s); descriptions of all variances, zoning proffers and bonus factors applicable to the site; description of affordable dwelling unit requirements applicable to the subject property pursuant to section 34-12(a) or section 34-12(d)(1); city and state; north point; scale; one (1) datum reference for elevation (where a flood hazard overlay district is involved, U.S. Geological Survey vertical datum shall be shown and/or correlated to plan topography); source of the topography; source of the survey; sheet number and total number of sheets; date of drawing; date and description of latest revision; zoning district, tax map and parcel number, and present use, of each adjacent parcel; departing lot lines; minimum setback lines, yard and building separation requirements; a vicinity sketch showing the property and its relationship with adjoining streets, subdivisions and other landmarks; and boundary dimensions. (2) Written schedules or data as necessary to demonstrate that the site can accommodate the proposed use, including: proposed uses and maximum acreage occupied by each use; maximum number of dwelling units by type; gross residential density; square footage of recreation area(s); percent and acreage of open space; maximum square footage for non-residential uses; maximum lot coverage; maximum height of all structures; schedule of parking, including maximum amount required and amount provided; maximum amount of impervious cover on the site; and if a landscape plan is required, maximum amount of paved parking and vehicular circulation areas. (3) If phasing is planned, phase lines and proposed timing of development; (4) Existing topography for the entire site at maximum five-foot contours; proposed grading (maximum two-foot contours), supplemented where necessary by spot elevations; and sufficient offsite topography to describe prominent and pertinent offsite features and physical characteristics, but in no case less than fifty (50) feet outside of the site unless otherwise approved by the director. Topographic information submitted with a preliminary plat shall be in the form of a topographic survey, which shall identify areas of critical slopes, as defined in section 29-3, natural streams, natural drainage areas, and other topographic features of the site. (5) Existing landscape features as described in section 34-867 (requirements of landscape plans), including all individual trees of six (6) inch caliper or greater. (6) The name and location of all watercourses, waterways, wetlands and other bodies of water adjacent to or on the site. (7) One hundred-year flood plain limits, as shown on the official flood insurance maps for the City of Charlottesville, as well as the limits of all floodway areas and base flood elevation data required by section 34-253. (8) Existing and proposed streets, access easements, alley easements and rights-of-way, and other vehicular travelways, together with street names, highway route numbers, right-of-way lines and widths, centerline radii, and pavement widths. (9) Location and size of drainage channels, and existing and proposed drainage easements; and a stormwater management concept detailing how the applicant will achieve adequate drainage post- development, including a description of the specific design concept the applicant plans to apply. References to specific types of stormwater management facilities, specific treatments, BMPs, LID techniques, etc. shall be provided, The stormwater management concept shall be prepared by a professional engineer or landscape architect, as those terms are defined within Virginia Code § 54.1- 400, and shall describe the manner in which stormwater runoff from the subdivision will be controlled in order to minimize the damage to neighboring properties and receiving streams, and prevent the discharge of pollutants into surface waters, in accordance with the requirements of City Code Chapter 10. (10) Location and size of existing water, sanitary and storm sewer facilities and easements, and proposed conceptual layout for water and sanitary sewer facilities and public storm sewer facilities. (11) Location of other existing and proposed utilities and utility easements. (12) Location of existing and proposed ingress to and egress from the property, showing the distance to the centerline of the nearest existing street intersection. (13) Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements, including: buildings (maximum footprint and height) and other structures (principal as well as accessory); walkways; fences; walls; trash containers; outdoor lighting; landscaped areas and open space; recreational areas and facilities; parking lots and other paved areas; loading and service areas, together with the proposed paving material types for all walks, parking lots and driveways. (14) All areas intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use. (15) Landscape plan, in accordance with section 34-867, if the proposed site plan is subject to entrance corridor review. (16) Where deemed appropriate by the director due to intensity of development, estimated traffic generation figures for the site based upon current VDOT rates, indicating the estimated vehicles per day and the direction of travel for all connections to a public road. The director or the commission may require additional information to be shown on the preliminary site plan as deemed necessary in order to provide sufficient information for the director or commission to adequately review the preliminary site plan. (9-15-03(3); 6-6-05(2); 1-20-09; 11-18-13; 5-19-14, § 2, eff. 7-1-14) City of Charlottesville MEMO TO: Planning Commission FROM: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator DATE: July 14, 2020 SUBJECT: Public hearing for proposed FY 2020-2021 CDBG-CV Budget Allocations for the Amended FY 2021 Annual Plan of the Consolidated Plan As part of the CDBG public participation process, the Planning Commission must provide recommendations to City Council on all Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and funding recommendations. Attached you will find the proposed allocations for FY 20-21 CDBG-CV program. According to HUD priorities, CDBG-CV grant funds are recommended to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19). This recommendation is based on CDBG Task Force recommendations for Public Service activities, and the Strategic Action Team for Economic Development activities to respond to the growing effects of the historic public health crisis. Also attached you will find copies of meeting minutes where these recommendations were made. Other attachments include a memo of explanation and a list of all the projects reviewed as a result of the Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Following the public hearing, staff is asking for a recommendation to City Council concerning the CDBG-CV budget allocations. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Erin Atak at 434-970-3093 Cc: City Dr. Tarron Council Richardson, City Manager Alexander Ikefuna, Director of NDS Brenda Kelley, Redevelopment Manager CDBG/HOME Task Force City of Charlottesville MEMO TO: Planning Commission FROM: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator of Charlottesville DATE: July 14, 2020 SUBJECT: Proposed FY 2020-2021 CDBG-CV Budget Allocations CDBG-CV Project Recommendations for FY 2020-2021: The City of Charlottesville has been authorized a special allocation of Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus Funds (CDBG-CV) to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19). This allocation was authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Public Law 116-136; to respond to the growing effects of this historic public health crisis. The City of Charlottesville CDBG-CV program total has an estimated $246,699 for the 2020-2021 program year. Minutes from the meetings are attached which outline the recommendations made. It is important to note that all projects went through an extensive review by the CDBG/HOME Task Force as a result of an RFP process. Economic Development – In accordance with HUD’s Quick Guide to CDBG Eligible Activities to Support Infectious Disease Response, Revised April 6, 2020; FY 20-21 CDBG-CV funds were set aside for Economic Development Activities to align with Council priorities for microenterprise assistance. Members of the Strategic Action Team reviewed one application for Economic Development and made one funding recommendation of $98,679.60 to the Community Investment Collaborative (CIC). Funds are proposed to be used to administer 24 grants and technical support to eligible microenterprises. Said grants will help businesses cover expenses including rent, payroll, replacing inventory, etc. Technical support will help owners access services to adapt to the economic environment: support in bringing businesses online, financial planning, additional cleaning, etc. Public Service Programs – The CDBG/HOME Task Force has recommended two public service programs. Programs were evaluated based on HUD’s Quick Guide to CDBG Eligible Activities to Support Coronavirus and Other Infectious Disease Response, and Council priorities for affordable housing (priority for persons who are 0-50 percent AMI), support for the homelessness and those at risk of homelessness, workforce development (including but not limited to efforts to bolster Section 3 training opportunities and partnerships with the City’s GO programs, support for programs that aid in self-sufficiency, including but not limited to quality childcare), and mental health and substance abuse services. Programs were also evaluated based upon metrics included in the RFP evaluation scoring rubric. Funding will enable the organizations to prevent and respond to the spread of infectious diseases such as the coronavirus. The Taskforce made a funding recommendation of $49,661.78 for the Thomas Jefferson Health District for COVID-19 Outreach, Testing, and Linkage to Care. Estimated benefits include hiring two full-time Community Health workers to engage priority populations in COVID-19 prevention, act as liaison for testing and wrap around services, and inform the health department’s COVID-19 strategy. The Taskforce also made a funding recommendation of $49,017.82 for the Thomas Jefferson Area Coalition (TJACH) for the COVID-19 Homeless Prevention Response. Estimated benefits include providing rental and utility assistance to 25 households under 30% of AMI at imminent risk of homelessness due to income loss from COVID-19 and hiring one additional staff person to assist with homeless prevention assistance. Administration and Planning: To pay for the costs of staff working with CDBG-CV projects, citizen participation, and other grant related costs directly related to CDBG-CV funds, $49,339.80 is budgeted. Attachments: A. HUD Quick Guide to CDBG Eligible Activities to Support Coronavirus and Other Infectious Disease Response B. Proposed FY 20-21 CDBG-CV budget C. FY 20-21 List of RFPs received D. CDBG/HOME Task Force Minutes E. RFP Scoring Rubric Template F. Taskforce Scores Quick Guide to CDBG Eligible Activities to Support Coronavirus and Other Infectious Disease Response REVISED April 6, 2020 Grantees should coordinate with local health authorities before undertaking any activity to support state or local pandemic response. Grantees may use Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for a range of eligible activities that prevent and respond to the spread of infectious diseases such as the coronavirus. Examples of Eligible Activities to Support Coronavirus and Other Infectious Disease Response For more information, refer to applicable sections of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (for State CDBG Grantees) and CDBG regulations (for Entitlement CDBG grantees). Buildings and Improvements, Including Public Facilities Acquisition, construction, Construct a facility for testing, diagnosis, or treatment. reconstruction, or installation of public works, facilities, and Rehabilitate a community facility to establish an infectious disease treatment clinic. site or other improvements. Acquire and rehabilitate, or construct, a group living facility that may be used to See section 105(a)(2) (42 centralize patients undergoing treatment. U.S.C. 5305(a)(2)); 24 CFR 570.201(c). Rehabilitation of buildings and Rehabilitate a commercial building or closed school building to establish an infectious improvements (including disease treatment clinic, e.g., by replacing the HVAC system. interim assistance). See section 105(a)(4) (42 Acquire, and quickly rehabilitate (if necessary) a motel or hotel building to expand U.S.C. 5305(a)(4)); 24 CFR capacity of hospitals to accommodate isolation of patients during recovery. 570.201(f); 570.202(b). Make interim improvements to private properties to enable an individual patient to remain quarantined on a temporary basis. Assistance to Businesses, including Special Economic Development Assistance Provision of assistance to Provide grants or loans to support new businesses or business expansion to create jobs private, for-profit entities, and manufacture medical supplies necessary to respond to infectious disease. when appropriate to carry out an economic development Avoid job loss caused by business closures related to social distancing by providing project. short-term working capital assistance to small businesses to enable retention of jobs held by low- and moderate-income persons. See section 105(a)(17) (42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(17)); 24 CFR 570.203(b). Provision of assistance to Provide technical assistance, grants, loans, and other financial assistance to establish, microenterprises. stabilize, and expand microenterprises that provide medical, food delivery, cleaning, See section 105(a)(22) (42 and other services to support home health and quarantine. U.S.C. 5305(a)(22)); 24 CFR 570.201(o). Provision of New or Quantifiably Increased Public Services Following enactment of the Carry out job training to expand the pool of health care workers and technicians that CARES Act1, the public are available to treat disease within a community. services cap2 has no effect on CDBG-CV grants and no Provide testing, diagnosis or other services at a fixed or mobile location. effect on FY 2019 and 2020 Increase the capacity and availability of targeted health services for infectious disease CDBG grant funds used for response within existing health facilities. coronavirus efforts. See section 105(a)(8) (42 Provide equipment, supplies, and materials necessary to carry-out a public service. U.S.C. 5305(a)(8)); 24 CFR Deliver meals on wheels to quarantined individuals or individuals that need to 570.201(e). maintain social distancing due to medical vulnerabilities. Planning, Capacity Building, and Technical Assistance States only: planning grants Grant funds to units of general local government may be used for planning activities and planning only grants. in conjunction with an activity, they may also be used for planning only as an activity. See section 105(a)(12). These activities must meet or demonstrate that they would meet a national objective. These activities are subject to the State’s 20 percent administration, planning and technical assistance cap. States only: use a part of to Grant funds to units of general local government to hire technical assistance providers support TA and capacity to deliver CDBG training to new subrecipients and local government departments that building. are administering CDBG funds for the first time to assist with infectious disease See section 106(d)(5) (42 response. This activity is subject to the State’s 3 percent administration, planning and U.S.C. 5306(d)(5). technical assistance cap. Entitlement only: data Gather data and develop non-project specific emergency infectious disease response gathering, studies, analysis, plans. and preparation of plans and the identification of actions that will implement such plans. See 24 CFR 570.205. Planning Considerations Infectious disease response conditions rapidly evolve and may require changes to the planned use of funds:  CDBG grantees must amend their Consolidated Annual Action Plan (Con Plan) when there is a change to the allocation priorities or method of distribution of funds; an addition of an activity not described in the plan; or a change to the purpose, scope, location, or beneficiaries of an activity (24 CFR 91.505).  If the changes meet the criteria for a “substantial amendment” in the grantee’s citizen participation plan, the grantee must follow its citizen participation process for amendments (24 CFR 91.105 and 91.115).  Under the CARES Act, CDBG grantees may amend citizen participation and Con Plans concurrently in order to establish and implement expedited procedures with a comment period of no less than 5-days. Resources The Department has technical assistance providers that may be available to assist grantees in their implementation of CDBG funds for activities to prevent or respond to the spread of infectious disease. Please contact your local CPD Field Office Director to request technical assistance from HUD staff or a TA provider.  Submit your questions to:  Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Resources:  CPD Program Guidance and Training: 1 On March 27, 2020, President Trump approved the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (Public Law 116-136) (CARES Act). The CARES Act makes available $5 billion in CDBG coronavirus response (CDBG-CV) funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. 2 Section 105(a)(8) of the HCD Act caps public service activities at 15 percent of most CDBG grants. Some grantees have a different percentage cap. 2020-2021 CDBG-CV BUDGET ALLOCATIONS RECOMMENDED BY CDBG/HOME TASK FORCE and SAT: 6/11/2020, 6/15/2020 RECOMMENDED BY PLANNING COMMISSION: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL: A. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS A. Community Investment Collaborative – Entrepreneur Scholarships $98,679.60 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOTAL: $98,679.60 B. PUBLIC SERVICE PROJECTS A. TJACH - Coordinated Entry System $49,017.82 B. Thomas Jefferson Health District $49,661.78 SOCIAL PROGRAMS TOTAL: $98,679.60 C. ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING: A. Admin and Planning $49,339.80 (20% EN) GRAND TOTAL: $246,699 ESTIMATED NEW ENTITLEMENT AMOUNT: $246,699 CDBG-CV FY20/21 RFP Submissions Organization, Program Title Project Contact Program Description Submittal Funding Requested Office of Economic Development (OED) Hollie Lee GO Delivery/S.E.L.F Odyssey On Time $35,000.00 Public Services COVID-19 Outreach, Testing and Linkage to Thomas Jefferson Health District Rebecca Schmidt Care On Time $99,323.56 Thomas Jefferson Area Coalition for the Homeless (TJACH) Anthony Haro COVID-19 Homeless Prevention Response On-Time $60,000.00 Habitat for Humanity Ruth Stone Mortgage Forbearence Loan Late $40,000.00 Charlottesville Redevelopment and Kathleen Glenn- Housing Authority (CRHA) Matthews CRHA Rental Assistance Program On Time $70,000.00 Total Amount of Request $304,324 Total Projected Budget $98,679.60 Request Overage $205,644 Organization, Program Title Project Contact Program Description Submittal Funding Requested Community Investment Collaborative Econ (CIC) Stephen Davis CIC COVID Microbusiness Grant On Time $98,640.00 Total Amount of Request $98,640 Total Projected Budget $98,679.60 Request Overage ($40) Meeting registration/participation available at Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. CDBG Taskforce Monday, June 15th, 2020 3:30-5:00 PM Virtual Meeting AGENDA 1. Introductions/Housekeeping/Minutes 2. Review Application Scores & Create proposal budget. 3. Other Business 4. Public Comment Staff Contact: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator (, (434) 970-3093 1|Page Meeting registration/participation available at Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. CDBG Taskforce Meeting Minutes Monday, June 15th, 2020 3:30-5:00 PM Virtual Meeting AGENDA 1. Introductions/Housekeeping/Minutes City Staff member Erin Atak (EA), Grants Coordinator, begins meeting with CDBG Taskforce attendance. Meeting commences at 3:32 PM on Monday July 15, 2020. CDBG/HOME Taskforce Roster Attendance Howard Evergreen Present Helen Kimble Present Nancy Carpenter Present Emily Cone Miller Absent James Bryant Present Kem Lea Spaulding Present Taneia Dowell Absent Matthew Gillikin Present Olivia Gabbay Absent Other City Staff members present: Symia Tabron, Brenda Kelley, John Sales. EA begins to explain the CDBG-CV program to Taskforce members and viewers at home: The main goal of the CDBG-CV grant is to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus. HUD priorities are to fund activities towards infectious disease response. The City of Charlottesville was awarded $246,699 in CDBG-CV funds authorized by the CARES Act. The CDBG-CV award is divided into three funding categories. All qualifying applicants are able to apply for public services and economic development funds. The Administrative/Planning portion of the CDBG-CV grant is 2|Page Meeting registration/participation available at Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. designated for City of Charlottesville to cover all grant related expenses (ex: Davis Bacon, Section 3, Environmental Reviews, Citizen Participation, etc.) a. Public Service: $98,679.60 b. Economic Development: $98,679.60 c. Administrative/Planning: $49,339.80 On June 11, 2020 the economic development CDBG taskforce subcommittee, the Strategic Action Team (SAT), convened discussed one application the City received applying for the econ funds. The SAT made a funding recommendation to award the application all $98,679.60 to the one economic development CDBG-CV applicant. The job of the CDBG/HOME Taskforce is to create a funding recommendation for the public services fund of the CDBG-CV grant. 2. Review Application Scores & Create proposal budget. EA shares CDBG/HOME Taskforce Score Spreadsheet on screen. Average score rankings: Thomas Jefferson Health District (TJHD): 33.33 Thomas Jefferson Area Coalition for the Homeless (THACH): 30 Charlottesville Redevelopment Housing Authority (CRHA): 28 Office of Economic Development (OED): 25.17 Taskforce opens for discussion: Taskforce member Matthew Gillikin begins meeting with clarification question for city staff member Erin Atak. Question concerns Staff Organization Capacity scores for all applicants and the relation to COVID-19 situation. City Staff Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator, clarifies to Taskforce members that Staff Organizational Capacity Scores for all organizations is not included in the final score averaging. Staff Organizational Capacity scores review previous audits, how previous invoices were processed, quarterly reports, and whether organizations were able to follow HUD protocol. With COVID-19, jurisdictions were more lenient with grading, however, City Staff cannot overlook HUD procedures and paperwork requirements. Scores were given accordingly. Taskforce member Matthew Gillikin request additional information on CRHA’s staff organizational capacity score. 3|Page Meeting registration/participation available at Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. City Staff Erin Atak explains that detailed explanation is written on staff sheet of the Taskforce binder, however the CRHA applicant had to repay the City HOME and CDBG funding back to HUD in the past. The concern with the applicant is focused on the inability to spend funds in a timely manner. The concern was raised during the CRHA technical assistance meeting with CRHA staff, and was not addressed in the CDBG-CV application. Additionally, CRHA received a copy of the last CDBG/HOME audit to address concerns. Said concerns were not addressed in the application. Taskforce member Nancy Carpenter states that CDBG-CV and CDBG funding is meant for low income people. Ms. Carpenter recounts listening to weekly calls with the National Low-Income Housing Coalition during the months of April and May. She adds that CRHA has the infrastructure to provide rental assistance as 22-23% of rental households nationwide will face risk of eviction starting July. CRHA wanting to provide housing stability for families outside of public housing is an important cause. Staff Member Erin Atak comments to Taskforce Member Nancy Carpenter stating that CRHA application was not marked down from the lack of subject importance, but concern for administration. She reminded all taskforce members again that the staff organizational capacity score is not included into the final average score of each organization. City Staff Housing Coordinator John Sales introduces himself to the Taskforce and provides additional information concerning the housing related applications (CRHA and TJACH). Mr. Sales also discusses the four housing initiatives being proposed for City Council on June 15, 2020. Mr. Sales notes the funding request for CRHA CDBG-CV application may not be able to serve three months’ worth of rent for 50 families, and is similar to city’s housing proposal. Taskforce member Nancy Carpenter highlights the importance of housing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Housing Coordinator provides a hypothetical breakdown of three months’ worth of rent using CRHA’s funding request. Grants Coordinator explains to the Taskforce that even with partial funding awarded to an organization, she would need to use the total goal amount written on the application for HUD reporting purposes. Taskforce member Matthew Gillikin poses Housing Coordinator a question on TJACH’s application and whether the applicant would be able to achieve their goal for the funding amount requested. 4|Page Meeting registration/participation available at Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. Housing Coordinator replies “yes” as TJACH is proposing to partner CDBG-CV funds with outside sources. Mr. Sales elaborates and states all program proposals submitted for the CDBG- CV program appear to be important needs for the community. Discussion continues around fair market rent prices and three-months’ worth of rent. Taskforce member Howard Evergreen notes that many residents that would be receiving assistance through the CRHA program would be living outside the fair market rate rental prices. Taskforce members note the concerns for applicant CRHA meeting the conditions of the grant. City Staff member Symia Tabron raises a question of whether CRHA would undergo or submit another audit. Grants Coordinator Erin Atak explains that CRHA has not submitted an audit for the CDBG- HOME program since 2015. Taskforce member Nancy Carpenter states the importance of funding housing initiatives over other priorities such as health initiatives currently. Taskforce member James Bryant agrees and proposes to divide the $98,679.60 among all applicants. Taskforce member Howard Evergreen reminds the committee that the discussion on scoring is repeated each year. Scores are overlooked and there is never enough CDBG money. Mr. Evergreen reminds everyone that health priorities were included with the CDBG-CV funds specifically with the new release of the funds as an equal priority to housing. Mr. Evergreen continues and states that the scoring method cannot be disregarded. Taskforce member Mattew Gillikin makes funding recommendation #1: Not funding OED, not funding CRHA due to hurdles identified by City Staff, fully funding TJACH to support housing initiatives at $60,000, and give TJHD the remaining $38,678.60. Taskforce member Helen Kimble reminds the rest of the committee that the TJHD community health worker salary was around $44,000 in addition to supervisory fees added on. Funding recommendation #1 would not support the cost of one community health worker. Potentially a part-time community health worker. Ms. Kimble asks City Staff whether they would be able to guarantee the living wage contract to community workers if TJHD was awarded funds. City Staff Erin Atak states the CDBG program would not be able to dictate salary contracts for community health workers but could hold TJHD accountable for having provided a salary for community health workers in accordance to the program application. 5|Page Meeting registration/participation available at Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48-hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. Taskforce member Howard Evergreen offers a counter funding recommendation #2, to either flip the recommendation #1 or give TJHD 2/3 of the funding and give TJACH 1/3 of the CDBG-CV funding in accordance to the application scores. Taskforce member Nancy Carpenter states that Mr. Evergreen makes a point about rubric indexing. Taskforce member Matthew Gillikin proposed funding recommendation #3 to award TJHD 50% ($49,661.78) of the funding request and award TJACH ($49,017.82) the remaining CDBG-CV funds. Taskforce members agree with funding proposal #3. Public Services CDBG-CV: $98,679.60 (Breakdown of Funding Recommendation #3) Thomas Jefferson Health District: $49,661.78 Thomas Jeffrson Area Coalition for the Homeless: $49,017.82 Office of Economic Development: $0.00 Charlottesville Redevelopment Housing Authority: $0.00 Funding Recommendation Approval – CDBG/HOME Taskforce Roll Call CDBG/HOME Taskforce Roster Vote – Funding Recommendation of Award 3 Howard Evergreen Approve Helen Kimble Approve Nancy Carpenter Approve Emily Cone Miller James Bryant Approve Kem Lea Spaulding Approve Taneia Dowell Matthew Gillikin Approve Olivia Gabbay 3. Other Business None 4. Public Comment None Meeting Adjourned. 6|Page SCORING RUBRIC FOR CDBG-CV PROPOSALS Name of Applicant: Name of Project: Exemplary Adequate Needs Missing Score Comments Improvement Information (3 Points) (2 Points) (1 Point) (0 Points) Program/Project Provides a clear Provides a description Program/project Proposal does not Description description and clearly that adequately description needs describe how it will explains how it will explains how it will improvement address a Council address a Council address a Council Priority Priority Priority Program/Project Provides a clear Provides an adequate Program/Project goal Goal is missing Goal explanation of the goal. explanation of the goal needs improvement. and/or not Identifies what will be Barely identifies what explained. provided to whom, how will be provided to Identification of many. Provides whom and how beneficiaries, demographic many. Barely number of information of the provides beneficiaries, beneficiaries and how demographic demographic they will meet the information and how information, and income guidelines the beneficiaries will information about meet the income how the guidelines beneficiaries will meet the income guidelines is missing Need Clearly describes how Adequately describes Description of need Does not describe the program will how the program will needs improvement. how the program directly address the directly address the Only state, regional, will directly address needs. needs using some local or national data the needs and/or 1 Provides local data to data to describe the provided, data not does not provide describe the needs of needs of the specific to clients data to describe the the community and the community and the needs of the beneficiaries beneficiaries community and the beneficiaries Outcomes Clearly explains how Adequately explains Explanation of how Does not explain proposed outcomes will how proposed proposed outcomes how proposed be meaningful, client- outcomes will be will be meaningful, outcomes will be focused and related to meaningful, client- client-focused and meaningful, client- the service focused and related to related to the service focused and/or the service needs improvement related to the service Strategies Provides evidence- Adequately describes Describes how Does not identify based strategies for how strategies address strategies address how strategies how the need using researched need without directly address program/project will best practices information about need address the need strategies at a best practices or minimum research Implementation Timeline is detailed and Timeline is adequate Timeline is limited or No timeline Timeline realistic not realistic provided and information is missing Evaluation Plan Provides a rigorous Provides a solid Evaluates some Proposal does not evaluation plan which evaluation plan elements of its work, provide an informs ongoing work, but the evaluation is evaluation plan or explains metrics and not thorough the plan is why they are used insufficient Demographic Proposal clearly Proposal adequately Proposal describes Proposal does not Verification describes how the describes how the how the agency will describe how the agency will collect and agency will collect and collect and verify agency will collect verify all required verify all required some required and verify any information information information required information 2 Financial Proposal describes how Proposal describes how Proposal describes Proposal does not Benefits the program fully the program fully how the program describe how the meets two financial meets one financial partially meets one to program will provide benefits benefit two financial benefits a financial benefit Collaboration Proposal describes how Proposal describes Proposal describes Proposal does not the program formal agreements collaboration describe collaborates with other with more than two informally with other collaboration with organizations to organizations organizations (ex. other entities achieve a common goal describing how they information sharing, using defined cooperate, but does resource sharing) deliverables and not share common metrics (ex. Clear deliverables or metrics. accountability, shared management, such as MOU’s or formal partnership agreements) Engagement/ Proposal describes Proposal describes Proposal explains Proposal does not Outreach complete outreach and some outreach and that services are provide strategies Strategy engagement strategies engagement strategies available to needy for outreach and and explains how it will and how it will serve and underserved engagement to serve needy and needy and underserved populations but needy and underserved populations program/project does underserved populations not conduct outreach populations or engagement Priority Proposal describes Proposal describes Proposal explains Proposal does not Neighborhood complete outreach some outreach and that services are provide strategies Ridge Street strategies and program/project serves available to priority for outreach to program/project serves residents in the Priority neighborhood priority residents in the Priority Neighborhood residents but neighborhood Neighborhood program/project does residents not conduct outreach 3 Organizational Organization Organization Organization capacity The organization Capacity demonstrated demonstrated needs improvement, demonstrated a lack (STAFF ONLY) sufficient capacity and adequate capacity and did not meet of a capacity fully met projected almost met projected projected outcomes outcomes in previous outcomes in previous grant year grant year Organizational Proposal provides clear Proposal provides Evidence of capacity Proposal does not Capacity evidence of the adequate evidence of and ability needs provide evidence of capacity and ability to the capacity and ability improvement. Does the capacity and ensure timely to ensure timely not address the ability performance and performance and question fully reporting reporting Budget Proposal clearly Proposal provides an Proposed budget The proposal does demonstrates: adequate budget. needs improvement not demonstrate A. How requested Adequately addresses and barely addresses how the requested funds will be A, B, and C A, B, and/or C. funds will be applied applied to Proposed budget to expense line expense line needs improvement. items, how the items amount requested is B. How the reasonable, and amount does not show a requested is direct relationship reasonable with proposed C. That the overall service items program budget shows a direct relationship with proposed service items TOTAL SCORE (MAX SCORE = 42 PTS) 4 Total Final Description Goal Need Outcomes Strategies Implement Eval Demogr Financial Collab Engage PN STAFF Org Org Capa Budget Subtotal Score Average CRHA TD 0 ECM 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 28 HE 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 1 17 JB 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 0 2 2 32 HK 2 2 2 3 1 2 0 0 2 1 2 2 0 1 2 22 MG 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 0 2 3 38 NC 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 0 1 3 31 OG 0 KLS 0 168 28 0 TJHD 0 TD 0 ECM 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 32 HE 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 38 JB 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 34 HK 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 35 MG 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 32 NC 1 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 29 OG 0 KLS 0 200 33.33333 0 TJACH 0 TD 0 ECM 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 31 HE 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 0 3 1 0 17 JB 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 32 HK 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 28 MG 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 38 NC 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 0 3 3 2 34 OG 0 KLS 0 180 30 0 OED 0 TD 0 ECM 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 28 HE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 2 1 1 15 JB 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 34 HK 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 0 2 2 0 2 3 1 23 MG 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 34 NC 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 0 2 0 1 17 OG 0 KLS 0 151 25.16667 Econ Scores below CIC EG 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 0 2 3 2 33 KL 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 39 SM 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 33 DK 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 0 2 2 3 32 LS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 26 163 32.6 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT APPLICATION FOR A REZONING OF PROPERTY JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF HEARING: July 14, 2020 APPLICATION NUMBER: ZM19-00004 Project Planner: Joey Winter Date of Staff Report: July 6, 2020 Applicant: Long Street LLC by Stockbridge OPCO LLC Applicants Representative: Aaron Revere Current Property Owner: Long Street LLC Application Information Property Street Address: 909 Landonia Circle Tax Map/Parcels #: 490079000 Total Square Footage/ Acreage Site: Approx. 0.6790 acres Comprehensive Plan (General Land Use Plan): Low Density Residential Current Zoning Classification: B-1 (Business) Proposed Zoning Classification: B-2 (Business) Completeness: The application generally contains all of the information required by Zoning Ordinance (Z.O.) Sec. 34-41. Applicant’s Request (Summary) Mr. Aaron Revere, on behalf of Long Street LLC, has submitted a Rezoning Petition for 909 Landonia Circle. The petition proposes a change in zoning from B-1 Business to B-2 Business with a proffer. The property is further identified on City Real Property Tax Map 49 Parcel 79 (Parcel ID: 490079000), is approximately .679 acres, and has approximately 378 feet of frontage on Landonia Circle. The rezoning application proposes to change the zoning district classification of the Subject Property from B-1 Business to B-2 Business subject to a proffered development condition (“Proffer”). The Proffer states the following shall not be permitted on the Subject Property: Amusement Center; Auditoriums, Theaters; Bowling Alleys; Clubs, Private; Dry Cleaning Establishments; Movie Theaters; Dance Hall / all night; Pharmacies >1,700 SF, GFA. The Comprehensive Land Use Map for this area calls for Low Density Residential Development. The owner of the All-American Car Wash located at 1315 Long Street intends to modernize and expand their business which has operated at this location for over 25 years. The All-American Car Wash currently exists on two parcels fronting Long Street (Route 250 Bypass) and contains a self-serve car wash with vacuuming, an automated car wash, and a propane refilling kiosk. The owner purchased the Subject Property in 2019 and intends to expand the car wash use onto the parcel. (See the applicant’s conceptual layout in ATTACHMENT 4 for more information.) Page 1 of 8 The expansion of the car wash onto the Subject Property requires a zoning map amendment since car wash is not a permitted use in the B-1 district. Car wash is a by-right use in the proposed new zoning district (B-2). The proposed use of the expanded All-American Car wash will be identical to the use at the existing car wash. However, a site plan is not being proffered with this rezoning application so this owner (or any future owner) would theoretically be free to redevelop the Subject Property with a different use in the future. It is important to emphasize that the applicant has indicated that their intent is to develop the Subject Property as part of the expanded car wash and no other redevelopment is planned for the property. Standard of Review City Council may grant an applicant a rezoning request, giving consideration to a number of factors set forth within Z.O. Sec. 34-41. The role of the Planning Commission is and make an advisory recommendation to the City Council, as to whether or not Council should approve a proposed rezoning based on the factors listed in Z.O. Sec. 34-41(a): (a) All proposed amendments shall be reviewed by the planning commission. The planning commission shall review and study each proposed amendment to determine: (1) Whether the proposed amendment conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the comprehensive plan; (2) Whether the proposed amendment will further the purposes of this chapter and the general welfare of the entire community; (3) Whether there is a need and justification for the change; and (4) When pertaining to a change in the zoning district classification of property, the effect of the proposed change, if any, on the property itself, on surrounding property, and on public services and facilities. In addition, the commission shall consider the appropriateness of the property for inclusion within the proposed zoning district, relating to the purposes set forth at the beginning of the proposed district classification. Staff Analysis Staff analysis is based off the highest intensities and densities that would be permitted in the B-2 zoning district other than uses that have been proffered out. The applicant is proposing to rezone the Subject Properties from B-1 to B-2 with the following eight uses proffered out: Amusement Center Auditoriums, Theaters Bowling Alleys Clubs, Private Dry Cleaning Establishments Movie Theaters Dance Hall / all night Pharmacies >1,700 SF, GFA Dimensional Requirements by Zoning District There is no change to the dimensional requirements for the B-1 and B-2 zoning districts. Zoning Height Restrictions Required Front Yard Required Side Yard Required Rear Yard B-1 45 feet, max. 20 feet, min. None Req'd. None Req'd. B-2 45 feet, max. 20 feet, min. None Req'd. None Req'd. Zoning History of the Subject Property Year Zoning District 1949 A-1 Residence 1958 R-2 Residential 1976 R-2 Residential 1991 B-1 Business 2003 B-1 Business Page 2 of 8 Vicinity Map Zoning Map Page 3 of 8 Use Comparison – B-1 vs. B-2: As per the use matrix in City Code Sec. 34-480, certain uses permitted in the B-2 district are not permitted in the B-1 district. Uses proffered out by the applicant are crossed out. NON-RESIDENTIAL: GENERAL and MISC. COMMERCIAL B-1 B-2 Amusement center Not permitted Special use permit Assembly (indoor) -Auditoriums, theaters Not permitted By-right use Automobile uses: Gas station Not permitted By-right use Automobile uses: Parts and equipment sales Not permitted By-right use Automobile uses: Repair/servicing business Not permitted By-right use Bakery, wholesale: GFA 4,000 SF or less Not permitted By-right use Bowling alleys Not permitted By-right use Car wash Not permitted By-right use Clubs, private Special use permit By-right use Data center > 4,000 sq ft Not permitted By-right use Dry cleaning establishments Special use permit By-right use Educational facilities (non-residential): Artistic up to 4,000 SF, GFA Not permitted By-right use Educational facilities (non-residential): Artistic up to 10,000 SF, GFA Not permitted By-right use Educational facilities (non-residential): Vocational, up to 4,000 SF, GFA Not permitted By-right use Educational facilities (non-residential): Vocational, up to 10,000 SF, GFA Not permitted By-right use Hotels/motels: Up to 100 guest rooms Special use permit By-right use Hotels/motels: 100+ guest rooms Not permitted Special use permit Laundromats Ancillary use By-right use Micro-producers Not permitted By-right use Small Breweries Not permitted Special use permit Movie theaters Not permitted By-right use* Museums: Up to 4,000 SF, GFA Special use permit By-right use Museums: Up to 10,000 SF, GFA Not permitted Special use permit Music halls Not permitted Provisional use permit Indoor Recreational facilities on private property (GFA between 4,000 Special use permit By-right use SF and 10,000 SF): health/sports clubs; tennis club; swimming club; yoga studios; dance studios, skating rinks, recreation centers, etc. Indoor Recreational facilities on private property (GFA more than Not permitted Special use permit 10,000 SF): health/sports clubs; tennis club; swimming club; yoga studios; dance studios, skating rinks, recreation centers, etc. Restaurants: Dance hall/all night Not permitted Provisional use permit Restaurants: Drive-through windows Not permitted Special use permit Restaurants: Fast food Not permitted By-right use Restaurants: Full service Not permitted By-right use Restaurants: 24-hour Not permitted Provisional use permit NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: RETAIL B-1 B-2 Consumer service businesses: between 4,000 SF, GFA and 10,000 SF, Special use permit By-right use GFA Farmer's market Not permitted Special use permit Grocery stores: Convenience Not permitted By-right use Page 4 of 8 NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: RETAIL B-1 B-2 Grocery stores: General, up to 10,000 SF, GFA Not permitted By-right use Grocery stores: General, 10,001+ SF, GFA Not permitted By-right use Pharmacies: 1,701—4,000 SF, GFA Special use permit By-right use Pharmacies: 4,001+ SF, GFA Special use permit By-right use Shopping centers Not permitted By-right use Shopping malls Not permitted Special use permit Temporary sales, outdoor (flea markets, craft fairs, promotional sales, Not permitted Temporary use etc.) permit Other retail stores (non-specified): Up to 20,000 SF GFA Not permitted Special use permit NON-RESIDENTIAL: INDUSTRIAL B-1 B-2 Assembly, industrial Special use permit* Special use permit Frozen food lockers Not permitted By-right use Laundries Not permitted By-right use Although the Comprehensive Land Use Map for this area calls for Low Density Residential Development, the Subject property has been zoned for business since 1991. The applicant’s plans for development of the Subject Property should this rezoning be approved are to expand the car wash use onto the neighboring property. Sec. 34-42 1. Whether the proposed amendment conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the comprehensive plan; The applicant’s own analysis of the proposed amendment’s consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, as required by City Code Sec. 34-41(d)(2), is provided in the application materials ATTACHMENT 2. Below (a–g) is staff’s analysis. a. Land Use Staff Analysis The Subject Property is bordered by: Direction Zoning Current Use East CC Automobile repair/servicing business South B-2 Car wash South/West B-2 Shopping center West R-2 Residential North R-2 Residential The Subject Property is currently zoned B-1, the most restrictive commercial zoning classification in the City. All by-right, provisional, and special uses allowed within this zoning district are also allowed in the B-2 district. The applicant intends to use the Subject Property as a car wash; though the absence of a proffered site plan creates the possibility that the Subject Property can be redeveloped with any of the uses listed above in the future. To alleviate concerns about hypothetical future redevelopment, the applicant has proffered out eight uses that they feel would not be consistent with the character of the neighborhood. Page 5 of 8 The 2013 Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map indicates the Subject Property should be the site of low-density residential development which would not be consistent with the proposed rezoning. However, the 2013 Comprehensive Plan directly contradicts the stated intent of both the current zoning district (B-1) and the proposed new zoning district (B-2). The change in topography between the Subject Property and the properties to the north and west creates a natural transition from commercial uses along the 250 Bypass and residential uses to the north. b. Community Facilities Staff Analysis When the All-American Car Wash is expanded, the applicant will be required to provide sidewalk improvements along the entire frontage of the Subject Property on Landonia Circle. This will greatly increase pedestrian connectivity between residential areas to the north and west and commercial areas to the southeast. c. Economic Sustainability Staff Analysis A change in zoning from B-1 to B-2 to facilitate the expansion of a locally-owned business will align with the stated goals in Chapter 3 (Economic Sustainability) of the Comprehensive Plan. d. Environment Staff Analysis There will be no conflict with Chapter 4 (Environment) of the Comprehensive Plan with a change in zoning from B-1 to B-2. e. Housing Staff Analysis There will be no impact on housing stock by rezoning the Subject Property from B-1 to B-2. The residential uses permitted in the B-1 district are identical to the residential uses permitted in the B-2 district. f. Transportation Staff Analysis A rezoning of the Subject Property from B-1 to B-2 would have minimal impact on traffic. No new points of ingress are proposed so vehicle traffic would continue to come almost exclusively from Long Street. The applicant was supportive of closing the portion of Landonia Circle where the property has frontage, but the City Traffic Engineer ruled out this option since several residences up the hill rely on Landonia Circle for access. Any by- right development on the site would need to meet current parking standards. g. Historic Preservation & Urban Design Staff Analysis The Subject Property is not in an Entrance Corridor, but the two parcels which contain the existing car wash are. The expanded All-American Car Wash will therefore have to comply with Entrance Corridor guidelines and materials standards. Page 6 of 8 2. Whether the proposed amendment will further the purposes of this chapter and the general welfare of the entire community; The applicant’s own analysis of can be found in the application materials (ATTACHMENT 2). Staff Analysis The All-American Car Wash is a local business which has been part of the Charlottesville community for several decades. Rezoning the Subject Property to facilitate the expansion of the business will be a positive for the entire community. Other improvements that will be required during the site plan approval process will benefit pedestrian connectivity and urban design of the entire community. 3. Whether there is a need and justification for the change; The applicant has provided information on the factors that led to a request to rezone the subject properties from B-1 to B-2 in the narrative section of their application (ATTACHMENT 2). Staff Analysis According to the City’s 2013 Land Use Map, development of the Subject Property should be Low Density Residential with a DUA under (15). However, the site has not been zoned for residential use since 1991 and the previous use of the property (daycare facility) was also commercial. An adequate transition exists between the commercial use of this property and the residential uses to the north and west due to the change in elevation and the landscaping buffer which must remain in place. There is justification for the change considering that the City’s Zoning Map does not align with the Comprehensive Land Use Map and the proposed use relates to the expansion of an existing business. 4. When pertaining to a change in the zoning district classification of property, the effect of the proposed change, if any, on the property itself, on surrounding property, and on public services and facilities. In addition, the commission shall consider the appropriateness of the property for inclusion within the proposed zoning district, relating to the purposes set forth at the beginning of the proposed district classification. The location of the subject properties are currently served by existing public utilities and facilities. The applicant has provided a narrative statement on adverse effects and mitigation in their application materials (Attachment B). Staff Analysis Any proposed development would be evaluated during site plan review and need to meet all current zoning regulations. Due to the location of the Subject Property, staff believes all public services and facilities would be adequate to support development. The purposes set forth in City Code Sec. 34-440 are: B-1: The B-1 business district is established to provide for service-type businesses and office uses of a limited size, which are open primarily during daytime hours. The intent of the B-1 regulations is to provide a transitional district between residential areas and other commercial areas of the city. The uses permitted within this district are those which will have only minimal traffic impacts, and only minimal noise, odors, smoke, fumes, fire or explosion hazards, lighting glare, heat or vibration. Page 7 of 8 B-2: The B-2 business district is established to provide for commercial uses of limited size, primarily serving neighborhood needs for convenience goods. The intent of the B-2 regulations is to encourage clustering of these neighborhood-serving commercial uses. The uses permitted within this district are those which will generate minimal traffic originating outside the neighborhood areas served, and that will generate minimal noise, odors and fumes, smoke, fire or explosion hazards, lighting glare, heat or vibration. It is most likely that any development proposed on the Subject Property would comply with the purposes set forth at the beginning of the proposed district classification. This cannot be fully determined until a proposed development is under site plan review. Public Comments Received The applicant held a community meeting as required by City Code Sec. 34-41(c)(2) on February 13, 2020 at Burnley-Moran Elementary School. Two members of the public attended the meeting and were generally supportive of the applicant’s plans for the property. To this point staff has received no written feedback in favor of or opposed to ZM19-00004. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of ZM19-00004. Neighbors have not raised any concerns about rezoning the Subject Property for the purpose of expanding the All-American Car Wash. The benefits to pedestrian connectivity, specifically sidewalk improvements which will be required along Landonia Circle will benefit nearby residential areas. The proposed zoning change could also contribute to goals of the City’s 2013 Comprehensive Plan related to Economic Sustainability. The uses permitted within the B-1 district are similar to the uses permitted in the B-2 district and the applicant has proffered out some of the more intense uses permitted in the new proposed new zoning district. Suggested Motions 1. On the basis that the proposal would service public necessity, convenience, general welfare, and good zoning practice, I move to recommend approval of application ZM19-00004. OR 2. On the basis that the proposal would NOT service public necessity, convenience, general welfare, and good zoning practice, I move to recommend approval of application ZM19-00004. Attachments 1. Rezoning Application ZM19-00004 2. Applicant’s Narrative Statement 3. Signed Proffer Statement from Landowner 4. Conceptual Site Plan and Layout from Applicant 5. Community Meeting Information Page 8 of 8 City of Charlottesville Application for Rezoning Project Name: Lo~ Sttu.1- Car wA~h Address of Property: qoq Lo..~f\ic,.. Ciw"t...l-t.. Tax Map and Parcel Number(s): \)a.,,-ce..\ 'MOD 75 occ Current Zoning: ~ -\ Proposed Zoning: ~-A. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: I\Jei0"bor \,\scJi. Co01 M¢1"l..i J Applicant: LQ~rr S+i461 L.L c. bj S+oJc.\k=,¥ 6£<:6 LLC Address: j'SJD M~l 4 .J. j)r. 1 Sy.kL . 'X.,c.\\1"9NR )VA ?:37.33 ' ' Phone: So~- b'6Z-"31~ Email: a.rc...rG("(;e ~ew~~t..i..c..."°'? Applicant's Role in the Development (check one): Owner ~ner's Agent Contract Purchaser · Owner of Record: Lt:JtJc. SngJ LLC Address: ~ ( Mc..70.J CR.of\\") t (}"\:;.v•1J~ , Vfr /H4oz._ Phone: 11~'1 .. ;;l:D - ~ t 5 7 Email: ..? u \tro:)@ +'t>'.,.. ~~L c.~W\ (1) Applicant's and (2 Owner's Signatures Date \'2. - Ib- l y . Applicant's (Circle One): ~~LC Manager Corporate Officer { s p e c i f y ) - - - - - - Other J~~e~fy): (2)Signature ~ ~ Print {:.111J-/1 SvW4/ Date 12//~//'t Owner's (Circle One): LLC Member LLC Manager Corporate Offic;er ( s p e c i f y ) - - - - - - - Other (specify):._ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 e• ~oTT~ Es~ City of Charlottesville ~ -- . • :c-- ~ - ~ I ~ g... · ttt ~ ~ Pre-Application Meeting Verification Project Name: Loivr.. S-r~a.1 ( AP= WttS tt '!?GJN1A • \(\ Pre-Application Meeting Date: I hur~dlU.j 1 f\J <>ve.p.ker- 7~ :bo Vt 1 aA- 10: oo Am Applicant's Representative: _ __._ A_...e-==-: nz o~-2. w ~e:~ - v~!ffi.!;.. ~-~------------ Planner: ----= ..J_,,c"-'E"'-'-----= :"< W ~'"'-=--"-=...: 1 t= -:: ''- - -"--------------------- Other City Officials in Attendance: J, r~"'"'ec..n, ] v"''°""' -1~c... f;~s~V\e-e...- The following items will be required supplemental information for this application and must be submitted with the completed application package: l. ~ / ::Tlluah-eJ;vc. ~~ -}.bot Sbucv ~CN yc~ <>se-A. '?'"c.1e.J-. t f\h cho.r N-kr of= oe1J\.\.,o, huo& c:.&~c.<. c.o c-r i&o,... 3. 4. ------------------------------ 5. ------------------------------ Planner Signature: _______________________ 2 :vOTTEst> City of Charlottesville ~~~ ~- lk.ji~ Application Checklist -----~ a~ ~ ~'° Project Name: Lor..JGr Ung_ WAS rt l;GIN1A- '\,(\ I certify that the following documentation is ATTACHED to this application: 34-157(a)(2) Narrative statement: applicant's analysis of conformity with the Comprehensive Plan 34-157(a)(4) Narrative statement identifying and discussing any potential adverse impacts, as well as any measures included within the development plan, to mitigate those impacts 34-158(a)(6): other pertinent information (narrative, illustrative, etc.) Completed proffer statement All items noted on the Pre-Application Meeting Verification. Applicant Signature By Its: 4r S-h>c..\. ~~ cv c. {) L l. '- Print 111\.Q" ::eye1t.c Date ( As Owt\er~ As~) ,.._ -lb-1~ - (For entities, specify: Officer, Member, Manager, Trustee, etc.) 3 City of Charlottesville Community Meeting Section 34-41(c){2) of the Code of the City of Charlottesville (adopted October 19, 2015) requires appli- cants seeking rezonings and special use permits to hold a community meeting. The purpose of a communi- ty meeting is to provide citizens an opportunity to receive information about a proposed development, about applicable zoning procedures, about applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan, and to give citizens an opportunity to ask questions. No application for a rezoning shall be placed on any agenda for a public hearing, until the required community meeting has been held and the director of neighborhood development services determines that the application is ready for final review through the formal public hearing process. By signing this document, the applicant acknowledges that it is responsible for the following, in connection to the community meeting required for this project: 1. Following consultation with the city, the applicant will establish a date, time and location for the community meeting. The applicant is responsible for reserving the location, and for all related costs. 2. The applicant will mail, by U.S. mail, first-class, postage pre-paid, a notice of the community meeting to a list of addresses provided by the City. The notice will be mailed at least 14 calendar days prior to the date of the community meeting. The applicant is responsible for the cost of the mailing. At least 7 calendar days prior to the meeting, the applicant will provide the city with an affidavit confirming that the mailing was timely completed. 3. The applicant will attend the community meeting and present the details of the proposed application. If the applicant is a business or other legal entity (as opposed to an individual) then the meeting shall be attended by a corporate officer, an LLC member or manager, or another individual who can speak for the entity that is the applicant. Additionally, the meeting shall be attended by any design professional or consultant who has prepared plans or drawings submitted with the application. The applicant shall be prepared to explain all of the details of the proposed development, and to answer questions from citizens. 4. Depending on the nature and complexity of the application, the City may designate a planner to attend the community meeting. Regardless of whether a planner attends, the City will provide the applicant with guidelines, procedures, materials and recommended topics for the applicant's use in conducting the community meeting. 5. On the date of the meeting, the applicant shall make records of attendance and sha11 also document that the meeting occurred through photographs, video, or other evidence satisfactory to the City. Records of attendance may include using the mailing list referred to in #1 as a sign-in sheet (requesting attendees to check off their name(s)) and may include a supplemental attendance sheet. The City will provide a format acceptable for use as the supplemental attendance sheet. Applicant: LoN<:k \;,,..;Aje. OF> co Ll.( =!:~:~"::.: ~%±Le ~ Date: lZ,-1~-\°t Print Name: _ _.... __~ rd......,.f._d_.v.._/)_.___S_v-_TW __ Circle one: Owner's: LLC Member ~ Corporate Officer (specify):_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Other (specific):------ 6 City of Charlottesville Disclos~re of Equitable Ownership Project Name: --~ .........."-'=Gt--5 i:-:r....._C=--A---rt.___.l.J.....t\S.., _ _ _ __ .....tJt,,;;.........,.... Section 34-8 of the Code of the City of Charlottesville requires that an applicant for a special use permit make complete disclosure of the equitable ownership "real parties in interest") of the real estate to be affected. Following below I have provided the names and addresses of each of the real parties in interest, including, without limitation: each stockholder or a corporation; each of the individual officers and direc- tors of a corporation; each of the individual members of an LLC (limited liability companies, professional limited liability companies): the trustees and beneficiaries of a trust, etc. Where multiple corporations, companies or trusts are involved, identify real parties in interest for each entity listed. fl. . I "1: en, t>11-v•~ fr, Svf171/l,,TR Name U'M/l~ 1 ~/ Address '1-or;J .CN't P'/I ffJ. L~: Ill!. '?.. 2..C'j(JZ ,I'\ • I fi_li~r'h. Y. 5~'"1- I in 1I 'I I Name Uft.J(I J. fc.' 5v 111"" r.r(,;:,r ~/ Address 2.l>d ~ ,.( T1,700 SF, GFA Not allowed WHEREFORE, the undersigned Owner(s) stipulate and agree that the use and development of the Subject Property shall be in conformity with the conditions hereinabove stated, and requests that the Subject Property be rezoned as requested, in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Charlottesvi lie. Respectfully submitted this 23'd day of June, 2020 by: Long Street LLC 200 Carlton Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 By: $vt :;;4ZJ Gordon Sulton, Owner/Manager Long Street Car Wash Proffer - 06/22/20 Long Street Car Wash Location & Conceptual Site Plan B-1 B-2 B-2 dates Long Street Representative Elevations 10/27/2019 4' • r.'ll0o'"'~ml.M'" ~ ~1ucco::.~TCM~~ <;>.!Hl';>;~llOl'P ~"Xl'~~ .....rn CAR WASH WEST ELEVATION •Mrtt o;:'0 1'V(:rtt J'>l.ll.tl1':DCW.n ::.1!'-'MtU...,:>:l""'°"lOC.CA. c~~Ol'!"Jl.P'"""""~· a. ::J 0 (!j r.wttrrowr:l fOf/N'OtlCt.'IOr'\' f~':JJ/'·7~?~;>;;lo; , ... "'~ • l(l l'T . ~ G.rDOolt A, lllJ"T~. ~ M. Cl'.a. t·A,~l tl> IXW':;AIWU.0.11 l:N~ ~• ' :Zll'U••tcr/\.'IO.'..•NNTW !ll"U,.,.~Wll.!Me~~. l.0004.\ ~wu.i-~·~tn">2.Dl<'r OCJO:. ... c: 11 .5 .!\! "'a.E !""' 5 0 ell 0 C)"i:: c: c:"' o o .c: 0 ...JO E 0 u; ~ ·e " 0 a. scale: 1 1•·~ 1·-0· ~"'"'"'"''""""-'""""""""-''""-"'"-""'"~'""'"""""'""'"'-'-""""'""-'"'l""'"-"""'.i....;"-"'""'""".i.;..""",;..;.""'""""'"'""'4"'"""""'""""'"'"""""'"-'"""-""-"""'"';..;...'"""""-"'.;.;.....-....;;;.""'"..;;;.;.;;.;...;;;."'"'""'-"""'~~-l ~~=i~n~ ~raffi 1 sheet no . CW2 0 LANDONIA CIRCLE 39 380 new sidewalk 0' 30' 10' landscape buffer wall tw varies/bw 378 wall tw 376/bw 364 370 queue bio-swale wall tw varies/bw 378 10' landscape buffer wall tw 376/bw 364 TMP 49-79 390 alk sidew 380 E 360 IRCL 2-bay 0 new 125' wash vacuum 36 self wash C tunnel S:\1-PROJECTS\GORDON SUTTON CAR WASH\CAD\01 DRAWING\SUTTON CAR WASH 7.DWG ONIA 363 parking parking LAND 2-bay 370 self wash ex. structure 359 DOODLES trash DINER NATIONAL TIRE & BATTERY TMP 49-94-1 entry/exit TMP 49-94 354 ALL AMERICAN lk TMP 49-79 REZONING wa CAR WASH side project name new bio-filter/swm/landscape ex. walk 4' wall sign project number entry/exit 362 SITE PLAN CONCEPT ex. walk AGF sketch title 360 LONG STREET drawn by 350 (US ROUTE 250) 12.13.19 issue date SP-1 sketch number CAP BLOCK EXISTING GRADE GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT BATTER MAY VARY 12" OF FREE-DRAINING AGGREGATE BY MANUFACTURER MULCH CAP BLOCK 4 PAVEMENT GRADE 1 4" DIA. DRAINPIPE (ELEVATION VARIES) 6" MINIMUM COMPACTED GRANULAR-BASE LEVELING PAD GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT S:\1-PROJECTS\GORDON SUTTON CAR WASH\CAD\01 DRAWING\SUTTON CAR WASH DETAIL.DWG 12" OF FREE-DRAINING RETAINING WALL PRECEDENT IMAGE AGGREGATE FINISHED GRADE 4" DIA. DRAINPIPE (ELEVATION VARIES) 6" MINIMUM COMPACTED GRANULAR-BASE LEVELING PAD ALL AMERICAN TMP 49-79 REZONING CAR WASH RETAINING WALL SECTION project name project number SITE DETAIL CONCEPTS AGF sketch title drawn by 12.13.19 issue date SP-2 sketch number 9' 6" CURB PAVEMENT GRADE 6" CURB 2' PAVEMENT GRADE 3 3 1 1 18" BIO-MEDIA GRAVEL RESERVOIR & PERFORATED PARKING ISLAND LANDSCAPING S:\1-PROJECTS\GORDON SUTTON CAR WASH\CAD\01 DRAWING\SUTTON CAR WASH DETAIL.DWG DRAIN PARKING LOT ISLAND BIO-SWALE SECTION BIO-SWALE PRECEDENT IMAGE ALL AMERICAN TMP 49-79 REZONING CAR WASH project name project number SITE DETAIL CONCEPTS AGF sketch title drawn by BIO-SWALE PRECEDENT IMAGE 12.13.19 issue date SP-3 sketch number AFFIDAVIT THIS DAY appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the Commonwealth of Virginia, Aaron Revere, who, after being first duly sworn, did state as follows: 1. I am Aaron Revere, and I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein. 2. I am an authorized agent I representative for Long Street LLC, the owner of the property located at 909 Landonia Circle (the "Property") which is the subject of a pending rezoning application from B-1 Business to B-2 Business with the City of Charlottesville. 3. As required by the application process, on January 21, 2020, I mailed notices to all property owners within 500 feet of the Property as those addresses determined and provided by Joey Winter of the City of Charlottesville. The letter provided notice of the application and proposed use and of the informational community meeting to be held at Burnley-Moran Elementary School (Library} on February 13, 2020, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. 4. A sample copy of the notification letter is attached hereto as Exhibit A, and a copy of the list of addresses to which the letter was mailed is attached hereto as Exhibit B. And further the affiant sayeth not. _ __ ,/·=/ == ..,,............- ~ -+-------- ,,__ /_ "c__ (seal) Aaron Rev= -( SWORN TO and acknowledged before me on this aI day of January, 2020 by Aa ron Revere. Notary Public My Commission expires: al~ /ova. I Notary ID Number: January 21, 2020 Dear Neighbor, You are receiving this letter because you are located within 500 feet of 909 Landonia Circle (the “Property”). We, the owners of the Property, have applied to the City of Charlottesville for change in zoning from B-1 Business to B-2 Business and wish to keep you informed of and involved in that process. The Property is further identified on City Real Property Tax Map 49 Parcel 79 and has frontage on Landonia Circle. The property is approximately 0.68 acres and the General Land Use Plan calls for Neighborhood Commercial development. Previously the site was operated as a Day Care Center but today sits vacant. The objective of our proposed project is to integrate this vacant site into our existing cash wash operations that front on Long Street. As you know, our facility has functioned as a car wash for decades. No new use is proposed. Our aim is to modernize and improve the facilities to better serve our long-standing customers. We will continue to provide self-serve car wash and vacuuming, an automated car wash, and a propane refilling kiosk. We propose to maintain the use of our two current access points, thus avoiding changes to traffic patterns. The former access point to the daycare center will be removed from Landonia circle. Along the northern and eastern perimeter of the Property, we plan to incorporate a sidewalk facilitating pedestrian access down to Long Street. Similarly, we plan for vegetated buffers along the perimeters of the site. We will be holding an informational meeting for any neighbors with questions or concerns. The details of that meeting are as follows: Location: Burnley-Moran Elementary School (Library) Date: February 13, 2020 Time: 4:30 to 6:30 pm There will be no formal presentation at the meeting, but we will be available during the hours of 4:30 to 6:30 pm to answer questions. If you cannot make it to the informational meeting, but have questions, please contact: Name: Aaron Revere Email: Phone: (804) 687-6316 Thank you and we look forward to meeting you! 1217 A & B RIVER VISTA AVENUE, LLC AGEE, JOHN B & ELAINE ASANTE, AGYA-KOFI D 3993 RED HILL SCHOOL RD 3029 COVE LANE 2000 CITY WALK #2 WAY NORTH GARDEN VA 22959 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 BABER, JAMES A & NATALIE A BLAKE, LINDA D & DANIEL E BUSHING, CAROL G 1227 RIVER VISTA AVE 1228 RIVER VISTA AVE 1320 RIVERDALE DR CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 CARTER, NANCY D & MATTHEW R, JR CITY OF, CH'VILLE SCHOOL BOARD COMFORT, JASON E & CARRIE A 1214 LONG ST 1300 LONG ST 1223 RIVER VISTA AVE CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 COSNER, E GRANT & BARBARA H CRITZER, JESSIE CRITZER, PAUL C 1510 EAST HIGH STREET 1205 LANDONIA CIR 1115 CARDINAL DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 EARLYSVILLE VA 22936 DEANE, ELLIS R, JR & VIVIAN C DIXON, MATTHEW J DUFFY, AIMEE E 104 FIELDING DR 1711 CHERRY AVE 1221 RIVER VISTA AVE CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22903 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 EASTER, VALORIE LYNN FELDMAN, GARY A & DEBRA J TULER FOSTER, DWIGHT & IRENE 1304 BELLEVIEW AVE 1226 RIVER VISTA AVENUE 1821 WILDERNESS RD CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 REVA VA 22735 FREE BRIDGE PROPERTIES, LLC GO STORE IT RIVER, LLC GORMAN, TIMOTHY P & SUSAN H & 1510 E HIGH ST 5605 CARNEGIE BLVD STE 420 145 DURRETT TOWN RD CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 CHARLOTTE NC 28209 AFTON VA 22920 HARVEY, ALLAN LEE HENRY, THOMAS E, TRUSTEE HILLTOP, DAY CARE CENTER INC 1216 RIVER VISTA AVENUE 1200 LANDONIA CIR 909 LANDONIA CIRCLE CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 HOANG, BICH THUY HUCK, JENNIFER A & ADAM F SLEZ IVESTER, KYLE J & KRISTEN G 1317 RIVERDALE DR 1225 RIVER VISTA AVE 1319 RIVERDALE DR CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 JOHNSON, LENWOOD A & IDA B KIMCO, L C KIRSCHNICK, DAVID M 152 KENSINGTON DRIVE 1510 EAST HIGH STREET 926 COLEMAN ST FISHERSVILLE VA 22939 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 LACE LEAF, LLC LANDONIA, LLC LINDSAY, CHRISTINE M 105 KEYSTONE PL 3134 BEAU MONT FARM RD 1222 RIVER VISTA AVE CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 LONG STREET PROPERTIES, LLC LY, THANH & LOAN MY VUONG MAXEY, HAZEL PATTERSON CVS DRIVE, MC 2320 1326 LONG STREET 1218 RIVER VISTA AVENUE WOODSOCKET RI 02895 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 MERRITT, DAVID C & DONNA L PACIFIC REALTY ASSOCIATES LP RIVERVIEW LAND AND DEVELOPMENT, LLC 1324 LONG STREET 15350 SW SEQUOIA PKWY #300 P O BOX 48 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 PORTLAND OR 97224 KESWICK VA 22947 ROWLAND, DONNA & PATTI LONG SOVRAN BANK TAYLOR, WILLIAM E & MARGARET C 1062 RIDGEWAY DRIVE 101 N TRYON ST 704 GILLESPIE AVENUE BARBOURSVILLE VA 22923 CHARLOTTE NC 28255 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 THOMAS, ROY S JR & NELLIE P TIGER FUEL COMPANY TSERING, PASANG & NGAWANG DOLKAR 614 BIG OAK ROAD P O BOX 1607 904 COLEMAN STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22903 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 VAUGHAN, MELINA R WALTON, STUART K WRIGHT & NAPIER, LLC 1220 RIVER VISTA AVE 1212 RIVER VISTA AVE 203 PAUL REVERE DR CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 FOREST VA 24551 YOUNG, JOSEPH D 1300 BELLEVIEW AVE CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 -Z.-13-2.D NfrMc ~·~ L eWle&.d D\ 'B\o\c~ .. l 4 ~t0 ~q ~-~Ct~ -5!/.S~ KM e. '11'-/ ~-~'.c'3 SAJ=;;5 l . - - - - - - - - - - - - 1i W _c.em_ __Q.~9±: · · ·~G+cee± Cs:-mp. _ _ J.. . ..~ ;. z r e:s:cl\:r\~ / fl:1£ . tf{{m ( --~e "lt:tt;e (1,Au._,1 (J!~('\._f / -~11----- ~~~~~--~~~-~~ ~-i-~ ' --~---~~-~~--~--- II ,__ I I