Agenda PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR DOCKET TUESDAY, November 8, 2022 at 5:30 P.M. Hybrid Meeting I. Commission Pre-Meeting (Agenda discussion(s)) Beginning: 5:00 p.m. Location: (CitySpace, 100 5th St NE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 and Electronic/Virtual) II. Commission Regular Meeting Beginning: 5:30 p.m. Location: (CitySpace, 100 5th St NE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 and Electronic/Virtual) A. COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS B. UNIVERSITY REPORT C. CHAIR'S REPORT D. DEPARTMENT OF NDS E. MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC NOT ON THE FORMAL AGENDA F. CONSENT AGENDA (Items removed from the consent agenda will be considered at the end of the regular agenda) i. Notes – Planning Commission Retreat – October 22, 2022 ii. Site Plan – 1223 Harris Street III. JOINT MEETING OF COMMISSION/ COUNCIL Beginning: 6:00 p.m. Continuing: until all public hearings are completed Format: (i) Staff Report, (ii) Applicant, (iii) Hearing 1. SP 22-00010 211 Albemarle Street – On November 8, 2022, the Planning Commission and City Council will conduct a joint public hearing for an application for a Special Use Permit (“SUP”) for the property located at 211 Albemarle Street and identified in the City’s land records as Tax Map and Parcel (“TMP”) 310025000 (the “Subject Property”). The public hearing will be conducted both in-person and via virtual (electronic) means; individuals who wish to participate electronically or in-person may register on the City’s website. Following the public hearing, it is the intention of the Planning Commission to vote on whether to recommend approval of the SUP. Pilgrim Baptist Church Trustees (the “Owner”) has submitted a SUP Application pursuant to City Code Sec. 34-796, Sec. 34-420, and Sec. 34-158 to operate a Daycare Facility for up to fifteen (15) adolescents within the existing church structure. The anticipated operation hours for the Daycare Facility would be from 8:15am to 3:30pm daily. The Subject Property is approximately 0.43 acres with road frontage on Albemarle Street and West Street. The Comprehensive Land Use Map for this area calls for Urban Mixed Use Corridor and the Subject Property has split zoning district classifications of Central City Mixed Use Corridor and R-1S (Residential Small Lot). The City’s zoning matrix(s) allows Daycare Facilities within the Central City Mixed Use Corridor and R-1S districts with the approval of a SUP. The property is adjacent to both commercial and residential uses and is located across from residential housing on the opposite side of West Street. Additional information pertaining to this application (SP 22-00010) may be viewed online at Persons interested in the Special Use Permit application may also contact NDS Planner Matt Alfele by e-mail ( or by telephone (434-970-3636). 2. SP 22-00006 901 Seminole Trail, 1801 Hydraulic Road – On November 8, 2022, the Planning Commission and City Council will conduct a joint public hearing for an application for a Special Use Permit (“SUP”) for the property located at 901 Seminole Trail and 1801 Hydraulic Road and identified in the City’s land records as Tax Map and Parcels (“TMPs”) 41B001000 and 41B002000 (the “Subject Property”). The public hearing will be conducted both in-person and via virtual (electronic) means; individuals who wish to participate electronically or in person may register on the City’s website. Following the public hearing, it is the intention of the Planning Commission to vote on whether to recommend approval of the SUP. Riverbend Development, on behalf of one owner of the Subject Property, 901 Seminole Trail LLC, has submitted a SUP Application for the Subject Property. Pursuant to City Code Sec. 34-796 and Sec. 34-158, the owner has applied for a SUP to build a drive-through restaurant on the Subject Property. The Subject Property is approximately 10.18 acres with road frontage on Hydraulic Road, Seminole Trail, Hillsdale Drive and India Road. The Comprehensive Land Use Map for this area calls for Urban Mixed Use Node and the Subject Property is located within the Highway Corridor mixed use zoning district classification. The City’s zoning matrix allows drive- through restaurants in Highway Corridor districts with the approval of an SUP. The property is adjacent to other properties currently used for commercial uses, and is located across from multifamily housing on the opposite side of Hillsdale Drive. Additional information pertaining to this application (SP 22-00006) may be viewed online at Persons interested in the Special Use Permit application may also contact NDS Planner Dannan O’Connell by e-mail ( or by telephone (434-970- 3991). IV. COMMISSION’S ACTION ITEMS Continuing: until all action items are concluded. 1. Presentation - Multi-Modal Transportation Prioritization Method 2. Presentation – Climate Action Plan 3. Interpretation of Section 34-518(a) (PUD section) V. FUTURE MEETING SCHEDULE/ADJOURN Tuesday November 22, 2022 – 5:00PM Work Capital Improvement Program Session Tuesday December 13, 2022 – 5:00 PM Pre- Meeting Tuesday December 13, 2022 – 5:30 PM Regular Minutes - October 11, 2021, October Meeting 12, 2021, October 21, 2021, November 9, 2021 Public Hearing – Capital Improvement Program, Comprehensive Plan Amendments Presentation – Entrance Corridor Design Review Overview Anticipated Items on Future Agendas Zoning Text Amendments –Off-street parking facilities requirements along streets designated as “framework streets” (initiated May 8, 2018), Site Plan Requirements, Accessory Dwelling Unit, Middle Density zoning and Affordable Dwelling Unit , 12th and Rosser/CH Brown Historic Conservation District (six properties) Rezoning and SUP – 0 Carlton Road, 1120 Avon Street Critical Slopes Waiver – Azalea Springs, Fire Station on 250 Bypass Site Plan –Flint Hill PUD, 240 Stribling Ave. Special Use Permit – Fire Station on 250 Bypass Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Manufactured Housing Future Entrance Corridor • 1801 Hydraulic Road – revised Comp Sign Plan, revised design review (Hillsdale Place, Riverbend) • 1113 5th Street SW – Car Wash • 2005 JPA PLEASE NOTE: THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE PRIOR TO THE MEETING. PLEASE NOTE: We are including suggested time frames on Agenda items. These times are subject to change at any time during the meeting. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48 hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. During the local state of emergency related to the Coronavirus (COVID19), City Hall and City Council Chambers are closed to the public and meetings are being conducted virtually via a Zoom webinar. The webinar is broadcast on Comcast Channel 10 and on all the City's streaming platforms including: Facebook, Twitter, and Public hearings and other matters from the public will be heard via the Zoom webinar which requires advanced registration here: . You may also participate via telephone and a number is provided with the Zoom registration or by contacting staff at 434-970-3182 to ask for the dial in number for each meeting. LIST OF SITE PLANS AND SUBDIVISIONS APPROVED ADMINISTRATIVELY 10/1/2022 TO 10/31/2022 1. Preliminary Site Plans 2. Final Site Plans 3. Site Plan Amendments a. 1532-1534 Virginia Avenue #1 – October 4, 2022 b. Azalea Park Batting Cage - October 18, 2022 c. Pen Park Batting Cage – October 18, 2022 4. Subdivision a. Preston Place Lots – BLA – October 24, 2022 PC Retreat Saturday October 22, 2022 - 1:30-4:30 Charlottesville Pavilion Stage PC members: Phil d’Oronzio, Karim Habbab, Hosea Mitchell, Liz Russell, Carl Schwarz, Lyle Solla Yates, Rory Stolzenberg Staff: James Freas, Missy Creasy, Dannan O’Connell Facilitator: Selena Cozart Commissioners began with an icebreaker followed by discussion on community timeline from January 2017 forward from the perspective of each person in attendance. The group was then broken into teams to develop a listing of priorities. Karim/Liz Equitable spaces, Climate Action Plan (retain existing buildings), Sublots and Parking requirements, Broadening range of affordable housing tools (sublots, nonprofits, private/public partnership), Bikelanes/Sidewalks, Stay true to comp plan principles (true to vision.) Phil/Lyle Zoning Rewrite, Safety (implementation of the Bike/Ped plan), Traffic- multimodal, Affordable housing implementation (more consistent & beyond the work of NDS), CIP, Car Plan (where do the cars go?), City Legislative priorities for State (PC not currently part of process), Trees, Climate, River Hosea/Carl Zoning Rewrite (bike/ped improvements codified, climate action plan in code, parking – strategic, Cville as a destination so need place to park), Give plans some teeth, Make transportation part of planning. Rory Zoning Rewrite, break log jam in transportation projects (not had public eye recently), Comp Plan 5 year review (feedback loop – see what happens and shape plans based on that), Affordable housing spending (need good structure), CIP – use this as a planning tool. Criteria for Prioritizing next Steps Time, resources, staff, money 3 buckets of resources – 1. Transportation, 2 Affordable Housing, 3. Planning (development review and long range) Discussion about Small Area Plans (SAP). Phil – SAP – not as helpful without zoning Carl – SAP to test Zoning Liz – look at existing SAPs (how to address conflicts) Karim – CIP to protect the most vulnerable (some things linked, how to make priority) Work Sessions after Zoning Rory – work through implementation – CAHF, Transportation projects, CIP (not have much role or impact- plan not a budget) Discussion about the role of OED and Economic Development Strategy. Priority areas for Comp Plan Lyle – Housing, Safety (Transportation), Climate Role of PC - What does PC need to be in a position to make recommendations? James - ZO, CIP, Adoption of plans/policies Rory – food access presentation, housing (provide view points on issues and have discussion) Phil – discussions rather than presentations Rory – CAHF and Transportation log jam most important Carl – look to see how last CIP implemented the Comp plan Rory – Work session on CIP process, report card on year to date, done in a timeframe to impact the coming cycle. Phil – clarity of process – how do processes work. Potential work session topics visual. CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A FINAL SITE PLAN APPLICATION NUMBER: P21-0082 DATE OF MEETING: November 8, 2022 Project Planner: Brian Haluska Date of Staff Report: October 21, 2022 Applicant: C-Ville Business Park, LLC Applicant’s Representative(s): Chris Virgilio Current Property Owner: C-Ville Business Park, LLC Property Street Address: 1221, 1223, and 1225 Harris Street (“Subject Property”) Tax Map & Parcel: 340090100 and 340090B00 Current Zoning Classification: IC Industrial Corridor Overlay District: None Reason for Planning Commission Review: Final site plan reflects the proposed development of a property that is the subject of an approved special permit per Sections 34-820(d) and 34-822 Vicinity Map Applicant Property Page 1 of 5 P21-0082 1223 Harris Street Standard of Review Site plan approval is a ministerial function of Planning Commission in which no discretion is involved. If this final site plan contains all required information, then it must be granted approval. If Planning Commission disapproves this plan, it shall set forth in writing the specific reasons therefor. As per Section 34-823(c), the reasons for disapproval shall identify deficiencies in this plan which cause the disapproval, by reference to specific ordinances, laws, or regulations. If this plan is disapproved, Planning Commission must also generally identify modifications or corrections that will permit approval of this plan. Applicant’s Request (Summary) Chris Virgilio of C-Ville Business Park, LLC, is seeking Planning Commission approval for the Final Site Plan for the City’s Edge project. This final site plan proposes a mixed-use building with 120 residential units and 1,300 square feet of commercial space at 1223 Harris Street. On March 16, 2020, City Council approved Special Use Permit SP19-00010 authorizing additional residential density up to 43 dwelling units per acre and an additional 2 stories in height. On April 5, 2021, City Council approved Special Use Permit SP21-00001 authorizing additional residential density up to 50 dwelling units per acre. As per the City’s Zoning Ordinance, Planning Commission shall review this final site plan because it reflects the proposed development of property that is subject to a Special Use Permit. Site Plan Requirements A. Compliance with the City’s Erosion and Sediment Control ordinance (Chapter 10) Staff has determined that this final site plan complies with the City’s Erosion and Sediment Control ordinance. Erosion and Sediment Control plans are included as site plan Sheets C3.00 through C3.06, and Stormwater Management Plans are included as site plan Sheets C6.00 through C6.05. B. Compliance with applicable B-1 Commercial District zoning regulations (Sections 34- 440 - 34-480) The property is zoned IC Industrial corridor. The project complies with all requirements of the IC Industrial Corridor. C. Compliance with general standards for site plans (Sections 34-827 - 34-828) Staff has determined that this site plan contains the following information as required: 1. General site plan information, including but not limited to project, property, zoning, site, and traffic information: Found on Sheet C0.00. 2. Existing condition and adjacent property information: Found on Sheet C2.00. 3. Phasing plan: The project will be constructed in one phase per Sheet 1. Page 2 of 5 P21-0082 1223 Harris Street 4. Topography and grading: Found on Sheet C5.00. 5. Existing landscape and trees: Found on Sheet C2.00 6. The name and location of all water features: N/A. 7. One hundred-year flood plain limits: N/A. 8. Existing and proposed streets and associated traffic information: Trip site generation is found on Sheet C0.00. No new roads are proposed. 9. Location and size of existing water and sewer infrastructure: Found on Sheet C2.00. 10. Proposed layout for water and sanitary sewer facilities and storm drain facilities: Found of Sheets C4.01. 11. Location of other existing and proposed utilities and utility easements: Found on Sheet C4.01. 12. Location of existing and proposed ingress to and egress from the property, showing the distance to the centerline of the nearest existing street intersection: Found on Sheet C4.00. 13. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements: Found on Sheets C4.00, C4.01, and C4.04. 14. All areas intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use: N/A. 15. Landscape plan: Found on Sheet L1.00. 16. Where deemed appropriate by the director due to intensity of development: a. Estimated traffic generation figures for the site based upon current ITE rates: Found on Sheet C0.00. b. Estimated vehicles per day: Found on Sheet C0.00. D. Additional information to be shown on the site plan as deemed necessary by the director or Commission in order to provide sufficient information for the director or Commission to adequately review the site plan. The Special Use Permit granted by City Council on April 5, 2021 includes the following conditions, which are provided on Sheet C0.00 of the final site plan. 1. The specific development being approved by this special use permit (“Project”), as described within the Application Materials (including the modified floor plans and elevations dated January 21, 2021) shall have the following minimum attributes/ characteristics: a. Not more than one building shall be constructed on the Subject Property (the “Building”). The Building shall be a six-story Mixed Use Building, containing up to 120 residential dwelling units, ground floor commercial floor area, and underground parking, with overall residential density of up to 50 DUA within the area of the Subject Property. Page 3 of 5 P21-0082 1223 Harris Street b. The highest point of the Building, as defined within City Code §34-1100(a), shall not exceed an elevation of 520 feet above sea level. Exclusions from measurement of building height shall be those referenced within §34-1101(a). c. The ground floor areas along Harris Street and Allied Street shall be used and occupied, respectively, for retail and commercial uses. The square footages of floor area to be used for retail and commercial uses shall be no less than depicted in the January 21, 2021 floor plans and elevation drawings. d. Underground parking shall be provided within a parking garage structure constructed underneath the Building. e. The Landowner shall provide a preliminary traffic study of the immediate area surrounding the building, as well as traffic impact on Allied Street, Harris Street and the intersection of Harris Street and McIntire Road. The scope of the traffic study shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer prior to submission, and must be submitted to the City for review and comment prior to the approval of the final site plan for the project. 2. Within the Building, five (5) affordable dwelling units shall be provided for rental by low- or moderate-income persons, as follows: three (3) one-bedroom units and two (2) two-bedroom units. Each of these units shall be an “affordable dwelling unit” as defined in City Code §34-12 throughout a period of ten (10) years. 3. During the first two months for which dwelling units are leased within the Building, five (5) dwelling units shall be reserved for lease to persons who hold housing choice vouchers at rents for which the vouchers can be used. Prior to commencement of this initial leasing period, Landowner shall notify the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority that the 5 reserved units are, or will be, available to persons with vouchers. E. Compliance with Additional Standards for Specific Uses (Sections 34-930 - 34-938) No improvements regulated by these sections are proposed. Public Comments Received The Site Plan Conference Required by Z.O. Sec. 34-821 was held virtually on August 18, 2021. Neighborhood concerns gathered from the community meeting are listed below. • The potential rents within the building. • Traffic impact on the surrounding streets. • The removal of existing green space in the City. Page 4 of 5 P21-0082 1223 Harris Street The applicant held a community meeting on February 17, 2021. Four members of the public were present. Neighborhood concerns gathered from the community meeting are listed below. • The potential rents within the building. • The type of businesses that would be targeted for the new commercial space. • The logistics of constructing a building around operating businesses. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the final site plan. Attachments 1. Final Site Plan dated November August 24, 2021 and last revised on October 20, 2022 2. Special Use Permit Resolution dated April 5, 2021 3. Preliminary traffic study dated April 7, 2021 4. Conceptual Site Plan Associated with SUP dated January 21, 2021 Page 5 of 5 5 RESOLUTION AMENDING AND REENACTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1221, 1223 and 1225 HARRIS STREET WHEREAS, landowner CVILLE BUSINESS PARK, LLC is the current owner (“Landowner”) of certain land identified on 2019 City Tax Map 34 as Parcels 90B, 90C, and 90.1 (City Real Estate Parcel Identification Nos. 340090B00, 340090C00, and 340090100, and current street addresses of 1221, 1223 and 1225, respectively) and having, collectively, an area of approximately 2.446 acres (106,547 square feet) (the “Subject Property”), and WHEREAS, Landowner proposes to redevelop the Subject Property for a specific project, described as follows: a mixed use building at a height of up to six (6) stories, containing retail and commercial space on the ground floor facing Allied Street and Harris Street, respectively, containing up to 120 residential dwelling units above the ground floor, and containing underground parking (the “Project”), for an overall density within the area of the Subject Property of up to 50 dwelling units per acre (DUA); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is located within the Industrial Corridor zoning district; WHEREAS, the Project is described in more detail within the Landowner’s drawings submitted in connection with SP19-00010, as modified by floor plans and elevation drawings dated January 21, 2021 submitted in connection with SP21-00001 (collectively, the “Application Materials”); and WHEREAS, on March 9, 2021 the Planning Commission and City Council conducted a joint public hearing on the proposed SUP Amendment (SP21-00001) after notice and advertisement as required by law; and WHEREAS, upon consideration of the comments received during the joint public hearing on SP21-00001, the information provided by the Landowner within the Application Materials, and the information provided within the Staff Report, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the proposed amended Special Use Permit for the Project; and WHEREAS, upon consideration of the Planning Commission’s recommendation, the Staff Report, public comments received at the public hearing, as well as the factors set forth within Sec. 34-157 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance, this Council finds and determines that granting the proposed amended Special Use subject to suitable conditions would serve the public necessity, convenience, general welfare or good zoning practice; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that, pursuant to City Code §§ 34-457(b)(5)(a.), 34-458(b), and 34-480, an amended special use permit is hereby approved and granted to authorize one mixed use building, with a height of up to six (6) stories and containing up to 120 residential dwelling units above the ground floor, within the Subject Property, subject to the following conditions: 1. The specific development being approved by this special use permit (“Project”), as described within the Application Materials (including the modified floor plans and elevations dated January 21, 2021) shall have the following minimum attributes/ characteristics: a. Not more than one building shall be constructed on the Subject Property (the “Building”). The Building shall be a six-story Mixed Use Building, containing up to 120 residential dwelling units, ground floor commercial floor area, and underground parking, with overall residential density of up to 50 DUA within the area of the Subject Property. b. The highest point of the Building, as defined within City Code §34-1100(a), shall not exceed an elevation of 520 feet above sea level. Exclusions from measurement of building height shall be those referenced within §34-1101(a). c. The ground floor areas along Harris Street and Allied Street shall be used and occupied, respectively, for retail and commercial uses. The square footages of floor area to be used for retail and commercial uses shall be no less than depicted in the January 21, 2021 floor plans and elevation drawings. d. Underground parking shall be provided within a parking garage structure constructed underneath the Building. e. The Landowner shall provide a preliminary traffic study of the immediate area surrounding the building, as well as traffic impact on Allied Street, Harris Street and the intersection of Harris Street and McIntire Road. The scope of the traffic study shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer prior to submission, and must be submitted to the City for review and comment prior to the approval of the final site plan for the project. 2. Within the Building, five (5) affordable dwelling units shall be provided for rental by low- or moderate-income persons, as follows: three (3) one-bedroom units and two (2) two-bedroom units. Each of these units shall be an “affordable dwelling unit” as defined in City Code §34-12 throughout a period of ten (10) years. 3. During the first two months for which dwelling units are leased within the Building, five (5) dwelling units shall be reserved for lease to persons who hold housing choice vouchers at rents for which the vouchers can be used. Prior to commencement of this initial leasing period, Landowner shall notify the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority that the 5 reserved units are, or will be, available to persons with vouchers. Approved by Council $SULO ,ZOB5IPNBT $.$ Clerk of Council 1001 Boulders Parkway P 804.200.6500 Suite 300 F 804.560.1016 Richmond, VA 23225 To: Brennen Duncan, PE (City of Charlottesville) From: Steve Schmidt, PE, PTOE RE: 1223 Harris Street Development Date: April 7, 2021 Copy: Scott Dunn, AICP, PTP (TG), Clint Shifflett, PE (TG) As requested, Timmons Group has prepared a traffic assessment for the proposed development located at 1223 Harris Street in the City of Charlottesville (City), Virginia. The site is generally located to the south of US 250 Bypass and to the west of McIntire Road as shown on Figure 1 (all figures are located at the end of this memorandum). The proposed development will consist of 120 mid-rise multifamily dwelling units and 5,000 S.F. of commercial space (assumed as retail in this analysis). Primary access to the site will be provided via four (4) site entrances, two (2) on Harris Street and two (2) along the shared driveway off Allied Street. There is a fifth access point on the shared driveway which provides access to a small area with four (4) parking spaces. Any trips to this area were incorporated into the other entrances along the shared driveway. For purposes of this analysis, the development was assumed to be complete by 2023. A copy of the site plan is shown on Figure 2. The scope of this assessment was agreed upon in an April 28, 2020 conference call with City staff. This assessment analyzes the impact of the proposed development on the Harris Street/McIntire Road intersection under existing, background, and future traffic conditions. The assessment also analyzes the potential site entrances under future traffic conditions. The study intersections are shown on Figure 3. Existing Conditions McIntire Road is a two-lane, undivided minor arterial with a posted speed limit of 35 mph in the vicinity of the site. To the south of Harris Street, according to the 2019 VDOT count book, McIntire Road services 17,000 vehicles per day. To the north of Harris Street, McIntire Road services 23,000 vehicles per day. Harris Street is a two-lane, undivided local street with a posted speed limit of 25 mph and will provide access to the site via two site entrances. Harris Street intersects McIntire Road at a signalized intersection. Allied Street is a two-lane, undivided local street without a posted speed limit, assumed to be 25 mph. Allied Street intersects Harris Street in a stop-controlled intersection. 1223 Harris Street Development – Traffic Assessment April 7, 2021 Page 2 of 9 The existing roadway geometry surrounding the site is shown on Figure 4. It is noted that Allied Lane forms the fourth leg of the intersection but is a one-way inbound roadway and not controlled by the signal. As such, Allied Lane was not considered in this analysis. Existing Traffic Volumes Existing AM and PM peak hour traffic counts at the McIntire Road/Harris Street intersection were obtained from the 5th-Ridge-McIntire Multimodal Corridor Study prepared by EPR, PC. The corridor study conducted peak hour traffic counts between 7-9 AM (AM peak hour) and 4-6 PM (PM peak hour) in 2017. The corridor also utilized a 1% annual growth rate to develop future traffic forecasts. Therefore, in order to develop 2021 existing traffic volumes, a 1% annual growth rate (compounded annually) was applied to the 2017 traffic counts at the McIntire Road/Harris Street intersection. The resulting existing AM and PM peak hour volumes are shown on Figure 5. 2023 Background Traffic Volumes In order to analyze 2023 traffic conditions without development of the site, 2023 background traffic volumes were developed based on a 1% annual growth in existing traffic over the two (2) year period for project buildout. The 1% annual growth rate was compounded annually over the two (2) year period and was applied to all movements from the existing traffic counts. The resulting 2023 background traffic volumes are shown on Figure 6. Trip Generation/Distribution The trips that will be generated by the proposed development were based on trip generation information provided in the 10th edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE’s) Trip Generation Manual. As shown in Table 1, 1223 Harris Street Development will result in 841 daily trips, 48 trips during the AM peak (14 in and 34 out) and 72 trips during the PM peak (41 in and 30 out). Table 1: Site Trip Generation WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR LAND USE ITE CODE AMOUNT UNITS ADT IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL Proposed Zoning Shopping Center 820 5,000 SF (GFA) 189 3 2 5 9 10 19 Multifamily Housing - Low Rise 221 120 Dwelling Units 652 11 32 43 32 21 53 Proposed Total 841 14 34 48 41 30 72 SOURCE: Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition (2017) 1223 Harris Street Development – Traffic Assessment April 7, 2021 Page 3 of 9 Based on the nature of the use, it was assumed the site trips would follow the existing travel patterns in the area and primarily be oriented to/from the south and the City of Charlottesville. Therefore, it was assumed 40% of the traffic would be oriented to/from the north on McIntire Street, 50% to/from the south on McIntire Street, and 10% to/from the south on Harris Street. Access to the site will be provided via four (4) garage entrances each of which provides access to a separate parking floor/area. Due to the grade and other site constraints, the parking areas are completely independent and there is no ability to change areas/floors within the garage. The garage entrance locations are shown on Figure 7 and described below: Intersection 3: This garage entrance is located along Harris Street and provides access for residential parking only. Intersection 4: This garage entrance is located along Harris Street and provides access for residential and commercial parking. Intersection 5: This garage entrance is located off of Allied Street and provides access for residential and commercial parking. Intersection 6: This garage entrance is located off of Allied Street and provides access for residential parking only. As noted above, there is a fifth access point on the shared driveway which provides access to a small area with four (4) parking spaces. Any trips to this area were incorporated into the other entrances along the shared driveway (intersections 5 and 6). It was assumed all traffic to intersections 5 and 6 would use Allied Street in order to access the entrances. There is an inter-parcel access point from Harris Street which will provide a secondary access option for these intersections. The site generated trips shown on Table 1 were distributed to the local roadway network according to the distributions and garage entrances discussed above. The resulting residential site trips are shown on Figure 8 and the commercial trips are shown on Figure 9. 2023 Future Traffic Volumes The site trips shown on Figure 8 and Figure 9 were added to the background traffic volumes shown on Figure 6 to yield the 2023 future traffic volumes which are shown on Figure 10. Operational and Queuing Analysis Capacity analysis allows traffic engineers to determine the impacts of traffic on the surrounding roadway network. The Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodologies govern how the capacity analyses are conducted and how the results are interpreted. There are six letter grades of Levels of Service (LOS) from A to F, with LOS A representing the best operating conditions and LOS F the worst operating conditions. Table 2 shows in detail how each of these levels of service are interpreted. 1223 Harris Street Development – Traffic Assessment April 7, 2021 Page 4 of 9 Table 2: Level of Service Definitions 1223 Harris Street Development – Traffic Assessment April 7, 2021 Page 5 of 9 For signalized and unsignalized intersections, level of service is defined in terms of delay, a measure of driver discomfort, frustration, fuel consumption and lost travel time. Table 3 summarizes the delay associated with each LOS category: Table 3: Signalized and Unsignalized Intersection Level of Service Criteria Signalized Intersections Unsignalized Intersections Level of Control Delay per Level of Average Control Service Vehicle (sec/veh) Service Delay (sec/veh) A ≤ 10 A 0 to 10 B > 10 to ≤ 20 B > 10 to ≤ 15 C > 20 to ≤ 35 C > 15 to ≤ 25 D > 35 to ≤ 55 D > 25 to ≤ 35 E > 55 to ≤ 80 E > 35 to ≤ 50 F > 80 F > 50 Source: Exhibit 16-2 and Exhibit 17-2 from TRB's "Highway Capacity Manual 2000" Operational Analysis for 2021 Existing Traffic Volumes Table 4 summarizes the 2021 existing intersection LOS, delay, 95th percentile queue lengths (Synchro), and maximum queue lengths (SimTraffic) based on the 2021 existing peak hour traffic volumes shown on Figure 5, the existing lane geometry shown on Figure 4, and the existing traffic signal timings provided by the City. The corresponding analysis worksheets are included in Appendix A. As shown in Table 4, the intersection of McIntire Road and Harris Street operates at an overall LOS D during the AM peak and LOS F during the PM peak. The mainline northbound approach operates at LOS A in both the AM and PM peak and the mainline southbound approach operates at LOS D in the AM peak and LOS B in the PM peak. The eastbound approach operates at LOS F in both peak hours with maximum queues which extend back more than 850’. 1223 Harris Street Development – Traffic Assessment April 7, 2021 Page 6 of 9 Table 4: 2021 Existing Conditions Level of Service and Queues AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR Turn SimTraffic SimTraffic Intersection and Movement and Lane SYNCHRO 95th Max SYNCHRO 95th Max Type of Control Approach Storage Delay 1 1 Percentile Delay 1 1 LOS Percentile LOS Percentile Queue Percentile (ft) (sec/veh) Queue Length (sec/veh) Queue Length (ft) Queue (ft) Length (ft) Length (ft) EB Left-Right 124.7 F #312 405 456.0 F #606 863 1. McIntire Road (N-S) & Harris Street (E-W) EB Approach 124.7 F -- -- 456.0 F -- -- Signalized NB Left 240 31.0 C 25 100 14.6 B 15 138 NB Thru 4.5 A 127 158 7.6 A 331 288 NB Approach 7.1 A -- -- 7.9 A -- -- SB Thru-Right 48.6 D #1140 759 19.5 B 668 482 SB Approach 48.6 D -- -- 19.5 B -- -- Overall LOS 45.4 D -- -- 87.7 F -- -- 1 Overall intersection LOS and delay reported for signalized intersections only. † SYNCHRO does not provide level of service or delay for unsignalized movements with no conflicting volumes. Operational Analysis for 2023 Background Volume Conditions Table 5 summarizes the 2023 background intersection LOS, delay, 95th percentile queue lengths (Synchro), and maximum queue lengths (SimTraffic) based on the 2023 background peak hour traffic volumes shown on Figure 6, the existing lane geometry shown on Figure 4, and the existing traffic signal timings provided by the City. The corresponding analysis worksheets are included in Appendix B. As shown in Table 5, the intersection of McIntire Road and Harris Street will continue to operate at an overall LOS D during the AM peak and LOS F during the PM peak. The mainline northbound approach will operate at LOS A in both the AM and PM peak and the mainline southbound approach will operate at LOS D in the AM peak and LOS C in the PM peak. The eastbound approach will operate at LOS F in both peak hours with maximum queues which extend back more than 850’. Table 5: 2023 Background Conditions Level of Service and Queues AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR Turn SimTraffic SimTraffic Intersection and Movement and Lane SYNCHRO 95th SYNCHRO 95th Max Max Type of Control Approach Storage Delay 1 1 Percentile Delay 1 1 Percentile LOS Percentile LOS Percentile (ft) (sec/veh) Queue Length (sec/veh) Queue Length Queue Queue (ft) (ft) Length (ft) Length (ft) EB Left-Right 130.6 F #319 465 473.0 F #619 861 1. McIntire Road (N-S) & Harris Street (E-W) EB Approach 130.6 F -- -- 473.0 F -- -- Signalized NB Left 240 31.0 C 26 93 15.6 B 15 140 NB Thru 4.6 A 130 170 7.8 A 345 300 NB Approach 7.1 A -- -- 8.2 A -- -- SB Thru-Right 54.6 D #1177 762 20.6 C 704 546 SB Approach 54.6 D -- -- 20.6 C -- -- Overall LOS 49.8 D -- -- 91.1 F -- -- 1 Overall intersection LOS and delay reported for signalized intersections only. † SYNCHRO does not provide level of service or delay for unsignalized movements with no conflicting volumes. 1223 Harris Street Development – Traffic Assessment April 7, 2021 Page 7 of 9 Operational Analysis for 2023 Future Volume Conditions Table 6 summarizes the 2023 future intersection (with the development) LOS, delay, 95th percentile queue lengths (Synchro), and maximum queue lengths (SimTraffic) based on the 2023 future peak hour traffic volumes shown on Figure 10, the future lane geometry shown on Figure 7, and the existing traffic signal timings provided by the City. The corresponding analysis worksheets are included in Appendix C. As shown in Table 6, the development of 1223 Harris Street will have minimal impact on the McIntire Street/Harris Street intersection. The intersection will operate at similar LOS and queueing levels to background conditions. The intersection will operate at an overall LOS E in the AM peak hour and LOS F in the PM peak hour. The eastbound queue at the intersection will continue to extend back and may block some of the site intersections along Harris Street in the peak hours. The site entrance intersections will all operate at LOS C or better with no queueing concerns. 1223 Harris Street Development – Traffic Assessment April 7, 2021 Page 8 of 9 Table 6: 2023 Total Future Conditions Level of Service and Queues AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR Turn SimTraffic SimTraffic Intersection and Movement and Lane SYNCHRO 95th SYNCHRO 95th Max Max Type of Control Approach Storage Delay 1 1 Percentile Delay 1 1 Percentile LOS Percentile LOS Percentile (ft) (sec/veh) Queue Length (sec/veh) Queue Length Queue Queue (ft) (ft) Length (ft) Length (ft) EB Left-Right 189.4 F #375 128 540.5 F #667 127 1. McIntire Road (N-S) & Harris Street (E-W) EB Approach 189.4 F -- -- 540.5 F -- -- Signalized NB Left 240 31.1 C 36 105 18.1 B 20 104 NB Thru 4.6 A 130 173 7.8 A 345 276 NB Approach 7.5 A -- -- 8.5 A -- -- SB Thru-Right 57.8 E #1184 763 22.9 C 740 636 SB Approach 57.8 E -- -- 22.9 C -- -- Overall LOS 60.2 E -- -- 107.4 F -- -- EB Left-Thru 0.0 A 0 447 0.0 A 0 476 2. Allied Street (N-S) & Harris Street EB Approach 0.0 A -- -- 0.0 A -- -- Unsignalized WB Left-Thru † † † † † † † † WB Approach † † -- -- † † -- -- SB Left-Right 14.4 B 3 275 15.0 B 3 426 SB Approach 14.4 B -- -- 15.0 B -- -- EB Left-Thru 0.0 A 0 106 0.0 A 0 95 3. Site Entrance (N-S) & Harris Street EB Approach 0.0 A -- -- 0.0 A -- -- Unsignalized WB Thru-Right † † † 0 † † † 0 WB Approach † † -- -- † † -- -- SB Left-Right 14.0 B 0 49 14.4 B 0 58 SB Approach 14.0 B -- -- 14.4 B -- -- EB Left-Thru 8.3 A 0 20 9.3 A 35 140 4. Site Entrance (N-S) & Harris Street EB Approach 0.0 A -- -- 9.2 A -- -- Unsignalized WB Left-Thru † † † 0 † † † 7 WB Approach † † -- -- † † -- -- SB Left-Right 13.3 B 3 31 24.7 C 5 28 SB Approach 13.3 B -- -- 24.7 C -- -- EB Thru-Right † † † 0 † † † 0 5. Site Entrance (N-S) & Allied Street EB Approach † † -- -- † † -- -- Unsignalized WB Left-Thru 7.2 A 0 0 7.2 A 0 0 WB Approach 7.2 A -- -- 7.2 A -- -- NB Left-Right 8.4 A 0 33 8.4 A 0 33 NB Approach 8.4 A -- -- 8.4 A -- -- EB Thru-Right † † 0 0 † † † 0 6. Site Entrance (N-S) & Allied Street EB Approach † † -- -- † † -- -- Unsignalized WB Left-Thru 7.2 A 0 0 7.2 A 0 0 WB Approach 2.4 A -- -- 7.2 A -- -- NB Left-Right 8.4 A 0 30 8.4 A 0 30 NB Approach 8.4 A -- -- 8.4 A -- -- 1 Overall intersection LOS and delay reported for signalized intersections only. † SYNCHRO does not provide level of service or delay for unsignalized movements with no conflicting volumes. 1223 Harris Street Development – Traffic Assessment April 7, 2021 Page 9 of 9 Conclusions The proposed development of 1223 Harris Street will have minimal to no impact on the adjacent McIntire Road/Harris Street intersection. The intersection will continue to operate at similar LOS with minimal increase in delay and queueing. The site entrances will operate at LOS C or better with no queuing concerns. No improvements are required at the study intersections to accommodate the vehicular traffic generated by the redevelopment. LEGEND: Existing Road Proposed Site NOT TO SCALE Surrounding Roadway Network and Site Location Figure 1223 Harris Street Development 1 Charlottesville, Virginia NOT TO SCALE Site Plan Figure 1223 Harris Street Development 2 Charlottesville, Virginia 1 2 6 3 5 4 LEGEND: Existing Road Proposed Road Proposed Site Existing Intersection Future Intersection NOT TO SCALE Proposed Site Location and Site Entrances Figure 1223 Harris Street Development Charlottesville, Virginia 3 McIntire 1 Road Harris Street S’=240’ LEGEND: Existing Road Signalized Intersection Lane Configuration S’ Effective Storage (in feet)* Per TOSAM guidelines, effective storage is equal to the length of the full width storage plus ½ the taper distance. 1 2 6 3 5 LEGEND: 4 Existing Road Proposed Road Proposed Site NOT TO SCALE Existing Intersection Geometry Figure 1223 Harris Street Development Charlottesville, Virginia 4 McIntire 1 Road 367 (235) Harris Street 733 (660) (312) 169 (43) 29 (47) 49 (832) 456 LEGEND: Existing Road Signalized Intersection Lane Configuration 00 AM Peak Hour Volumes (00) PM Peak Hour Volumes 1 2 6 3 5 LEGEND: 4 Existing Road Proposed Road Proposed Site NOT TO SCALE 2021 Existing Volumes Figure 1223 Harris Street Development Charlottesville, Virginia 5 McIntire 1 Road 374 (240) Harris Street 748 (673) (318) 172 (44) 30 (48) 50 (849) 465 LEGEND: Existing Road Signalized Intersection Lane Configuration 00 AM Peak Hour Volumes (00) PM Peak Hour Volumes 1 2 6 3 5 LEGEND: 4 Existing Road Proposed Road Proposed Site NOT TO SCALE 2023 Background Volumes Figure 1223 Harris Street Development Charlottesville, Virginia 6 McIntire Entrance 1 2 3 Road Street Allied Site Harris Street Harris Street Harris Street S’=240’ 4 5 6 Allied Allied Harris Street Street Street LEGEND: Existing Road 1 Signalized Intersection Lane Configuration Stop Sign Location 2 Unsignalized Intersection 6 S’ Effective Storage (in feet)* 3 Per TOSAM guidelines, effective storage is equal to 5 the length of the full width storage plus ½ the 4 taper distance. LEGEND: Existing Road Proposed Road Proposed Site NOT TO SCALE 2023 Future Geometry Figure 1223 Harris Street Development Charlottesville, Virginia 7 McIntire Entrance 1 2 3 Road Street Allied Site 16 (11) 5 (4) 4 (13) 0 (0) 5 (16) 2 (6) Harris Street Harris Street 5 (13) Harris Street 3 (7) (8) 13 (0) 0 (11) 16 (5) 8 (16) 6 (9) 13 Entrance 4 5 6 Site 3 (2) 8 (5) 3 (7) 3 (10) 3 (10) 0 (0) 2 (6) Harris Street Allied Allied Street (6) 10 Street (3) 1 (0) 0 (5) 6 (6) 10 Entrance Entrance Site Site LEGEND: Existing Road 1 Signalized Intersection Lane Configuration Stop Sign Location 2 Unsignalized Intersection 6 00 AM Peak Hour Volumes (00) PM Peak Hour Volumes 3 5 Trip Distribution LEGEND: 4 Existing Road Proposed Road Proposed Site NOT TO SCALE Residential Site Trips Figure 1223 Harris Street Charlottesville, Virginia 8 McIntire Entrance 1 2 3 Road Street Allied Site 0 (0) 1 (5) 1 (5) 1 (5) Harris Street Harris Street 2 (4) Harris Street 2 (4) (4) 1 (4) 1 (4) 1 (5) 1 (4) 2 Entrance 4 5 6 Site 0 (1) 1 (4) 2 (4) 1 (5) 1 (5) 0 (1) Allied Allied Harris Street Street (5) 1 Street Entrance (5) 1 Entrance Site Site LEGEND: Existing Road 1 Signalized Intersection Lane Configuration Stop Sign Location 2 Unsignalized Intersection 6 00 AM Peak Hour Volumes (00) PM Peak Hour Volumes 3 5 Trip Distribution LEGEND: 4 Existing Road Proposed Road Proposed Site NOT TO SCALE Commercial Site Generated Trips Figure 1223 Harris Street Charlottesville, Virginia 9 McIntire Entrance 1 2 3 Road Street Allied 379 (258) 748 (673) Site 17 (16) 0 (0) 6 (4) 0 (0) 6 (21) 2 (6) Harris Street Harris Street 431 (306) Harris Street 429 (300) (330) 186 (0) 0 (0) 0 (60) 47 (371) 211 (375) 216 (68) 58 (849) 465 Entrance 4 5 6 Site 3 (3) 9 (9) 5 (11) 4 (15) 4 (15) 424 (290) 2 (6) Harris Street Allied Allied Street (11) 11 Street (3) 1 (362) 202 (5) 6 (11) 11 Entrance Entrance Site Site LEGEND: Existing Road 1 Signalized Intersection Lane Configuration Stop Sign Location 2 Unsignalized Intersection 6 00 AM Peak Hour Volumes (00) PM Peak Hour Volumes 3 5 LEGEND: 4 Existing Road Proposed Road Proposed Site NOT TO SCALE 2023 Total Volumes Figure 1223 Harris Street Development 10 Charlottesville, Virginia APPENDIX A 2021 Existing Conditions Analysis Reports Queues 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street 03/08/2021 Lane Group EBL NBL NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 216 53 496 1196 v/c Ratio 1.02 0.30 0.34 0.98 Control Delay 114.3 9.5 4.6 39.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 114.3 9.5 4.6 39.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~154 7 89 ~810 Queue Length 95th (ft) #312 25 127 #1140 Internal Link Dist (ft) 784 622 662 Turn Bay Length (ft) 240 Base Capacity (vph) 212 178 1439 1221 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.02 0.30 0.34 0.98 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2021 Existing AM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 1 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street 03/08/2021 Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 169 29 49 456 733 367 Future Volume (veh/h) 169 29 49 456 733 367 Initial Q (Qb), veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/ln 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 184 32 53 496 797 399 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Percent Heavy Veh, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cap, veh/h 175 30 156 1445 784 393 Arrive On Green 0.12 0.12 0.05 0.77 0.67 0.67 Sat Flow, veh/h 1484 258 1781 1870 1176 589 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 217 0 53 496 0 1196 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/ln 1750 0 1781 1870 0 1764 Q Serve(g_s), s 13.0 0.0 0.9 9.0 0.0 73.4 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 13.0 0.0 0.9 9.0 0.0 73.4 Prop In Lane 0.85 0.15 1.00 0.33 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 207 0 156 1445 0 1177 V/C Ratio(X) 1.05 0.00 0.34 0.34 0.00 1.02 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 207 0 179 1445 0 1177 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I) 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 48.5 0.0 29.8 3.9 0.0 18.3 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 76.2 0.0 1.3 0.6 0.0 30.3 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh/ln 10.1 0.0 1.0 2.8 0.0 35.0 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 124.7 0.0 31.0 4.5 0.0 48.6 LnGrp LOS F A C A A F Approach Vol, veh/h 217 549 1196 Approach Delay, s/veh 124.7 7.1 48.6 Approach LOS F A D Timer - Assigned Phs 1 2 4 6 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 11.6 79.4 19.0 91.0 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 7.0 72.0 13.0 85.0 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 2.9 75.4 15.0 11.0 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay 45.4 HCM 6th LOS D Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2021 Existing AM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 2 Queuing and Blocking Report 2021 Existing AM Peak 03/08/2021 Intersection: 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street Movement EB NB NB SB Directions Served LR L T TR Maximum Queue (ft) 405 100 158 759 Average Queue (ft) 216 40 65 544 95th Queue (ft) 435 81 129 908 Link Distance (ft) 785 665 719 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0 17 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 240 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 0 Harris Allied TIA SimTraffic Report Timmons Group Page 1 Queues 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street 03/08/2021 Lane Group EBL NBL NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 386 51 904 972 v/c Ratio 1.83 0.17 0.63 0.79 Control Delay 420.2 4.2 7.9 18.8 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 420.2 4.2 7.9 18.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~414 7 232 452 Queue Length 95th (ft) #606 15 331 668 Internal Link Dist (ft) 784 622 662 Turn Bay Length (ft) 240 Base Capacity (vph) 211 302 1439 1230 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.83 0.17 0.63 0.79 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2021 Existing PM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 1 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street 03/08/2021 Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 312 43 47 832 660 235 Future Volume (veh/h) 312 43 47 832 660 235 Initial Q (Qb), veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/ln 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 339 47 51 904 717 255 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Percent Heavy Veh, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cap, veh/h 182 25 312 1445 880 313 Arrive On Green 0.12 0.12 0.05 0.77 0.67 0.67 Sat Flow, veh/h 1537 213 1781 1870 1317 469 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 387 0 51 904 0 972 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/ln 1755 0 1781 1870 0 1786 Q Serve(g_s), s 13.0 0.0 0.9 23.4 0.0 43.6 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 13.0 0.0 0.9 23.4 0.0 43.6 Prop In Lane 0.88 0.12 1.00 0.26 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 207 0 312 1445 0 1193 V/C Ratio(X) 1.87 0.00 0.16 0.63 0.00 0.81 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 207 0 336 1445 0 1193 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I) 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 48.5 0.0 14.3 5.5 0.0 13.3 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 407.5 0.0 0.2 2.1 0.0 6.2 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh/ln 29.2 0.0 0.6 7.5 0.0 17.1 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 456.0 0.0 14.6 7.6 0.0 19.5 LnGrp LOS F A B A A B Approach Vol, veh/h 387 955 972 Approach Delay, s/veh 456.0 7.9 19.5 Approach LOS F A B Timer - Assigned Phs 1 2 4 6 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 11.5 79.5 19.0 91.0 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 7.0 72.0 13.0 85.0 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 2.9 45.6 15.0 25.4 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0.0 9.0 0.0 8.9 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay 87.7 HCM 6th LOS F Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2021 Existing PM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 2 Queuing and Blocking Report 2021 Existing PM Peak 03/08/2021 Intersection: 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street Movement EB B4 NB NB SB Directions Served LR T L T TR Maximum Queue (ft) 863 485 138 288 482 Average Queue (ft) 834 415 32 128 205 95th Queue (ft) 895 612 84 236 390 Link Distance (ft) 785 444 665 719 Upstream Blk Time (%) 96 82 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 240 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 0 Harris Allied TIA SimTraffic Report Timmons Group Page 1 APPENDIX B Background Traffic Conditions Analysis Reports Queues 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street 03/08/2021 Lane Group EBL NBL NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 220 54 505 1220 v/c Ratio 1.03 0.30 0.35 1.00 Control Delay 117.3 9.9 4.7 44.8 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 117.3 9.9 4.7 44.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~163 7 91 ~916 Queue Length 95th (ft) #319 26 130 #1177 Internal Link Dist (ft) 784 622 662 Turn Bay Length (ft) 240 Base Capacity (vph) 213 178 1439 1221 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.03 0.30 0.35 1.00 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Background AM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 1 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street 03/08/2021 Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 172 30 50 465 748 374 Future Volume (veh/h) 172 30 50 465 748 374 Initial Q (Qb), veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/ln 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 187 33 54 505 813 407 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Percent Heavy Veh, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cap, veh/h 175 31 157 1445 784 392 Arrive On Green 0.12 0.12 0.05 0.77 0.67 0.67 Sat Flow, veh/h 1480 261 1781 1870 1176 589 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 221 0 54 505 0 1220 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/ln 1749 0 1781 1870 0 1764 Q Serve(g_s), s 13.0 0.0 0.9 9.2 0.0 73.3 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 13.0 0.0 0.9 9.2 0.0 73.3 Prop In Lane 0.85 0.15 1.00 0.33 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 207 0 157 1445 0 1176 V/C Ratio(X) 1.07 0.00 0.34 0.35 0.00 1.04 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 207 0 179 1445 0 1176 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I) 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 48.5 0.0 29.7 3.9 0.0 18.3 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 82.1 0.0 1.3 0.7 0.0 36.3 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh/ln 10.4 0.0 1.0 2.9 0.0 36.9 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 130.6 0.0 31.0 4.6 0.0 54.6 LnGrp LOS F A C A A F Approach Vol, veh/h 221 559 1220 Approach Delay, s/veh 130.6 7.1 54.6 Approach LOS F A D Timer - Assigned Phs 1 2 4 6 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 11.7 79.3 19.0 91.0 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 7.0 72.0 13.0 85.0 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 2.9 75.3 15.0 11.2 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.6 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay 49.8 HCM 6th LOS D Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Background AM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 2 Queuing and Blocking Report 2023 Background AM Peak 03/08/2021 Intersection: 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street Movement EB B4 NB NB SB Directions Served LR T L T TR Maximum Queue (ft) 465 5 93 170 762 Average Queue (ft) 250 0 39 67 595 95th Queue (ft) 492 5 78 135 933 Link Distance (ft) 785 444 665 719 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0 25 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 240 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 0 Harris Allied TIA SimTraffic Report Timmons Group Page 1 Queues 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street 03/08/2021 Lane Group EBL NBL NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 394 52 923 993 v/c Ratio 1.87 0.18 0.64 0.81 Control Delay 436.4 4.3 8.1 19.8 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 436.4 4.3 8.1 19.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~426 7 242 473 Queue Length 95th (ft) #619 15 345 704 Internal Link Dist (ft) 784 622 662 Turn Bay Length (ft) 240 Base Capacity (vph) 211 289 1439 1230 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.87 0.18 0.64 0.81 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Background PM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 1 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street 03/08/2021 Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 318 44 48 849 673 240 Future Volume (veh/h) 318 44 48 849 673 240 Initial Q (Qb), veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/ln 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 346 48 52 923 732 261 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Percent Heavy Veh, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cap, veh/h 182 25 298 1445 879 313 Arrive On Green 0.12 0.12 0.05 0.77 0.67 0.67 Sat Flow, veh/h 1537 213 1781 1870 1316 469 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 395 0 52 923 0 993 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/ln 1755 0 1781 1870 0 1786 Q Serve(g_s), s 13.0 0.0 0.9 24.4 0.0 45.8 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 13.0 0.0 0.9 24.4 0.0 45.8 Prop In Lane 0.88 0.12 1.00 0.26 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 207 0 298 1445 0 1192 V/C Ratio(X) 1.90 0.00 0.17 0.64 0.00 0.83 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 207 0 321 1445 0 1192 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I) 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 48.5 0.0 15.4 5.6 0.0 13.7 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 424.5 0.0 0.3 2.2 0.0 6.9 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh/ln 30.2 0.0 0.6 7.8 0.0 18.1 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 473.0 0.0 15.6 7.8 0.0 20.6 LnGrp LOS F A B A A C Approach Vol, veh/h 395 975 993 Approach Delay, s/veh 473.0 8.2 20.6 Approach LOS F A C Timer - Assigned Phs 1 2 4 6 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 11.6 79.4 19.0 91.0 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 7.0 72.0 13.0 85.0 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 2.9 47.8 15.0 26.4 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.2 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay 91.1 HCM 6th LOS F Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Background PM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 2 Queuing and Blocking Report 2023 Background PM Peak 03/08/2021 Intersection: 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street Movement EB B4 NB NB SB Directions Served LR T L T TR Maximum Queue (ft) 861 483 140 300 546 Average Queue (ft) 835 423 34 131 222 95th Queue (ft) 880 605 86 238 428 Link Distance (ft) 785 444 665 719 Upstream Blk Time (%) 97 85 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 240 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 0 Harris Allied TIA SimTraffic Report Timmons Group Page 1 APPENDIX C Future Conditions Analysis Reports Queues 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street 03/26/2021 Lane Group EBL NBL NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 253 63 505 1225 v/c Ratio 1.18 0.35 0.35 1.00 Control Delay 160.9 12.6 4.7 45.6 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 160.9 12.6 4.7 45.6 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~210 9 91 ~923 Queue Length 95th (ft) #375 36 130 #1184 Internal Link Dist (ft) 110 622 662 Turn Bay Length (ft) 240 Base Capacity (vph) 214 178 1439 1222 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.18 0.35 0.35 1.00 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future AM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 1 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street 03/26/2021 Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 186 47 58 465 748 379 Future Volume (veh/h) 186 47 58 465 748 379 Initial Q (Qb), veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/ln 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 202 51 63 505 813 412 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Percent Heavy Veh, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cap, veh/h 163 41 162 1445 777 394 Arrive On Green 0.12 0.12 0.05 0.77 0.66 0.66 Sat Flow, veh/h 1383 349 1781 1870 1170 593 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 254 0 63 505 0 1225 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/ln 1738 0 1781 1870 0 1764 Q Serve(g_s), s 13.0 0.0 1.1 9.2 0.0 73.0 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 13.0 0.0 1.1 9.2 0.0 73.0 Prop In Lane 0.80 0.20 1.00 0.34 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 205 0 162 1445 0 1171 V/C Ratio(X) 1.24 0.00 0.39 0.35 0.00 1.05 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 205 0 179 1445 0 1171 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I) 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 48.5 0.0 29.5 3.9 0.0 18.5 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 140.9 0.0 1.5 0.7 0.0 39.3 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh/ln 13.7 0.0 1.2 2.9 0.0 37.7 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 189.4 0.0 31.1 4.6 0.0 57.8 LnGrp LOS F A C A A F Approach Vol, veh/h 254 568 1225 Approach Delay, s/veh 189.4 7.5 57.8 Approach LOS F A E Timer - Assigned Phs 1 2 4 6 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 12.0 79.0 19.0 91.0 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 7.0 72.0 13.0 85.0 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 3.1 75.0 15.0 11.2 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.6 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay 60.2 HCM 6th LOS E Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future AM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 2 HCM 6th TWSC 2: Harris Street & Allied Street 03/26/2021 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.4 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 0 216 431 6 17 0 Future Vol, veh/h 0 216 431 6 17 0 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length - - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 0 235 468 7 18 0 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All 475 0 - 0 707 472 Stage 1 - - - - 472 - Stage 2 - - - - 235 - Critical Hdwy 4.12 - - - 6.42 6.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - - - 5.42 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - 5.42 - Follow-up Hdwy 2.218 - - - 3.518 3.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 1087 - - - 402 592 Stage 1 - - - - 628 - Stage 2 - - - - 804 - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 1087 - - - 402 592 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - - - 402 - Stage 1 - - - - 628 - Stage 2 - - - - 804 - Approach EB WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 0 14.4 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt EBL EBT WBT WBR SBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) 1087 - - - 402 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - - - 0.046 HCM Control Delay (s) 0 - - - 14.4 HCM Lane LOS A - - - B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0 - - - 0.1 Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future AM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 3 HCM 6th TWSC 3: Harris Street & Entrance 3 03/26/2021 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.1 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 0 211 429 2 6 0 Future Vol, veh/h 0 211 429 2 6 0 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length - - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 0 229 466 2 7 0 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All 468 0 - 0 696 467 Stage 1 - - - - 467 - Stage 2 - - - - 229 - Critical Hdwy 4.12 - - - 6.42 6.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - - - 5.42 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - 5.42 - Follow-up Hdwy 2.218 - - - 3.518 3.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 1094 - - - 408 596 Stage 1 - - - - 631 - Stage 2 - - - - 809 - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 1094 - - - 408 596 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - - - 408 - Stage 1 - - - - 631 - Stage 2 - - - - 809 - Approach EB WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 0 14 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt EBL EBT WBT WBR SBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) 1094 - - - 408 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - - - 0.016 HCM Control Delay (s) 0 - - - 14 HCM Lane LOS A - - - B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0 - - - 0 Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future AM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 4 HCM 6th TWSC 4: Entrance 4 03/26/2021 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.2 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 1 202 424 5 9 3 Future Vol, veh/h 1 202 424 5 9 3 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length - - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 1 220 461 5 10 3 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All 466 0 - 0 686 464 Stage 1 - - - - 464 - Stage 2 - - - - 222 - Critical Hdwy 4.12 - - - 6.42 6.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - - - 5.42 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - 5.42 - Follow-up Hdwy 2.218 - - - 3.518 3.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 1095 - - - 413 598 Stage 1 - - - - 633 - Stage 2 - - - - 815 - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 1095 - - - 413 598 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - - - 413 - Stage 1 - - - - 632 - Stage 2 - - - - 815 - Approach EB WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 0 13.3 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt EBL EBT WBT WBR SBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) 1095 - - - 448 HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.001 - - - 0.029 HCM Control Delay (s) 8.3 0 - - 13.3 HCM Lane LOS A A - - B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0 - - - 0.1 Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future AM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 5 HCM 6th TWSC 5: Entrance 5 & Allied Street 03/26/2021 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 7.6 Movement EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 0 0 4 0 0 11 Future Vol, veh/h 0 0 4 0 0 11 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length - - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # 0 - - 0 0 - Grade, % 0 - - 0 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 0 0 4 0 0 12 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor1 Conflicting Flow All 0 0 1 0 9 1 Stage 1 - - - - 1 - Stage 2 - - - - 8 - Critical Hdwy - - 4.12 - 6.42 6.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - - - 5.42 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - 5.42 - Follow-up Hdwy - - 2.218 - 3.518 3.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 1622 - 1011 1084 Stage 1 - - - - 1022 - Stage 2 - - - - 1015 - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 1622 - 1009 1084 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - - - 1009 - Stage 1 - - - - 1022 - Stage 2 - - - - 1013 - Approach EB WB NB HCM Control Delay, s 0 7.2 8.4 HCM LOS A Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBLn1 EBT EBR WBL WBT Capacity (veh/h) 1084 - - 1622 - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.011 - - 0.003 - HCM Control Delay (s) 8.4 - - 7.2 0 HCM Lane LOS A - - A A HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0 - - 0 - Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future AM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 6 HCM 6th TWSC 6: Entrance 6 & Allied Street 03/26/2021 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 2.8 Movement EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 11 0 2 4 0 6 Future Vol, veh/h 11 0 2 4 0 6 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length - - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # 0 - - 0 0 - Grade, % 0 - - 0 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 12 0 2 4 0 7 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor1 Conflicting Flow All 0 0 12 0 20 12 Stage 1 - - - - 12 - Stage 2 - - - - 8 - Critical Hdwy - - 4.12 - 6.42 6.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - - - 5.42 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - 5.42 - Follow-up Hdwy - - 2.218 - 3.518 3.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 1607 - 997 1069 Stage 1 - - - - 1011 - Stage 2 - - - - 1015 - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 1607 - 996 1069 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - - - 996 - Stage 1 - - - - 1011 - Stage 2 - - - - 1014 - Approach EB WB NB HCM Control Delay, s 0 2.4 8.4 HCM LOS A Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBLn1 EBT EBR WBL WBT Capacity (veh/h) 1069 - - 1607 - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.006 - - 0.001 - HCM Control Delay (s) 8.4 - - 7.2 0 HCM Lane LOS A - - A A HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0 - - 0 - Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future AM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 7 Queuing and Blocking Report 2023 Future AM Peak 03/26/2021 Intersection: 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street Movement EB NB NB SB Directions Served LR L T TR Maximum Queue (ft) 128 105 173 763 Average Queue (ft) 114 47 67 652 95th Queue (ft) 125 88 131 936 Link Distance (ft) 105 660 720 Upstream Blk Time (%) 79 33 Queuing Penalty (veh) 185 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 240 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Intersection: 2: Harris Street & Allied Street Movement EB SB Directions Served LT LR Maximum Queue (ft) 447 275 Average Queue (ft) 311 138 95th Queue (ft) 551 323 Link Distance (ft) 462 612 Upstream Blk Time (%) 18 Queuing Penalty (veh) 39 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 3: Harris Street & Entrance 3 Movement EB B15 SB Directions Served LT T LR Maximum Queue (ft) 106 95 49 Average Queue (ft) 30 22 9 95th Queue (ft) 114 121 37 Link Distance (ft) 78 266 110 Upstream Blk Time (%) 16 1 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 33 2 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Harris Allied TIA SimTraffic Report Timmons Group Page 1 Queuing and Blocking Report 2023 Future AM Peak 03/26/2021 Intersection: 4: Entrance 4 Movement EB SB Directions Served LT LR Maximum Queue (ft) 20 31 Average Queue (ft) 2 10 95th Queue (ft) 24 32 Link Distance (ft) 124 120 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 5: Entrance 5 & Allied Street Movement NB Directions Served LR Maximum Queue (ft) 33 Average Queue (ft) 9 95th Queue (ft) 32 Link Distance (ft) 95 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 6: Entrance 6 & Allied Street Movement NB Directions Served LR Maximum Queue (ft) 30 Average Queue (ft) 5 95th Queue (ft) 23 Link Distance (ft) 157 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 259 Harris Allied TIA SimTraffic Report Timmons Group Page 2 Queues 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street 03/26/2021 Lane Group EBL NBL NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 424 74 923 1012 v/c Ratio 2.00 0.27 0.64 0.82 Control Delay 493.1 5.4 8.1 20.8 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 493.1 5.4 8.1 20.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~469 10 242 495 Queue Length 95th (ft) #667 20 345 740 Internal Link Dist (ft) 110 622 662 Turn Bay Length (ft) 240 Base Capacity (vph) 212 276 1439 1228 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 2.00 0.27 0.64 0.82 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future PM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 1 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street 03/26/2021 Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 330 60 68 849 673 258 Future Volume (veh/h) 330 60 68 849 673 258 Initial Q (Qb), veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/ln 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 359 65 74 923 732 280 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Percent Heavy Veh, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cap, veh/h 175 32 287 1445 852 326 Arrive On Green 0.12 0.12 0.06 0.77 0.66 0.66 Sat Flow, veh/h 1477 267 1781 1870 1289 493 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 425 0 74 923 0 1012 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/ln 1748 0 1781 1870 0 1782 Q Serve(g_s), s 13.0 0.0 1.3 24.4 0.0 49.0 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 13.0 0.0 1.3 24.4 0.0 49.0 Prop In Lane 0.84 0.15 1.00 0.28 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 207 0 287 1445 0 1178 V/C Ratio(X) 2.06 0.00 0.26 0.64 0.00 0.86 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 207 0 299 1445 0 1178 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I) 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 48.5 0.0 17.6 5.6 0.0 14.6 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 492.0 0.0 0.5 2.2 0.0 8.2 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh/ln 33.9 0.0 1.0 7.8 0.0 19.7 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 540.5 0.0 18.1 7.8 0.0 22.9 LnGrp LOS F A B A A C Approach Vol, veh/h 425 997 1012 Approach Delay, s/veh 540.5 8.5 22.9 Approach LOS F A C Timer - Assigned Phs 1 2 4 6 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 12.3 78.7 19.0 91.0 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 7.0 72.0 13.0 85.0 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 3.3 51.0 15.0 26.4 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0.0 8.7 0.0 9.2 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay 107.4 HCM 6th LOS F Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future PM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 2 HCM 6th TWSC 2: Harris Street & Allied Street 03/26/2021 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.3 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 0 375 306 21 16 0 Future Vol, veh/h 0 375 306 21 16 0 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length - - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 0 408 333 23 17 0 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All 356 0 - 0 753 345 Stage 1 - - - - 345 - Stage 2 - - - - 408 - Critical Hdwy 4.12 - - - 6.42 6.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - - - 5.42 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - 5.42 - Follow-up Hdwy 2.218 - - - 3.518 3.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 1203 - - - 377 698 Stage 1 - - - - 717 - Stage 2 - - - - 671 - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 1203 - - - 377 698 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - - - 377 - Stage 1 - - - - 717 - Stage 2 - - - - 671 - Approach EB WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 0 15 HCM LOS C Minor Lane/Major Mvmt EBL EBT WBT WBR SBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) 1203 - - - 377 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - - - 0.046 HCM Control Delay (s) 0 - - - 15 HCM Lane LOS A - - - C HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0 - - - 0.1 Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future PM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 3 HCM 6th TWSC 3: Harris Street & Entrance 3 03/26/2021 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.1 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 0 371 300 6 4 0 Future Vol, veh/h 0 371 300 6 4 0 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length - - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 0 403 326 7 4 0 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All 333 0 - 0 733 330 Stage 1 - - - - 330 - Stage 2 - - - - 403 - Critical Hdwy 4.12 - - - 6.42 6.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - - - 5.42 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - 5.42 - Follow-up Hdwy 2.218 - - - 3.518 3.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 1226 - - - 388 712 Stage 1 - - - - 728 - Stage 2 - - - - 675 - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 1226 - - - 388 712 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - - - 388 - Stage 1 - - - - 728 - Stage 2 - - - - 675 - Approach EB WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 0 14.4 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt EBL EBT WBT WBR SBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) 1226 - - - 388 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - - - 0.011 HCM Control Delay (s) 0 - - - 14.4 HCM Lane LOS A - - - B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0 - - - 0 Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future PM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 4 HCM 6th TWSC 4: Entrance 4 03/26/2021 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 5.4 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 362 3 290 11 9 3 Future Vol, veh/h 362 3 290 11 9 3 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length - - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 393 3 315 12 10 3 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All 327 0 - 0 1110 321 Stage 1 - - - - 321 - Stage 2 - - - - 789 - Critical Hdwy 4.12 - - - 6.42 6.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - - - 5.42 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - 5.42 - Follow-up Hdwy 2.218 - - - 3.518 3.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 1233 - - - 232 720 Stage 1 - - - - 735 - Stage 2 - - - - 448 - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 1233 - - - 158 720 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - - - 158 - Stage 1 - - - - 501 - Stage 2 - - - - 448 - Approach EB WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 9.2 0 24.7 HCM LOS C Minor Lane/Major Mvmt EBL EBT WBT WBR SBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) 1233 - - - 196 HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.319 - - - 0.067 HCM Control Delay (s) 9.3 0 - - 24.7 HCM Lane LOS A A - - C HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 1.4 - - - 0.2 Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future PM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 5 HCM 6th TWSC 5: Entrance 5 & Allied Street 03/26/2021 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 7.4 Movement EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 0 0 15 0 0 11 Future Vol, veh/h 0 0 15 0 0 11 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length - - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # 0 - - 0 0 - Grade, % 0 - - 0 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 0 0 16 0 0 12 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor1 Conflicting Flow All 0 0 1 0 33 1 Stage 1 - - - - 1 - Stage 2 - - - - 32 - Critical Hdwy - - 4.12 - 6.42 6.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - - - 5.42 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - 5.42 - Follow-up Hdwy - - 2.218 - 3.518 3.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 1622 - 980 1084 Stage 1 - - - - 1022 - Stage 2 - - - - 991 - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 1622 - 970 1084 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - - - 970 - Stage 1 - - - - 1022 - Stage 2 - - - - 981 - Approach EB WB NB HCM Control Delay, s 0 7.2 8.4 HCM LOS A Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBLn1 EBT EBR WBL WBT Capacity (veh/h) 1084 - - 1622 - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.011 - - 0.01 - HCM Control Delay (s) 8.4 - - 7.2 0 HCM Lane LOS A - - A A HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0 - - 0 - Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future PM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 6 HCM 6th TWSC 6: Entrance 6 & Allied Street 03/26/2021 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 2.3 Movement EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 11 0 6 15 0 5 Future Vol, veh/h 11 0 6 15 0 5 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length - - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # 0 - - 0 0 - Grade, % 0 - - 0 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 12 0 7 16 0 5 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor1 Conflicting Flow All 0 0 12 0 42 12 Stage 1 - - - - 12 - Stage 2 - - - - 30 - Critical Hdwy - - 4.12 - 6.42 6.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - - - 5.42 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - 5.42 - Follow-up Hdwy - - 2.218 - 3.518 3.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 1607 - 969 1069 Stage 1 - - - - 1011 - Stage 2 - - - - 993 - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 1607 - 965 1069 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - - - 965 - Stage 1 - - - - 1011 - Stage 2 - - - - 989 - Approach EB WB NB HCM Control Delay, s 0 2.1 8.4 HCM LOS A Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBLn1 EBT EBR WBL WBT Capacity (veh/h) 1069 - - 1607 - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.005 - - 0.004 - HCM Control Delay (s) 8.4 - - 7.2 0 HCM Lane LOS A - - A A HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0 - - 0 - Harris Allied TIA 11/01/2017 2023 Future PM Peak Synchro 10 Report Timmons Group Page 7 Queuing and Blocking Report 2023 Future PM Peak 03/26/2021 Intersection: 1: McIntire Road & Harris Street Movement EB NB NB SB Directions Served LR L T TR Maximum Queue (ft) 127 104 276 636 Average Queue (ft) 116 42 130 268 95th Queue (ft) 122 84 223 535 Link Distance (ft) 105 660 720 Upstream Blk Time (%) 85 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 332 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 240 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Intersection: 2: Harris Street & Allied Street Movement EB SB Directions Served LT LR Maximum Queue (ft) 476 426 Average Queue (ft) 468 249 95th Queue (ft) 474 454 Link Distance (ft) 462 612 Upstream Blk Time (%) 79 Queuing Penalty (veh) 297 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 3: Harris Street & Entrance 3 Movement EB SB Directions Served LT LR Maximum Queue (ft) 95 58 Average Queue (ft) 63 18 95th Queue (ft) 84 54 Link Distance (ft) 78 110 Upstream Blk Time (%) 10 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 1 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Harris Allied TIA SimTraffic Report Timmons Group Page 1 Queuing and Blocking Report 2023 Future PM Peak 03/26/2021 Intersection: 4: Entrance 4 Movement EB WB SB Directions Served LT TR LR Maximum Queue (ft) 140 7 28 Average Queue (ft) 56 0 10 95th Queue (ft) 107 5 32 Link Distance (ft) 124 266 120 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 5: Entrance 5 & Allied Street Movement NB Directions Served LR Maximum Queue (ft) 33 Average Queue (ft) 11 95th Queue (ft) 35 Link Distance (ft) 95 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 6: Entrance 6 & Allied Street Movement NB Directions Served LR Maximum Queue (ft) 30 Average Queue (ft) 4 95th Queue (ft) 21 Link Distance (ft) 157 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 630 Harris Allied TIA SimTraffic Report Timmons Group Page 2 1223 - 25 HARRIS STREET 1747 ALLIED ST COMMERCIAL 1745 ALLIED ST MIXED USE 1750 ALLIED ST MIXED USE 1739 ALLIED ST THE GYM 1721-31 ALLIED ST COMMERCIAL 1713-19 ALLIED ST 1301 HARRIS ST COMMERCIAL CVILLE COFFEE 1734-38 ALLIED ST COMMERCIAL A LL IED ST SITE 1221 HARRIS ST 1223-25 HARRIS ST AD HABITAT STORE 1734-38 ALLIED ST RO COMMERCIAL CE ALL VI IE R DL SE 1700 ALLIED ST N CIRCA FURNITURE E RD HA RR IR IS MCINT 1224 HARRIS ST INTERIOR CONCEPTS ST 1201 HARRIS ST INTERNATIONAL 1226 HARRIS ST IMPORTS SARISAND TILE 1218 HARRIS ST INTRASTATE PEST 1240 HARRIS ST NAPA AUTO PARTS MCINTIRE PLAZA PROPERTY LINE SITE LOCATION - MCINTIRE PLAZA N WOODARD PROPERTIES JANUARY 15, 2020 1223-25 HARRIS ST - SUP APPLICATION SITE LOCATION 1 1223 - 25 HARRIS STREET ALL ALL I ED IE D ST ST G4 G3 COMMERCIAL PARKING & PARKING MCINTIRE COMMERCIAL MCINTIRE COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES PROPERTIES HABITAT HABITAT STORE STORE OUTLINE OF OUTLINE OF AREA ABOVE AREA ABOVE HARRIS ST HARRIS ST G4 COMMERCIAL SPACE AND PARKING; BY RIGHT G3 PARKING; BY RIGHT ACCESS FROM ALLIED ST AT ELEVATION 402 ACCESS FROM EXISTING DRIVEWAY AT ELEVATION 413 APPROX. 4,000 SF APPROX 4,000 SF A LL A LL IE D IE D ST ST G2 G1 MCINTIRE COMMERCIAL MCINTIRE COMMERCIAL HABITAT PARKING PROPERTIES HABITAT PROPERTIES STORE STORE PARKING APPROX 12,000 SF COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL APPROX 22,25 SF APPROX 4,675 SF APPROX. 4,375 SF LVL 6 LVL 5 LVL 4 PARKING LVL 3 OUTLINE OF APPROX 22,25 SF LVL 2 AREA ABOVE HARRIS ST LVL 1 GRADE PLANE LEVEL G 1 COMMERCIAL PARKING PARKING ELE 450 G2 COMMERCIAL PARKING PARKING HARRIS ST HARRIS ST G3 PARKING G4 PARKING/COM ALLIED ST LEVEL G2 COMMERCIAL AND PARKING; BY RIGHT G1 COMMERCIAL AND PARKING; BY RIGHT N ACCESS FROM HARRIS ST AT ELEVATION 425 ACCESS FROM HARRIS ST AT ELEVATION 438 APPROX 16,375 SF APPROX 26,650 SF WOODARD PROPERTIES JANUARY 15, 2020 1223-25 HARRIS ST - SUP APPLICATION PLANS 2 1223 - 25 HARRIS STREET A LL A LL IE D IE D ST ST AMENITIES COURTYARD APPROX 4,175 SF BELOW LVL 1 LVL 2-4 MCINTIRE COMMERCIAL MCINTIRE COMMERCIAL HABITAT PROPERTIES HABITAT PROPERTIES STORE STORE RESIDENTIAL AMENITIES RESIDENTIAL COUTRYARD APPROX 17,800 SF APPROX 4,675 SF APPROX 9,850 SF BELOW RESIDENTIAL PARKING/COMMERCIAL APPROX 17,800 SF APPROX 7,975 SF HARRIS ST HARRIS ST LEVEL 1 PARKING, COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL AND AMENITY SPACE; BY RIGHT LEVEL 2-4 RESIDENTIAL; BY RIGHT ACCESS FROM EXISTING DRIVEWAY ELEVATION 450 ELEVATION 460, 470, 480 APPROX. 26,650 SF APPROX 17,825 SF ALL ALL IE D IE D ST ST COURTYARD COURTYARD BELOW BELOW LVL 5 LVL 6 MCINTIRE COMMERCIAL MCINTIRE COMMERCIAL HABITAT PROPERTIES HABITAT PROPERTIES RESIDENTIAL STORE STORE AMENITIES APPROX 17,800 SF COURTYARD APPROX 9,850 SF COUTRYARD BELOW BELOW LVL 6 RESIDENTIAL AMENITIES LVL 5 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL LVL 4 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL LVL 3 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL LVL 2 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL APPROX 17,800 SF APPROX 7,975 SF HARRIS ST LVL 1 PARKING/COM AMENITIES RESIDENTIAL AMENITIES GRADE PLANE LEVEL G 1 ELE 450 G2 HARRIS ST HARRIS ST G3 G4 ALLIED ST LEVEL LEVEL 5 RESIDENTIAL LEVEL 6 RESIDENTIAL AND AMENITY SPACE N ALLOWED WITHSPECIAL USE PERMIT ALLOWED WITH SPECIAL USE PERMIT ELEVATION 490 ELEVATION 500 APPROX. 17,825 SF APPROX 17,825 SF WOODARD PROPERTIES JANUARY 15, 2020 1223-25 HARRIS ST - SUP APPLICATION PLANS 3 1223-25 HARRIS ST 1223-25 HARRIS ST ST A RR I S -2 8 H 1224 S ROAD A CCES D ST HARRIS ST ALLIE VIEW SOUTHEAST FROM HARRIS ST; BY RIGHT VIEW NORTH FROM 1750 ALLIED ST; BY RIGHT 1223-25 HARRIS ST 1223-25 HARRIS ST ST A RRI S -2 8 H 1224 S ROAD A CCE S D ST A L L IE HARRIS ST VIEW SOUTHEAST FROM HARRIS ST; WITH SUP VIEW NORTH FROM 1750 ALLIED ST; WITH SUP WOODARD PROPERTIES JANUARY 15, 2020 1223-25 HARRIS ST - SUP APPLICATION 3D VIEWS 4 1223-25 HARRIS ST AL L IE D ST HABITAT STORE MCINTIRE COMMERCIAL 1223-25 HARRIS ST PROPERTIES ST D LIE HARRIS ST AL S T R IS HABITAT STORE R HA AERIAL VIEW NORTH FROM SOUTH; BY RIGHT AERIAL VIEW SOUTHEAST FROM NORTHWEST; BY RIGHT 1223-25 HARRIS ST ALL I ED ST HABITAT STORE MCINTIRE COMMERCIAL 1223-25 HARRIS ST PROPERTIES T DS LIE HARRIS ST AL ST RI S HABITAT STORE H AR AERIAL VIEW NORTH FROM SOUTH; WITH SUP AERIAL VIEW SOUTHEAST FROM NORTHWEST; WITH SUP WOODARD PROPERTIES JANUARY 15, 2020 1223-25 HARRIS ST - SUP APPLICATION 3D VIEWS 5 1223-25 HARRIS ST WITH SUP LVL 6 ELE 510 LVL 5 BY RIGHT LVL 4 ELE 490 LVL 3 LVL 2 HABITAT STORE LVL 1 GRADE PLANE G1 ELE 450 1745 ALLIED ST G2 G3 G4 ALLIED ST SITE SECTION A FROM FRONT B WITH SUP 1223-25 HARRIS ST A ELE 510 LVL 6 BY RIGHT LVL 5 ELE 490 LVL 4 LVL 3 LVL 2 HARRIS ST GRADE PLANE LVL 1 ELE 450 G1 G2 G3 B A ALLIED ST G4 SITE PLAN SITE SECTION B FROM BACK WOODARD PROPERTIES JANUARY 15, 2020 1223-25 HARRIS ST - SUP APPLICATION SECTIONS 6 1223-25 HARRIS ST WITH SUP 70’ ABOVE AVG. GRADE PLANE BY RIGHT 50’ ABOVE AVG. GRADE PLANE HABITAT STORE AVG GRADE PLANE ELE 450’ 1745 ALLIED ST MCINTIRE COMMERCIAL MCINTIRE COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES PROPERTIES HARRIS ST ELEVATION 1 ALLIED ST 2 1223-25 HARRIS ST WITH SUP 70’ ABOVE AVG. GRADE PLANE BY RIGHT 50’ ABOVE AVG. GRADE PLANE 1224-28 HARRIS ST HARRIS ST AVG GRADE PLANE 1 ELE 450’ ACCESS RD HABITAT STORE SITE PLAN ALLIED CIRCLE ELEVATION 2 WOODARD PROPERTIES JANUARY 15, 2020 1223-25 HARRIS ST - SUP APPLICATION ELEVATIONS 7 1223-25 HARRIS ST WITH SUP ELE 510 BY RIGHT ELE 490 1745 ALLIED ST HARRIS ST GRADE PLANE ELE 450 ALLIED ST NORTHWEST ELEVATION 3 3 1223-25 HARRIS ST WITH SUP 70’ ABOVE AVG. GRADE PLANE BY RIGHT 50’ ABOVE AVG. GRADE PLANE 1224-28 HARRIS ST HARRIS ST GRADE PLANE ELE 450 HABITAT STORE ACCESS RD 4 SITE PLAN SOUTHWEST ELEVATION 4 WOODARD PROPERTIES JANUARY 15, 2020 1223-25 HARRIS ST - SUP APPLICATION ELEVATIONS 8 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBER: SP22-00010 DATE OF HEARING: November 8, 2022 Project Planner: Matt Alfele, AICP Date of Staff Report: October 19, 2022 Applicant: Pilgrim Baptist Church (Owner) Applicant’s Representative(s): Chris Cooper, Pastor Current Property Owner: Pilgrim Baptist Church Trustees Application Information Property Street Address: 211 Albemarle Street (“Subject Property”) Tax Map & Parcel/Tax Status: 310025000 (not taxable) Total Square Footage/ Acreage Site: Approx. 0.43 acres (18,602 square feet) Comprehensive Plan (Future Land Use Map): Urban Mixed Use Corridor Current Zoning Classification: Split Zoning (Central City Mixed Use Corridor and R-1S Residential Small Lot) Overlay District: NA Applicant’s Request (Summary) The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit (SUP) pursuant to City Code Sec. 34-796, Sec. 34-420, and Sec. 34-158 to operate a Daycare Facility for fifteen (15) adolescents within the existing church structure. The anticipated operation hours for the Daycare Facility would be from 8:15am to 3:30pm daily. Page 1 of 11 SP22-00010 211 Albemarle Street Daycare Facility SUP Vicinity Map Subject Property Context Map 1 Subject Property Page 2 of 11 SP22-00010 211 Albemarle Street Daycare Facility SUP Context Map 2- Zoning Classifications Subject Property KEY - Yellow: R-1S, Purple: CC, Gray: IC Context Map 3- Future Land Use Map, 2021 Comprehensive Plan Subject Property KEY – Purple: Urban Mixed Use Corridor, Yellow: General Residential, Pink: Neighborhood Mixed Use Corridor Page 3 of 11 SP22-00010 211 Albemarle Street Daycare Facility SUP Standard of Review City Council may grant an applicant a special permit or special use permit, giving consideration to a number of factors set forth within Zoning Ordinance Sec. 34-157. If Council finds that a proposed use or development will have potentially adverse impacts, and if Council identifies development conditions that could satisfactorily mitigate such impacts, then Council may set forth reasonable conditions within its SUP approval. The role of the Planning Commission is to make an advisory recommendation to the City Council, as to (i) whether or not Council should approve a proposed SUP and if so, (ii) whether there are any reasonable development conditions that could mitigate potentially adverse impacts of the proposed use or development. Section 34-157 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance lists a number of factors that Council will consider in making a decision on a proposed SUP. Following below is staff’s analysis of those factors, based on the information provided by the applicant. For the applicant’s analysis of their application per Sec. 34-157, see attachment B. (1) Whether the proposed use or development will be harmonious with existing patterns of use and development within the neighborhood. The properties immediately surrounding the Subject properties are described as: Direction Use Zoning North Car Repair CC (Central City Mixed Use Corridor) South Single Family Detached R-1S (Residential Small Lots) East Single Family Detached R-1S (Residential Small Lots) West Undeveloped lot R-1S (Residential Small Lots) The planned Daycare Facility will be run out of the existing Baptist Church and no improvements are being proposed as part of the SUP application. The existing grass and gravel parking area will remain and be utilized for student drop off and pick up. The Subject Property sits on the edge of the 10th and Page Neighborhood. Single Family Detached dwelling units are the main development pattern to the south and west and the railroad and Albemarle Street are adjacent on the east. To the north mixed use and auto centric developments make up the majority of the development pattern. Staff Analysis: Staff finds that a Daycare Facility at this location would be harmonious with the existing patterns of development and would serve as a much-needed neighborhood amenity. (2) Whether the proposed use or development and associated public facilities will substantially conform to the city's comprehensive plan. Page 4 of 11 SP22-00010 211 Albemarle Street Daycare Facility SUP Below are specific areas of the Comprehensive Plan for which the request could be in compliance: a. Land Use, Urban Form, and Historic & Cultural Preservation Goal 2: Future Land Use Vision. Guide implementation of the Future Land Use vision contained in this Comprehensive Plan, including support for existing neighborhoods and preventing displacement. Goal 3: Balance Conservation and Preservation with Change. Protect and enhance the existing district identities of the city’s neighborhood and places while promoting and prioritizing infill development, housing options, a mix of uses, and sustainable reuse in our community. b. Economic Prosperity & Opportunity Goal 3: Innovation and Growth Create an entrepreneurial environment that fosters the creation and success of businesses. Comprehensive Plan- Staff Analysis: The Subject Property is a split zoned lot. The northern section of the lot that includes most of the existing building is zoned CC (Central City Mixed Use Corridor). The southern portion of the lot is zoned R-1S (Residential Small Lot) and contains the parking area and a portion of the building that includes the kitchen and restrooms. The CC zoning district is traditionally intended to facilitate the continued development and redevelopment of medium scale commercial and mixed-use projects. Although walkability and bikeability are promoted in this district, the use matrix is auto focused and caters to commercial and residential development. By contrast, the R-1S zoning district is intended to foster quiet low-density residential units on small lots. Single family detached dwellings units are most of the development type in this zoning district. The 2021 Comprehensive Future Land Use Map indicates the Subject Property remain Urban Mixed Use Corridor. The land use section of the comprehensive plan states the following for Urban Mixed Use Corridor: Description: Higher intensity mixed use development arranged along corridors between employment, commercial, and civic hubs of the City. Form: Respond to existing residential, environmental, historic context. building heights according to context. Height: 5 stories, up to 8 at key intersections, such as intersections identified in the Streets That Work Downtown, Industrial, Mixed Use, or Neighborhood corridors. Use and Affordability: Commercial, employment, residential. Include an inclusionary zoning mechanism to support housing affordability. Page 5 of 11 SP22-00010 211 Albemarle Street Daycare Facility SUP As presented, the development will not require any affordable housing units per Sec. 34-12. Staff finds the proposed development would conform to the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map. (3) Whether proposed use or development of any buildings or structures will comply with all applicable building code regulations. Based on the information contained within the application the proposed development would likely comply with applicable building code regulations. (4) Potential adverse impacts, including, but not necessarily limited to: a) Traffic or parking congestion Traffic The City Traffic Engineer has reviewed the application and finds there will be no impact to the City’s public street network. Vehicular Access The access being proposed in the application materials will have no impact on the City’s public street network or surrounding properties. Parking The parking plan provided in the application materials will have no impact on the surrounding properties or need to be updated to meet the anticipated use. Staff Analysis: Staff finds the proposed use of a Daycare Facility for fifteen (15) students and staff within the existing building will have no adverse impact on traffic, vehicular access, or parking that need to be mitigated. b) Noise, lights, dust, odor, fumes, vibration, and other factors which adversely affect the natural environment The proposed development will not result in any additional dust, odor, fumes, vibration, or other factors that could also be present with any by-right development. There may be additional noise created during pick up and drop off times and students enter and exit the property. This sound may include car engines, doors opening and shutting, voices, and children laughing. Staff Analysis: Staff finds any additional noise created by a Daycare Facility for fifteen (15) students will be minimal and not outside that of what can be created through a by- Page 6 of 11 SP22-00010 211 Albemarle Street Daycare Facility SUP right development or already exists on site and throughout the surrounding neighborhood. c) Displacement of existing residents or businesses The proposed Daycare Facility will operate within the existing church. d) Discouragement of economic development activities that may provide desirable employment or enlarge the tax base No discouragement of economic development activities will be associated with the proposed development. e) Undue density of population or intensity of use in relation to the community facilities existing or available The City’s Comprehensive Plan identifies community facilities as fire protection, police enforcement, and emergency response services; public utilities and infrastructure; and public parks and recreation opportunities. The proposed SUP would not have an adverse impact on community facilities. f) Reduction in the availability of affordable housing in the neighborhood The proposed Daycare Facility will not have a negative impact on the availability of affordable housing in the neighborhood. In contrast, the Daycare Facility could contribute to the retention of affordable unit by offering childcare within the neighborhood. g) Impact on school population and facilities The application indicates the Daycare Facility will be for early childhood education with a Montessori based system. As most Montessori facilities focus on age groups from 2.5 – 6 years, the proposed SUP will have no impact on the City’s school population and facilities. h) Destruction of or encroachment upon conservation or historic districts The Subject Property is not within any of these design control districts. i) Conformity with federal, state and local laws, as demonstrated and certified by the applicant Based on the information contained within the application, the proposed development would likely comply with applicable federal and state laws. Page 7 of 11 SP22-00010 211 Albemarle Street Daycare Facility SUP j) Massing and scale of project No changes are being proposed to the single-story existing church. (5) Whether the proposed use or development will be in harmony with the purposes of the specific zoning district in which it will be placed; The Subject Property is currently split Zoned between (CC) Central City Mixed Use Corridor and (R-1S) Residential Small Lot The purpose of the Mixed Use zoning district is to encourage mixed-use development within appropriate areas of the city, located along or adjacent to streets or highways found by the city council to be significant routes of access to the city. Objectives of these districts include the following: (1) Creation of a dynamic street life, encouraging the placement of buildings close to property lines, and/or heavily landscaped yard areas, in order to engage pedestrians and de-emphasize parking facilities; (2) Encouragement of mixed-use development; (3) Facilitation of development that demonstrates an appropriateness of scale; (4) Encouragement of development that offers creative minimization of the impact of parking facilities and vehicular traffic; (5) Encouragement of landscaped spaces available for pedestrian use (e.g., pocket parks, tree-lined streets and walkways); (6) Encouragement of alternate forms of transportation (e.g., pedestrian travel, bicycle paths, use of public transit); (7) Encouragement of neighborhood-enhancing economic activity; (8) Encouragement of home ownership; and(9)Encouragement of neighborhood participation in the development process. The districts in which such development is encouraged fall, generally, into two (2) categories: (1) Commercial/residential mixed use districts. With little remaining vacant land, the city's continued vitality depends upon its ability to attract and facilitate a harmonious mixture of commercial and residential development and redevelopment. Generally, each of these zoning districts seeks to encourage a mixture of residential, commercial and cultural uses within a single building, or within multiple related buildings and structures. Of particular importance is the creation of corridors to serve as vital centers for economic growth and development while at the same time encouraging development that is friendly to pedestrians and alternate modes of transportation characteristic of an urban setting. Page 8 of 11 SP22-00010 211 Albemarle Street Daycare Facility SUP (2) Commercial/industrial mixed use districts. Each of these zoning districts seeks to provide an area in which important industrial uses, of limited scale, may be located, but in which opportunities for incorporation of related or harmonious commercial uses can be facilitated. Central City Corridor. The intent of the Central City Corridor district is to facilitate the continued development and redevelopment of the quality medium scale commercial and mixed-use projects currently found in those areas. The district allows single use development but encourages mixed use projects. The regulations are designed to encourage use of and emphasize proximity to natural features or important view sheds of natural features. Development allowed is of a scale and character that is appropriate given the established development that surrounds the district. The residential zoned districts were established to provide and protect quiet, low-density residential areas wherein the predominant pattern of residential development is the single- family dwelling. There are four (4) categories of single-family zoning districts: (1) R-1, consisting of low-density residential areas; (2) R-1(S) ("small lot"), consisting of low-density residential areas characterized by small-lot development; (3) R-1U ("university"), consisting of low-density residential areas in the vicinity of the University of Virginia campus; and (4) R-1U(S) ("university, small lot"), consisting of low-density residential areas in the vicinity of the University of Virginia campus, characterized by small-lot development. Staff Analysis: Staff finds that a Daycare Facility within an existing building on the Subject Property would be in harmony with the purposes of the specific zoning district(s) in which it will be placed. (6) Whether the proposed use or development will meet applicable general and specific standards set forth within the zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, or other city ordinances or regulations; and Based on the information contained within the application, the proposed development would likely comply with applicable local ordinances. (7) When the property that is the subject of the application for a special use permit is within a design control district, city council shall refer the application to the BAR or ERB, as may be applicable, for recommendations as to whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the district, and for recommendations as to reasonable conditions which, if Page 9 of 11 SP22-00010 211 Albemarle Street Daycare Facility SUP imposed, that would mitigate any such impacts. The BAR or ERB, as applicable, shall return a written report of its recommendations to the city council. The Subject Property is not located within a Design Control District. Public Comments Received Community Meetings Required by Sec. 34-41(c)(2) The applicant held a community meeting on site October 6, 2022 to engage the community and inform them about the proposed Daycare Facility. Those in attendance identified as community members and member of the congregation. A project explanation was provided and those in attendance provided support. Any comments received after the completion of this staff report will be directly sent to Planning Commission and City Council. Staff Recommendation Staff finds the application meets the general standards for a Special Use Permit and recommends approval with the below conditions: Recommended Conditions Should Planning Commission recommend approval to City Council, Staff recommends that following conditions be included: 1. A Daycare Facility shall be permitted on the Subject Property for up to fifteen (15) students. 2. The Daycare Facility’s operations hours shall be limited to 7:30am to 5pm seven (7) days a week. 3. The Daycare Facility shall adhere to the parking and pickup/drop off plan within the application materials dated October 4, 2004. This plan will be kept on file with the City and may be updated or altered from time to time with authorization of the City’s Traffic Engineer. Suggested Motions 1. I move to recommend approval of this application for a Special Use Permit in the CC and R-1S zone at 310025000, 211 Albemarle Street to permit a Daycare Facility with the following listed conditions. a. The three (3) conditions recommended by staff b. [alternative conditions, or additional condition(s)….list here] Or Page 10 of 11 SP22-00010 211 Albemarle Street Daycare Facility SUP 2. I move to recommend denial of this application for a Special Use Permit in the CC and R- 1S zone at 310025000, 211 Albemarle Street to permit a Daycare Facility. Attachments A. Special Use Permit Application B. Special Use Permit Narrative and parking layout Page 11 of 11 Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBER: SP22-00006 DATE OF HEARING: November 8, 2022 Project Planner: Dannan O’Connell, AICP Date of Staff Report: October 28, 2022 Applicant: 901 Seminole Trail LLC Applicant’s Representative(s): Ashley Davies, Riverbend Development Current Property Owner: 901 Seminole Trail LLC Application Information Property Street Address: 901 Seminole Trail, 1801 Hydraulic Road (“Subject Property”) Tax Map & Parcel/Tax Status: 41B001000, 41B002000 (real estate taxes paid current - Sec. 34- 10) Total Square Footage/ Acreage Site: Approx. 10.18 acres (443,441 square feet) Comprehensive Plan (Future Land Use Map): Urban Mixed-Use Node Current Zoning Classification: Highway Corridor (HW) Overlay District: Entrance Corridor Applicant’s Request (Summary) The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit (SUP) pursuant to Code Sec. 34-796 and Sec. 34-158 to construct a restaurant with a drive-through window at 901 Seminole Trail. The applicant wishes to modify setback requirements for 901 Seminole Trail and 1801 Hydraulic Road as part of this request. The Subject Property has street frontage on Hydraulic Road, Seminole Trail, Hillsdale Drive and India Road. The proposed drive-through will have a main building fronting on Seminole Trail and Hydraulic Road with parking, a dumpster, and ingress/egress as part of the Hillsdale Place shopping center. The Subject Property is currently being redeveloped under a final site plan which includes a drive-through restaurant, a financial use, and two standalone commercial building pads, in addition to modifications to the existing large shopping center building. Page 1 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP Vicinity Map Context Map 1 Page 2 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP Context Map 2- Zoning Classifications KEY - Purple: HW, Orange: R-3, Yellow: R-1, Pink: B-1, Red: B-2, Dark Red: B-3 Blue Hatching: Entrance Corridor Overlay Context Map 3- Future Land Use Map, 2021 Comprehensive Plan KEY – Dark Purple: Urban Mixed-Use Node, Dark Brown: Higher Intensity Residential, Brown: Medium-Intensity Residential, Yellow: General Residential, Green: Open Spaces and Parks, Light Green: Stream Buffer Page 3 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP Standard of Review City Council may grant an applicant a special permit or special use permit, giving consideration to a number of factors set forth within Zoning Ordinance Sec. 34-157. If Council finds that a proposed use or development will have potentially adverse impacts, and if Council identifies development conditions that could satisfactorily mitigate such impacts, then Council may set forth reasonable conditions within its SUP approval. The role of the Planning Commission is to make an advisory recommendation to the City Council, as to (i) whether or not Council should approve a proposed SUP and if so, (ii) whether there are any reasonable development conditions that could mitigate potentially adverse impacts of the proposed use or development. Section 34-157 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance lists a number of factors that Council will consider in making a decision on a proposed SUP. Following below is staff’s analysis of those factors, based on the information provided by the applicant. For the applicant’s analysis of their application per Sec. 34-157, see attachment B. (1) Whether the proposed use or development will be harmonious with existing patterns of use and development within the neighborhood. The properties immediately surrounding the Subject properties are described as: Direction Use Zoning North Commercial Retail NMD (Neighborhood Model District) (Albemarle County) (Albemarle County) South Commercial Retail, Office HW (Highway Corridor) East Commercial Retail, Hotel, HW (Highway Corridor), R-3 Multifamily Residential West Commercial Retail, Hotel HW (Highway Corridor) The Subject Property is currently being re-developed under a final site plan which includes modifications to the existing large commercial structure and four new smaller standalone commercial buildings. The proposed drive-through restaurant is one of these commercial buildings, occupying the western corner of the property entirely on 901 Seminole Trail. According to the application materials (Attachment C), the drive-through would be one story in height. The uses adjacent to the Subject Property are mostly commercial in nature. Commercial retail, restaurants and hotel uses are located to the south, east and west surrounding the property. The Hearthwood Apartments multifamily development is also located to the southeast of the Subject Property. The area northwest of the Subject Property is within Albemarle County but is developed as commercial retail and restaurants as the Shops at Stonefield shopping center. Page 4 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP Staff Analysis: The Subject Property is almost surrounded by commercial retail, restaurant and hotel uses. Residential apartments are located to the southeast, but have no direct access to the Subject Property. The Subject Property is currently developed as a large commercial shopping center. Existing pavement, roadway entrances, utility and stormwater infrastructure exists to support the shopping center use, and could readily accommodate redevelopment and the proposed auto-oriented drive-through restaurant use. Staff finds that the drive-through restaurant at this location would be harmonious with existing patterns of use and development within the neighborhood. (2) Whether the proposed use or development and associated public facilities will substantially conform to the city's comprehensive plan. Below are specific areas of the Comprehensive Plan for which the request could be in compliance: a. Land Use, Urban Form, and Historic & Cultural Preservation Goal 2: Future Land Use Vision. Guide implementation of the Future Land Use vision contained in this Comprehensive Plan, including support for existing neighborhoods and preventing displacement. Goal 7: Entrance Corridors. Ensure that the quality of development in Charlottesville’s designated Entrance Corridor Overlay Districts is compatible with the City’s requirements and standards, and with the adjacent neighborhood’s historic, architectural, and cultural resources, while allowing for reuse of structures and evolution of uses in these areas. b. Transportation Goal 1: Complete Streets Create and maintain a connected network of safe, convenient, and pleasant accommodations for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders, including people of all ages and abilities. Below are specific areas of the Comprehensive Plan for which the request may not be in compliance: a. Transportation Goal 2: Coordination with Land Use & Community Design Improve quality of life and promote active living by reducing automobile use and congestion and supporting multimodal options for safe and Page 5 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP convenient travel in conjunction with implementation of the Future Land Use Vision. Comprehensive Plan- Staff Analysis: The Subject Property is zoned Highway Corridor (HW) with Entrance Corridor overlay. The HW zoning district is traditionally auto focused catering to commercial and retail development with limited residential uses. Examples of uses in the HW zoning district include grocery stores, restaurants with drive-through windows, hotels, shopping centers, and car washes. The 2021 Future Land Use Map shows the Subject Property as part of an Urban Mixed-Use Node. The land use section of the comprehensive plan states the following for Urban Mixed-Use Node: Description: Higher intensity mixed use development arranged along corridors between employment, commercial, and civic hubs of the City. Form: Respond to existing residential, environmental, historic context. building heights according to context. Height: 5 stories, up to 8 at key intersections, such as intersections identified in the Streets That Work Downtown, Industrial, Mixed Use, or Neighborhood corridors. Use and Affordability: Commercial, employment, residential. Include an inclusionary zoning mechanism to support housing affordability. As presented, the development will not require any affordable housing units per Sec. 34-12. Staff finds the proposed development would conform to the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map. A one-story drive-through restaurant is consistent with the intent of the Highway Corridor zoning district and the Urban Mixed-Use Node future land use. The proposed development is also consistent with existing land uses in the surrounding area. Streets that Work Plan The 2016 Streets that Work Plan labels Hydraulic Road as Mixed Use A typology. Mixed Use A streets are characterized by two vehicular travel lanes in either direction, a center median/turn lane, sidewalks without buffers and standard bicycle lanes. The Streets that Work Plan recommends a minimum clear zone width of seven (7) feet for sidewalks, which are noted along with a curbside buffer zone (the area between the curb and sidewalk) as the highest priority items in the Mixed Use A typology. The next level (high) priority items for Mixed Use A typology are five (5) to seven (7) foot bike lanes, turn boxes, ten (10) foot shared use paths, and bicycle parking in curbside buffer zoned or on-street. Page 6 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP The existing conditions for Hydraulic Road include five (5) foot wide sidewalks with no buffer, concrete median with turn lanes, a marked bike lane, and ADA crosswalks at the Seminole Trail intersection. As part of their site plan submittal, the applicants are proposing a ten (10) foot sidewalk with a variable five (5) foot buffer, which will extend from the intersection with Hillsdale Drive, along Hydraulic Road and Seminole Trail to the India Road intersection. Bike Ped Master Plan The City’s 2015 Bike Ped Master Plan recommends that Hydraulic Road have “Protected Bike Lanes”. This type of infrastructure is defined as ‘bicycle lanes that are separated from motor vehicle traffic by physical or visual elements. These lanes can be one-directional on each side of the road, or bi-directional on one site of the road. Separated bicycle lanes require a minimum width of 8-12 feet for two-way configuration and 5-7 feet for a one-way configuration.’ No bike lanes currently exist along hydraulic Road, although sidewalks exist along both sides of the existing road. Based on the application package, staff concludes that the pedestrian network along Hydraulic Road, Hillsdale Place, India Road and Seminole Trail will not be impacted by the proposed SUP or development. Staff believes the proposed wider sidewalk along Hydraulic Road and Seminole Trail will be an improvement to current conditions. Staff does recommend that along with the striping for the crosswalk that CG-12 detectable warning surfaces be provided on the ramps near main entrances to the development. Hydraulic Small Area Plan The 2018 Hydraulic Road/Route 29 Small Area Plan notes that redevelopment of the Subject Property is ‘critically important to help establish a new development pattern and aesthetic for the corridor.’ It recommends that new buildings ‘address Hydraulic Road with an urban frontage and enhanced public realm, reduce surface parking exposure to the public streets, enhance landscaping, and create a smaller block structure.’ Framework diagrams recommend mixed-use commercial development within the area of the Subject Property, along with multi-modal transit improvements to Hydraulic Road and the Seminole Trail corridor. Specified commercial uses include large-format supermarkets, larger drug stores, department stores and variety stores, clothing stores, banks, offices, restaurants, movie theaters and hotels. The proposed restaurant use does conform to the vision articulated in the Hydraulic Small Area Plan. While the proposed development does not contain all features discussed within Page 7 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP the plan, such as multi-story mixed-use structures or additional roadways, it does incrementally advance the objectives of the Hydraulic Small Area Plan by densifying the existing commercial area, increasing urban road frontage along Hydraulic Road and Seminole Trail, and enhancing landscaping and pedestrian features. (3) Whether proposed use or development of any buildings or structures will comply with all applicable building code regulations. Based on the information contained within the application, the proposed development will likely comply with applicable building code regulations, but final determination cannot be made until final site plan review is completed. (4) Potential adverse impacts, including, but not necessarily limited to: a) Traffic or parking congestion Traffic The City Traffic Engineer has reviewed the application and finds the amount of traffic related to this development would have no adverse impact to Seminole Trail, Hydraulic Road or Hillsdale Drive. Vehicular Access The proposed project will have vehicular access from Hydraulic Road, Hillsdale Drive and India Road. Two access points located close to the Route 29/Hydraulic Road intersection are being removed as part of the redevelopment. Parking All parking for the proposed development will pe provided onsite per the application materials. Four hundred (400) spaces are being provided per attachment C. The code (Sec. 34-984) requires 1 space per 125 square feet of public floor area, 1 space per 400 sq. ft. of space not open to public, plus required stacking spaces for drive-in restaurants. As presented, the proposed development will exceed minimum parking requirements. Staff Analysis: A drive-through restaurant at this location will have no impact as it relates to traffic. Staff finds the parking plan as presented would meet code and not have an adverse impact or be more intensive than what could be provided with a by- right development. b) Noise, lights, dust, odor, fumes, vibration, and other factors which adversely affect the natural environment Page 8 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP The proposed development will not result in any additional dust, odor, fumes, vibration, or other factors that could also be present with any by-right development. An approved site plan would need to conform to Division 3 (Outdoor Lighting) of the Zoning Ordinance regarding fixture type, placement, and screening. c) Displacement of existing residents or businesses The Subject Property is currently vacant. The commercial building occupying 901 Seminole Trail was demolished in 2021, while the large shopping center building at 1801 Hydraulic Road is slated for modification and redevelopment to accommodate three new commercial tenants. d) Discouragement of economic development activities that may provide desirable employment or enlarge the tax base No discouragement of economic development activities will be associated with the proposed development. The existing structure on-site is currently vacant. e) Undue density of population or intensity of use in relation to the community facilities existing or available The City’s Comprehensive Plan identifies community facilities as fire protection, police enforcement, and emergency response services; public utilities and infrastructure; and public parks and recreation opportunities. Although final determination for capacity and code compliance will take place at Final Site Plan review, each of these departments have reviewed the SUP applicant and determined the development, as proposed, would not have an adverse impact on community facilities. f) Reduction in the availability of affordable housing in the neighborhood As the most recent use of the Subject Property was commercial and the new use will be commercial, there will be no reduction in the availability of affordable housing to the neighborhood based off the approval of this SUP. g) Impact on school population and facilities As this will be a commercial use, there will be no impact on the school population and facilities. h) Destruction of or encroachment upon conservation or historic districts The Subject Property is not within any of these design control districts. Page 9 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP i) Conformity with federal, state and local laws, as demonstrated and certified by the applicant Based on the information contained within the application, the proposed development would likely comply with applicable federal and state laws. As to local ordinances (zoning, water protection, etc.), it generally appears that this project, as detailed in the application, can be accommodated on this site in compliance with applicable local ordinances; however, final determinations cannot be made prior to having the details required for final site plan and building permit approvals. Specific zoning requirements reviewed preliminarily at this stage include massing and scale (building height, setbacks, stepbacks, etc.) and general planned uses. As part of their Special Use Permit request, the applicants have asked for a modification of maximum setback requirements for the “Build-to-zone” required in the Highway Corridor Zoning District. The City code defines a Build-to-zone as the area between the minimum and maximum allowable setbacks along a street frontage. The minimum setback for the Subject Property is five (5) feet, while the maximum setback is thirty (30) feet along Seminole Trail and twenty (20) feet along all other roads. Per the interpretation of the City Zoning Administrator, a building must have at least one side located entirely within the build-to-zone to be considered compliant in this zoning district. The proposed site plan for the Subject Property indicates that all new buildings will be located outside the required build-to-zone; the existing shopping center building is also being reduced in size, making it noncompliant with the maximum setback off Hillsdale Drive. The applicant is therefore asking for maximum setbacks on the Subject Property to be modified to permit the proposed site layout, as depicted in their Special Use Permit layout and elevations (Attachment C). j) Massing and scale of project The proposed layout and elevations (Attachment C) show a one-story drive-through restaurant that will front on Seminole Trail and Hydraulic Road. Staff believes the massing and scale of this project is consistent with the surrounding developments. (5) Whether the proposed use or development will be in harmony with the purposes of the specific zoning district in which it will be placed; The Subject Property is currently zoned Highway Corridor (HW) with Entrance Corridor (EC) overlay. The purpose of the Mixed-Use zoning district is to encourage mixed-use development within appropriate areas of the city, located along or adjacent to streets or highways found Page 10 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP by the city council to be significant routes of access to the city. Objectives of these districts include the following: (1) Creation of a dynamic street life, encouraging the placement of buildings close to property lines, and/or heavily landscaped yard areas, in order to engage pedestrians and de-emphasize parking facilities; (2) Encouragement of mixed-use development; (3) Facilitation of development that demonstrates an appropriateness of scale; (4) Encouragement of development that offers creative minimization of the impact of parking facilities and vehicular traffic; (5) Encouragement of landscaped spaces available for pedestrian use (e.g., pocket parks, tree-lined streets and walkways); (6) Encouragement of alternate forms of transportation (e.g., pedestrian travel, bicycle paths, use of public transit); (7) Encouragement of neighborhood-enhancing economic activity; (8) Encouragement of home ownership; and (9) Encouragement of neighborhood participation in the development process. The districts in which such development is encouraged fall, generally, into two (2) categories: (1) Commercial/residential mixed-use districts. With little remaining vacant land, the city's continued vitality depends upon its ability to attract and facilitate a harmonious mixture of commercial and residential development and redevelopment. Generally, each of these zoning districts seeks to encourage a mixture of residential, commercial, and cultural uses within a single building, or within multiple related buildings and structures. Of particular importance is the creation of corridors to serve as vital centers for economic growth and development while at the same time encouraging development that is friendly to pedestrians and alternate modes of transportation characteristic of an urban setting. (2) Commercial/industrial mixed-use districts. Each of these zoning districts seeks to provide an area in which important industrial uses, of limited scale, may be located, but in which opportunities for incorporation of related or harmonious commercial uses can be facilitated. The intent of the Highway Corridor district is to facilitate development of a commercial nature that is more auto oriented than the mixed use and neighborhood commercial corridors. Development in these areas has been traditionally auto driven and the regulations established by this section continue that trend. This district provides for intense Page 11 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP commercial development with very limited residential use. It is intended for the areas where the most intense commercial development in Charlottesville occurs. The entrance corridor overlay district (EC) is intended to implement the comprehensive plan goal of protecting the city's historic, architectural, and cultural resources, by ensuring a quality of development compatible with those resources through design control measures. The purposes of this article are to stabilize and improve property values; to protect and enhance the city's attractiveness to tourists and other visitors; to sustain and enhance the economic benefits accruing to the city from tourism; to support and stimulate development complimentary to the prominence afforded properties and districts having historic, architectural or cultural significance; all of the foregoing being deemed to advance and promote the health, safety and welfare of the general public. Staff Analysis: Staff finds that a drive-through restaurant on the Subject Property would be in harmony with the purposes of the specific zoning district in which it will be placed. (6) Whether the proposed use or development will meet applicable general and specific standards set forth within the zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, or other city ordinances or regulations; and Based on the information contained within the application, the proposed development would likely comply with applicable local ordinances. However, final determinations cannot be made prior to having the details required for final site plan and building permit approvals. (7) When the property that is the subject of the application for a special use permit is within a design control district, city council shall refer the application to the BAR or ERB, as may be applicable, for recommendations as to whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the district, and for recommendations as to reasonable conditions which, if imposed, that would mitigate any such impacts. The BAR or ERB, as applicable, shall return a written report of its recommendations to the city council. The Subject Property is located within an Entrance Corridor Overlay, where the final design of the proposed development is subject to review by the Entrance Corridor Review Board (ERB). Public Comments Received Community Meetings Required by Sec. 34-41(c)(2) The applicant held an online community meeting on August 16, 2022. No members of the public were in attendance, and no comments or concerns were received. Page 12 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP Staff has received no additional public comments regarding this application. Any comments received after the completion of this staff report will be directly sent to Planning Commission and City Council. Staff Recommendation Staff finds the application meets the general standards for a Special Use Permit and recommends approval with the below conditions: Recommended Conditions Should Planning Commission recommend approval to City Council, Staff recommends that following conditions be included: 1. The drive-through restaurant use is permitted only within the current boundaries of the 901 Seminole Trail parcel. 2. The maximum setback for both 901 Seminole Trail and 1801 Hydraulic Road off Seminole Trail be set to 75 feet. 3. The maximum setback for 901 Seminole Trail and 1801 Hydraulic Road off Hydraulic Road be set to 75 feet. 4. The maximum setback for 901 Seminole Trail and 1801 Hydraulic Road off India Road be set to 75 feet. 5. The maximum setback for 901 Seminole Trail and 1801 Hydraulic Road off Hillsdale Drive be set to 50 feet. Suggested Motions 1. I move to recommend approval of this application for a Special Use Permit in the Highway Corridor zone at 41B001000 and 41B002000, 901 Seminole Trail and 1801 Hydraulic Road, to permit a drive-through restaurant with the following listed conditions: a. The five (5) conditions recommended by staff b. [alternative conditions, or additional condition(s)…. list here] Or 2. I move to recommend denial of this application for a Special Use Permit in the Highway Corridor zone at 41B001000 and 41B002000, 901 Seminole Trail and 1801 Hydraulic Road, to permit a drive-through restaurant. Page 13 of 14 SP22-00006 901 Seminole Trail SUP Attachments A. Special Use Permit Application B. Special Use Permit Narrative C. Layout and Elevations Page 14 of 14 City of Charlottesville Application for Special Use Permit Hillsdale Place Project Name: ___________________________________ 901 Seminole Trail + 1801 Hydraulic Road Address of Property: ________________________________________________________ 41B001000 + 41B002000 Tax Map and Parcel Number(s): _______________________________________________ HW Current Zoning District Classification: ________ Urban Mixed Use Node Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation:_____________________________ No Is this an amendment to an existing SUP?____ If “yes”, provide the SUP #:______________________ Ashley Davies, Riverbend Development Applicant: __________________________________________________________________________ 455 2nd Street SE, Suite 201, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ 434-409-9127 Phone: _________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Applicant’s Role in the Development (check one): x Owner Owner’s Agent Designer Contract Purchaser 901 Seminole Trail LLC Owner of Record: ____________________________________________________________________ PO Box 1467, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ 434-409-9127 Phone: _________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Reason for Special Use Permit: Additional height: ______ feet Additional residential density: ______ units, or _____ units per acre x Drive Through Window Authorize specific land use (identify)______________________________________ Other purpose(s) (specify City Code section):________________________________ (1) Applicant’s and (2) Owner’s Signatures Ashley Davies (1) Signature___________________________ Print __________________________ 6/24/2022 Date ____________ Applicant’s (Circle One): LLC Member LLC Manager Corporate Officer (specify) _________________ Agent Other (specify): ____________________ Alan Taylor (2) Signature___________________________ Print __________________________ 6/24/2022 Date ____________ LLC Member Owner’s (Circle One): LLC Member LLC Manager Corporate Officer (specify) ____________________ Other (specify):______________________ 1 City of Charlottesville Pre-Application Meeting Verification Hillsdale Place Project Name: ___________________________________ 1/31/22 Pre-Application Meeting Date: ________________________________________________ Ashley Davies Applicant’s Representative: __________________________________________________ Dannan O'Connell Planner: __________________________________________________________________ Other City Officials in Attendance: Traffic, Planning, Zoning, Engineering and Utilities __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ The following items will be required supplemental information for this application and must be submitted with the completed application package: None discussed 1. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Planner Signature: _________________________________________________ 2 City of Charlottesville Application Checklist Hillsdale Place Project Name: ___________________________________ I certify that the following documentation is ATTACHED to this application: x x 34-158(a)(1): a site plan (ref. City Code 34-802(generally); 34-1083(communications facilities) 34-158(a)(3): Low-impact development (LID) methods worksheet (required for developments that include non-residential uses, and developments proposing 3 or more SFDs or TFDs) X 34-158(a)(4): a building massing diagram, and building elevations (required for applications proposing alteration of a building height or footprint, or construction of any new building(s)) 34-158(a)(5) and 34-12: affordable housing data. (i) how many (if any) existing dwelling units on the property are an “affordable dwelling unit” by the city's definitions? (ii) Will existing affordable units, or equivalent affordable units, remain following the development? (iii) What is the GFA of the project? GFA of residential uses? GFA of non-residential uses? x 34-157(a)(1) Graphic materials that illustrate the context of the project, and a narrative statement as to compatibility with existing patterns of use and development x 34-157(a)(2) Narrative statement: applicant's analysis of conformity with the Comprehensive Plan x 34-157(a)(3) Narrative statement: compliance with applicable USBC provisions x 34-157(a)(4) Narrative statement identifying and discussing any potential adverse impacts, as well as any measures included within the development plan, to mitigate those impacts 34-158(a)(6): other pertinent information (narrative, illustrative, etc.) x All items noted on the Pre-Application Meeting Verification. Applicant Ashley Davies _________ Date Signature_____________________ Print _____________ 6/23/22 Agent By Its: ___________________________________________________ (For entities, specify: Officer, Member, Manager, Trustee, etc.) 3 City of Charlottesville Community Meeting Hillsdale Place Project Name: ___________________________________ Section 34-41(c)(2) of the Code of the City of Charlottesville (adopted October 19, 2015) requires appli- cants seeking rezonings and special use permits to hold a community meeting. The purpose of a communi- ty meeting is to provide citizens an opportunity to receive information about a proposed development, about applicable zoning procedures, about applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan, and to give citizens an opportunity to ask questions. No application for a rezoning shall be placed on any agenda for a public hearing, until the required community meeting has been held and the director of neighborhood development services determines that the application is ready for final review through the formal public hearing process. By signing this document, the applicant acknowledges that it is responsible for the following, in connection to the community meeting required for this project: 1. Following consultation with the city, the applicant will establish a date, time and location for the community meeting. The applicant is responsible for reserving the location, and for all related costs. 2. The applicant will mail, by U.S. mail, first-class, postage pre-paid, a notice of the community meeting to a list of addresses provided by the City. The notice will be mailed at least 14 calendar days prior to the date of the community meeting. The applicant is responsible for the cost of the mailing. At least 7 calendar days prior to the meeting, the applicant will provide the city with an affidavit confirming that the mailing was timely completed. 3. The applicant will attend the community meeting and present the details of the proposed application. If the applicant is a business or other legal entity (as opposed to an individual) then the meeting shall be attended by a corporate officer, an LLC member or manager, or another individual who can speak for the entity that is the applicant. Additionally, the meeting shall be attended by any design professional or consultant who has prepared plans or drawings submitted with the application. The applicant shall be prepared to explain all of the details of the proposed development, and to answer questions from citizens. 4. Depending on the nature and complexity of the application, the City may designate a planner to attend the community meeting. Regardless of whether a planner attends, the City will provide the applicant with guidelines, procedures, materials and recommended topics for the applicant’s use in conducting the community meeting. 5. On the date of the meeting, the applicant shall make records of attendance and shall also document that the meeting occurred through photographs, video, or other evidence satisfactory to the City. Records of attendance may include using the mailing list referred to in #1 as a sign-in sheet (requesting attendees to check off their name(s)) and may include a supplemental attendance sheet. The City will provide a format acceptable for use as the supplemental attendance sheet. Ashley Davies Applicant: _____________________ By: Ashley Davies Signature___________________________ Print __________________________ Date 6/23/2022 Agent _______________ Its: ______________________________________ (Officer, Member, Trustee, etc.) 4 City of Charlottesville Owner’s Authorizations (Not Required) Right of Entry- Property Owner Permission I, the undersigned, hereby grant the City of Charlottesville, its employees and officials, the right to enter the property that is the subject of this application, for the purpose of gathering information for the review of this Special Use Permit application. 901 Seminole Trail LLC Owner:_____________________________________________________ 6/23/2022 Date _____________________ Alan Taylor By (sign name):______________________________ Print Name: ________________________________ Owner’s: LLC Member x LLC Manager Corporate Officer (specify):_____________________ Other (specific): _______________ Owner’s Agent I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I have authorized the following named individual or entity to serve as my lawful agent, for the purpose of making application for this special use permit, and for all related purposes, including, without limitation: to make decisions and representations that will be binding upon my property and upon me, my successors and assigns. Ashley Davies Name of Individual Agent: ____________________________ Name of Corporate or other legal entity authorized to serve as agent: _Riverbend Development____ 901 Seminole Trail LLC Owner: _______________________________________________________ 6/23/2022 Date: __________________ Alan Taylor By (sign name): _______________________________ Print Name: ______________________________ Circle one: Owner’s: LLC Member x LLC Manager Corporate Officer (specify):____________________ Other (specific): _______________ 5 City of Charlottesville Disclosure of Equitable Ownership Section 34-8 of the Code of the City of Charlottesville requires that an applicant for a special use permit make complete disclosure of the equitable ownership “real parties in interest”) of the real estate to be affected. Following below I have provided the names and addresses of each of the real parties in interest, including, without limitation: each stockholder or a corporation; each of the individual officers and direc- tors of a corporation; each of the individual members of an LLC (limited liability companies, professional limited liability companies): the trustees and beneficiaries of a trust, etc. Where multiple corporations, companies or trusts are involved, identify real parties in interest for each entity listed. Coran Capshaw Name_________________________ 455 2nd Street SE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Address_________________________________________________ Alan Taylor Name_________________________ 455 2nd Street SE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Address_________________________________________________ Name_________________________ Address_________________________________________________ Name_________________________ Address_________________________________________________ Attach additional sheets as needed. Note: The requirement of listing names of stockholders does not apply to a corporation whose stock is traded on a national or local stock exchange and which corporation has more than five hundred (500) shareholders. Ashley Davies Applicant: _____________________ By: Ashley Davies Signature___________________________ Print __________________________ 6/23/2022 Date _______________ Agent Its: ______________________________________ (Officer, Member, Trustee, etc.) 6 City of Charlottesville Owner’s Authorizations (Not Required) Right of Entry- Property Owner Permission I, the undersigned, hereby grant the City of Charlottesville, its employees and officials, the right to enter the property that is the subject of this application, for the purpose of gathering information for the review of this Special Use Permit application. Meadowbrook Creek LLC Owner:_____________________________________________________ 7/18/2022 Date _____________________ Alan Taylor By (sign name):______________________________ Print Name: ________________________________ Owner’s: LLC Member x LLC Manager Corporate Officer (specify):_____________________ Other (specific): _______________ Owner’s Agent I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I have authorized the following named individual or entity to serve as my lawful agent, for the purpose of making application for this special use permit, and for all related purposes, including, without limitation: to make decisions and representations that will be binding upon my property and upon me, my successors and assigns. Ashley Davies Name of Individual Agent: ____________________________ Name of Corporate or other legal entity authorized to serve as agent: _Riverbend Development____ Meadowbrook Creek LLC- Longterm Leaseholder Owner: _______________________________________________________ 7/18/2022 Date: __________________ Alan Taylor By (sign name): _______________________________ Print Name: ______________________________ Circle one: Owner’s: LLC Member x LLC Manager Corporate Officer (specify):____________________ Other (specific): _______________ 5 City of Charlottesville Disclosure of Equitable Ownership Section 34-8 of the Code of the City of Charlottesville requires that an applicant for a special use permit make complete disclosure of the equitable ownership “real parties in interest”) of the real estate to be affected. Following below I have provided the names and addresses of each of the real parties in interest, including, without limitation: each stockholder or a corporation; each of the individual officers and direc- tors of a corporation; each of the individual members of an LLC (limited liability companies, professional limited liability companies): the trustees and beneficiaries of a trust, etc. Where multiple corporations, companies or trusts are involved, identify real parties in interest for each entity listed. Coran Capshaw Name_________________________ 455 2nd Street SE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Address_________________________________________________ Alan Taylor Name_________________________ 455 2nd Street SE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Address_________________________________________________ Name____Hunter Craig_________ Address____455 2nd Street SE, Charlottesville, VA 22902______ Steve Blaine Name________________________Address______455 2nd Street SE, Charlottesville, VA 22902___ Attach additional sheets as needed. Note: The requirement of listing names of stockholders does not apply to a corporation whose stock is traded on a national or local stock exchange and which corporation has more than five hundred (500) shareholders. Ashley Davies Applicant: _____________________ By: Ashley Davies Signature___________________________ Print __________________________ 7/18/2022 Date _______________ Agent Its: ______________________________________ (Officer, Member, Trustee, etc.) 6 City of Charlottesville Fee Schedule Hillsdale Place Project Name: ___________________________________ Application Type Quantity Fee Subtotal Special Use Permit 1 $1800 $1800 Special Use Permit (Family Day Home for 6-12 $500 Children) Mailing Costs per letter $1 per letter Newspaper Notice Payment Due Upon Invoice TOTAL Office Use Only Amount Received:___________ Date Paid____________ Received By: _____________________________ Amount Received:___________ Date Paid____________ Received By: _____________________________ Amount Received:___________ Date Paid____________ Received By: _____________________________ Amount Received:___________ Date Paid____________ Received By: _____________________________ 7 Hillsdale Place Drive Through Special Use Permit Request 6/22/22 Request Details: Special Use Permit for a restaurant with a drive through window and setback waiver for buildings #2 and #3 as identified on overall development plan exhibit created by Collins Engineering and dated 6/17/22. To allow for the development of Buildings #2 & #3, we request that the maximum setback requirement be modified for the proposed building in the Hillsdale Place development plan. Sec. 34-157. - General standards for issuance. (a) In considering an application for a special use permit, the city council shall consider the following factors: (1) Whether the proposed use or development will be harmonious with existing patterns of use and development within the neighborhood; Response: The proposed development is located within an area of the City that is primarily retail and commercial establishments, inclusive of a variety of restaurants that include drive through windows. Hillsdale Place, as proposed, is harmonious with existing patterns of use in this area. (2) Whether the proposed use or development and associated public facilities will substantially conform to the city's comprehensive plan; Response: The City’s Comprehensive Plan designates this area as an Urban Mixed Use Node. Create new, complete districts comprised of a walkable grid of streets, civic amenity spaces, and an intensive mix of land uses. Respond to existing residential, environmental, historic context, and recommendations provided in previously-adopted Small Area Plans. The first phase of this development, which features the Whole Foods grocery store included both the land and the construction of portions of the Hillsdale Drive extension, a key transportation and pedestrian improvement of the small area plan. The Hillsdale improvements have had a major positive impact on the creation of a grid system and alternative traffic and pedestrian options in this area. The proposed development coordinates pedestrian features and amenities to the Hillsdale frontage while minimizing the impact of Route 29 by lowering the site on that frontage. (3) Whether proposed use or development of any buildings or structures will comply with all applicable building code regulations; Response: The proposed development and use will comply with all applicable building code regulations. (4) Whether the proposed use or development will have any potentially adverse impacts on the surrounding neighborhood, or the community in general; and if so, whether there are any reasonable conditions of approval that would satisfactorily mitigate such impacts. Potential adverse impacts to be considered include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: a. Traffic or parking congestion; Response: Because of the location of the drive through, internalized within the Hillsdale Place shopping center site, there is no traffic or congestion as a result of this request. b. Noise, lights, dust, odor, fumes, vibration, and other factors which adversely affect the natural environment; Response: No impact. This portion of the project is below grade and all lighting will be dark sky compliant. c. Displacement of existing residents or businesses; Response: The site is currently vacant, so no displacement will result. Instead, new businesses will enliven the site and contribute to the City’s tax base. d. Discouragement of economic development activities that may provide desirable employment or enlarge the tax base; Response: The development of Hillsdale Place will greatly benefit the City’s tax base while also providing new job opportunities and retail establishments in the City. Previous economic studies of the site estimated approximately $3MM annually to the City in tax revenues. e. Undue density of population or intensity of use in relation to the community facilities existing or available; Response: No impact. This project does not propose any residential density. f. Reduction in the availability of affordable housing in the neighborhood; Response: No impact to affordable housing. g. Impact on school population and facilities; Response: No impact to schools. h. Destruction of or encroachment upon conservation or historic districts; Response: No impact to historic or conservation districts. i. Conformity with federal, state and local laws, as demonstrated and certified by the applicant; and, Response: This project will conform with all applicable laws. j. Massing and scale of project. Response: A general massing of the building that would accompany the drive through restaurant has been included with this submittal. Because this section of the site is situated below the grade of the right-of-way, most of the drive through and building will not be visible. (5) Whether the proposed use or development will be in harmony with the purposes of the specific zoning district in which it will be placed; Response: The intent of the Highway Corridor district is to facilitate development of a commercial nature that is more auto oriented than the mixed use and neighborhood commercial corridors. Development in these areas has been traditionally auto driven and the regulations established by this section continue that trend. This district provides for intense commercial development with very limited residential use. It is intended for the areas where the most intense commercial development in Charlottesville occurs. This proposal is harmonious with the intent of the Highway Corridor district. (6) Whether the proposed use or development will meet applicable general and specific standards set forth within the zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, or other city ordinances or regulations; and Response: With this Special Use Permit application, we request a waiver to setback requirements that would apply to the buildings on site. We make this request with the understanding that the setbacks in this area of the site include many utilities that would be in conflict with other features such as landscaping and retaining walls. In addition, future changes to Hydraulic Road, including the Hillsdale Drive intersection, are proposed that will potentially require additional right-of-way. By allowing for flexibility in setbacks, there will be room to accommodate sidewalks, landscaping, retaining walls and the drive through lane within this limited area. As this portion of the site is below grade and adjacent to the busiest roadways in the City, this design choice allows for the restaurant to be better integrated with the overall site design and keeps congestion out of the roadways by internalizing the circulation system and entrances. To allow for the development of the site, we request that the maximum setback requirement be modified as outlined in the staff report. (7) When the property that is the subject of the application for a special use permit is within a design control district, city council shall refer the application to the BAR or ERB, as may be applicable, for recommendations as to whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the district, and for recommendations as to reasonable conditions which, if imposed, that would mitigate any such impacts. The BAR or ERB, as applicable, shall return a written report of its recommendations to the city council. Response: Noted- this site does front on Entrance Corridors, and an ERB Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) has previously been approved for this site. The proposed site plan that accompanies this SUP request will require a new ERB COA. No tenant has been identified yet for the drive through location, therefore architectural details will come before the ERB at a later date. General renderings have been provided to give a better understanding of the drive through location and building massing for Building #3, the restaurant and drive through window that is the subject of this Special Use Permit request. Sec. 34-162. - Exceptions and modifications as conditions of permit. (a) In reviewing an application for a special use permit, the city council may expand, modify, reduce or otherwise grant exceptions to yard regulations, standards for higher density, parking standards, and time limitations, provided: With this application, we formally request a modification to the yard requirements for the Hillsdale Place Development. We specifically request that the maximum setback be modified to allow for the drive through lanes, future VDOT improvements, landscaping and pedestrian features that are necessary for this development. (1) Such modification or exception will be in harmony with the purposes and intent of this division, the zoning district regulations under which such special use permit is being sought; and This request is harmonious with the auto-oriented nature of the Highway Corridor Zoning district and helps to create a more cohesive and internally coordinated site. The site is more pleasant for pedestrians by moving uses slightly further from Route 29 and dropping the grade to match other areas of the site. (2) Such modification or exception is necessary or desirable in view of the particular nature, circumstances, location or situation of the proposed use; and The maximum setbacks within the Highway Corridor Zoning District would not allow for a drive through use, which is the purpose of this Special Use Permit request. As previously mentioned, additional setback is necessary to accommodate existing and proposed utilities, VDOT improvements, pedestrian amenities, landscape, lighting and vehicular circulation. (3) No such modification or exception shall be authorized to allow a use that is not otherwise allowed by this chapter within the zoning district in which the subject property is situated. No change in use or allowance of a use not already authorized in zoning has been requested. Hillsdale Place Note: For conceptual illustration only. Design, dimensions, colors, materials, Illustrative Rendering 16121.00 and the location of signs and doors are 04.21.22 Charlottesville, Virginia subject to change. Page 1 Hillsdale Place Note: For conceptual illustration only. Design, dimensions, colors, materials, 16121.00 and the location of signs and doors are Illustrative Rendering 04.21.22 Charlottesville, Virginia subject to change. Page 2 Hillsdale Place Note: For conceptual illustration only. Design, dimensions, colors, materials, Illustrative Rendering 16121.00 and the location of signs and doors are 04.21.22 Charlottesville, Virginia subject to change. Page 3 Hillsdale Place Note: For conceptual illustration only. Design, dimensions, colors, materials, 16121.00 and the location of signs and doors are 04.21.22 Charlottesville, Virginia subject to change. Page 4 Hillsdale Place Note: For conceptual illustration only. Design, dimensions, colors, materials, 16121.00 and the location of signs and doors are 04.21.22 Charlottesville, Virginia subject to change. Page 5 Hillsdale Place Note: For conceptual illustration only. Design, dimensions, colors, materials, Illustrative Rendering 16121.00 and the location of signs and doors are 04.21.22 Charlottesville, Virginia subject to change. Page 6 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE “A Great Place to Live for All of Our Citizens” Department of Neighborhood Development Services Memorandum To: Lyle Solla-Yates, Chair, Charlottesville Planning Commission Charlottesville Planning Commission From: James Freas, Director, Neighborhood Development Services Jack Dawson, City Engineer Date: November 8, 2022 Re: Multi-Modal Transportation Prioritization Method The City received a Growth & accessibility Planning (GAP) technical assistance grant from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI). The purpose of the grant is to develop a data-based needs prioritization process that would assist the City in identifying bike and pedestrian improvement projects for funding through the annual CIP process as well as state or federal grant applications. City staff have worked with the state selected consultant team as well as staff from OIPI and the project is anticipated to be completed before the end of this year. The core of the process is a database that assesses an existing range of projects drawn from the Bike & Pedestrian Plan and the Streets That Work Plan. Each project is assessed using a range of datapoints to identify a set of top scoring projects. This process is built to be dynamic, adjusting as conditions change and projects are completed. The final step in the process of selecting projects for funding in a given year is a more qualitative assessment of equity across neighborhoods and with regard to the development of an overall coherent road network. The attached presentation is drawn from one prepared by our consultant team. City Hall - Post Office Box 911 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 - Telephone 434-970-3182 - GROWTH AND ACCESSIBILITY PLANNING (GAP) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Non-motorized Infrastructure Needs Prioritization Process City of Charlottesville Study Goals Develop a Needs Prioritization Process that will: • Support the City’s Capital Improvement Program and grant-eligible transportation project selection • Access and operationalize performance measures and associated thresholds • Create a process for the City that can be utilized on an ongoing basis • Create a guiding document specifying the step-by-step process for evaluating non-motorized projects 2 Task 4: Process of Prioritization of Non-motorized Transportation Need/Projects Literature Streets That Review (Best Work Practices) Bike/Ped Available Master Plan Data Candidate Measures Task 4: Process of Prioritization of Non-motorized Transportation Need/Projects • Level of Traffic Stress • Equity • Streets That Work Classification & Intersection • Equity Emphasis Areas (VTrans) Hot Spots (Streets that Work) • Low-income/Minority Population (Census) • Traffic Congestion (VTrans) • Current Walk/Bike Demand • Safety • Walk/Bike Volume Index (StreetLight) • Pedestrian/Bicycle/Overall Crashes (VTrans) • Walk/Bike Residential Commuter Share (Census) • Area/Corridor Suitability • Short-trip commutes within and between neighboring tracts (LODES) • Walk/Bike Score (VTrans) • Activity Centers (VTrans) • Connectivity • Elementary School Locations (Charlottesville) • Walk/Bike Network Connectivity (Charlottesville) • Population/Employment Density (Census) • Access to Public Bike Racks (Charlottesville) • Transit Routes/Stops (GRTC/Charlottesville) • Access to UVA Campus (Charlottesville) • Profile Slopes (Charlottesville) • Readiness • Walk/Bike Segment Length (Charlottesville) • Bike Facility quality (Charlottesville) Processes for Measures and Weighting 4 Task 4: Process of Prioritization of Non-motorized Transportation Need/Projects: Schematic • Equity • Suitability • Demand Equity Emphasis StreetLight & Walk/BikeScore & & Neighborhoods Schools & Transit & LODES Slopes Prioritizations Processes, for Proposed Measures, Community Sidewalk and • Readiness Repaving Weighting, Needs Bicycle Schedule & Ranking Facilities in Charlottesville • Connectivity • Safety Segment Length Crash Density & & AADT • Road Network Network Streets That Work Task 4: Process of Prioritization of Non-motorized Transportation Need/Projects: Details Measure Category Description Year Updates Source Paving & Work Readiness Bike lanes in curb line should inform the design of the repaving and restriping 2022 Annual Charlottesville Schedule program Shared-Use Paths serve both bike and walk needs. Walk/BikeScore Suitability Aggregate description of walking and biking destination quality, proximity and 2019 Quarterly Interact VTrans appeal. Average across the length of each segment. Polygon buffer to intersect blocks on both sides of each sidewalk or bikeway segment. Weighted average Score. Sidewalks had to be mapped from road edge to centerline. Bikeways already on centerline, sidewalks had to be mapped to centerline. School Proximity Suitability Straight distance from Nearest point of segment to Elementary school 2022 Rarely Google Earth locations. Elementary Schools chosen because young students are the most vulnerable. Transit Proximity Suitability Straight distance from Nearest point of segment to CAT bus transit stops. Many 2019 Rarely Charlottesville more Bus stops than Elementary Schools, arranged along arterials. Ranked Data, not Scored. Segment Slope Suitability Maximum Slope endured along centerline of Sidewalk or Bikeway along 50-foot 2020 Never Charlottesville grid cells, based on 2-foot interval contour grid. Survey of Walk/Bike trips passing midpoint of each proposed segment. High 2019 Monthly StreetLight StreetLight Demand walk or bike use through midpoint equal higher score for segment. Commute numbers within- and between- adjacent tracts in study area to 2019 Annual LEHD/LODES LODES Demand determine commute market for short trips. Score each segment on number (Census) of commutes within and between connected tracts. Task 4: Process of Prioritization of Non-motorized Transportation Need/Projects: Details Measure Category Description Year Updates Source Crashes/Mi. Safety Density of Pedestrian or Bike crashes per centerline mil. This data is 2015- Annual Interact VTrans sparse compared to proposed Segment distributions. Highest Crash rates 2021 = Greatest Need for Improvement. Because of data scarcity, data is ranked, not scored. AADT Safety Average AADT along the blocks containing each segment. High traffic corridors 2019 Annual Interact VTrans are least likely to appeal to walkers or bikers. Majority of local streets assigned 5,300 AADT per Highway Capacity Manual and VTrans guidance. Network Connectivity How much does the proposed segment improve the quality of the walking or 2015 Rarely Charlottesville Connectivity biking network in Charlottesville? Score segments that improve network quality higher. This metric includes number of connections to existing network as well as proposed path quality and update geometry. Simple measure of segment length, affecting budget and connectivity. Score 2019 Rarely Charlottesville Segment Length Connectivity longer segments higher, as they would add the most to the network extent. Equity Emphasis/ Equity Balancing results of scoring with community needs across the city 2019 Rarely InteractVTrans / Neighborhoods of Charlottesville. Consider balancing infrastructural investments between 19 Charlottesville neighborhoods. Consider apportioning more to disadvantaged block groups. Streets that Road Post-Processing Step to validate sidewalk and bikeway validity for city's vision for 2016 Charlottesville Work Typology Network arterial streets Task 4: Prioritization of Non-motorized Transportation Need/Projects: Area/Corridor Suitability Walk/Bike Score Average Score by Segment (VTrans) Change along Segment WalkScore & BikeScore aggregate measures of suitability • 2019 Inferred Demand • Walk/Bike Score incorporates • Slope • Schools • Accessibility to destinations • Etc. • Different for WalkScore and BikeScore • Scoring • Average Along Segment Study Schedule Charlottesville Non-motorized Infrastructure Needs Prioritization Process Schedule Task Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Task 1: Project Coordination Task 2: Internal Capability Assessment Task 3: Assessment of Existing Prioritization Task 4.1: Methods and Measure Development Task 4.2: Process Development Quarterly Update Meeting Deliverable 9 Next Steps • Verifying Scores/Ranks • Charlottesville Assessment/Approval of Draft Segment Ranking • Scoring Approved Metrics 0-99 • Weighting • Combined Ranking, comparison with 2015 Prioritization • Developing ArcGIS Online Web Map • Document Process – Manual for Scoring & Prioritization • Writing Up Processes throughout • Draft Report of Data, Scores & Prioritizations • Outreach • November Meeting Materials 10 Task 4: Prioritization of Non-motorized Transportation Need/Projects: Segment Slope Overall Scores: Bikeways PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MEETING DATE: November 8, 2022 STAFF PRESENTATION OF THE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN STAFF PRESENTERS: Kristel Riddervold, Environmental Sustainability Division Manager Susan Elliott, Climate Protection Program Manager ADDITIONAL STAFF CONTACTS: Stacey Smalls, Public Works Director Emily Irvine, Climate Program Specialist Background The City of Charlottesville committed to developing a Climate Action Plan (CAP) aimed to achieve its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals of 45% by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050. In April 2022, staff delivered to City Council a two-part presentation that included an update on the CAP’s development as well as preliminary plan content for the CAP. Following that presentation, staff was directed to push forward with the development of the CAP, aiming for completion prior to commencement of this year’s FY24 budget development process. The CAP was presented to City Council at their October 3, 2022 work session, which several members of the Planning Commission were able to attend. Climate Action Plan Overview The CAP is a strategic plan document, aimed at meeting the 2030 GHG reduction goal, positioning Charlottesville to achieve its 2050 goal, and bridging into implementation by providing guidance and direction for near term action. It is structured as a living document, intended to be updated at periodic intervals and as evolving circumstances warrant. Within the document, the identified strategies are expected to endure as Charlottesville approaches its 2030 and 2050 goals with the Key Actions being completed and replaced with next step items within the next 1-3 years. The CAP is a communitywide plan – meaning that while some actions in the CAP are uniquely situated for the City government to pursue, many of the actions and strategies can also be taken up by individuals and organizations within the community, or in partnership between the City and community organizations. Click here to access the Charlottesville Climate Action Plan The CAP document is organized into multiple chapters addressing the following topics: • Introduction to climate planning and the role of GHG emissions in climate change • Plan background and policy context • Plan structure, reporting, and accountability mechanisms • Charlottesville’s GHG Emissions and opportunities for reductions • Guides for action – including consideration of equity, co-benefits, and community involvement • Strategies for Community Emissions and Municipal Emissions Sectors • Leadership opportunities • Emissions draw down and action areas beyond Charlottesville’s GHG inventory • Looking ahead to implementation, project/resource needs, and alignment with the City’s concurrent Zoning Update Development of the Climate Action Plan Since the initiation of the Climate Action Plan development process in the fall of 2020, the City has actively engaged with community members through a variety of means (summarized in Chapter 2 of the plan). Active engagement opportunities saw participation levels range from 20-30 participants at once to over 300 respondents to the Climate Action survey. Charlottesville’s CAP is the result of a multi-layered approach to inform the plan, including: • Internal programmatic experience and expertise • Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory data and areas of impact • Progress on GHG emission reduction goals • City Council direction in the form of two resolutions listing items to ensure were included • Past planning efforts such as the Local Climate Action Planning Process • Public input on other City planning efforts, including Cville Plans Together (Affordable Housing Plan, Comprehensive Plan, and Zoning Ordinance Update) • Review of peer communities’ CAPs • Professional networks / Best practices • Policy guidance • Staff input • Direct community engagement in the form of: o Small group stakeholder sessions o Community workshops o Community conversation on equity in climate action o Community survey o Listening sessions aimed at bringing new voices into the conversation o Community town hall event o Comments and recommendations submitted directly to staff by individuals and community organizations Planning Commission Discussion Development of the Climate Action Plan is in alignment with City Council’s Green City Vision, the Strategic Plan: Goal 3 – A Beautiful and Sustainable Natural and Built Environment; and the Comprehensive Plan: Chapter 7 (Environment, Climate, and Food Equity). Per the Comprehensive Plan, the Climate Action Plan will be proposed for adoption as an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan; this process is forthcoming. The City’s Climate Program is currently sharing the CAP with the community, including various City boards and commissions, and is seeking to hear thoughts on the plan and how we, as a community, can build upon it to move climate action forward. The CAP has identified specific strategies and key actions that relate to the development of Charlottesville’s built environment, the connection between land use and transportation planning, the zoning code, and integrated multi-modal transportation planning. It also includes a chart that cross references key actions related to the zoning code update by general topic area. We welcome the Planning Commission’s consideration of the CAP and questions and discussion about how it can support the Planning Commission’s work to inform and shape a low carbon (and future carbon neutral) Charlottesville. CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF MEMO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR ITEM CONSIDERATION OF SITE PLAN CODE COMPLIANCE PROJECT P22-0076 DATE OF MEETING: November 8, 2022 Project Planner: Matt Alfele, AICP Date of Staff Memo: October 28, 2022 Applicant: Southern Development Applicant’s Representative(s): Charlie Armstrong Current Property Owner: Belmont Station, LLC Application Information Property Street Address: 240 Stribling Avenue Tax Map & Parcel: 18A025000 (real estate taxes paid current – Sec. 34-12) Total Square Footage/ Acreage Site: 12.07 acres (525,769 square feet) Comprehensive Plan (General Land Use Plan): Medium Intensity Residential Current Zoning Classification: Planned Unit Development (PUD) Overlay District: None Applicant’s Request On April 18, 2022 City Council granted a rezoning request for 240 Stribling Avenue (Subject Property) to become a Planned Unit Development with a proffered development plan (elements of this plan can be reviewed under Attachment B). One aspect of the approved plan was the inclusion of three (3) multifamily buildings located near the western edge of the development. After receiving approval from City Council for the rezoning, the applicant moved to the next step of the development process, which is site plan approval. On August 9, 2022 a preliminary site plan was submitted to Neighborhood Development Services (NDS) for review. One comment generated during that review stated the number of multifamily buildings on site decreased from three (3) buildings to two (2) buildings and did not conform to Section 34- 518(a) and (b). The applicant is appealing staff’s determination per Section 34-820(d)(1). The applicant interpretation and rebuttal can be found under Attachment A. Page 1 of 4 240 Stribling Ave Deviation April 18, 2022 approved PUD Development Plan August 9, 2022 Preliminary Site Plan (image is taken from the grading plan) Staff believes altering the multifamily building count from the approved PUD Development Plan is a deviation under Section 34-518(a) and 34-518(b). These code sections state: (a): Approval of the rezoning application establishes the maximum density/intensity, height and other dimensional requirements, the general location of each use and locations for streets and utilities shown on the development plan. Together with any approved proffers, the approved development plan shall establish the zoning requirements applicable to the PUD. Approval of a PUD does not relieve the applicant from its obligation to comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Any change in use, increase in density/intensity, any substantial decrease in the amount of open space, substantial change in the location of permitted uses or streets, Page 2 of 4 240 Stribling Ave Deviation and any other substantial change from what is shown on the approved development plan shall be deemed a substantial deviation requiring an amendment of the PUD approval. Factors to be considered in determining whether a change is substantial include, but are not limited to: the extent of the locational change and the expected impact on properties adjacent to the PUD. And; (b): Following approval of a PUD development plan, preliminary and final subdivision and site plan approvals shall be required. All such plans shall conform to the approved PUD development plan… Staff believes changing the multifamily building count from three (3) to two (2) is substantial deviation per 34-518(a) and (b) due to the following factors: 1. Intensity: The approved PUD Development Plan called for ninety-six (96) apartment/condominium units within three (3) multifamily buildings with a max height of fifty-five (55) feet. What is being proposed in the preliminary site plan is ninety-six (96) apartment/condominiums within two (2) multifamily buildings with a max height of fifty-five (55) feet. Staff finds there will be an increase in intensity with this change as the PUD Development Plan called for the units to be spread out over more buildings. 2. Substantial change from what is shown on the approved development plan: Staff finds the approved PUD Development Plan shows three multifamily buildings. Staff also finds the presentation materials used during the rezoning process that was shared with the public, Planning Commission, and City Council also included three (3) medium scale buildings. It should be noted that staff is not making a value judgment under #2, only that the change is substantial and should be evaluated under Section 34-519 (PUD Amendment). 3. Not limited to (massing): Staff finds the change in multifamily buildings from three (3) to two (2) would create an overall massing change to the development. Currently the three (3) smaller buildings help breakup the massing as the development steps down to townhouses and duplexes. Staff is concerned this may not happen with only two buildings. It should be noted that staff is not making a value judgment under #3, only that the change is substantial and should be evaluated under Section 34-519 (PUD Amendment). 4. All such plans shall conform to the approved PUD Development Plan: Staff finds the approved PUD Development Plan shows three multifamily buildings and the site plan presented shows two. The applicant is appealing staff’s interpretation of Section 34—518(a) and (b) as it applies to the 240 Stribling Avenue PUD plan per Section 34-820(d)(1) This code sections states that the Planning Commission is the reviewing body for site plans related to Planned Unit Developments Page 3 of 4 240 Stribling Ave Deviation and must determine if they meet all site plan requirements. In most cases staff will review site plan applications and only move them forward to Planning Commission once they can be approved. In other cases, the applicant will appeal a denial by staff to the Planning Commission. This usually happens after many rounds of review at the ministerial level and not after the initial round of review by staff. In this case the applicant is asking the Planning Commission to step in and comment on the question of substantial deviation as it relates to changing from three (3) building to two (2) building prior to continuing the engineering of the site. What is NOT being asked of the Planning Commission: • To review the full site plan for approval or denial. • To do an analysis of the proposed change (this is only about the change shown being a substantial deviation or not). What IS being asked of the Planning Commission: • Does Planning Commission consider the reduction in the number of multifamily buildings on site to be a substantial deviation as stated in Section 34-518(a) and (b)? If it is a substantial deviation the applicant has the following options: 1. Incorporate the third building as shown in the approved PUD Development Plan; 2. Amend the approved PUD Development Plan as outline in Section 34-519. If it is not substantial deviation, the Planning Commission is informing the applicant that the site plan, as presented with two multifamily buildings, conforms to the approved PUD Development Plan. Attachments A. Request from the applicant B. Approved PUD Development C. Layout Sheet(s) for the site plan submitted August 9, 2022 Page 4 of 4 October 26, 2022 Matt Alfele City of Charlottesville PO Box 911 610 E Market St Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Mr. Alfele: We are in receipt of Staff’s comments on the 240 Stribling PUD Preliminary Site Plan. Comment #10 states that staff believes the change from 3 multifamily buildings to 2 multifamily buildings is a “substantial deviation” from the approved PUD Development Plan. The comment offers 3 ways to address the issue, including: a. Incorporating the 3 buildings as indicated on the approved PUD Development Plan; b. Amend the approved PUD Development Plan; c. Make an argument to Planning Commission (the reviewing body for this plan per Section 34-820(d)(1) that the site plan as presented does not substantially deviate from the approved PUD Development plan. Per option (c) above, and in accordance with section 34-820(d)(1) we request that that the Planning Commission review this question to determine substantial conformance with (or substantial deviation from) the PUD Development Plan. Sec. 34-518 regarding approval of rezoning applications states: “Approval of the rezoning application establishes the maximum density/intensity, height and other dimensional requirements, the general location of each use and locations for streets and utilities shown on the development plan. Together with any approved proffers, the approved development plan shall establish the zoning requirements applicable to the PUD. Approval of a PUD does not relieve the applicant from its obligation to comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Any change in use, increase in density/intensity, any substantial decrease in the amount of open space, substantial change in the location of permitted uses or streets, and any other substantial change from what is shown on the approved development plan shall be deemed a substantial deviation requiring an amendment of the PUD approval. Factors to be considered in determining whether a change is substantial include, but are not limited to: the extent of the locational change and the expected impact on properties adjacent to the PUD. The bold emphasis above was added by us to highlight what we believe are the relevant portions of the above code section to evaluate. The question is whether the change from 3 multifamily TEL: (434) 245 -0894 | 142 SOU TH PANTOPS DRIVE, CHARLOTT ESVILLE, VA 22911 | WWW.SOUTH ERN- DEVELOPMENT.COM buildings, as shown on the PUD Development Plan, to 2 multifamily buildings, as shown on the Preliminary Site Plan, is substantial. We do not believe this is a substantial change. We and the City Code both acknowledge that the word “substantial” is subjective, and that it might be perfectly reasonable for us, staff, and each individual member of the Planning Commission to have differing opinions on what is “substantial.” However, the code section cited above does give some limited guidance: “Factors to be considered in determining whether a change is substantial include, but are not limited to: the extent of the locational change and the expected impact on properties adjacent to the PUD.” We believe the extent of the locational change is insignificant and the expected impact on properties adjacent to the PUD is none. Image 1 is taken from the approved PUD Development Plan: Image 2 is taken from the submitted Preliminary Site Plan: The relevant differences between the PUD to the Site Plan include: • 3 multifamily buildings in the PUD Plan; 2 in the Site Plan (note that there are dozens of other buildings proposed in the PUD, not just these, and those haven’t changed); TEL: (434) 245 -0894 | 142 SOU TH PANTOPS DRIVE, CHARLOTT ESVILLE, VA 22911 | WWW.SOUTHERN - DEVELOPMENT.COM • Individual multifamily building façade lengths of 252’, 153’, & 142’ in the PUD Plan; and individual lengths of 260’ & 260’ in the Site Plan.; • A reduction in cumulative façade length from 547’ in the PUD Plan to 520’ in the Site Plan. There is no change in the total number of units or bedrooms in the multifamily buildings. Perhaps irrelevant to this decision, but to explain how smaller cumulative building mass contains the same density, deleting a building deletes the 2 internal staircases that would have been in that building, which decreases the cumulative building mass without sacrificing units/bedrooms. • De-minimus 3- or 4-foot differences in proximity of the buildings to Stribling Ave and adjacent Nob Hill property lines. Note that the homes in Nob Hill are a further ~70’ from their rear property lines, making them at least 150-200’ away from the proposed buildings on both the PUD Plan and the Site Plan, through a heavily wooded area. • An increase in the distance of the buildings from adjacent Moore’s Creek, from 195’ on the PUD Plan to 263’ on the Site Plan. We do not feel that this change is significant in the eyes of City Code, and we request the Planning Commission’s interpretation. Should the Planning Commission determine that the change is significant, we will submit a zoning amendment application per option (b) above, which of course involves a great deal of City effort and process, and ultimately would come back to the Planning Commission again for a recommendation to City Council. We are hopeful that burdensome and time-consuming rezoning process can be avoided and we can get on with creating new homes. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Charlie Armstrong Belmont Station, LLC Owner/Applicant TEL: (434) 245 -0894 | 142 SOU TH PANTOPS DRIVE, CHARLOTT ESVILLE, VA 22911 | WWW.SOUTHERN - DEVELOPMENT.COM Attachment B #O-22-055 ORDINANCE Amending and Re-enacting the Zoning Map for the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, to reclassify property from R-1S and R-2 to Planned Unit Development for the “240 Stribling PUD”, and granting a critical slope waiver for the 240 Stribling PUD WHEREAS, Belmont Station, LLC (“Landowner”) submitted rezoning application ZM20-00002 (“Application”) seeking a change in the zoning district classification for approximately twelve (12) acres of land identified by City Real Estate Tax Parcel Identification No. 18A025000 (“Subject Property”), from R-1S (Residential Small Lot) and R-2 (Residential Two-Family) to Planned Unit Development (“240 Stribling PUD”), with such rezoning made subject to certain development conditions proffered by the Landowner(“Proffers”); and WHEREAS, the purpose of the rezoning application is to allow a specific development project (“Project”) identified within a written PUD Development Plan, dated June 11, 2021, as revised through March 21, 2022, and the Statement of Final Proffer Conditions signed by the Landowner on November 11, 2021 for the “240 Stribling PUD”. The PUD Development Plan identifies the general or approximate location of the following housing types to be constructed: 20 rows of townhouses, two multifamily dwelling units, and two single-family attached dwellings. The PUD Development Plan also depicts two central greens, protection of a wooded area between the development and Moore’s Creek, a shared use path constructed to City Standard Detail TR-1, a public street connection to Morgan Court, and six (6) private streets intended for rear loading of the townhouses within the development. Structured parking will be provided within the multifamily dwelling units, and sidewalks will be constructed on both sides of all new public streets within the development, and along one side of each private street within the development. The development of the Subject Property will further be subject to the conditions of a critical slope waiver approved by City Council, as requested in Application P20-0079. (Collectively, all of the foregoing materials describe the specific “Project”); and WHEREAS, a joint public hearing on the proposed rezoning of the Subject Property was held before the Planning Commission and City Council on September 14, 2021, after notice to the public and to adjacent property owners as required by law; and WHEREAS, on November 9, 2021, following the joint public hearing, the Planning Commission voted to recommend that City Council should approve the proposed rezoning for the Project, subject to certain qualifications; and WHEREAS, City Council has considered: the details of the specific Project, as represented within the Landowner’s various application materials, the Staff Reports relating to the application materials, the comments received from the public, and the Planning Commission’s recommendation; and WHEREAS, this Council finds and determines that the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice require the proposed rezoning; that both the existing zoning classification (R-1S) and the proposed PUD zoning classification (subject to the proffered development conditions) are reasonable; and that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that, in order to allow the development of the Project described above within this Ordinance, the Zoning Map incorporated in Section 34-1 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Code of the City of Charlottesville, 1990, as amended, shall be and hereby is amended and reenacted as follows: Section 34-1.Zoning District Map. Rezoning from R-1S and R-2 to 240 Stribling PUD, all of that certain land identified within the City of Charlottesville’s real estate tax tax records by Real Estate Parcel Identification Number 18A025000, consisting of approximately 12.07 acres (approx. 525,769 square feet), subject to the PUD Development Plan dated June 11, 2021, as revised through 3/21/2022, and also subject to the Proffers dated November 11, 2021, which were tendered by the Landowner in accordance with law and are hereby accepted by this City Council as set out below Attachment B within this Ordinance. Approved Proffers The use and development of the Subject Property shall be subject to the following development conditions voluntarily proffered by the Landowner, which conditions shall apply in addition to the regulations otherwise provided within the City’s zoning ordinance: 1. The Owner shall establish affordable housing within the Property, as follows: a. For the purposes of this Proffer: i. The term “Affordable Dwelling Unit” means a dwelling unit reserved for occupancy by a Low- and Moderate-Income Household. ii. “Low-and Moderate-Income Household” means a household that pays no more than thirty percent (30%) of its gross income for housing costs, including utilities, provided that the annual gross income of the household/occupant is sixty percent (60%) or less of the Area Median Income (AMI) for the City of Charlottesville, as said AMI is established annually by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). b. Fifteen percent (15%) of all dwelling units constructed within the area of the Subject Property shall be Affordable Dwelling Units. (“Required Affordable Dwelling Units”) The Required Affordable Dwelling Units shall be identified on a layout plan, by unit, prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for a residential unit within the PUD (“Initial Designation”). The Owner reserves the right, from time to time after the Initial Designation, and subject to approval by the City, to change the unit(s) reserved as Affordable Dwelling Units, and the City’s approval shall not unreasonably be withheld so long as a proposed change does not reduce the number of Required Affordable Dwelling Units and does not result in an Affordability Period shorter than required by these proffers with respect to any of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units. i. Thirty percent (30%) or more of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units shall be reserved for rental to low- and moderate-income households (“Rental Affordable Dwelling Units”) . Each of the Rental Affordable Dwelling Units shall be reserved as such throughout a period of at least ten (10) years from the date on which the unit receives a certificate of occupancy from the City’s building official (“Rental Affordability Period”). All Rental Affordable Dwelling Units shall be administered in accordance with City regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of City Code 34- 12(g) as such regulations are in effect on the date of Owner’s signature, below. For the purposes of this section and section 1.b.ii., below, if City regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of City Code 34-12(g) are amended by the City after the date of Owner’s signature, below, the Owner may elect in writing to the Zoning Administrator to instead be bound by the amended regulations. ii. Thirty percent (30%) or more of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units shall be reserved for ownership by low- and moderate-income households (“For-Sale Affordable Dwelling Units”), throughout a period of thirty (30) years from the date on which the unit receives a certificate of occupancy from the City’s building official. The For-Sale Affordable Units shall be administered in accordance with City regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of City Code 34-12(g), as such regulations are in effect on the date of Owner’s signature, below. During construction the For-Sale Affordable Dwelling Units shall be constructed incrementally, such that at least five (5) Affordable Dwelling Units shall be either completed or under construction pursuant Attachment B to a City-issued building permit, prior to the issuance of every 30th building permit for non-affordable for-sale dwelling units. c. The land use obligations referenced in 1.b.i, 1.b.ii, and 1.b.iii shall be set forth within one or more written declarations of covenants recorded within the land records of the Charlottesville Circuit Court, in a form approved by the Office of the City Attorney, so that the Owner’s successors in right, title and interest to the Property shall have notice of the obligations. In the event of re-sale of any of the Required Affordable Rental Units that reduces the number of Required Affordable Dwelling Units below the threshholds set forth in this proffer, the declaration of covenants shall provide a mechanism to ensure that an equivalent Affordable Dwelling Unit is created within the City of Charlottesville, either on or off of the Subject Property, that satisfies the requirements contained herein for the remainder of the Affordability Period. Critical Slope Waiver BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, THAT a waiver of the critical slopes requirements for the Subject Property, to allow for construction of the specific 240 Stribling PUD Project that is the subject of this Ordinance, is hereby granted subject to the following conditions (each, a “CS Waiver” condition): CS Waiver condition #1: site Plans (VESCP Plans) shall include, at a minimum, 4 stages/phases of erosion and sediment control measures: the first shall be “Initial/Preliminary Controls” and outfall construction, and the second shall include the establishment of sediment traps and conveyances. The sequence shall dictate that no disturbance of the slopes can occur, other than to facilitate trap/conveyance construction, until after the establishment of the trap, conveyances and permanent outfall (until Stage/Phase III) CS Waiver condition #2: “Super Silt Fence” (chain linked backing) shall be installed where perimeter silt fence is specified. CS Waiver condition #3: Any disturbance occurring outside of conveyances to the trap, in either sequence or space, planned or unforeseen, shall be immediately stabilized with sod (for pervious areas, utilities should have other “same day stabilization. CS Waiver condition #4: The proposed trail shall be a non-erodible surface (asphalt/concrete or similar) and provisions shall be made in the stormwater management plan to ensure runoff from the trail is conveyed in a non-erosive manner, and concentrated flows shall not be discharged above slopes, or flow along the toe of slopes, on or offsite the property. CS Waiver condition #5: Trees removed from areas of critical slope(s) shall be replaced within those areas, at a three-to-one ratio (“Habitat Replacement Trees”). The Habitat Replacement Trees shall be locally native tree species appropriate for the site conditions. The specific number and species of Habitat Replacement Trees will be determined by the applicant and the City based on available space and site conditions, and the size, location and species of all Habitat Replacement Trees shall be specified within the landscaping plan required by Sections §§34-861 et seq. of the Charlottesville City Code, as amended. CS Waiver condition #6: No tree(s) planted in any area(s) that contain buildings, parking lots, sidewalks, or other built improvements shall be counted as any Habitat Replacement Tree(s). Approved by Council Aye No April 18, 2022 Magill _x__ ____ Payne _x__ ____ Pinkston _x__ ____ Snook _x__ ____ Kyna Thomas, MMC Wade _Absent___ Clerk of Council Attachment B PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 240 STRIBLING AVENUE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA TABLE OF CONTENTS 500' RAIDUS FOR ADJACENT PROPERTIES PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN (SEC 34-517) THIS PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CODE SECTION 34-517 (a). THE BELOW TABLE OF CONTENTS LISTS THE PUD REQUIREMENTS AND REFERENCES WHERE IN THE PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN THE REQUIREMENTS ARE ILLUSTRATED OR DESCRIBED. 34-517 (1)a A SURVEY PLAT DESCRIBING AND DEPICTING THE ENTIRE LAND AREA TO BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE PUD DEVELOPMENT SITE, INCLUDING IDENTIFICATION OF PRESENT OWNERSHIP, EXISTING ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION(S) OF THE PARCEL(S) TO BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE PUD. PAGE 2: EXISTING CONDITIONS 34-517 (2)a A NARRATIVE STATEMENT OF HOW THE OBJECTIVES DESCRIBED WITHIN SECTION 34-490 ARE MET BY THE PROPOSED PUD. PAGE 3: NARRATIVE 34-517 (3)a A CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, SUPPORTING MAPS, AND WRITTEN OR PHOTOGRAPHIC DATA AND ANALYSIS WHICH SHOW: A. LOCATION AND SIZE OF EXISTING WATER AND SANITARY AND STORM SEWER FACILITIES AND EASEMENTS; PAGE 2: EXISTING CONDITIONS B. LAYOUT FOR PROPOSED WATER AND SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES AND STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES; PAGES 6-7: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN C. LOCATION OF OTHER PROPOSED UTILITIES; PAGES 6-7: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PAGES 13-14: CONCEPTUAL DRY UTILITY PLAN D. LOCATION OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT; LOCATION AND SIZE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED STREETS; PAGES 6-7: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PAGES 8-9: PROPOSED ROAD SECTIONS E. LOCATION OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING CONNECTIONS TO NEARBY SCHOOLS; PAGES 6-7: CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. PAGES 8-9: PROPOSED ROAD SECTIONS F. AN INVENTORY, BY TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBER AND STREET ADDRESS, OF ALL ADJACENT PARCELS WITHIN A FIVE HUNDRED-FOOT RADIUS OF THE PERIMETER OF THE PUD, INDICATING THE EXISTING ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION OF EACH. PAGE 1: COVER SHEET G. A SITE INVENTORY OF THE SIGNIFICANT NATURAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND CULTURAL FEATURES OF A SITE, INCLUDING AT A MINIMUM: HISTORIC LANDMARKS CONTAINED ON ANY STATE OR FEDERAL REGISTER; VEGETATION; EXISTING TREES OF EIGHT-INCH CALIPER OR GREATER; WETLANDS, TOPOGRAPHY, SHOWN AT INTERVALS OF FIVE (5) FEET OR LESS, CRITICAL SLOPES, AND OTHER, SIMILAR CHARACTERISTICS OR FEATURES, AND A PLAN FOR PRESERVING, PROTECTING, UTILIZING AND/OR INCORPORATING SUCH FEATURES INTO THE DESIGN AND FUNCTION OF THE PROPOSED PUD. PAGE 10: ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES 34-517(4)a A PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN. SUCH PLAN WILL IDENTIFY: A. PROPOSED LAND USES AND THEIR GENERAL LOCATIONS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, BUILDING AND SETBACKS; PAGE 4: LAND USE PLAN B. PROPOSED DENSITIES OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT; PAGES 15-16: MATRIX OF USE TYPES C. LOCATION AND ACREAGE OF REQUIRED OPEN SPACE; PAGE 4: LAND USE PLAN D. SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL USES; PAGE 4: LAND USE PLAN. NOTE, THERE ARE NO NON-RESIDENTIAL USES PROPOSED. E. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN AREA OF PUD. PAGE 4: LAND USE PLAN 34-517 (5)a A GENERAL LANDSCAPE PLAN WHICH FOCUSES ON THE GENERAL LOCATION AND TYPE OF LANDSCAPING TO BE USED WITHIN THE PROJECT AS WELL AS THE SPECIAL BUFFERING TREATMENT PROPOSED BETWEEN PROJECT LAND USES AND ADJACENT ZONING DISTRICTS; PAGES 11-12: LANDSCAPE PLAN 34-517(6)a A PHASING PLAN IF NEEDED. EACH PHASE SHALL INDIVIDUALLY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SECTION. PAGE 5: PHASING PLAN 34-517(7)a A STATEMENT FROM THE CITY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT VERIFYING WHETHER WATER AND SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY DOES OR DOES NOT EXIST FOR THE PROPOSED LAND USE(S). ESTIMATED WATER AND SEWER DEMANDS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED TO CITY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT AND ADEQUATE CAPACITY HAS BEEN VERIFIED. 34-517(8)a A STATEMENT FROM THE FIRE MARSHAL VERIFYING WHETHER ADEQUATE FIRE FLOW SERVICE DOES OR DOES NOT EXIST FOR THE PROPOSED LAND USE(S). THE FIRE FLOW TEST RESULTS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED AND APPROVED BY THE FIRE MARSHALL. COVER PAGE 1 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 Attachment B ILLE, PHASE GAN COURT ILLE, LT E, TTESV ILLE, VILL MHS 2403 T SV COUR TOP = 501.42' T ESV TES ZONIN LOT 16 41 137 MO HARLOTTE HARLO VARIABLE MO INV. IN = 498.42' 8" TC ZONIN LOT 15 TMP 18A-26 EXISTING CRITICAL SLOPES PER ORD. (34-1120(b)(2)) 17 & T G: PUD OT 14 T 8 Y OF C 18A-140 HUNTLE TMP 18A-1 ZON 2, LOT COUR INV. OUT = 498.32'8" TC R 1 LT ARLOT G: PUD JAMES M. McMURTRY AND CYNTHIA T. RG RLOT F C 8A-142 PHAS RGAN COU RGAN LEY O P 18A-139 STRIBLINHGR/W (SEE NOTE #11) McMURTRY, TRUSTEES 139 MO LTD AN D D 2, Y OF C T 238 STRIBLING AVENUE MHS 3354 G : PU : PU 2, E AN PHASE F CHA CO H S WIDT INST. 20160000545 PHA MORG D 8'' W E 2, L T L E TM P 1 TMP R TOP = 502.24 135 M LTD T ZONING: PUD ING UR N INV. IN = 497.54' 8" TC E ZONIN YO TM EXISTING CRITICAL SLOPES PER ORD. (29-3) M T INV. OUT = 497.59' 8" TC O SE U N *REVERSE FLOW NOTED HUNTLE AVENUE O 141 M SHED O ) HU HUN HUNT ) N (F (F NTL EY TMP P E IP CONC. S20°06'14"E 390.42' S P IP E S20°17'15"E 275.57' 142 OF CH 18A-14 M A 4 PHA ORGARLOTT 390.42' 4'' W S N E ZON E 2, L COU SVILL ING OT 1 RT E, L : PU 9 TD D 5 51 S0° N62°19'5 S 2 6'09 TM 122.97' HU H P1 NTL UNTL 8A-46 "W EY EY, ZON COM LLC ±53 ING MON 1' T OH U : PU D AREA O 520 508 CENT 6"E 505 MHS 3217 500 5 49 49 0 .43' ER TOP = 401.52' MHS 3281 510 5 OF TOP = 400.49' 0 S 48 475 0" W INV. IN = 396.71' 10" TC 48 0 47 65 0 MO INV. IN =395.66' 515 *NOTE: MATERIAL CHANGE 4 46 OR 455 0 INV. OUT = 396.67' 10" TC ES 45 N8 206' 0'3 CR EEK 5 5° 5 51 8'' W 4'' W 450 C&G S N56° S 121.0 "E 0 23' 45 35'36 5 395 39 2' MHS 3216 0 40 5 0 5 TOP = 402.95' 40 CHMARK "2" S OHU 0 41 S47°58'11"W 41 5 42 0 42 INV. IN = 396.93' 10" STEEL 5 OD W/CAP 43 S3 0 43 SAN 5 44 EV = 510.61' 21' INV. OUT = 396.81' 10" STEEL 44 ) (F 2° 4' )2 SAN ) D (F (F 263.52' O 20 D D R O O R 7 R 505 '07 10.82' 500 N21°27'03"W WIRE FENCE 5 49 0 "W 49 485 MHS 2515 85.23' SHED 0 480 TMP 18A-24-2 TOP = 502.76' 51 JIAN GUO ZHENG INV. IN = 497.21' 8" TC C&G 252 STRIBLING AVENUE'INV. OUT= 497.18' 8" TC 5 135' INST. 2013006103 47 ZONING: R-2 E N LI F SANITARY SEWER 400 VARIA ) O 470 4'' W (F W D N O ' S EASEMENT D.B. 380 PG. 553 S73°57'27"W STRIB R .51 BLE 1 WIDTH UNSPECIFIED 465 MHS 2514 WIDT TOP = 503.08' LING /W (SEE NO INV. IN = 496.44' 8" TC HR TMP 18A-24 5 0 FRANCES W. LARNERINV. OUT= 496.44' 8" TC 50 46 AVEN 254 STRIBLING AVENUE 0 SAN 50 INST. 2014000085 455 495 ZONING: R-2 UE E #11) U MHS 2530 OH TOP = 497.88' 450 T S 05 ZONE AE INV. IN = 493.38' 8" TC ZONE X 4 INV. OUT = 493.30' 8" TC 178.67' 5 44 0 49 S50 0 TMP 18A-24-1 44 PIEDMONT REALTY HOLDINGS I,LLC S 5 43 °36 256 STRIBLING AVENUE 40 0 58' INST. 2013003962 ZONING: R-2 485 0 43 '00" S 395 MHS 2534 TOP =501.27' S MHS 2882 42 5 W INV. OUT = 493.49' 8" TC 480 TOP = 428.36' INV. IN = 421.31' 8" TC S0°35'43"E 420 N SA INV. OUT = 421.08' 8" TC 38' 395 S39°19'41"W±30' 415 16' SANITARY SEWER 475 21' U ) 410 EASEMENT 0 (F 40 OH 470 D.B. 341, PG. 296 O D S SAN S R MHS 2542 E (F ) 465 SAN TOP = 484.68' IP N0° 48'3 DB. 4 OB CIRC ER P E INV. IN = 478.75' 4" TC (NW) S SAN S TTESVILL ) SAN SSAN MHS 2995 ZONIN .352 (AC CHARLO MARLE INV. IN = 478.99' 4" TC (NW) 5"W CITY OF LE 564 N W J. FELL F ALBE TOP = 403.30' 7 695.05' CREEK O COUNTY MATT P 76B-2-1 INV. IN = 480.40' 8" TC (NE) INV. IN = 398.08' 10" STEEL S G: R-2 E TMP 76B-1 460 242 O R 420 TER MO MHS 2969 INV. IN = 478.73' 8" TC (E) 5 MAURY F. SHIELDS INV. OUT = 398.00' 10" STEEL .57' 42 0 G ' TO CEN 43 INV. OUT = 478.13' 8" TC 435 240 STRIBLING AVENUE 633, P SANITARY SEWER ± 725 TMP 76B-2-22 HE CIT 0 DB.1147, PG.113 (AC) MHS 2993 Y 44 TOP = 419.37' EASEMENT 5"W 520 NOB CIRCLE TM CO OF CH N27°32'3 455 445 ZONING: R-2 BAOMIN WANG and HUI ZHAO ) UNT 0 INV. IN = 412.92' 8" TC D.B. 298 PG. 416 TOP = 405.59' (F Y O ARLOT ) 45 DB. 4803, PG.528 (AC) D FA (F WIDTH UNSPECIFIED INV. IN = 398.85' 8" TC O LBETESVIL D INV. OUT = 412.75' 8" TC ZONING: R-2 R MA O ) INV. OUT = 398.77' 10" STEEL RLELE (F ZONIN G.113 (AC) ZONIN G.740 (AC) R S NOB OCK 3 S MHS 2629 ) D DB.11 Y F. SHIELD (F NOB OCK 5 DB.47 IN QUARLE NOB OCK 3 MHS 2859 O MAUR 76B-2-48 MART 76B-2-50 G: R-2 TOP = 461.29' TMP 76B-2-37 D R G: R-2 O ZONIN HILL G: R-2 G: R-2 G: R-2 INV. IN = 456.64' 4" TC (W) NOB NOB, LLC ) TOP = 445.42' R ZONIN HILL ZONIN HILL (F , BL INV. IN = 456.79' 4" TC (NW) DB.4662, PG.124 (AC) E BOTTOM STRUCTURE = 437.27 , BL , BL IP HU INV. IN = 439.32' 8" TC 47, P 69, P ZONING: R-2 P LOT 5 INV. IN = 456.44' 8" TC (NW) LOT 9 LOT 7 TMP TMP INV. OUT = 454.98' 8" TC INV. OUT = 438.74' 8" TC O TMP 76B-2-46 MAURY F. SHIELDS DB.1147, PG.113 (AC) ZONING: R-2 EXISTING CONDITIONS SCALE 1"=80' PAGE 2 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 80' 160' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 Attachment B NARRATIVE PER 34-517(2) PAGE 3 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 Attachment B SHARED ACCESS AND SHARED ACCESS AND SHARED ACCESS AND SHARED ACCESS AND MAINT. EASEMENT MAINT. EASEMENT MAINT. EASEMENT MAINT. EASEMENT 94.08' 69.02' 65.52' 72.77' 69.14' 77.02' 79.02' LOT 40 LOT 45 LOT 29 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 22 2,463 SF 2,393 SF LOT 8 LOT 15 2,431 SF 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 1 2,658 SF 45.5' R/W ROAD 'D' 2,817 SF 2,587 SF ROAD 'F' 3,512 SF ROAD 'G' LOT 41 LOT 46 LOT 55 ROAD 'E' LOT 23 LOT 30 1,777 SF LOT 9 LOT 16 1,735 SF 2,435 SF 50.00' LOT 2 1,637 SF 1,561 SF 1,554 SF 1,477 SF 1,956 SF LOT 42 LOT 47 LOT 24 LOT 31 1,909 SF LOT 10 LOT 17 1,851 SF LOT 3 1,699 SF 1,603 SF LOT 56 2,492 SF 1,596 SF 1,498 SF 1,507 SF SHARED ACCESS AND MAINT. EASEMENT 6.00' (TYP.) ROAD 'A' 6.00' (TYP.) SHARED ACCESS AND 52' R/W ROAD 'A' MAINT. EASEMENT 52' R/W LOT 48 LOT 57 LOT 64 LOT 18 LOT 32 1,823 SF 2,649 SF 1,816 SF 1,237 SF LOT 25 1,350 SF LOT 4 LOT 11 1,326 SF LOT 58 LOT 65 1,916 SF 1,314 SF LOT 49 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 1,604 SF 1,823 SF 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 19 LOT 26 LOT 33 1,537 SF LOT 5 LOT 12 1,333 SF 1,410 SF 1,433 SF LOT 66 ROAD 'I' LOT 59 ROAD 'H' 1,511 SF 1,401 SF LOT 50 1,604 SF 1,616 SF LOT 27 LOT 34 1,537 SF LOT 6 LOT 20 LOT 13 1,674 SF 1,696 SF LOT 67 1,407 SF 1,597 SF LOT 60 42.5' R/W ROAD 'D' 1,683 SF LOT 51 1,742 SF LOT 35 OPEN SPACE A 1,677 SF 1,750 SF LOT 21 LOT 28 LOT 7 LOT 14 2,354 SF 2,380 SF 0.35 AC 2,254 SF OPEN 1,641 SF 2,351 SF 69.00' 65.50' SHARED ACCESS AND SPACE B ROAD 'B' 55.68' 46' R/W 0.12 AC MAINT. EASEMENT 37.5' PRIVATE R/W LOT 36 SHARED ACCESS AND 24.00' 1,608 SF LOT 59 LOT 71 LOT 52 LOT 61 ROAD 'J' MAINT. EASEMENT 1,630 SF 1,864 SF 1,760 SF LOT 37 1,677 SF SHARED ACCESS AND 22.00' 1,474 SF LOT 62 LOT 69 LOT 72 MAINT. EASEMENT LOT 53 1,705 SF 1,614 SF 1,853 SF 1,746 SF 1,494 SF LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 38 1,537 SF 23.90' 1,474 SF LOT 70 LOT 73 OPEN LOT 54 LOT 63 1,865 SF 1,751 SF SPACE C 1,677 SF 1,630 SF LOT 39 4.28 AC 1,879 SF SHARED ACCESS AND NOTES: MAINT. EASEMENT SHARED ACCESS AND ROAD 'C' MAINT. EASEMENT 52' R/W 1. MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT: 0' SIDE: 0' PARCEL 'A' PARCEL 'B' CONDOMINIUM PARCEL 'C' CONDOMINIUM REAR: 0' CONDOMINIUM 19,038 SF 12,978 SF 11,375 SF ADJACENT TO OUTSIDE PROPERTIES: 5' 2. MAXIMUM FRONT SETBACK: 10' (STRIBLING AVE. FRONTAGE EXCLUDED) CENTERLINE OF SHARED USE PATH 3. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 55' AND 15' ACCESS EASEMENT LAND USE SUMMARY: TOTAL SITE AREA: 11.373 Ac. (100%) R/W DEDICATION TO STRIBLING AVE. ± 0.060 Ac. (0.5%) TOWNHOUSE LOT AREA: ± 3.117 Ac. (27.4%) CONDO/APARTMENT LOT AREA: ± 0.996 Ac. (8.8%) PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA: ± 1.970 Ac. (17.3%) PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA: ± 0.470 Ac. (4.1%) OPEN SPACE AREA: ± 4.760 Ac. (41.9%) LAND USE PLAN SCALE 1"=80' PAGE 4 OF 17 83 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 NAD 0 80' 160' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021; OCTOBER 8, 2021 Attachment B PHASING NOTES: MO RG 1. THE FIRST PHASE COMPLETED SHALL INCLUDE THE CONSTRUCTIO AN OF ROAD A, THE CONNECTOR ROAD TO MORGAN CT., AND PROPOSED CT IMPROVEMENTS TO STRIBLING AVENUE. . 8'' W 2. ACCESS ROADS AND UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE SHALL BE PHASE 1A PHASE 1B PHASE 1C CONSTRUCTED WITH EACH SUBSEQUENT PHASE AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE A COHESIVE BLOCK FOR SAFE AND CONVENIENT ACCESS, 65.52' 77.02' 79.02' AND TO MEET ALL CITY ORDINANCES. 4'' W 94.08' 69.02' 72.77' 69.14' 3. THE ORDER OF COMPLETION OF PHASES SHALL BE FURTHER REFINED WITH A FINAL SITE PLAN AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO CITY ROAD G ROAD E ROAD F PHASE C PHASE D PHASE J REVIEW AND APPROVAL. PHASE B 50.00' PHASE A 4. UTILITY PHASING WILL BE PROVIDED AND COORDINATED WITH CITY UTILITY DEPARTMENT WITH THE FINAL SITE PLAN. ALL NEW CITY 6.00' UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE SHOULD BE INSTALLED, TESTED AND 6.00' (TYP.) ROAD A PHASE 1 (TYP.) ACCEPTED PRIOR TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 5. A MINIMUM OF 1.00 ACRE OF OPEN SPACE SHALL BE DEDICATED IN PHASE 1. AT LEAST 25% TOTAL OPEN SPACE ARE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH EACH PHASE THEREAFTER. 8'' W 4'' W PHASE F PHASE G PHASE E ROAD I ROAD B ROAD H ROAD D 55.68' 69.00' 65.50' PHASE H PHASE I 24.00' ROAD J PHASE 1D PHASE 1E 22.00' PHASE K PHASE L 4'' W 23.90' PHASE 2 ROAD C PHASE N PHASE O PHASE M PHASING PLAN SCALE 1"=80' PAGE 5 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 80' 160' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021; OCTOBER 8, 2021 NG AVENEUNOTE #11) Attachment B H R/W (SE COORDINATE TIE-IN TO SHED EXISTING WATERLINE WITH RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL ONC. S APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT = 5' CITYCUTILITIES DEPT. APPROX. HEIGHT = 3' TIE TO EXIST. WATERLINE E APPROX. HEIGHT = 5' IN MORGAN COURT 8'' W OHU LOT 45 4'' W LOT 29 LOT 40 LOT 22 S LOT 8 LOT 15 LOT 1 W 15 24' S LOT 46 24' 5 S LOT 30 LOT 41 LOT 23 LOT 16 S LOT 9 LOT 55 LOT 2 LOT 47 OPEN 24' LOT 31 LOT 42 24' LOT 24 SPACE C LOT 10 LOT 17 LOT 56 LOT 3 520 BIO W 505 500 5 49 W 49 0 W W 510 5 22' 0 OHU W 48 W 475 48 8'' W 0 30' W W 47 65 0 515 4 46 4'' W 22' S SAN 455 30' W 0 S SAN 45 W S 5 51 SAN LOT 57 LOT 48 LOT 18 LOT 25 LOT 32 LOT 11 450 C&G LOT 4 LOT 58 LOT 49 24' 24' LOT 19 LOT 26 LOT 33 LOT 5 LOT 12 W SAN OHU LOT 50 LOT 59 LOT 34 LOT 27 8'' W LOT 13 LOT 20 S LOT 6 4'' W LOT 60 W S LOT 51 LOT 35 LOT 21 LOT 28 LOT 7 LOT 14 BIORETENTION #2 OPEN SPACE A 2,056 CF 20' X OPEN 505 500 SPACE B SAN WIRE FENCE 5 RETAINING WALL 49 0 49 485 APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT =6' SHED LOT 36 0 480 51 W OHU LOT 52 LOT 61 C&G 5 LOT 37 24' 47 UTILITY NOTES: SAN 1. 20' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL PROPOSED PUBLIC UTILITIES. WHERE UTILITIES LIE LOT 53 LOT 62 4'' W VARIA W WITHIN 10' OF PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY, ADJACENT EASEMENT MUST BE PROVIDED TO PROVIDE 10' WORK SPACE ON 470 EITHER SIDE OF UTILITY. LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 STRIW 2. THE LOCATION OF PROPOSED STREET TREES SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH CITY UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TO ENSURE LOT 63 BLE LOT 54 465 ADEQUATE SPACING FROM PROPOSED UTILITIES IS MAINTAINED. BLINGR/W (SEE N 3. PER CITY CODE, PROPOSED BUILDINGS SHALL PROVIDE FOR AT LEAST 10-FEET SEPARATION FROM PROPOSED AND LOT 39 IDTH EXISTING UTILITIES. 5 4. GAS SERVICE IS NOT ANTICIPATED AT THIS TIME. 0 50 46 W AVEN OTE #11 W 22'W 0 50 30' 495 SAN UE S KEY MAP LEGEND SAN S TIE TO EXIST. WATERLINE IN MORGAN COURT PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE S 4'' W 20' ) PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE 0 49 SAN PARCEL 'B' PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE S CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH WITHIN 15' PUBLIC RETAINING WALL PROPOSED WATER LINE 485 W SA N ACCESS EASEMENT. APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN SCALE 1"=50' PAGE 6 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 LOT 42 LOT 47 Attachment OPEN B LOT 31 SPACE C LOT 56 KEY MAP BIORETENTION #1 500 3,213 CF 5 49 W 49 0 W W 5 22' 0 S 48 475 48 0 30' 47 65 0 4 46 W S SAN 455 W 0 45 W S LOT 64 SAN LOT 57 LOT 48 LOT 32 450 LOT 65 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 33 S W W SAN 0 SAN LOT 66 45 LOT 50 LOT 59 TREE PRESERVATION LOT 34 EASEMENT 5 395 39 0 40 5 SAN 0 LOT 67 5 LOT 60 40 0 41 41 5 BIORETENTION #3 S W 42 0 42 LOT 51 5 43 0 43 LOT 35 5,663 CF 5 44 44 OPEN SPACE A BIORETENTION #2 2,056 CF 20' S OPEN 500 SPACE B D SAN 5 D 49 0 49 485 24' LOT 36 480 LOT 68 LOT 71 W W LOT 61 S LOT 52 5 LOT 37 24' 47 PROPOSED STORMWATER PROPOSED LOT 72 STORAGE FACILITY STORMWATER SAN SAN LOT 69 SAN LOT 53 LOT 62 250 LF - 72" CMP OUTFALL 400 W 470 LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 70 LOT 73 OPEN LOT 54 LOT 63 SPACE C 465 LOT 39 0 W 46 W W 22'W 28' 0 50 S 455 30' S SAN 495 S SAN SAN S 450 SAN 5 ZONE AE 40 RETAINING WALL ZONE X 20' 20' MAX HEIGHT = 6.5' CITY STD. TR-1 10' 5 44 0 SHARED USE PATH 49 PARCEL 'B' 0 PARCEL 'C' WITHIN 15' PUBLIC PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM 44 CONDOMINIUM ACCESS EASEMENT. CITY STD. TR-1 10' 35 CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL 4 WITHIN 15' PUBLIC APPROX. HEIGHT = 4' ACCESS EASEMENT. 485 APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' 0 43 S 5 42 480 LEGEND 420 N SA CITY STD. TR-1 10' 415 475 TREE PRESERVATION SHARED USE PATH PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE S N EASEMENT SA WITHIN 15' PUBLIC 410 U OH 470 ACCESS EASEMENT. PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE S SAN SA N 465 SS AN SAN PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE SAN SAN SAN S SAN SAN S S PROPOSED WATER LINE W CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 460 SCALE 1"=50' PAGE 7 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 Attachment B ROADS E, F, G, H, I, J PRIVATE STREET NOTE: STREETS E-J MEET ACCESS DESIGN 44.5' STANDARDS FOR TOWNHOMES PER CITY (BUILDING TO BUILDING) ZONING ORDINANCE SEC. 34-390. 37.5' RIGHT OF WAY 0.5' C/L 5' 4' PLANTING 2' SIDWALK STRIP CG-2 12' 12' 3' 5' 0.5' 0.5' 2% ROLL-TOP CURB ROADS A, AND C LOCAL STREET - PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 52' RIGHT OF WAY C/L 5' 5' 2.5' 10' 10' 8' PARKING 5.5' 5' 0.5' 0.5' 2% 2% CONC. SIDEWALK 2.5' CONC. SIDEWALK PLANTING STRIP CG-6 CURB PLANTING STRIP ROAD B LOCAL STREET - PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 46' RIGHT OF WAY C/L 5' 5' 2.5' 10' 10' 2.5' 5' 5' 0.5' 0.5' 2% 2% CONC. SIDEWALK CONC. SIDEWALK PLANTING STRIP CG-6 CURB PLANTING STRIP PROPOSED ROAD SECTIONS PAGE 8 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 Attachment B ROAD D (NORTH OF ROAD A) LOCAL STREET - PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 45.5' RIGHT OF WAY C/L 5' 5' 2.5' 10' 10' 2.5' 4.5' 5' 0.5' 0.5' 2% 2% CONC. SIDEWALK CONC. SIDEWALK PLANTING STRIP CG-6 CURB PLANTING STRIP ROAD D (SOUTH OF ROAD A) LOCAL STREET - PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 42.5' RIGHT OF WAY 0.5' C/L 5' 4' PLANTING SIDWALK STRIP CG-2 10' 10' 3' 4' 5' 0.5' 2% 0.5' 2% CONC. SIDEWALK PLANTING STRIP ROLL-TOP CURB PROPOSED ROAD SECTIONS PAGE 9 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 Attachment B NOTE: NO CULTURAL FEATURES OR LANDMARKS WERE FOUND ON SITE. ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES PAGE 10 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 NG AVENEUNOTE #11) Attachment B H R/W (SE SCREENING SHED TREES (TYP.) RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL CONC. S APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT = 5' APPROX. HEIGHT = 3' TIE TO EXIST. WATERLINE E APPROX. HEIGHT = 5' IN MORGAN COURT 8'' W OHU LOT 45 4'' W LOT 29 LOT 40 LOT 22 S LOT 8 LOT 15 LOT 1 W 15 S LOT 46 5 S LOT 30 LOT 41 LOT 23 LOT 16 S LOT 9 LOT 55 LOT 2 LOT 47 OPEN LOT 31 LOT 42 LOT 24 SPACE C LOT 10 LOT 17 LOT 56 LOT 3 520 STREET W TREES (TYP.) 505 500 5 49 W 49 0 W W 510 5 0 OHU W 48 W 475 48 8'' W W STREET 0 5 W 47 46 0 515 46 4'' W TREES (TYP.) S SAN 455 W 0 S SAN 45 W S 5 51 SAN LOT 57 LOT 48 LOT 18 LOT 25 LOT 32 LOT 11 450 C&G LOT 4 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 19 LOT 26 LOT 33 LOT 5 LOT 12 W SAN OHU STREET LOT 50 LOT 59 LOT 34 TREES (TYP.) LOT 27 8'' W LOT 13 LOT 20 S LOT 6 4'' W LOT 60 W S OPEN SPACE A LOT 51 LOT 35 LOT 21 LOT 28 LOT 7 LOT 14 X SHADE TREES OPEN 505 500 (TYP.) SPACE B SAN WIRE FENCE 5 RETAINING WALL 49 0 49 485 APPROX. MAX. HEIGHT =6' SHED LOT 36 0 480 51 W OHU LOT 52 LOT 61 C&G 5 LOT 37 47 NOTES: SAN LOT 53 LOT 62 4'' W VARIA W SCREENING 470 1. THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) SHALL BE IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMITY TO THIS PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN, SUBJECT TO CHANGES AND REVISIONS COINCIDENT WITH THE LAND USE PLANNING, CIVIL ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, TREES (TYP.) LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 STRIW AND, REGULATORY APPROVAL PROCESS, WHICH WILL RESULT IN SOME PLAN MODIFICATION. LOT 63 BLE 2. SIDEWALKS 5' MINIMUM WIDTH AS SHOWN. LOT 54 465 3. PLANTING STRIPS BETWEEN ROAD AND SIDEWALK 4' MINIMUM EXCEPT ADJACENT TO PARALLEL PARKING. ALL TREES TO BE BLINGR/W (SEE N LOT 39 IDTH SELECTED FROM THE CHARLOTTESVILLE MASTER TREE LIST. 4. ARTERIAL TRAIL PRECISE LOCATION TO BE FIELD LOCATED IN COORDINATION WITH PARKS AND RECREATION. 5 0 50 46 STREET TREES (TYP.) W AVEN OTE #11 W W 0 50 PLANTING SCHEDULE 495 SAN UE S SAN 10" OAK KEY MAP QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MINIMUM INSTALLED SIZE ROOT CANOPY AREA TOTAL S 54 QUERCUS PHELLOS WILLOW OAK 2" CAL. B&B 370 19,980 4'' W ) 51 LIRIODNEDRON TULIPIFERA TULIP POPLAR 2'' CAL. B&B 387 19,737 0 49 PARCEL 'B' 72 MTRICA CERIFERA & CVS SOUTHERN WAXMYRTLE 2'' CAL. B&B 44 3,168 PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM S CITY STD. TR-1 10' CONDOMINIUM 9 OSTRYA VIRGINIANA AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM 2'' CAL. B&B 99 891 SHARED USE PATH WITHIN 15' PUBLIC RETAINING WALL CANOPY GRAND TOTAL SA N 43,644 ACCESS EASEMENT. 485 APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE 1"=50' PAGE 11 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021; OCTOBER 8, 2021 LOT 42 LOT 47 Attachment OPEN B LOT 31 SPACE C LOT 56 KEY MAP TREE PRESERVATION 10" OAK AREA 500 5 49 W 49 0 W W 5 0 S 48 475 48 0 D D 47 65 0 4 46 W S SAN 455 W 0 45 W S LOT 64 SAN LOT 57 LOT 48 LOT 32 450 LOT 65 LOT 58 LOT 49 LOT 33 S W W SAN 0 SAN LOT 66 45 STREET LOT 50 LOT 59 TREE PRESERVATION LOT 34 TREES (TYP.) EASEMENT 5 395 39 0 40 5 SAN 0 LOT 67 5 LOT 60 40 0 41 41 5 S W 42 0 42 LOT 51 5 43 OPEN SPACE A 0 43 LOT 35 5 44 44 WILDFLOWER AND S SHADE TREES OPEN MEADOW GRASS MIX 500 (TYP.) SPACE B D SAN 5 D 49 0 49 485 LOT 36 480 LOT 68 LOT 71 W W LOT 61 S LOT 52 5 LOT 37 47 LOT 72 SAN SAN LOT 69 SAN LOT 53 LOT 62 400 W ENING 470 S (TYP.) LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 70 LOT 73 OPEN LOT 54 LOT 63 SPACE C 465 LOT 39 0 W 46 STREET TREES (TYP.) W W W 0 50 S 455 S SAN 495 S SAN SAN S 450 SAN 5 ZONE AE 40 RETAINING WALL ZONE X MAX HEIGHT = 6.5' CITY STD. TR-1 10' 5 44 0 SHARED USE PATH 49 PARCEL 'B' 0 PARCEL 'C' WITHIN 15' PUBLIC PARCEL 'A' CONDOMINIUM 44 CONDOMINIUM TREE ACCESS EASEMENT. CITY STD. TR-1 10' 35 PRESERVATION CONDOMINIUM SHARED USE PATH RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL 4 WITHIN 15' PUBLIC APPROX. HEIGHT = 4' AREA ACCESS EASEMENT. 485 APPROX. HEIGHT = 10' 0 43 S PLANTING SCHEDULE 5 42 QTY BOTANICAL NAME 480 COMMON NAME MINIMUM INSTALLED SIZE ROOT CANOPY AREA TOTAL NOTES: 420 N SA 19,980 THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) SHALL BE IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMITYCITY STD. PUDTR-1 10' 54 QUERCUS PHELLOS WILLOW OAK 2" CAL. B&B 370 1. TO THIS DEVELOPMENT PLAN, 415 475 TREE PRESERVATION SUBJECT TO CHANGES SHARED AND REVISIONS COINCIDENT WITH THE LAND USE PLANNING, USE PATHARCHITECTURE, CIVIL ENGINEERING, N EASEMENT SA AND, REGULATORY APPROVAL PROCESS, WHICH WILL RESULT IN SOME PLAN MODIFICATION. WITHIN 15' PUBLIC 410 51 LIRIODNEDRON TULIPIFERA TULIP POPLAR 2'' CAL. B&B 387 19,737 U OH 470 2. SIDEWALKS 5' MINIMUM WIDTH AS SHOWN. ACCESS EASEMENT. S 72 MTRICA CERIFERA & CVS SOUTHERN WAXMYRTLE 2'' CAL. B&B 44 3,168 3. PLANTING STRIPS BETWEEN ROAD AND SIDEWALK 4' MINIMUM EXCEPT ADJACENT TO PARALLEL PARKING. ALL TREES TO BE SA N 465 SELECTED FROM THE CHARLOTTESVILLE MASTER TREE SN SALIST. SAN 9 OSTRYA VIRGINIANA AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM 2'' CAL. B&B 99 891 4. ARTERIAL TRAIL PRECISE SAN LOCATION TO BE FIELD LOCATED IN COORDINATION WITH PARKS AND RECREATION. SAN SAN S SAN SAN S S CANOPY GRAND TOTAL 43,644 LANDSCAPE PLAN 460 SCALE 1"=50' PAGE 12 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021; OCTOBER 8, 2021 NG AVENEUNOTE #11) Attachment B H R/W (SE SHED CONC. S TIE TO EXIST. WATERLINE E IN MORGAN COURT 8'' W OHU 4'' W S W S S S W W W W OHU W W 8'' W W W 4'' W S S SAN W SAN W S SAN C&G CONCEPTUAL TIE IN LOCATION FOR ELECTRIC AND TELECOM SERVICE. TIE-IN LOCATION AND METHOD TO BE COORDINATED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND APPLICABLE W SAN OHU ELECTRIC AND DRY TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDERS. 8'' W S 4'' W W S X SAN WIRE FENCE SHED W OHU C&G SAN 4'' W VARIA W STRIBIDTH R/W ( BLE W DRY UTILITY NOTES: 1. DRY UTILITIES SHOWN ARE CONCEPTUAL. FINAL DRY UTILITY LAYOUT AND DESIGN SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND LING APPLICABLE ELECTRIC AND TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDERS. 2. DRY UTILITIES WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PLACED IN A DUCT W AVENE NOTE #11 BANK PER CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE STANDARDS AND DESIGN MANUAL. W W SE SAN UE S KEY MAP SAN S TIE TO EXIST. WATERLINE IN MORGAN COURT LEGEND 4'' W ) PROPOSED ELECTRIC AND TELECOM SERVICE PROPOSED ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER S N SA CONCEPTUAL DRY UTILITY PLAN SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 13 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 Attachment B KEY MAP W W W S SAN S W W W S SAN S W W SAN SAN SAN S W S D SAN D W W S SAN SAN SAN W W W W W S S SAN S SAN SAN S SAN ZONE AE ZONE X S N SA DRY UTILITY NOTES: LEGEND 1. DRY UTILITIES SHOWN ARE CONCEPTUAL. FINAL DRY UTILITY N PROPOSED ELECTRIC AND SA LAYOUT AND DESIGN SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY OF U TELECOM SERVICE OH CHARLOTTESVILLE AND APPLICABLE ELECTRIC AND TELECOM S N SERVICE APROVIDERS. SSN PROPOSED ELECTRICSTRANSFORMER AN SA 2. DRY UTILITIES WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PLACED IN SAN A DUCT BANK PER CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE SAN STANDARDS AND SAN S SAN SAN S DESIGN MANUAL. S CONCEPTUAL DRY UTILITY PLAN SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 14 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 83 NAD 0 50' 100' REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 Attachment B MATRIX OF USE TYPES PAGE 15 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 Attachment B A = ANCILLARY USE MFD = MULTIFAMILY DEVELOPMENT B = BY RIGHT USE P = PROVISIONAL USE PERMIT CR = COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL T = TEMPORARY USE PERMIT A/S = ANCILLARY OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT DUA = DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE GFA = GROSS FLOOR AREA MATRIX OF USE TYPES PAGE 16 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 Attachment B PROFFER CONDITIONS PAGE 17 OF 17 240 STRIBLING AVENUE - APRIL 28, 2020 REVISED: JUNE 11, 2021 Attachment B BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA IN RE: PETITION FOR REZONING (City Application No. ZM20-00002) STATEMENT OF FINAL PROFFER CONDITIONS For the 240 Stribling PUD Dated as of November 11, 2021 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE: The undersigned limited liability company is the owner of land (“Owner”) subject to the above-referenced rezoning petition (“Subject Property”). The Owner seeks to amend the current zoning of the Subject Property subject to certain voluntary development conditions set forth below. In connection with this rezoning application, the Owner seeks approval of a PUD as set forth within a Development Plan for a planned unit development to be known as the “240 Stribling Avenue PUD”, said PUD Development Plan being dated April 28, 2020, Revised October 8, 2021, containing 17 pages, total, submitted with the Owner’s Rezoning Application. The Owner hereby proffers and agrees that if the Subject Property is rezoned as requested, the Subject Property will be developed in general accordance with, and the Owner will abide by, the approved 240 Stribling Avenue PUD Development Plan, and that the Subject Property shall also be subject to the following conditions: 1. The Owner shall establish affordable housing within the Subject Property, as follows: a. For the purposes of this Proffer, the term “Affordable Dwelling Unit” means a dwelling unit reserved for occupancy by a household that pays no more than thirty percent (30%) of its gross income for housing costs, including utilities, provided that the annual gross income of the household/occupant is sixty percent (60%) or less than of the Area Median Income (AMI) for the City of Charlottesville, as said AMI is established annually by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). b. Fifteen percent (15%) of all dwelling units constructed within the area of the Subject Property shall be Affordable Dwelling Units (“Required Affordable Dwelling Units”). The Required Affordable Dwelling Units shall be identified on a layout plan, by unit, prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for a residential unit within the PUD (“Initial Designation”). The Owner reserves the right, from time to time after the Initial Designation, and subject to approval by the City, to change the unit(s) reserved as Affordable Dwelling Units, and the City’s approval shall not unreasonably be withheld so long as a proposed change does not reduce the number of Required Affordable Dwelling Units and does not result in an Affordability Period shorter than required by these proffers with respect to any of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units. i. Thirty percent (30%) or more of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units shall be reserved for rental to low- and moderate-income households (“Rental Affordable Dwelling Units”). Each of the Rental Affordable Dwelling Units shall be reserved as such throughout a period of at least ten (10) years from the date on which the unit receives a certificate of occupancy from the City’s building official (“Rental Affordability Period”). All Rental Affordable Dwelling Units shall be administered in accordance with City regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of City Code 34-12(g) as such regulations are in effect on the date of Owner’s signature, below. For the purposes of this section and section 1.b.ii. below, if City regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of City Code 34-12(g) are amended by the City after the date of Owner’s signature, below, the Owner may elect in writing to the Zoning Administrator to instead by bound by the amended regulations. ii. Thirty percent (30%) or more of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units shall be reserved for ownership by low- and moderate-income households (“For-Sale Affordable Dwelling Units”), throughout a period of thirty (30) years from the date on which the unit receives a certificate of occupancy from the City’s building official. The For-Sale Affordable Units shall be administered in accordance with City regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of City Code 34-12(g), as such regulations are in effect on the date of Owner’s signature, below. During construction the For-Sale Affordable Dwelling Units shall be Attachment B constructed incrementally, such that at least 5 Affordable Dwelling Units shall be either completed or under construction pursuant to a City-issued building permit, prior to the issuance of every 30th Building Permit for non-affordable for-sale dwelling units. iii. On or before July 1 of each calendar year the then current owner of each Required Affordable Dwelling Unit shall submit an Annual Report to the City, identifying each Required Affordable Dwelling Unit by address and location, and verifying the Household Income of the occupant of each Required Affordable Dwelling Unit. c. The land use obligations referenced in 1.b.i, 1.b.ii, and 1.b.iii shall be set forth within one or more written declarations of covenants recorded within the land records of the Charlottesville Circuit Court, in a form approved by the Office of the City Attorney, so that the Owner’s successors in right, title and interest to the Subject Property shall have notice of and be bound by the obligations. In the event of re-sale of any of the Required Affordable Dwelling Units that reduces the number of Required Affordable Dwelling Units below the thresholds set forth in this proffer, the declaration of covenants shall provide a mechanism to ensure that an equivalent Affordable Dwelling Unit is created within the City of Charlottesville, either on or off of the Subject Property, that satisfies the requirements contained herein for the remainder of the Affordability Period. WHEREFORE, the undersigned Owner stipulates and agree that the use and development of the Subject Property shall be in conformity with the conditions hereinabove stated, and requests that the Subject Property be rezoned as requested, in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Charlottesville. Respectfully submitted this 11th day of November, 2021. Applicant: Address: 142 South Pantops Drive Belmont Station, LLC Charlottesville, VA 22911 By:______________________________ Its Member, Charles Armstrong S:\103\45193-240_Stribling_Ave\DWG\Sheet\CD\45193-L1.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN.dwg | Plotted on 7/21/2022 6:40 PM | by Kevin Flynn 5/8" WATER METER HYDRANT 5/8" WATER METER OH U 4'' W 5/8" WATER METER OHU 4'' W 8'' W 8'' W 8'' W OHU &G 5/8" WATER METER 4'' W 51 S T CR 516 8'' W 51 5 4 I B L R 51 OHU L1.1 51 O 5 I N G 4'' W 512 3 D 510 W512 A V E (S ) 123 5/8" WATER METER 551511 5/8" WATER METER 551110 N U E 510 CONC. 4'' W 511 511 C&G 4'' W 510 ROAD 'A' W 5 52' PUBLIC R/W L1.3 51 509 3.5' X 3.5' WATER VAULT 508 ROAD 'H' ROAD 'E' 512 510 509 508 511 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 508 509 510 511 S S S 507 520 10" OAK 506 W 505 TMP 18A-26 ZONING: PUD INST. 20160000545 504 ZONING: R-2 McMURTRY, TRUSTEES 238 STRIBLING AVENUE TMP 18A-24-2 50 TMP 18A-24 ZONING: R-2 50 55110 0 INST. 2013006103 JIAN GUO ZHENG 9 510 INST. 2014000085 509 511 8 ZONING: R-2 SAN 252 STRIBLING AVENUE TMP 18A-24-1 FRANCES W. LARNER 254 STRIBLING AVENUE INST. 2013003962 JAMES M. McMURTRY AND CYNTHIA T. 51 0 256 STRIBLING AVENUE 503 515 510 PIEDMONT REALTY HOLDINGS I,LLC 509 508 502 507 506 505 W X S 504 501 50 3 T MATTMP 76B-2 H -17 564 EW J. F DB. 4 NOB CIR ELLER 633, PG.3 CLE ZONIN 52 (A C) S G: R-2 S (10) JB (76) IS (6) PS 510 500 ROAD 'I' ROAD 'F' 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 50 50 S S S 5 0 5 50 504 503 502 501 N 0 01 SA 50 5 499 498 S TP 480 497505 505 W 496 TP 50 TP 49 5 0 TP 495 490 502 01 485 TP 5 500 500 494 50909 4 TP N 480 ZONING: R-2 TMP 76B-2-22 49 SAN 520 NOB CIRCLE 7 SA 498 498 498 493 DB. 4803, PG.528 (AC) 499 475 500 BAOMIN WANG and HUI ZHAO 50 499 0 492 500 4 490 5 T 485 49 4 97 491 HUN TLEY MP 18A-1 OF C 3 49 HARL 9 4996 OTTE 5 4 5 135 M LTD O SVIL LE, 4 94 PHAS RGAN CO E 2, L URT 490 ZONIN O 481 G: PUT 14 47 TP D 4993 TP 0 482 2 0 44991 4 9 4 890 489 TP 48495 W 49 2 0 N 48 SA S S 46 S 84 ROAD 'B' SAN SAN 48 48 49 5 481 46' PUBLIC R/W 48 48 T 48 ROAD 'G' 0 485 9 HUNT 1 5 483 484 486 485 487 488 88 482 LEY O MP 18A-140 F 492 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 9 8 490 489 491 W W 137 M CHARLOT 465 OR TE 480 485 470 PHAS GAN COU SVILLE, LT 475 E R D 487 ZONIN 2, LOT 15 T G: P U D 480 48 S 460 ZONING: R-2 4086 TMP 76B-2-37 NOB NOB, LLC DB.4662, PG.124 (AC) 479 460 485 478 480 484 TP HUNT TM TP LEY O P 18A-141 W F CHA 483 RLOT (2) JB (4) PS TESV ROAD 'A' (25) IS 139 M LTD ILLE, OR 480 52' PUBLIC R/W PHAS GAN COU 477 E 2, LO RT T 475 ZONIN G: PU 16 455 482 D TP 47 SAN 9 476 490 455 481 477 476 48 47 475 475 W 7 474 480 8 SAN 474 472473 479 480 47 HUN T 0 LEY TMP 1 477 473 478 OF 8A-1 CH 42 0 TP 141 LT ARLO 479 478 477 PHA MORG D TTE SE AN SVIL 45 LE, 472 477 ZON 2, LO COUR 450 ING T 17 T : PU & 18 D 46 ROAD 'C' 471 476 5 52' PUBLIC R/W 476 470 475 ZONING: R-2 475 TMP 76B-2-46 W MAURY F. SHIELDS 474 DB.1147, PG.113 (AC) TP TP 469 473 4 74 445 46 0 472 465 445 468 471 TP SAN S 470 473 47 W 5 47 R 467 45 2 5 Attachment C 45 S S D 460 5 0 SAN SAN ROAD 'D' ) 44 (WIDTH VARIES) PUBLIC R/W 4 46 O 46 466 W W W W 46 46 46 46 47 8 470 471 (S466 465 469 468 7 467 6 9 70 7 8 1 440 TM MAURP 76B-2-48 Y F. S DB.114 HIELD 465 7, S TP 470 ZONINPG.113 (A G: R-2 C) 0 464 45 TP SAN 463 TP 435 W TP 462 TP 435 465 W TMP 461 469 MAR 76B-2-5 46 DB.476TIN QUAR 0 8 HU 9, LES D46 47 NT 46 ZONINPG.740 (A 460 471 G: R-2 C) 0 9 4676 46 46 46 ZO M SAN 8 AS 7 6 5 459 E 0 LEY TM P G: A 446654 45 AN 0 46 TP T D 458 142 OF CH 18A-1 46 463 4 1 PU 19 PH ORG RLOT4 T 43 2 46 462 C ES T 430 457 460 NIN 2, LO OUR VILLE , LT TP 456 D LOT 5, 462 B NOB LOCK 3 461 ZONIN HILL SA G: R-2 5 455 460 0 SN 45 TP 42 459 4 458 W 45554 457 TP 420 456 455 W 453 454 D 425 450 445 45 3 LOT 7, B NOB LOCK 3 450 452 ZONIN HILL 45 G: R-2 S S 2 45 SAN 2 ROAD 'J' 5 37.5' PRIVATE R/W 44 451 W W 44 5 TP 450 451 TP SAN LOT 9, 0 B 44 NOB LOCK 5 449 ZONIN HILL 420 TP G: R-2 448 44 ROAD 'C' S 0 52' PUBLIC R/W SAN TP NT 447 5 TP NIN TM 44 43 6 HU HUN P 18 449 450 LE TLEYA-46 43 G: PMON ZO Y COM , LLC 5 41 5 UD ARE 42 A 451 42 0 4 45451 43 5 0 0 43 4444474849 0 6 5 43 445 D 43 SAN 0 TP S TP 5 415 S 42 TP TP 42 D 5 0 TMP 18A-25 ±11.373 ACRES 42 TP DB.2021, PG. 3119 240 STRIBLING AVENUE 440 BELMONT STATION, LLC 5 41 TP 435 420 430 0 TP 41 TMP 76B-1 TP 425 ZONING: R-2 410 SAN 415 420 5 ZONE X 40 MAURY F. SHIELDS DB.1147, PG.113 (AC) 415 S TP 240 STRIBLING AVENUE TP ZONE AE TP D 410 S TP TP 0 405 5 40 40 S S S SA S N SSAN SAN TP P IP 395 E SAN TP (F "A" S ) OH TP U U TP TP OH 40 2 TP 1 40 TP 400 5 39 0 L1.2 MOORE'S U 40 OH U CREEK OH 395 0 R O D (S ) 395 0 40 OH U "B" 50' L1.4 SCALE 1"=50' 3 D8 NA 100' EXISTING TREE COVER TO REMAIN105,859 SF NO THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE T YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. CHARLOTTESVILLE OFFICE 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA 22903 FO TEL 434.295.5624 FAX 434.295.8317 R CO DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION NS 07/22/2022 240 STRIBLING AVENUE TR DATE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE SCALE L1.0 JOB NO. 1"=50' DRAWN BY SHEET NO. J. BONDI J. BONDI 45193 UC CHECKED BY 7/22/2022 DESIGNED BY M. RACHNER OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN TI O These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not N limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP.