CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE Department of Neighborhood Development Services City Hall Post Office Box 911 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Telephone 434-970-3182 Fax 434-970-3359 September 24, 2018 TO: Charlottesville Planning Commission, Neighborhood Associations & News Media Please Take Notice A Work Session of the Charlottesville Planning Commission will be held on Tuesday October 2, 2018 at 5:00pm in the NDS Conference Room (610 East Market Street) AGENDA 1. East High Streetscape Presentation 2. 2018 Comprehensive Plan a. Plans for Land Use Chapter b. Survey Status c. Review of Draft chapters (Transportation, Economy, Environment) 3. Public Comment cc: City Council Mike Murphy Alexander Ikefuna Planners Jeff Werner, Camie Mess Stacy Pethia, Tierra Howard, Lisa Robertson City of Charlottesville Planning Commission October 2, 2018 Tonight’s Agenda Agenda Process/Schedule Public Engagement Overview Conceptual Design Review Review for Comprehensive Plan Consistency Next Steps Process/Schedule Project Overview Total Budget: $5.59 Million  Funded in 2016 through (Not including potential underground utility betterment)  Multimodal improvements including:  Wider sidewalks, bike lanes, landscaping, ADA and pedestrian improvements, wayfinding and signal upgrades.  Evaluate undergrounding overhead utilities  E. Market Street  From 7th Street to 9th Street  9th Street  From E. Market Street to E. High Street  E. High Street  From 9th Street to 10th Street  City hires Kimley-Horn for design. Connection to Belmont Bridge Replacement Connection to Belmont Bridge Replacement Strategic Investment Area (SIA Plan)  Purpose of the SIA Plan “To initiate a transformational process to engage stakeholders, city staff, and members of the greater community in the future of the Strategic Investment Area.”  To provide guidance for future redevelopment and investment in the area  To provide guidance for improvements to affordable housing, including existing public and assisted housing  To provide guidance for improved connections throughout the area  To provide recommend strategies for expanding employment opportunities within the SIA Process/Schedule We are here! Public Engagement Overview Steering Committee • David Katz Belmont Carlton Neighborhood Association • Lena Seville Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee • Rosamond Casey Little High Neighborhood Association • Greg Jackson Little High Neighborhood Association • Eberhard Jehle Martha Jefferson Neighborhood Association • Michael Wheelwright North Downtown Neighborhood Association • Lisa Green Planning Commission and Entrance Corridor • Brian Menard Tree Commission • Carl Schwarz Board or Architectural Review • Chris Henry PLACE Committee Website - Outreach & Engagement Since March 2018 1,000+ touch points 17,500+ individual data points 500+ written comments Steering Committee Meeting #1 Key Takeaways Streetscape Summit o Overall, pedestrian facilities and multimodal MetroQuest Survey mobility is a priority Future Steering Committee Meetings o Desire to provide a safe and walkable street that Open House enhances neighborhood connections Presentations to Boards & Commissions o Utilize design features and proposed amenities to enhance the overall environment for all users Public Hearing Steering Committee Meeting #1 Common Themes and Key Takeaways • Key Words | safety, gateway, walkable Expectations • Strengths | location, connections travel options, connectivity, land use/design • Challenges | traffic, balancing modes How would you rank the topics? How important is the topic? • Priorities 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 1. Pedestrian Facilities Pedestrian Facilities 1 4.8 Landscaping 3 4.5 2. Landscaping Bicycle Facilities 2 4.3 3. Bicycle Facilities Signage & Wayfinding 6 4.0 4. Traffic and Traffic & Travel Speeds 4 4.0 Travel Speeds Other (utilities/stormwater) 8 4.0 Bus Stops & Amenities 7 3.8 Lighting 5 3.8 Public Art & Branding 9 2.9 Streetscape Summit Information Wall One Word Priority Pyramid Thought Wall Strong Places/Weak Places Visual Preference Street Builder Walkabouts Streetscape Summit Common Themes and Key Takeaways • Key Words | safe, pedestrian-friendly, welcoming • Priorities 1. Pedestrian Facilities Same priorities as the Steering Committee 2. Landscaping MQ participants had these in the top 5 3. Bicycle Facilities with Lighting also included 4. Traffic and Travel Speeds • Preferred Features | buffered bike lanes, high-visibility crosswalks, trees • Other | Lexington / High intersection frequently mentioned as an issue MetroQuest Survey 530 participants Common Themes and Key Takeaways 13,495 individual data points 380 written comments • Many comments used words such as simple, 4/18 to 5/31 survey period functional, aesthetic, and accessible to describe the ideal streetscape. How they use Relationship with • Most people prioritize design features that the corridor. Drive the corridor. 337 directly relate to the movement of people 300 Walk (regardless of mode). Ancillary investments 268 265 240 such as branding, public art, and wayfinding 200 typically rated lower. Bike 100 • Enhanced design requests typically focused 106 on buffering bicyclists and pedestrians from 0 traffic. Live Work Nearby Downtown Open House Common Themes and Key Takeaways • Opinions differed on whether to allocate space to bicyclists (bike lane and bike lane buffer) or landscaping (planting strip). • Pedestrian crossings are important, particularly at East Jefferson Street. • Support given to limiting access at Lexington Avenue (left-in/right-in/right-out). • Support given to limiting access at the CFA Institute, however several comments expressed a lack of opinion. Conceptual Design Review Refined Alternative Refined Alternative ~ EAST HIGH STREETSCAPE I _ .. s:CTION A rvtARKET ST SET\l'/EEN STH ST. ANO 7TH ST. SECTI O ~J 0 - EAST HIGH ST. BEJ\NEEN 91/2 ST. <~k..... /\NO CFA f.1- . . r'ntCAl$!:YIO'