CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE Department of Neighborhood Development Services City Hall Post Office Box 911 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Telephone 434-970-3182 Fax 434-970-3359 July 16, 2019 TO: Charlottesville Planning Commission, Neighborhood Associations & News Media Please Take Notice A Work Session of the Charlottesville Planning Commission will be held on Tuesday, July 23, 2019 at 5pm in the NDS Conference Room (610 East Market Street) AGENDA 1. Fontaine Avenue Streetscape 2. Public Comment cc: City Council Mike Murphy Alexander Ikefuna Planners Jeff Werner Lisa Robertson Fontaine Avenue Streetscape Improvements Planning Commission July 23, 2019 In Conjunction With Agenda ▪ Project Overview / Background ▪ Schedule and Process ▪ Overview of Public Outreach & Conceptual Design Development ▪ Review of Comprehensive Plan Consistency 2 Project Overview / Background Project Area ▪ Project Area as defined by the project SMARTSCALE application Evolution ▪ Previous Fontaine Ave Study in 2005 ▪ What Remains the Same • Context sensitive design for Fontaine Avenue • Transit, pedestrian-friendly, neighborhood orientation • Improving the “quality of life” and multimodal opportunities ▪ What is Different • State of the practice/New techniques • Charlottesville Transit Study – 2013 • Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan – 2015 • Streets That Work Plan – 2016 Evolution 2016 Streets That Work // Fontaine to Maury Designated Neighborhood “!” Evolution 2016 Streets That Work // Fontaine to Maury Designated Neighborhood “!” Draft Design Principles ased on the harlottesville’s ike/Ped Plan, Streets That Work Plan, and the VDOT Smart Scale Application ▪ Create a Complete Street • Improve pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities • Accommodate the needs of all travel modes ▪ Increase Safety and Comfort for Pedestrians and Bicyclists • Provide a buffer between roadway and facilities • Where feasible, provide physical separation for facilities ▪ Beautify the Corridor as a Gateway • Provide landscaping and hardscape materials that provide shade, comfort, safety, and increases the attractiveness of the gateway Fontaine Avenue Streetscape Improvements ▪ Regional and local benefits: • Improve access to:  US-29  UVA  University Health System • Connect to proposed bicycle and pedestrian facilities to Fontaine Research Park and beyond • Increase opportunities for walking, bicycling, and the use of other transit Project Budget ▪ PE (Survey, Environmental, Design)= $1,200,000 ▪ RW (Right of Way and Easement Acquisition, Utility Relocation = $3,700,000 ▪ CN (Construction, Oversight, Inspection, Contingencies) = $6,800,000 ▪ TOTAL PROPOSED PROJECT FUNDING = $11,700,000 ▪ Project Is Fully Funded Through Smartscale (HB2) Schedule and Process Initial Project Schedule CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT Fall 2018 – •Data Collection •Traffic Analysis Spring 2019 •Alternative Concepts PRELIMINARY DESIGN Spring 2019 •Refine Concepts •Prepare 30% Plans - Fall 2019 •Agency Review DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Fall 2019 – •Prepare 60% Plans Winter 2020 •Incorporate Feedback RIGHT OF WAY AND UTILITIES Winter 2019 •Request Right of Way Authorization – Winter •Utility Relocations •Easements 2020 FINAL DESIGN •Prepare 100% Plans Winter 2020 •Coordinate Bid Package – Fall 2021 •Final Agency Review •Request Authorization for Construction ADVERTISEMENT AND BIDDING •Advertise for Contractor Fall 2021 •Complete Bidding Process •Prepare Contract •Award Contract CONSTRUCTION PHASE Winter 2021 Meeting Updates ▪ 11/15/18 - Steering Committee Meeting #1 ▪ 1/31/19 - Public Information Meeting #1 ▪ 2/25/19 – Technical Committee Meeting #1 ▪ 2/28/19 - Steering Committee Meeting #2 ▪ 3/14/19 - PLACE Task Force Meeting #1 ▪ 3/25/19 - Steering Committee Meeting #3 ▪ 4/18/19 - Public Open House #2 ▪ 6/21/19 – Technical Committee Meeting #2 ▪ 7/11/19 – PLACE Task Force Meeting #2 ▪ 7/23/19 – Planning Commission Work Session Overview of Public Outreach & Concept Design Development Public Outreach ▪ Held 2 Public Meetings ▪ To Encourage Participation, Completed the Following Outreach: • Flyers to businesses along Fontaine Avenue • Flyers to UVA Housing • UVA bus advertisements • Message board in front of Fire Station (PCMS) • Direct mailings / E-mail • Social media Steering Committee #1 – Key Findings ▪ Goals: • Safety for all users alleviate congestion • Create a sense of place Opportunities ▪ Concerns: • Right of way and site limitations • Gap between City Limit and Research Park ▪ Opportunities: • Improve access management Concerns Goals • Stormwater management • Beautification / gateway to Charlottesville ▪ General: • On-street parking not a priority • Need to account for trash / deliveries Public Information Meeting #1 - Key Findings ▪ Common Feedback: • Safe pedestrian crossings at side streets • Add / widen sidewalks • Provide more green space • Preserve trees • Safe routes for bicycles Public Information Meeting #1 - Responses Importance of Future Conditions Sidewalk / Crosswalk Bike Lanes Vehicle Speeds Reduce Traffic Congestion Bus Stops Sense of Place Trail Connnections Additional Parking Least Important Most Important Steering Committee #2 – Streetscape Layout ▪ Key Feedback: • On-street parking is not a priority (Steering Committee consensus) • Focused on a typical section with dedicated bicycle lanes, preferably with a buffer, a landscape buffer strip and a sidewalk (minimum of 6’) • ! 4’ landscape buffer is not sufficient for most street trees Public Open House #2 - Responses INTEREST IN THE PROJECT: Public Open House #2 Student at UVA Commuter Renter/Tenant 0% 0% 9% Other 0% Interest in Project Percentage Employee in Rental Property Renter/Tenant 9 Study Area Owner Rental Property Owner 14 23% 14% Business Owner 14 Employee of UVA 14 Own Primary Residence 26 Employee in Study Area 23 Student at UVA 0 Commuter 0 Other 0 Business Owner 14% Own Primary Residence 26% Employee of UVA 14% Public Open House #2 - Responses HOW THE CORRIDOR IS UTILIZED CROSS FONTAINE BICYCLE ALONG (PEDESTRIAN OR ON-STREET FONTAINE BICYCLIST) PARKING PUBLIC TRANSIT WEEKLY 4 14 1 4 MONTHLY 6 6 6 5 YEARLY 5 4 1 7 NONE 13 7 23 16 Public Open House #2 - Responses Compiled Importance Bike Lanes Emergency Vehicle Access Wider Sidewalks Transit Drop Off / Pick Up Landscaped Buffer Between Curb Bike Lanes with Buffers Dedicated Turn Lanes On-Street Parking Least Important Most Important Fontaine _ Streetscape _ _ _ , Design Concepts: City Limits to Summit Street .... .,,._r:.-_ ~ NO LANDSCAPE BUFFER ~·!I I\ .... ~i~i (~~ 11 ,., ' r. :•• ••..... ...• - •• ····· , . ·-! , . - • f~ i " WITH LANDSCAPE BUFFER •l ~ I j • ~-: - - - - - - - - - -dw~- - - - - - j VIEWS LOOKING WEST Design Concepts: City Limits to Summit Street •.... . .. ••• :•• .•\ •• • ~ -.•• I··J• .. •• J • $ ...• • • - •• =1. • • •• ." II 111 - fl Fontaine _ Streetscape _ _ _ , Design Concepts: City Limits to Summit Street :•• •\ ••• • ••• • • .. •.... -.••..I··J •• J . • .. • $ •• - - . -. ...• • II • fl•• 111 • " ·····, a.a f ·-! , . - • f~ i I •l ~ ~-: I j • 1'---1 1--6' Sidewalk IT 1-- 5~11' Lane -i-11' Lane---+-r-::5'-t Bi~~ L ?' ?' _1 Bike 1 TI 6' -1 ~ 1' Sidewalk 6' Lane 2' . 2' . Lane 6' Landscape Buffer Stnp Buffer Stnp Landscape Buffer Buffer - - - - - - - - - 56' - - - - - - - - - Existing Right of Way - - - - - - - - - - - - 63' - - - - - - - - - - -- l Proposed Right of Way Fontaine _ Streetscape _ _ _ , Design Concepts: Summit Street to Lewis Street .... .,,._r:.-_ ~ NO LANDSCAPE BUFFER, NO PARKING ~ · !I I\ .... ~i~i (~~ 11 ,., ' r. ••..... ...• - •• LANDSCAPE BUFFER, NO PARKING ····· , a.a. f ·-! , . - • f~ i I •l ~ I j • LANDSCAPE BUFFER AND PARKING ~-: VIEWS LOOKING WEST Design Concepts: Summit Street to Lewis Street :•• ••..... ...• - •• Fontaine _ Streetscape _____, Design Concepts: Summit Street to Lewis Street .... .,,._r:.-_ ~ ~ · !I I\ .... ~i~i (~~ 11 ,., ' r. :•• ••..... ...• - •• ····· , a.a. f ·-! , . - • f~ i I •l ~ I j • ~-: Bike , , Bike 6' 2 Lane 8u11er np " St. 2 . Lane 6' Landscape Buffer Stnp Landscape Buffer Buffer !---- - - - - - - - - 56'- - - - - - - - - ---i Existing Right of Way 1 -- - - - - - - - - - 63'- - - - - - - - - - ---­ Proposed Right of Way Fontaine _ Streetscape _ _ _ , Design Concepts: Lewis Street to Jefferson Park Avenue .... .,,._r:.-_ ~ ~ · !I I\ NO LANDSCAPE BUFFER .... ~i~i (~~ 11 ,., ' r. :•• ••..... ...• - •• ····· , ·-! , . - • f~ i I WITH LANDSCAPE BUFFER •l ~ I j • ~-: VIEWS LOOKING WEST Fontaine Streetsca.._p.." '-eA. J Design Concepts: Lewis Street to Jefferson Park Avenue .... .,,._ r:.-_ ~ ~ · !I I\ 4 J : s,r " ~ • .h • -- ~ ,., ' r.- :•• ••..... ...• - •• Fontaine __ Streetscape ---.a..J Design Concepts: Lewis Street to Jefferson Park Avenue .... .,,._r:.-_ ~ ~ · !I I\ 4 J:s,r"~ •. h • -- ~ ,., ' r.- :•• •\ = ••••• •.... -.••.. I··J •• J • • $ Existing ...•• -• ••.. .. • RN/ - I ~ II - ';. • •• 111 fl ····· , ·-! , . - • f~ i •l ~ I j • ~-: Shared Lane Sidewalk i------------ 56' - - - - - - - - - - - - l Existing Right of Way t - - - - - - - - - - - - 62' ----------~ Proposed Riqht of Way Review of Comprehensive Plan Consistency Comprehensive Plan Consistency ased on the ity of harlottesville’s 2013 omprehensive Plan ▪ Economic Development • Sense of Place  Develop a sense of place entering Charlottesville • Mixed Use  Enhances pedestrian connectivity throughout the corridor • Regional Cooperation  Albemarle County and UVA have been active on the Steering Committee ▪ Community Facilities • Fire Department / Emergency Rescue Services  Team has been working with the Fire Chief • Utility Infrastructure  Will maintain existing services to the neighborhood and businesses • Parks and Recreation (Access and Trails)  Provide access to existing trails and bicycle facilities Comprehensive Plan Consistency ased on the ity of harlottesville’s 2013 omprehensive Plan ▪ Economic Sustainability • Sustaining Business  Improve access to local businesses ▪ Environment • Urban Landscape & Healthy Habitat / Water Resources Protection  Implement green infrastructure practices for stormwater management ▪ Transportation • Complete Streets  Bicycle lanes and enhanced sidewalks incorporated into the corridor  Street trees in landscape buffers  Safe, convenient crossing alternatives  Consistent application of ADA standards • Land Use & Community Design  Design to promote walking and bicycling Comprehensive Plan Consistency ased on the ity of harlottesville’s 2013 omprehensive Plan ▪ Transportation (Continued) • Infrastructure Funding  Fully funded through SmartScale (HB2) • Historic Preservation & Urban Design  Recognize and respect the distinct characteristics of the neighborhood • Resource Inventory  Identified cultural and historic resources prior to the development of concepts • Comprehensive Approach  Consulted zoning maps to ensure compliance with goals and impacts  Coordination underway with Public Works and Parks Departments • Entrance Corridors  Emphasize placemaking to create a sense of place and character with landscaping Next Steps ▪ Refine Concepts ▪ Steering Committee Meeting #4 – Late Summer / Fall