CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE Department of Neighborhood Development Services City Hall Post Office Box 911 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Telephone 434-970-3182 Fax 434-970-3359 September 13, 2019 TO: Charlottesville Planning Commission, Neighborhood Associations & News Media Please Take Notice A Work Session of the Charlottesville Planning Commission will be held on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 5pm in the NDS Conference Room (610 East Market Street) AGENDA 1. 218 West Market Street Special Use Permit Proposal 2. Public Comment cc: City Council Dr Tarron Richardson Paul Oberdorfer Alexander Ikefuna Planners Jeff Werner Lisa Robertson CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING COMMISSION PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION: SPECIAL USE PERMIT Author of Memo: Brian Haluska, Principal Planner Date of Meeting: September 24, 2019 RE: 218 West Market Street Background Jeff Levien of Heirloom Real Estate Holdings, LLC, acting as agent for owner Market Street Promenade, LLC, has submitted a special use permit for a mixed-use development at 218 West Market Street. The request is for additional height and density. The conceptual plan proposes a new building with up to 134 residential units. The property is further identified on City Real Property Tax Map 33 Parcel 276. The site is zoned Downtown Corridor with an Architectural Design Control District Overlay Zone and Urban Corridor Parking Overlay Zone. The property is approximately 0.56 acres. Vicinity Map Preliminary Analysis Reason for Special Use Permit The applicant is requesting a special use permit for additional height and density. The maximum height permitted by right in the Downtown zoning district is 70 feet, with an additional 31 feet permitted by special use permit. The applicant shows a maximum building height of 101 feet. The maximum by-right residential density in the Downtown corridor is 43 dwelling units per acre, with 240 units per acre permitted by special use permit. The applicant is requesting density of 240 dwelling units an acre. Questions for Discussion • Engagement with the adjacent streets – The proposed building will frontage on both West Market Street and Old Preston Avenue. The frontage on Old Preston faces the HVAC facility for the Omni hotel, but is also along a pedestrian connection to the Downtown Mall. How does the proposed building massing impact Old Preston Avenue? • Massing and Scale – The proposed building would be 101 feet tall, and would be a focal point of persons travelling east down West Market Street. The building is in proximity with several other tall structures – including the Omni Hotel and the CODE building that is currently under construction. The adjacent buildings along West Market, however, are only single story buildings. Attachments Application Conceptual plan with Drawings City of Charlottesville .Application for Special Use Permit Project Name: 2\'l( '«(.'>\ bot'41 ~\°'>e~~ Addressof P~pe~=~z~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~'E E ~ E f V~~~~-~ Tax Map and Parcel Number(s): _ 3.._2,..._-.....L....1...l..________~--.._.....,,,...------ AUG J 3 2019 Current Zoning District Classification: \o....,'-='~~ Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation:.......~ ._..\..... xN c )><>..~ t"> ~a i!E. ~\ ~t. ~\~1 \If\ z:z.~L \\o~e.,~'\~.t.e Phone: '(3~ ~ 2.45-SKo:> Email: _. $ e.....\_.._l- x -.......... ~~....... .q.> e. ......... . c.o ~......_ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Applicant's Role in the Development (check one): Owner Owner's Agent Designer @ ntract PurchasID Owner of Record: l"\o.t'<:c~ $"'«--\ x~~~, l IC.. Address: /!lx) A~~ >+, s;t ,\k... ~ , c1M~\I\( 1 Vfr llja~ Phone: - - - - - - - - - Email: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reason for Special Use Permit: 0 Additional height: \()\ feet 0 Additional residential density: units, or _2.:\C_ units per acre D Authorize specific land use (identify)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D Other purpose(s) (specify City Code section):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2) Owner's Signatures (1) Signature Print ~,f\=.[ e'J/tel\ Date ~ ;/3 );q ' Applicant's (Ci cle One): LLC Member@~orporate Officer ( s p e c i f y ) - - - - - ­ Other (specify): _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (2) Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Print _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date _ _ _ __ Owner's (Circle One): LLC Member LLC Manager Corporate Officer ( s p e c i f y ) - - - - - - - ­ Other (specify):_ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 1--~ <·· •!¥ rr· . . -- ~·.I ' ~ City of Charlottesville Application for Special Use Permit "J.',___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...., ~GI ·i A: \,~ro Address of Property: 2.\~ ~Q.. hP.;'f&\ ~ Tax Map and Parcel Number(s): _:>.... ~--Z1_l_ .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­ Current zontns District aasslfiration: \s-.a~ Comprehensive Plan Land Uset .....wc\_-_..0g.._,.,.,..___ __ __ Is this an amendment to an existing SUP?~ If "yes", provide the SUP#:._ _ _ _ _ _ __ Applicant: ~l#M. ).rµ nw'n ~"*, U .C, Address: o/o )it\M\Deu )>~ ]Op z,'ll! ,,'t ~J:. c~"'"., \ltt 723"2.. \\Q~f.t'\olo~.t.o Phone: 'fSj.. l'fS-58'0' . £mall: _'lC.:m.wi;!&,,_,e,...__w-k-»> ......... • c:_c..... n....__ _ _ _ _ _ __ Applicant's Role rn the Development (check one): OWner Owner's'Agent Designer (°§mtract Purdlas§D owner of Record: t\o.t'x:c!r <;\m:,.\ Jt»~1 l .I.<:. Address: /fXJ At..\ctM= Sh, S,.,;kc ~. c.k.ot. .lk1 \fir l~ Phone: ------~-- Email: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­ Reason for Spedal Use Permit: lXJ Additional height: l()\ feet [iil Additional residential density: units, or _2!iO_ units per acre D Authoriie specific land use (Identify)_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ D Other purpose(s) (specify City Code section):" - - - - - - - -- -- ­ (1) Applicant's an Z) Owner's Signatures 11) Signature Print ...k.Jfl~v~ Date ) p3•/Jq Applicant's (0 cle one): uc Member@Ma~orporate Officer (specify) _ _ _ _ __ Other (specify): - - -- -- ­ (2) Signature ~ 11.~Print VO/lfrl~·HU?~'f Date 1--J 3 ·-1 'j owner's (arcle One}: LlC Member gMa~w Corporate Officer (specify} _ _ _ __ _ _ Other (specify):_ _ _ _ _ _ __ l City of Charlottesville Pre-Application Meeting Verification Project Name: ___________________________________ 218 West Market Street 04/09/2019 Pre-ApplicaƟon MeeƟng Date: ________________________________________________ Craig Kotarski / Jeff Dreyfus Applicant’s RepresentaƟve: __________________________________________________ Brian Haluska Planner: __________________________________________________________________ Other City Officials in AƩendance: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ The following items will be required supplemental informaƟon for this applicaƟon and must be submiƩed with the completed applicaƟon package: Preliminary Elevations 1. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Planner Signature: _________________________________________________ 2 City of Charlottesville Application Checklist I certify that the following documentation is ATTACHED to this application: 0' 34-158(a)(1): a site plan (ref. City Code 34-802(generally); 34-1083(communications facilities) @ 34-158(a)(3): Low-impact development (LID) methods worksheet (required for developments that include non-residential uses, and developments proposing 3 or more SFDs or TFDs) 34-158(a)(4): a building massing diagram, and building elevations (required for applications proposing alteration of a building height or footprint, or construction of any new building(s)) 34-158(a)(S) and 34-12: affordable housing data. (i) how many (if any) existing dwelling units on the property are an "affordable dwelling unit" by the city's definitions? (ii) Will existing affordable units, or equivalent affordable units, remain following the development? (iii) What is the GFA of the project? GFA of residential uses? GFA of non-residential uses? ff 34-157(a)(1) Graphic materials that illustrate the context of the project, and a narrative statement as to compatibility with existing patterns of use and development ~ 34-157(a)(2) Narrative statement: applicant's analysis of conformity with the Comprehensive Plan @' 34-157(a)(3) Narrative statement: compliance with applicable USBC provisions ff 34-157{a}(4) Narrative statement identifying and discussing any potential adverse impacts, as well as any measures included within the development plan, to mitigate those impacts B 34-158(a)(6): other pertinent information (narrative, illustrative, etc.) ~All items noted on the Pre-Application Meeting Verification. Applicant Signature~ Print J~+\r~!&i By Its: (Y}c;:fl~ef (For entities, specify: Officer, Member, Manager, Trustee, etc.) 3 City of Charlottesville Community Meeting Section 34-41(c)(2) of the Code of the City of Charlottesville (adopted October 19, 2015) requires appli­ cants seeking rezonings and special use permits to hold a community meeting. The purpose of a communi­ ty meeting is to provide citizens an opportunity to receive information about a proposed development, about applicable zoning procedures, about applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan, and to give citizens an opportunity to ask questions. No application for a rezoning shall be placed on any agenda for a public hearing, until the required community meeting has been held and the director of neighborhood development services determines that the application is ready for final review through the formal public hearing process. By signing this document, the applicant acknowledges that it is responsible for the following, in connection to the community meeting required for this project: 1. Following consultation with the city, the applicant will establish a date, time and location for the community meeting. The applicant is responsible for reserving the location, and for all related costs. 2. The applicant will mail, by U.S. mail, first-class, postage pre-paid, a notice of the community meeting to a list of addresses provided by the City. The notice will be mailed at least 14 calendar days prior to the date of the community meeting. The applicant is responsible for the cost of the mailing. At least 7 calendar days prior to the meeting, the applicant will provide the city with an affidavit confirming that the mailing was timely completed. 3. The applicant will attend the community meeting and present the details of the proposed application. If the applicant is a business or other legal entity (as opposed to an individual) then the meeting shall be attended by a corporate officer, an LLC member or manager, or another individual who can speak for the entity that is the applicant. Additionally, the meeting shall be attended by any design professional or consultant who has prepared plans or drawings submitted with the application. The applicant shall be prepared to explain all of the details of the proposed development, and to answer questions from citizens. 4. Depending on the nature and complexity of the application, the City may designate a planner to attend the community meeting. Regardless of whether a planner attends, the City will provide the applicant with guidelines, procedures, materials and recommended topics for the applicant's use in conducting the community meeting. 5. On the date of the meeting, the applicant shall make records of attendance and shall also document that the meeting occurred through photographs, video, or other evidence satisfactory to the City. Records of attendance may include using the mailing list referred to in #1 as a sign-in sheet (requesting attendees to check off their name(s)) and may include a supplemental attendance sheet. The City will provide a format acceptable for use as the supplemental attendance sheet. Applicant: \\s:\r\csiµ. ~e.l ts..\.s..\s. ~\\\~ , t-tc.. By: Signature~ p PrintS-&r~ L ev1erJ Date ___ ~fI 'J_ l __ i'i Its: (Y'l 4 'J a q~ (Officer, Member, Trustee, etc.) v 4 City of Charlottesville Owner's Authorizations Right of Entry- Property Owner Permission I, the undersigned, hereby grant the City of Charlottesville, its employees and officials, the right to enter the property that is the subject of this application, for the purpose of gathering information for the review of this Special Use Permit application. Owner: 't\ot¥.dt $The¢ ~mt=>-.*c~ e c 1 I I .C,. Date - - - - - - - ­ By (sign name): Print Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - ­ Owner's: LLC Member LLC Manager Corporate Officer (specify):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Other (specific): _ _ _ _ __ Owner's Agent I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I have authorized the following named individual or entity to serve as my lawful agent, for the purpose of making application for this special use permit, and for all related purposes, including, without limitation: to make decisions and representations that will be binding upon my property and upon me, my successors and assigns. Name of Individual Agent: :&.s; \...c..u\s.N Name of Corporate or other legal entity authorized to serve as agent: \t-it\QQ'=' k c.\, bl-~ \\c.'<\\!i.~c,,, Owner:A ('(; L Date: a;Z3 //J I By (sign name): J~'tJ .e:v·re.ri Print Name: - - - - - - - - - - - ­ Circle one: Owner's: LLC Member ~ Corporate Officer (specify): _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Other (specific): _ _ _ _ __ 5 City of Charlottesvill~ Ownar•s .l.uthorizatio:ns (NOi ReqUtrecl) Right of Entry- Property owner Permission I, the undersigned, hereby grant the Citv of Charlottesville, its employees and officials, the ri~t to enter the property that is the subject of this application, for the purpose of gathering information for the review ofthis Special Use Permit application. Owner; "9thl ~ ~ t' Date *,... \~ ·-I J By (sign name): 'J;AJ,:/i~ ~ Print Name: JP t h&/ 11· M-Ut,..#,l!r.JNtj owner's: UC Member ~inSi«) Corporate Officer (specify):._ _ _ _ _ _ __ Other (specific): _ _ __ Owner's Agent I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I ~ave authorized the followins named individual or serve as my lawful agent, for the purpose of making application for this special use permit, and for alf related purposes, including, without limitation: to make decisions and representations that will be binding upon my property and upon me, my successors and assfgns. Name of lndJvldual Agent: ~ .k.u\f.b"l Name of Corporate or other legal entity authorized to serve as agent:".i~~.lltl;,,.\_.l~~~~~l)f- owner: ~ Date: 'K/tJll! 17~ J •tJ By (sigri name): l ..eNi e.n Print Name: ~---------~~~- Citcle one: Owner's:LtC Member ~ Corporate Olfker(spedfyJ;._ _ _ _ _ __ Other (~pedfic:): _ _ _ __ 5 City of Charlottesville Disclosure of Equitable Ownership Section 34-8 of the Code of the City of Charlottesville requires that an applicant for a special use permit make complete disclosure of the equitable ownership "real parties in interest") of the real estate to be affected. Following below I have provided the names and addresses of each of the real parties in interest, including, without limitation: each stockholder or a corporation; each of the individual officers and direc­ tors of a corporation; each of the individual members of an LLC (limited liability companies, professional limited liability companies): the trustees and beneficiaries of a trust, etc. Where multiple corporations, companies or trusts are involved, identify real parties in interest for each entity listed. Name !.rr.&~ k ..i\c.N Address ZOj~ 6oJ>.\,~"'\l..,..,._~ ~<>& C·:lnr&: y 1 Vb ZZC\~ Name ~~~~~~~~~~ Address ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Attach additional sheets as needed. Note: The requirement of listing names of stockholders does not apply to a corporation whose stock is traded on a national or local stock exchange and which corporation has more than five hundred (500) shareholders. Applicant: \\c>,..\ mte. ~ ESsrk \\:-'6\>~'5, L'-C­ By: Signatur~_ _ _ _ _ Print J ~f9J le11JMJ Date /! <6' J/!9 Its: (Y\tAnt.1 j el (Officer, Member, Trustee, etc.) 6 City of Charlottesville Fee Schedule Application Type Quantity Fee Subtotal Special Use Permit \ $1800 1t \ <;s'C:O I Special Use Permit (Family Day Home for 6-12 $500 Children) Mailing Costs per letter $1 per letter Newspaper Notice Payment Due Upon Invoice TOTAL " \,w:o Office Use Only u Amount Received: ~\ ,'fOb 0-- Date Paid 811:>,{f9 Received By: Amount Received:_ _ _ _ Date Paid._ _ _ _ _ Received By: - - - - - - - - - - ­ Amount Received:_ _ _ _ Date Paid_ _ _ _ _ Received By: - - - - - - - - - - ­ Amount Received:_ _ _ _ Date Paid._ _ _ _ _ Received By: - - - - - - - - - - ­ 7 City of Charlottesville LID Checklist LID Measure LID Checklist Points Points Compensatory Plantings (see City buffer mitigation manual). 90% of restor­ 5 points or 1 point for each able stream buffers restored. 18% of the total acreage Pervious pavers for parking and driveways with stone reservoir for storage 7 points or 1 point for each of 0.5 inches of rainfall per impervious drainage area. Surface area must be 7% of parking and driveway >1,000 ft. or~ 50% of the total parking and driveway surface area. 2 surface area. Shared parking (must have legally binding agreement) that eliminates >30% 5 points or 1 point for each of on-site parking required . 6% of parking surface elimi­ 5 ~ nated. Impervious Disconnection. Follow design manual specifications to ensure 8 points adequate capture of roof runoff (e.g. cisterns, dry wells, rain gardens) Bioretention. Percent of site treated must exceed 80%. Biofilter surface ar­ 8 points or 1 point for each ea must be~ 5% of impervious drainage area. 10% of site treated. Rain gardens. All lots, rain garden surface area for each lot~ 200 ft. 2 • 8 points or 1 point for each 10% of lots treated. Designed/constructed swales. Percent of site treated must exceed 80%, 8 points or 1 point for each achieve non-erosive velocities, and able to convey peak discharge from 10 10% of site treated. year storm. Manufactured sand filters, filter vaults (must provide filtering rather than 8 points or l point for each just hydrodynamic). Percent of site treated must exceed 80%. Sizing and 10% of site treated. volume for water quality treatment based on manufacturer's criteria. Green rooftop to treat ~ 50% of roof area 8 points ~ Other LID practices as approved by NOS Engineer. TBD, not to exceed 8 points Off-site contribution to project in City's water quality management plan. 5 points This measure to be considered when on site constraints (space, environ­ mentally sensitive areas, hazards) limit application of LID measures. Re­ ~~ ~.fl quires pre-approval by NOS Director. ~ i. Total Points \~ \~ Applica~re signature;._,_...~ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Print .J~r