Charlottesville Police Civilian Oversight Board January 19, 2022 at 6:30 PM Agenda I. Call to Order II. Announcements III. Approval of Minutes IV. Approval of Agenda V. Election of Officers VI. Public Comments (First) VII. Executive Director Interviews VIII. Status of Complaints and Review Requests (October and November) IX. Review of Policies and Procedures (Bias‐Based Policing) X. Priorities for 2023 XII. Public Comments (Second) XIII. Adjournment CHARLOTTESVILLE POLICE OVERSIGHT BOARD MEETING MINUTES Date: December 20, 2022 (Postponed from December 8 due to member illness) Scheduled Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: Virtual/Electronic Meeting Board Members Attending: Bellamy Brown, Dashad Cooper, Chair William “Bill” Mendez, Vice Chair James Watson Staff: Remi Trail Board Members Not Attending: Deirdre Gilmore, Jeff Fracher Guests: PCOB Counsel Pamela O’Barry Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM Announcements: Chair Mendez announced that the City Council had approved the PCOB Operating Procedures at their meeting the previous evening. He thanked the Council, the City Attorney, the Board’s Counsel Pam O’Barry, and members of the public who had worked so diligently to bring this about. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the November meeting were approved unanimously without amendment. Approval of Agenda: The agenda was unanimously approved as proposed. Selection of Police Chief: The Chair announced that the City Manager had selected Michael Kochis, currently Chief of the Warrenton Police Department, to be the new Chief of the Charlottesville Police Department, starting in January. He thanked the City Manager for conducting an open selection process by inviting members of the Board to participate in the interviews and allowing members of the public to meet the three final candidates at the public forum hosted by the Board. He stated that Mr. Kochis’ record in Warrenton and his answers to questions from the public indicate that he shares the Board’s vision for just, fair, and compassionate policing, with extensive public involvement. Public Comments (I): No members of the public requested to speak. Progress on Executive Director Search: The Chair announced that the city had received 20 applicants to be the Board’s Executive Director by the closing date of December 2. Human Resources staff are currently in the process of screening that application to select a manageable number of candidates (5-7) for initial interviews, currently scheduled for December 28. The Board has been invited to select one of its members to participate in the first round of interviews. Based on the results of the first round, 3-5 finalists would be selected or final interviews, which would involve members of the City Manager’s staff, the Human Resources Department, and two Board members. As per the Board’s enabling ordinance, the City Manager would then be required to justify in writing a decision to hire a candidate other than one recommended by the Board. Vice Chair Watson volunteered to participate in the first round of interviews. A decision regarding who would take part in the final round was deferred until a date was set. Status of Complaints and Review Requests: The Board continues to have two review requests pending; no action can be taken until we get a new Executive Director The Board received one complaint through its website from an individual who stated that police failed to believe him when he showed proof of residence at his apartment and continued to demand proof unnecessarily. The individual was given the option to have his complaint investigated by the IA Division, instead of waiting for the Board’s investigation. A response is awaited. The Internal Affairs Division provides a report of complaints and resolutions as summarized below Month Complaints Complaints Allegations/ Received Closed Sustained (Internal) October 0 2 4/2 November 4 (1) 2 4*/0 * The single internal complaint in November was found to be the result of a mistaken report. Board Review of Policies and Procedures: Mr. Brown reported that he would have a draft of a Board recommendation regarding bias-based policing at the next meeting. City Council Action on Operating Procedures: The Chair noted that with passage of the Operating Procedures by the City Council, the PCOB was now fully empowered to fulfill its functions. Priorities moving forward include hiring the Executive Director, lining up potential independent investigators and Hearing Examiners, and developing an Investigations Manual and a mediation program. The Board briefly discussed these issues. Scheduling of 2023 Meetings: The Standard Operating procedures promulgated by the City Manager require the Board to hold at least nine of 12 monthly meetings in person in 2023. Currently, the meetings are scheduled to be held at City Space at 6:30 PM on the second Thursday of each month. The Chair asked if there was any comment on this requirement and if there were any suggestions to change time or dates of the regular meetings. There being none, the Chair invited Board members to the next meeting January 12. Public Comments (Second): No members of the public requested to speak. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 7:08 PM.