Charlottesville Citizen Review Board Minutes 10-9-2018  Present; Sarah Burke, Josh Bowers, Gloria Beard, Rosia Parker, Katrina Turner, Don Gathers, Guillermo Ubilla- Absent-Juan Gonzalez  Meeting Leader  Sarah Burke  Secretary Gloria Beard  Agenda:  Welcome Don Gathers  Review and Acceptance of Last Minutes were Adopted and Unanimous  Community Input  Frank Dukes, Collaboratiive Plannining,UVa Requested bringing his students to the table  Kate Fraleigh, Introduced Fairfax By-Laws  Josh Bowers suggested possibly having law student’s pro-bono, help with by-laws. He will reach out to Pro-bono Coordinator  Old Business: The question was asked if we wanted the police complaint form to be added to the CRB web site or to let it remain it on the CPD web site.  Don Gathers suggested the public should file complaints directly to the CPD (Charlottesville Police Department) but if the public reached out to the CRB, we should direct them to the CPD web-site  Katrina Turner suggested leaving the web site on the CPD web-site also.  The CRB will discuss this again at a later date.  Sarah Burke will create a disclaimer  New Business and Board Discussion:  Sarah Burke suggested to set aside a date for a listening session for the community  Don Gathers suggested to ask Creed Deeds to attend a CRB meeting  Rosia and Katrina will come up with a date for a community listening session  Guillermo Ubilla reached out to the National Association For Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE) to discuss training for the CRB. He will contact the Fairfax and the Virginia Beach Citizen Review Board  Sarah spoke with Megan Rhyne, Virginia Coalition expert on FOIA (Virginia Freedom of Information Act)  As of now Don Gathers suggested, the term, “stop and frisk” will remain as part of the CRB dialogue  Don will contact City Council by email concerning the CRB $10,000 budget  Don and Sarah plan to meet with the City Manager on 10-19-18 before the by-laws are presented  Overview of to do items and plans for the next two weeks:  The CRB will have a special meeting on 10-11-18 at City Space to discuss the first draft of the by-laws for the CRB  The CRB will form a mission statement  The members of the CRB will decide which by-laws from other surrounding cities are a good match for the Charlottesville CRB