Agenda of Civilian Review Board Special Meeting-By-Laws City Space Oct. 11-2018 Present: Sarah Burke, Josh Bowers, Don Gathers, Rosia Parker, Gloria Beard, Katrina Turner, Juan Gonzalez, Guillermo Ubilla  Welcome Sarah Burke  Secretary: Gloria Beard  Community Input-- Kate Fraleigh Discussion of results of survey, community, May 18-May-24  Discussion of First Draft of By-Laws  Input from Community was excepted  Overview of plans for drafting of finalizing and submitting of by-laws  Josh Bowers started reading draft of by-laws. They were discussed and changes were made. Gloria Beard and Rosia Parker continued and the changes were made after discussion.  The CRB Committe will continue with the draft on Oct. 29.2018 at 6:30 pm  Don Gathers suggested clarifying a Mission Statement  Adjournment: 9:00 pm  Next regular CRB Meeting Oct. 23-2018 at 6:30, City Hall, City Council Chambers