CRB Meeting minutes 1/8/19 Location: City Space Present: Rosia, Katrina, Guillermo, Gloria, Don, Sarah Start time: 6:30 (meeting began late) Chair: Katrina Turner Minutes: Sarah Burke and Rosia Parker Welcome: Don Gathers' resignation Minutes: - Motion to accept the minutes from 12/11/18 meeting o Voted to approve: all in favor Community Matters: - Henry McHenry: o Proposes "meeting of opposites" between community and Law Enforcement  The idea is to convert "us against them into common ground" o Law enforcement would have to be paid to do this?  Matt Christianson is a former correctional officer (VA DOC) who said this. This was initially proposed to him  This would be paid for by Mr. McHenry o McHenry: Substitute at Albemarle, Taught two courses at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute about meetings of opposites; PhD in English, Language and Pedagogy; Former Outward Bound instructor o Josh Bowers: perhaps in our bylaws we should include mandates or suggestions for meetings like this - Frank Dukes: o Gave us a memo on community engagement models o Sarah: Maybe we should look into Cincinnati and Baltimore Mediation Centers, models, costs, etc for possible future CRB Community Listening Sessions Discussion: - Rosia – working on getting availability for community listening sessions - Have taken a break for a while, but getting back into it - Outreach conducted: o Went into Browns, opened discussion up with them - Need to give 2 weeks notice if possible to Frank Dukes so that he can set up facilitators - Community Input from Charlene Green, Dave Chapman, and Kate Fraleigh re: former Police Citizen Advisory Panel o We need a history lesson on police oversight in Charlottesville. Need to ask City for all documents and data Citizen Advisory Panel created and had access to from the CPD. o David Simmons: Headed up the Citizens Advisory Panel o Josh is going to reach out to him to see if he can present to us a history of the CAP and where we are now  Will ask to come in two meetings, not next meeting if possible Discussion re: how to communicate to Council - Sarah to send first round of emails with questions we would like answered - Sarah reviewed possible questions to ask Council - Sarah will circulate to group first within a week or so CRB Resolution: - Reading aloud of the portions of the Resolutions related to the bylaws and discussion Discussion of work flow, writing schedule and plans moving forward: - Sarah – motion for Frank Dukes and David Birkenthal to facilitate of our next meeting at 6 pm, based on NACOLE Guidebook questions to establish our next steps and vision for future CRB, seconded by Josh Bowers; All members vote in favor. - Sarah will bring recording device and we will try to record and upload January 22, 2018 meeting rescheduled: - Matthew Murphy is going to look into whether we can have our next meeting at 6 pm on either January 23, 2019 or January 25, 2019. Will tell us in a couple of days. - Location TBD NACOLE training: - Guillermo is going to get an updated proposal from NACOLE - We will discuss this at the end of next meeting Motion to adjorn by Josh, seconded by Rosia, all vote yes. Adjorned at 9:09 pm.