Minutes of Civilian Review Board February 02, 2019 City Space, 100 5th St NE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Present: Gloria Beard, Sarah Burke, Rosia Parker, Katrina Turner, Guillermo Ubilla Absent: Josh Bowers Meeting Chair: Rosia Parker Meeting Secretary: Guillermo Ubilla • Welcome • Ms. Parker read letter from Denise Lunsford • Community Input • Harold Folley - respond’s to letter from Denise Lunsford • Kate Fraleigh - wrote a draft of bylaws based on the Fairfax model, passed out hard copies • Presentation of research conducted • Discussion of Riverside CA • Discussion of Albany, NY • Review of 1/23 Facilitation Exercise • Presentation from David Birkenthal • Follow up from previous to do items • Training updates from NACOLE: agreed to attend an all day training session on Feb 22 • Community outreach updates • Reached out to Lending Hands - a group that will facilitate getting information from the community about the complaints • Attended general assembly • Update re: police chief Brackney’ training and information sessions • Chief Brackney to attend the 3/12 regular meeting to present on the complaint review process • Outline of our agenda for the next CRB Meeting • Rosia and Katrina met with Mike Murphy, they discussed the possibility of an extension to our term • Discussion about the current complaint process Motion to Adjorn by Sarah Burke, seconded Guillermo Ubilla, motion passes