Minutes of Civilian Review Board February 26, 2019 City Space, 100 5th St NE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Present: Sarah Burke, Guillermo Ubilla, Katrina Turner, Rosia Parker, Josh Bower, Gloria Beard Meeting Chair: Rosia Parker Meeting Secretary: Guillermo Ubilla • Welcome • Community Input • Walter H. - We have a systematic, structural police problem • Board Organization • Josh Bowers - agrees to take minutes secretary • Rosia Parker - agrees to chair the meetings • Sarah Burke - agrees to make the agenda, communications, responding to press • Press - if they come to us individually, we can respond • Katrina Turner - food at meetings • Discussion of Proposed Model • Suggesting an approach that has three oversight arms • Case Review • Policy Oversight • Outreach and Engagement • Question from the public: how do we envision the by-laws, more specific and procedural, or less specific and more general? • Next Steps toward CRB Bylaws • Discussed internal deadlines proposal • Josh Bowers volunteers to take the lead writing the policy oversight arm • The board is not asking for an extension, but reserve the right to ask for one down the road • Outreach: attempt to have 2 outreach sessions in April where we present the rough draft • City Council Joint Sessions: going to propose second and fourth Wednesday of March, April, May • Adjournment • Sarah Burke makes a motion to adjourn, seconded by Guillermo Ubilla, motion passes