CRB Meeting minutes: 3/26/19 Location: City Hall, Council Chambers Present: Rosia Parker, Katrina Turner, Guillermo Ubilla, Gloria Beard, Sarah Burke, Josh Bowers Chair: Rosia Parker Minutes: Josh Bowers • Welcome: o Rosia Parker greeted everyone. • Community Input: o Bill Mendez: Data Scientist. Did a breakdown of the CPD data on arrests.  Has begun to evaluate the data to date. Is willing to brief us by email on emerging trends, and offered his services re: doing more data analysis. • Review and approval of the minutes from 3/12/19: o Minutes reviewed and approved unanimously. • Discussion of models, bylaws, and presentation for community meeting: o Sarah opened discussion of how we came about developing a series of models for presentation to the People’s Coalition on 3/27/19. o Josh presented a vision for a two-unit, four-armed model—focusing deeply on a prototype for an investigative model (see Guillermo’s slideshow).  Questions were taken from the public. o Rosia raised concerns about how we will guarantee that members of different interest groups and representatives of different organizations will end up on the board (noting, in particular, the participation of PHAR).  Sarah offered sample bylaws language to address this concern. 1 o Lots of discussion with the community. People worried about both the practicality of the model and whether it would be toothless. But people seemed to like the public participation aspect. o Sarah then presented a vision for a three-headed model with investigations.  There seemed to be more enthusiasm from Katrina and Rosia for the three-arm model. o The decision was made to keep the presentations short tomorrow. o Dave Chapman raised the possibility of hybridizing the models, by having an investigator do work while IA does its work, but keeping the hearing to the review process on the backend. • New Business: o Sarah will send her letter to the chief, discussing the questions we still have with respect to the data (and the absence of it). • Motion to adjourn—unanimous at 9:45 p.m. 2