CRB Meeting CRB Meeting minutes: 4/23/19 (start time: 6:46 p.m.; ending time 8:31) Location: City Council Chambers Present: Guillermo Ubilla, Gloria Beard, Sarah Burke, Josh Bowers, Katrina Turner, Rosia Parker Chair: Sarah Burke, Rosia Parker Minutes: Josh Bowers • Welcome & Introductions: o Sarah welcomed the public, on behalf of the board. • Community Input: o Walt Heineke discussed problematic racially skewed arrest data. Expressed the skepticism of the community that the City Council will ever get behind a meaningful CRB. o Kate Fraleigh—discussed consulting group that is inviting public feedback on local criminal justice and law enforcement. Four listening sessions. April 25 6:30-8:30 (Jouett), 4/26 5:30-7:30 (Trinity), 4/27 10-30-12:30 (Carver Rec.), 4/27 3-5 p.m. (Yancey School Community Center) o Harold Foley—community concern that the white people are the voice of the CRB. Harold disagrees, but he wants us to be aware of the optics. o Don Gathers—focus on your work and don’t worry about the naysayers. • Review and approval of minutes from 4/9/19: o Minutes approved by a unanimous vote. o *** For Josh: Check on March minutes which are not yet on the web site.*** • Discussion of bylaws and other organizational items: o Membership criteria: People’s Coalition wants seats reserved for PHAR, Sin Barreras, etc. 1  A big hiccup is if the membership criteria needs to be set by ordinance, then the organizations specified would not be able to be changed unless the City Council acts to amend the ordinance.  Community participated in this discussion, too. • New business: o Josh discussed his discussions with the Chief and her scheduler, and the Chief’s resistance to the proposed June dates for a public meeting with the Chief to discuss the MOU. o The Board agreed that, unless the Chief changes her tune over the next two days, Josh will email her and make clear that we want our private May meetings to be public meetings instead. o Sarah and Guillermo discussed their meeting with John Blair. Much of what we have in the early part of the bylaws (membership, etc.) belong in an ordinance.  This prompted an extensive discussion that o John Blair said that, pursuant to the existing enabling statute (for us, as a Dillon rule state)—for the time being, we need to be an advisory board. We can think about what kind of enabling legislation we would want in order to be something more than advisory in the future, but that remains in the future. o We have a meeting with the City Councilors who weren’t at the joint meeting last week—tomorrow, April 24. o Because we have not yet heard feedback from the City Council, we’ve had to pause our bylaws drafting. We’re slated to get feedback from the City Council on 4/30, so we’re going to keep our 5/1 meeting to discuss their feedback. (And, then, at the 5/14 meeting, we hope to discuss a final draft of the bylaws.) • Adjournment: o Adjournment by unanimous vote. 2