Special CRB Meeting CRB Meeting minutes: 5/1/19 (start time: 10:21 a.m.; ending time 12:03 p.m.) Location: City Council Basement Present: Guillermo Ubilla, Gloria Beard, Sarah Burke, Josh Bowers, Katrina Turner, Rosia Parker Chair: Rosia Parker Minutes: Josh Bowers • Welcome & Introductions: o Rosia welcomed the public, on behalf of the board. • Community Input: o Two members of the public expressed support for the CRB and were upset about the City’s recent press release and its treatment of the board and its members. • Review and approval of minutes from 4/17/19 and 4/23/19: o Minutes approved by a unanimous vote, after Josh Bowers orally amended certain errors in the heading of each set of minutes. • Old business & New Business: o Board members discussed City leadership’s press release of 4/26, and decided that we should draft a response to the City, which we will ask to be made public and posted to our webpage. It was decided that Sarah will craft such a response and try to circulate it to the rest of board members by the end of the day. Sarah will circulate the response first. o Board members discussed the feedback that we still hope to receive from the City Council and City leadership—and what it means for the Board’s timeline to finish its work. It was decided that Guillermo will propose to City Council that we be given at least a month to finish our bylaws and draft ordinance language from the date that we finally get meaningful feedback from the City about our model (and draft bylaws and ordinance). We all shared our May availability with Guillermo, so he can come up with a list of viable dates for City Council. Guillermo will circulate the email first. 1 o We compiled a list of commitments or at least feedback that we need to hear from them before we can continue our work. That list will be captured in Guillermo’s email, which will specify the three deliverables that we need from them: (1) the draft ordinance language from the City Attorney’s office; (2) feedback from City leadership; and (3) feedback from the CPD (which was also promised to us). • Adjournment: o The Board adjourned by unanimous vote. 2