Special CRB Meeting CRB Meeting minutes: 6/18/19 (start time: 6:48 p.m.; ending time 8:48 p.m.) Location: Basement Conference Room of City Hall Present: Gloria Beard, Sarah Burke, Josh Bowers, Katrina Turner, Rosia Parker, Guillermo Ubilla Chair: Rosia Parker Minutes: Josh Bowers • Welcome & Introductions: o Rosia welcomed the public, on behalf of the board. • Community Input: o No community input at this time. (Input was received later in "New Business.") • Review and approval of minutes from 5/14/19: o Reviewed and approved unanimously. • New Business: Proposal for packet to City Council: o Sarah described the supporting packet of documents to accompany the bylaws draft and proposed ordinance, and informed everyone that a draft set of bylaws and ordinance language has been made public. o We asked whether anything else should go into the packet. The only thing missing from the items outlined in our agenda is the original resolution, which we agreed to include. o We will also have a massive file with all of our research, emails to-and-from the city, etc., which we will make available on our website. And Matthew Murphy will check with the city to ensure that our website will stay live even after this week. o We intend to remove the language about “department” and “office” from the ordinance language. 1 o Adeola Ogunkeyede would like to see us potentially beef up the directions to the city attorney. She would like to see stuff about the entire Board being consulted and more stuff about the transparency of the hiring process. o We need to include language to the effect of: “The police department and the CRB shall enter into an MOU.”*** • Adjournment: o The Board adjourned by unanimous vote. 2