CRB Meeting CRB Meeting minutes: 6/25/19 Location: City Council Chambers Present: Guillermo Ubilla, Gloria Beard, Sarah Burke, Rosia Parker, Katrina Turner Absent: Josh Bowers Chair: Rosia Parker Minutes: Guillermo Ubilla • Review and approval of minutes from prior meetings o Tabled until next meeting, Josh to resubmit updated minutes • Community Input o Community Member: It is not okay that it took a year for the police to respond to a complaint filed against an officer. Internal communication guidelines were not followed. § Complaint submitted June 25, 2018, § Resolution letter date March 22, 2019 § Letter postmarked May 10, 2019 § No updates were received in between time of complaint submitted and final resolution letter. • Old Business o Any community letters of support to submit by this Friday, June 26. o Reviewing the updated o Agreed to wait until Monday to vote o Going to vote for the entire packet o Going to make updates and changes to typo o Add deadlines to the next steps document • New Business o Agreed on a rough outline for presentation to council: § Read through cover letter, CRB members take turn reading a paragraph of the letter § To create for the presentation (PowerPoint): • Slide 1: Overview flow chart • Slide 2: Next steps page • Adjournment 1 o Adjournment by unanimous vote at 7:55pm. 2