Ridge Street Priority Neighborhood Taskforce Minutes Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020 4-5PM Zoom AGENDA 1. Introductions/Housekeeping/Minutes Meeting begins 4:00PM Taskforce Roll Call: NAME POSITION ATTENDANCE CHRIS MEYER Business Owner Yes KATHY JOHNSON HARRIS Property Owner Yes KETTIE HOLLAND RUPNIK Resident Yes KEM LEA SPAULDING Ridge CDBG Representative Yes PAT LLOYD Resident Yes AUDREY OLIVER Resident Yes TANEIA DOWELL Planning Commission Absent Grants Coordinator Erin Atak (EA) opened meeting and called roll call asking members to state their connection to Ridge Street (business owner, property owner, resident, planning commission, or CDBG Taskforce). 2. CDBG Background EA reviewed CDBG PowerPoint presentation with Ridge Street Taskforce members (attached). The PowerPoint presentation covered the basic requirements for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the City CDBG 2018 Consolidated Plan, Taskforce priorities, Taskforce role, and Priority Neighborhood goals/priorities. Priority Neighborhood projects are aimed to benefit the entire Ridge Street target area. Kettie Rupnik (KR) asks for additional information regarding estimated funding for the Ridge Street Priority Neighborhood. Chris Meyer (CM) points out typo on slide regarding estimated funding total for the Ridge Street Priority Neighborhood. 3. Review Past Taskforce Priorities and Projects 4. Setting Ridge Street Neighborhood Priorities a. Projected timeline moving forward EA reviews homework sheet and roles for Taskforce members moving forward. The project timeline for the Ridge Street priority neighborhood processes is reviewed. Taskforce homework sheet will be due one week prior to second Taskforce meeting. Previous Taskforce priorities are reviewed among the Ridge Street Taskforce. CM mentions to the Taskforce that there is a lot of boarded-up homes within the area. He points out the potential of a project concerning the abandoned homes through the Ridge Street Priority Neighborhood funding to address the urgent housing need within the City. EA adds that this can be investigated. Pat Lloyd (PL) asks for additional clarification on the Homework assignment concerning “revitalization/enhancement” projects. She adds that it is also difficult given the virus to reach out to neighbors at this time. 5. Other Business EA ends PowerPoint presentation and opens the floor up for Taskforce questions. Kem Spaulding (KLS) mentions that the City purchased homes in the area, but nothing occurred from these purchases. Kathy Johnson Harris (KJS) recommends that residents names are not mentioned and kept private with housing discussion. 6. Public Comment John Sales (JS), Executive Director of Charlottesville Redevelopment Housing Authority (CRHA), introduces himself to the Ridge Street Taskforce. JS states that CRHA would like to be included within the conversation and would like to play a larger collaborative role with the Taskforce. Meeting Adjourned approximately 4:35PM.