Ridge Street Priority Neighborhood Taskforce Minutes Wednesday, November 18th, 2020 4-5PM Virtual Meeting (Zoom) AGENDA 1. Introductions/Housekeeping/Minutes Meeting begins 4:02PM Taskforce Roll Call: NAME POSITION ATTENDANCE CHRIS MEYER Business Owner Yes KATHY JOHNSON HARRIS Property Owner Yes KETTIE HOLLAND RUPNIK Resident Yes KEM LEA SPAULDING Ridge CDBG Representative Yes PAT LLOYD Resident Yes AUDREY OLIVER Resident Yes TANEIA DOWELL Planning Commission Absent Kathy Johnson Harris (KJH) moves to accept the Minutes. PL seconds. 2. Taskforce Priorities and Project Ideas Pat Lloyd (PL) asked about any leftover funds from the Belmont Priority Neighborhood. Erin Atak (EA) notes that all Belmont Priority Neighborhood CDBG funds were allocated to the CDBG funds. Kem Lea Spaulding (KLS) asks about the Ridge Street walking tour. PL reports that the tour was informative. The Taskforce noted that there were speeding/traffic issues, sidewalk issues, and bus shelter issues. Staff Contact: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator (atake@charlottesville.gov), (434) 970-3093 CM denoted that is was great to hear about Taneia’s experience growing up on Ridge Street. EA notes that Taskforce members during the Ridge Street Walkthrough noted the need for reflectors, and that one member of the Ridge Street neighborhood felt that Sidewalks were a big strength of the neighborhood. KJH asks how much of 5th street would VDOT cover in expenses. Brennen Duncan (BD), City Traffic Engineer, states that VDOT does not own or maintain any of the City Streets. The City can apply for state funding to cover the costs for improvements, but the streets are under City jurisdiction. BD states that City Council or another local funding source would need to allocate funds to make rapid improvements on 5th street. Using CDBG dollars, intersection lighting would be within budget and could be one funding source that could help make rapid improvements on 5th street. BD explains safety concerns of flashing crosswalk on Belmont Bridge. Taskforce discussion revolves around available City funding and options for how City funding can be using to make infrastructure improvements. CM asks about the cost of bus shelter and bus benches. BD gives an estimate of $10,000. KJH states the importance of affordable housing and workforce development as a priority within the City. Bus benches and shelter should be funded through the City. EA will request getting a representative from transit to join the next Ridge Street Taskforce meeting. PL states the highest ranking survey results: Traffic calming, speeding. BD begins discussion on Traffic calming options on Ridge Street. One option would be to removing parking on one side of Ridge Street and add full bump out. Easy measures include flashing speed sign, alternating parking on the street, . Taskforce discusses traffic calming and parking on Ridge Street. PL mentions Brookwood Dr as high speeding. KJH states that many cars speed on Raymond Rd and the Taskforce should look at adding a Sidewalk in this street. BD explains the Neighborhood Development Services Sidewalk fund. Staff Contact: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator (atake@charlottesville.gov), (434) 970-3093 Kettie Rupnik (KR) asks about is there is a map available that show where there are gaps in sidewalks within the Ridge Street Sidewalk. EA will produce the map with GIS analysts. KLS asks about sidewalk study and whether there is high usage. BD states this data would be skewed. How would one use a sidewalk if it is not there? KR brings up other neighborhood concerns of amenities, safety, lighting, trash, and housing concerns. Taskforce begins discussion on housing. Most homes of interest are privately owned. KJH states some of the homeowners have been prominent members of the Ridge Street community. CDBG funds could be used for housing rehabilitation. Taskforce discusses possible housing rehabilitation program with CDBG dollars. KR asks EA about other City funds that could be used to address Taskforce concerns. PL states that the Taskforce should also look at selecting a project that will benefit the most residents. Taskforce begins to discuss the costs of sidewalks, bus stops, and housing. In particular, empty sidewalks or patches of sidewalks. Audrey Oliver (AO) adds the importance of handicap accessibility for sidewalks. AO asks whether homeowners are paying taxes and see whether it is possible to have a discussion with the homeowners about available funding. BD: States that contacting the property owners when looking at potential bus shelter locations will be beneficial because the City will most likely need to look into purchasing right of way. CM states whether it would be possible to push the sidewalk into the street. BD states this would be an option that could help with traffic calming. Taskforce homework: Identify where sidewalks should be put in the neighborhood, and identify where bus shelters should be placed. 3. Other Business None Staff Contact: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator (atake@charlottesville.gov), (434) 970-3093 4. Public Comment Mr. Kenneth Martin: Can any of this money go towards murders on south first street or implement recommendations from the City’s CPTED study? EA states if the Taskforce wanted to look into prioritizing this we could add this to the survey results. Staff Contact: Erin Atak, Grants Coordinator (atake@charlottesville.gov), (434) 970-3093