Sister Cities Commission Meeting November 17, 2020 Electronic Meeting (Zoom) Members present: Neeley Minton, Kate Kogge, Daman Irby, Adrienne Ward, Amanda Folsom, Michael Grinnell, Dave Norris, Stella Mattioli Non‐members present: Brian Wheeler (Communications Director), Maxicelia Robinson (Staff Liaison) Call to Order: Co‐Chair Kate Kogge called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Approved minutes from September 29 Sister Cities meeting (Amanda made a quick change to grant information from last meeting before approving minutes). Motion by Michael Grinnell and a second by Daman Irby – approved unanimously. Other business: ● Dave went to Winneba and did some research about how they have responded to COVID‐19; going back next month; group trip planned for May ● Have drafted proposal for Spanish‐speaking Sister City; will go to City Council on December 7, 2020 ● Kate, Dave, and Daman put together a request for the 2021‐2022 budget: included $15,000.00 extra in budget request Brief updates from Committees re: goal‐setting ○ Communications/Outreach ○ Education ○ Finance ■ Kate will share budget request (City Council will adopt budget in April) ○ Grants ■ Shifted deadlines for applications because of COVID; may be able to launch a grant cycle in December with applications due in mid or late January (15th or end of the month); do we need to bring to the whole commission in December? ■ Would like a modified grant cycle and to update the application to reflect that ■ We need to know what the funding is for this grant cycle ■ Other goal area is picking up travel scholarship program ■ Need to know if we’re allowing international travel ■ Application will be similar, but there are some highlighted changes ■ Main decision item is around the funding amount ■ Can circulate revised announcement after December 1 as long as there’s no rapid reply ■ $16,000.00 for all grants = the maximum amount (table until December’s meeting) ■ Unsure of what needs to be approved by Commission ● All goals information is in the folder of the Google drive ● Could potentially have another meeting in December (December 1) for subcommittees (or whole committee) to iron out some details of the subcommittees, particularly regarding grants Grants Committee will meet on December 1 before our December 15 meeting Committee voted to approve/award $16,000.00 to grants committee as the ceiling of total grant money to be awarded Build Strategic Plan: 2021‐2024 a. Review previous plan i. We reviewed the old strategic plan (2017‐2020). The strategic plan helps to lay out our mission and how we will implement it. 1. b. Add/change any details for moving forward ● Improve web presence ● Make a guidebook for CSCC members/public members Strategic Plan outline to be sent out to commission members for approval on 12/15 meeting. The Strategic Plan will be added to the CSCC website. Stella, Adrienne, and Michael will be sent social media credentials as members of the Outreach and Communications team. CSCC members who wish to attend the Grants Committee work session on 12/1 should register through the City website. Meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m.