Charlottesville Sister Cities Commission Subcommittee Minutes Meeting May 24, 2021 Zoom Grants Committee (4:30 - 5:15) Participants: Amanda Folsom, Daman Irby Notes: 1) Reviewed Grants annual goals ● 2020-2021 Grants cycle completed ● Next focus area is to develop guidelines for Travel Scholarships 2) Status updates on 2020 and 2021 grants projects ● Reviewed draft “dashboard” for 2019-20 and 2020-21 grants projects. ● All grants projects are expected to proceed in 2021. 3) Project liaisons and check-ins with grantees ● Discussed need to clarify point of contact/liaison for each grant project (to be named at grant award and to follow up periodically for project updates) ● Amanda to develop draft description of grant liaison role 4) Process improvements for next grants cycle ● Adapted process in light of COVID-19 (flexible and adaptable) ● Started late, pushed back timeline (need to confirm schedule for 2021-22 cycle, recommending we get back to old schedule) ● Grants review process went well - and all sub-committee members mobilized to connect with applicants to seek clarifications on their proposals, as needed ● Need to clarify differences between grants, sponsorships, and scholarships (FAQ) ● Need to clarify expenditure guidelines for grantees (Kyna typically fields those questions) ● Need to clarify points of contact for grantees (“grant liaison role”) 5) Travel scholarship guidelines development (see draft scholarship principles and process the Subcommittee worked on last year) ● Grants sub-committee members need to review and discuss draft guidelines, determine if we want to discuss at next Commission meeting 6) AOB Outreach and Communications Committee (5:35 – 6:05) Participants: Michael Grinnell, Stella Mattioli Notes: 1) Status Update on website renewal a) Michael to research how to do the 2022 renewal via invoicing 2) Review Outreach Goals - CSCC Goals 2020-2021 a) Still need to complete some items 3) Review CSCC Outreach List - Sister City Outreach List a) Made a few updates 4) Review the Outreach Ideas - Outreach Ideas a) Divide the list up and do some followup research Education Committee (6:05 – 6:45) Participants: Daman Irby, Neely Minton, Elizabeth Smiley, & Erin Hughley-Commers, Kate Kogge (arrived at 6:26 p.m.) Notes: ● Reviewed goals: ○ Goal #1: ■ Need International Space Station project update from Kate (Kate to identify someone we could partner with in her place) ○ Goal #2: ■ Pivot to an in-person event ■ Students who have been historically underrepresented (potentially World Languages) ■ Spanish-speaking population of Charlottesville: connection with Huehuetenango ■ Maybe connect with grant project that was going to be spearheaded by SPEAK Language Center ● Elizabeth needs to reach out to Christina from SPEAK; if she does, Elizabeth can let her know that we have an interest in seeing if the project you’re putting together might be able to dovetail with our goal ■ Creative expression project (Rachel M.): target underrepresented students who are Spanish-speaking ○ Goal #3: ■ Plan an educational event that would engage local students and enunciate their connection between Charlottesville and our sister cities: participation in young authors’ and artists’ showcase from National Sister Cities organization ● Partnered with Charlottesville High School and Aaron Eichorst (Fine and Performing Arts Coordinator); 3 students submitted pieces; we’ll find out the results in June ● Proposal: pull together a working group of interested community partners to meet with members of the community so that we can plan for next year (and recruit students to participate) [involve students at Buford and CHS]--start meeting regularly in the fall (create community buy-in) Finance Committee (6:45 - 7:11) Participants: Michael Grinnell, Kate Kogge (left meeting early), Daman Irby Notes: ● How long do Grantees have to request funds? 1 year from the award of the grant (Feb/March 2022) ● We still have unclaimed funds from FY20. Work with Grants subcommittee (Amanda) to understand if we already established a deadline. Review the notes from June/July 2021 meetings to see if we specified a date ● Did we give any money to the VA Festival of the Book this year? March 2021 ● Did we give any money to the Festival of Cultures this year? May 7-13 2021 ● Set budget for next fiscal year! ○ FY22 Budget is here - FY21 and FY22 Budget FY20 Encumberances (2019-2020 Grants) Description Grant Award Actuals Balance Storie Musicali: An Exchange (Poggio a Caiano) Wes Swing, Kelley Libby $ 4,000.00 $ 2,534.30 $ 1,465.70 Charlottesville-Winneba Fire Safety Partnership (Winneba) Andrew Baxter $ 4,000.00 $- $ 4,000.00 Peace, Love, Poetry Workshop (Winneba) Myra Anderson $ 2,500.00 $ 2,223.18 $ 276.82 Total $ 5,742.52