Charlottesville Sister Cities Commission AGENDA Meeting October 19, 2021 I. Approve Meeting Minutes from September 2021 Retreat II. City Rep Updates: a. Winneba b. Besancon c. Poggio d. Huehue III. Travel Scholarships Guidelines IV. City Representative Travel Expenditures Next Meetings: Tuesday, November 9 @ 4:30-7:30 pm – Subcommittee Meeting Tuesday, November 16 @ 4:30 pm – Commission Meeting Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the public meeting may call the ADA Coordinator at (434) 970-3182 or submit a request via email to The City of Charlottesville requests that you provide a 48 hour notice so that proper arrangements may be made. Remote participation supported for the duration of the City Manager’s Declaration of Emergency issued March 12, 2020. Charlottesville Sister Cities Commission Minutes Annual Retreat September 21, 2021 Zoom Present: Daman Irby, Amanda Folsom, Nana Ghartey, Michael Grinnell, Dave Norris, Stella Mattioli, Elizabeth Smiley, Adrienne Ward Non-members present: Maxicelia Robinson Retreat opened at 4:34 pm Daman Irby presided A quorum was present Opening activity: each commissioner shared a memorable experience or unique talent Approval of August minutes Daman made a motion to adopt minutes as written. Minutes approved unanimously. Review of Bylaws Noted: city residency is not a requirement for membership Noted: Bylaws allow for 10 members plus city reps (max of 13 at present) Noted: Bylaws specify an “annual organizational meeting” where officers are elected; this has typically occurred at the annual retreat in past years, per D.Norris Noted: the Commission is allowed to fund raise Noted: Amanda requested that we clarify whose role it is to be checking the commission gmail inbox regularly and responding to general inquiries Recruitment of new members We now have five (5) positions vacant, following the resignations of Neeley Minton and Joan Clarke. City boards and commissions positions are advertised 90 days prior to the quarterly appointment meetings. The next of these will take place in December; applications should be submitted to the City by 12/10/21. Applications are typically reviewed by our City liaison (Kyna Thomas) and the current Commission Chair There was agreement that we need to more proactively identify and recruit applicants ourselves and to communicate our preferences for candidate consideration to Council. Although these procedures are not specified in our bylaws, they need to be included in an as-yet undeveloped commissioner handbook. Action items: ● Michael will draft and share some ideas for what should be included in a commissioner handbook ● Adrienne volunteered to draft a document which outlines the process for member recruitment and describes City Council’s process for accepting/reviewing applications and appointing new members Review of Strategic Plan Adrienne noted that, while many items on the current plan are in a state of suspension due to the pandemic, the “Improved Web Presence” section is one area where we can increase activity. We can collectively achieve this goal by regularly updating the info on each sister city on our website, highlighting success stories, and becoming more active on our social media sites. Daman suggested that an intern might like the job of compiling news reports on each of our Sister Cities and creating a sister city newsletter. Action items: ● Elizabeth committed to feed Besancon updates and news to the Outreach Committee more routinely and challenged the other sister city reps to do the same ● Explore recruiting an Intern to assist in developing a Sister City newsletter Updating Sister Cities Contact Lists All current lists are in need of updating. Nana mentioned that the Chief of the Winneba area is looking into establishing a Sister City liaison there with a long term appointment, which would bridge the turnover in political leadership that occurs every 4 years. Action Items: ● City Reps pledge to have current contact lists drafted by the October meeting ● Elizabeth will update the CSCC contact list by the October meeting. She asked all commissioners to submit any corrections or changes in their contact info to her prior to 10/18/21. The updated list will include the term of office info for all current commissioners. Review Goals/Achievements for 2020-21 Grants committee - Amanda Goal 1 - completed Goal 2 - completed Adrienne suggested that we follow up with grantees and report on their progress more frequently. In response Amanda pointed us to the “Grants Dashboard” that she has created to monitor the progress of each grant. In addition, she proposed assigning a commission liaison to each grant project to monitor progress and has drafted a proposed description: Goal 3 - still in progress (original completion timeline of April 2021). Item is on the agenda for discussion tonight. Communications/Outreach committee- Michael and Adrienne Goal 1 - completed Goal 2 - in progress, needs improvement; commission directed to earlier discussions about sharing contact and news Goal 3 - in progress, but there is no final plan Goal 4 - in progress; Adrienne has tentatively volunteered to be the secondary person to manage the CSCC website Nana asked where we are in the process of creating a “Sister City Week” that he had previously recommended. Michael created a list of outreach ideas following that initial conversation, but the CSCC has not moved this project along to date. More discussion followed regarding: the role of the Outreach Committee (should it be proposing ideas and implementing outreach ideas?); what would be involved in pulling together an idea like this; whether we would need to create an ad hoc committee to implement; the amount of energy and work with community partners that would be required. Education committee - Daman and Elizabeth Goals 1 & 2 - have been put on hold due to pandemic restrictions as well as the loss of two committee members Goal 3 - ongoing; two local students submitted entries to the YAAS 2021 contest in partial fulfillment of this goal, which will be carried over Action item: ● Daman will forward Elias Alonzo’s contact info with Michael, who will reach out to see if we can find a way to partner with the Ixtatan Foundation in marking Hispanic Heritage Month Friendship City: Huehuetenango - Daman Elizabeth represented the Commission at the Ixtatan Foundation’s 20th Anniversary celebration on August 28. She reported that the new friendship city contacts in Huehue are struggling with setting up their commission; SCI has resources for this that might be shared with them. Daman noted that there are other sister cities in Guatemala that might be able to advise. Action item: ● Daman will contact SCI about their resource materials and see if it’s possible for us as a member organization to share those with our new friendship city contacts in Huehue Sister City: Winneba - Nana Nana reported that during the most recent visit, the delegation tried to meet With all the civic and political departments in Winneba to assist in establishing direct lines of communication with the comparable departments in Charlottesville City government. Sister City: Besancon - Elizabeth Goals 1,2,3, 4 (2020) - completed Goals 2,3,4 (2021) - ongoing but in process; there will be no student exchanges in 2021, not yet clear if they will resume in Spring 2022 or Fall 2022 Elizabeth asked when we should begin working on 2022 goals Nana would like to encourage City Council members to attend our meetings and to visit our Sister Cities when trips are planned Action items: ● All committees/City Reps will submit drafts of our 2022 goals at the November monthly meeting ● Daman will look into scheduling quarterly subcommittee meetings in October if possible Sister City: Poggio - Stella Goal 1 ( Filippo Mazzei film) is still in process; Stella has the DVD and will work on organizing a film screening when she return to the US Goals 2 & 3 - ongoing Goal 4 - contacts in Poggio have indicated they prefer in-person exchanges and are not as interested in a virtual exchange Discussion of Travel Assistance Standards Due to time constraints, it was agreed to schedule a longer discussion in an upcoming monthly meeting. Adrienne suggested the following for consideration: deciding on frequency of awards per calendar year; tying the scholarship award cycle to delegation trips that are in the works. She asked for clarification of what an “individual opportunity” means. Examples offered: a grantee might include travel in a grant application; travel to support a joint business venture benefiting both cities. Additional questions were raised: Do we want to sequester separate funding streams for someone who might want to travel to a sister city to explore connections of mutual interest to both cities, as well as someone who wants to participate in a delegation visit? Is this something we can support, both financially and administratively? Are these scholarships available to Commission members? Do we need to revisit the amount a City Rep can request every two years for expenses related to travel to the Sister City? Michael suggested we might review this when we return to this topic at our monthly meeting. Action item: ● Daman will set aside a significant portion of the October meeting for more in-depth discussion of this topic Review of Commission Membership - Elizabeth has agreed to continue as Secretary - Michael has agreed to continue as Treasurer - Daman would like to have a Co-Chair, especially to assist with ongoing communications with city officials. - Dave pointed out that the Bylaws envision a Vice-Chair position as a kind of “heir apparent” position for someone who can take a year or so to share in leadership tasks and subsequently be ready to step into the Chair position. - Acknowledging that there are no nominees at present, Daman has graciously agreed to continue as Chair. Action item: ● All Commissioners are asked to help recruit new members to fill the vacant positions Meeting adjourned at 7:45. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Smiley, Secretary and Besancon Rep 0100ÿÿ 345678ÿÿ 19 854 ÿÿ ÿÿ 45ÿ ÿÿ 4987ÿÿ 5ÿÿ 497 ÿÿ 4ÿÿ 0  ÿÿ 7759ÿÿ ÿÿ !"#ÿÿ%"&'()*#+,-((#ÿÿ .-+/#'ÿÿ %-0#+ÿÿ %)11-++-)2ÿÿ 3%.%%4ÿÿ 5'&2/+ÿÿ %)11-*##ÿÿ "&+ÿÿ 6#782ÿÿ 9#,#():-27ÿÿ &ÿÿ:');#++ÿÿ -++8-27ÿÿ/'&,#(ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ +;")(&'+"-:+ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ:&'0;-:&2/+=ÿÿ /'&,#(ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ .-+/#'ÿÿ %-0#+ÿÿ /'-:+ÿÿ )'ÿÿ)/"#'ÿÿ #>;"&27#+?ÿÿ @#()Aÿ ÿÿ &'#ÿÿ 9'&Bÿ ÿÿ :'-2;-:(#+ÿÿ&29ÿÿ C#Dÿÿ ;)2+-9#'&0)2+ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ/"#ÿÿ &::(-;&0)2ÿÿ :');#++?ÿÿÿ !"#ÿÿ 5'&2/+ÿÿ %)11-*##ÿÿ -2,-/#+ÿÿ %)11-++-)2ÿÿ <##96&;Cÿÿ )2ÿÿ /"-+ÿÿ )8/(-2#ÿÿ &29ÿÿ +#,#'&(ÿÿ C#Dÿÿ E8#+0)2+ÿÿ 6#()A?ÿÿÿ F)(()A-27ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ2#>/ÿÿ %.%%ÿÿ 1##027Gÿÿ /"#ÿÿ5'&2/+ÿÿ%)11-*##ÿAÿ-((ÿÿ <8'/"#'ÿÿ 9#,#():ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ &::(-;&0)2ÿÿ :');#++ÿÿ &29ÿÿ 9'&Bÿ ÿÿ &::(-;&0)2ÿÿ <)'1ÿ ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ %)11-++-)2ÿÿ '#,-#Aÿ ÿÿ &29ÿÿ &::'),&(?ÿÿ H I)ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ:'):)+#9ÿÿ :'-2;-:(#+ÿÿ 36#()A4ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ78-9-27ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ +;")(&'+"-:+ÿÿ :');#++ÿÿ &(-72ÿÿA-/"ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ %)11-++-)2=+ÿÿ :'-)'-0#+Jÿÿÿ H K"&/ÿÿ +")8(9ÿÿ 6#ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ 01#(-2#ÿÿ )'ÿÿ;D;(#ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ+)(-;-027ÿÿ &29ÿÿ &;;#:027ÿÿ +;")(&'+"-:ÿÿ &::(-;&0)2+Jÿÿ H I)#+ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ :'):)+#9ÿÿ &::')&;"ÿÿ /)ÿÿ'#E8#+027ÿÿ ,#'-L;&0)2ÿÿ )<ÿÿ #2')((1#2/ÿÿ -2ÿÿ&ÿÿ :86(-;ÿÿ&++-+/&2;#ÿÿ :')7'&1ÿ ÿÿ +#',#ÿÿ &+ÿÿ &ÿÿ7))9ÿÿ :')>Dÿÿ <)'ÿÿ 1&C-27ÿÿ 2##9M6&+#9ÿÿ 9#/#'1-2&0)2+Jÿÿÿ N'#ÿÿ/"#'#ÿÿ )/"#'ÿÿ &::')&;"#+ÿÿ A#ÿÿ +")8(9ÿÿ ;)2+-9#'Jÿÿ H N'#ÿÿ /"#'#ÿÿ &99-0)2&(ÿÿ ;)2+-9#'&0)2+ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ 7'&2/+ÿÿ ;)11-*##ÿÿ +")8(9ÿÿ /&C#ÿÿ-2/)ÿÿ&;;)82/ÿÿ -2ÿÿ9#+-72-27ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ&::(-;&0)2ÿÿ &29ÿÿ '#,-#Aÿ ÿÿ :');#++Jÿÿÿ 45ÿ ÿÿ 4987Oÿÿÿ H P>;#((#2/ÿÿ +/#A&'9+"-:ÿÿ )<ÿÿ:86(-;ÿÿ<829-27Gÿÿ #2+8'-27ÿÿ &((ÿÿ +;")(&'+"-:ÿÿ <829+ÿÿ +#',#ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ :86(-;ÿÿ -2/#'#+/ÿÿ &29ÿÿ&'#ÿÿ1&2&7#9ÿÿ A-/"ÿÿ <&-'2#++ÿÿ &29ÿÿ /'&2+:&'#2;DGÿÿ -2;(89-27ÿÿ )6Q#;0,#ÿÿ ,#'-L;&0)2ÿÿ )<ÿÿ 2##9ÿÿ H R-7"ÿÿ E8&(-/Dÿÿ )<ÿÿ:&'0;-:&2/ÿÿ #>:#'-#2;#+ÿÿ -2ÿÿ.-+/#'ÿÿ%-0#+ÿÿ )::)'/82-0#+ÿÿÿ H S2;'#&+#9ÿÿ 9-,#'+-/Dÿÿ &29ÿÿ -2;(8+-,-/Dÿÿ )<ÿÿ .-+/#'ÿÿ %-0#+ÿÿ /'&,#(ÿÿ)::)'/82-0#+ÿÿÿ H T#98;#9ÿÿ 6&''-#'ÿÿ /)ÿÿ:&'0;-:&0)2ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ ()AM-2;)1#ÿÿ '#+-9#2/+ÿÿ H %)+/M+"&'-27ÿÿ 6Dÿÿ+;")(&'+"-:ÿÿ '#;-:-#2/+ÿÿ /)ÿÿ#2+8'#ÿÿ +"&'#9ÿÿ L2&2;-&(ÿÿ +/&C#ÿÿ -2ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ)::)'/82-/Dÿ U895V ÿÿ 5ÿÿ W767Xÿ ÿÿ 497 ÿÿ ÿÿ76787YZÿÿ 4ÿÿ 9[ ÿÿ 5ÿÿ 7759Oÿÿ H \8':)+#]ÿÿ !)ÿÿ )^M+#/ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ ;)+/+ÿÿ )<ÿÿ/'&,#(ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ-29-,-98&(+ÿÿ /)ÿÿ :&'0;-:&/#ÿÿ -2ÿÿ )_;-&(Gÿÿ )'7&2-̀#9ÿÿ .-+/#'ÿÿ %-0#+ÿÿ 7')8:ÿÿ /'-:+ÿÿ)'ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ -29-,-98&(ÿÿ )::)'/82-0#+ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ #>;"&27#ÿÿ A-/"ÿÿ &ÿÿ .-+/#'ÿÿ%-/Dÿÿ H .;")(&'+"-:ÿÿ A-29)Aa01#(-2#]ÿÿ b2;#ÿÿ )'ÿÿ/A-;#ÿÿ :#'ÿÿD#&'Gÿÿ)2ÿÿ')((-27ÿÿ6&+-+ÿÿ )'ÿÿ &+ÿÿ:&'/ÿÿ )<ÿÿ &2ÿÿ )_;-&(ÿÿ %.%%ÿÿ '82ÿÿ /'-:Jÿÿ3cÿdeÿÿghijkiihdl4ÿÿÿ m N::(-;&2/+ÿÿ /)ÿÿ :'),-9#ÿÿ &ÿÿ01#(-2#ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ/"#-'ÿÿ:'):)+&(ÿÿ H P(-7-6-(-/D]ÿÿ &98(/+ÿÿ &29ÿÿ +/89#2/+ÿÿ :&'0;-:&027ÿÿ )8/+-9#ÿÿ )<ÿÿ &2ÿÿ)'7&2-̀#9ÿÿ +;"))(ÿÿ /'-:ÿÿ /"&/ÿÿ1##/ÿÿ 1#'-/M6&+#9ÿÿ ;'-/#'-&ÿnÿlgÿÿ 9#1)2+/'&0)2ÿÿ )<ÿÿ2##9ÿÿÿ H o#'-/M6&+#9ÿÿ 9#/#'1-2&0)2]ÿÿ K"Dÿÿ 9)ÿÿD)8ÿÿ A&2/ÿÿ /)ÿÿ:&'0;-:&/#Jÿÿ K"&/ÿÿ ,&(8#ÿÿ 9)ÿÿD)8ÿÿ&99Jÿÿÿ m %'-/#'-&]ÿÿ .;")(&'+"-:ÿÿ &::(-;&2/ÿÿ "&+ÿÿ 9#1)2+/'&/#9ÿÿ /"&/ÿÿ/"#Dÿÿ "&,#ÿÿ p+)1#/"-27ÿÿ /)ÿÿ+"&'#qÿÿ-2ÿÿ /#'1+ÿÿ )<ÿÿC2)A(#97#ÿÿ )'ÿÿ #>:#'-#2;#ÿÿ &29ÿÿp+)1#/"-27ÿÿ /)ÿÿ7&-2qÿÿ/)ÿÿ6'-27ÿÿ6&;Cÿÿ/)ÿÿ /"#ÿÿ %"&'()*#+,-((#ÿÿ ;)1182-/Dÿÿ H r##9M6&+#9ÿÿ 9#/#'1-2&0)2]ÿÿ \'))<ÿÿ )<ÿÿ2##9ÿÿ A-((ÿÿ 6#ÿÿ 9#/#'1-2#9ÿÿ /"')87"ÿÿ :')>Dÿÿ 1#&2+M/#+027ÿÿ m %'-/#'-&]ÿÿ I);81#2/#9ÿÿ #2')((1#2/ÿÿ -2ÿÿ:86(-;Gÿÿ1#&2+M/#+/#9ÿÿ :')7'&1+ÿÿ +8;"ÿÿ&+ÿÿ F'##ÿÿ &29ÿÿ T#98;#9ÿÿ s82;"Gÿÿ o#9-;&-9Gÿÿ R)8+-27ÿÿ t)8;"#'Gÿÿ #/;?ÿÿ H %&:ÿÿ )2ÿÿ-29-,-98&(ÿÿ +;")(&'+"-:ÿÿ &1)82/]ÿÿÿ !)ÿÿ 6#ÿÿ+#/ÿÿ&228&((Dÿÿ m F)'ÿÿ #>&1:(#Gÿÿ uvwwwaD#&'ÿÿ -2ÿÿ%.%%ÿÿ &228&(ÿÿ 6897#/ÿÿ <)'ÿÿ/'&,#(ÿÿ+;")(&'+"-:+Gÿÿ (-1-/#9ÿÿ /)ÿÿ uxwwwMuxvwwÿÿ :#'ÿÿ +;")(&'+"-:ÿÿ 0 1223456789ÿÿ8 ÿÿ 698ÿÿ 865ÿÿ6463ÿÿ 8ÿÿ 284ÿÿ 789ÿÿ8ÿÿ 8ÿÿÿ54249ÿÿ 569ÿÿ64ÿÿ6478963ÿÿ949ÿÿ8ÿÿ 8ÿÿ 63ÿÿ58ÿÿ  ÿÿ 8ÿÿ 583642ÿÿ 26 9ÿÿÿÿ!"ÿÿ #"$"%&'("#ÿÿ 0 )4*ÿÿ+9695463ÿÿ 4349ÿÿ9633ÿÿ,4ÿÿ4- 9ÿÿ 0 ÿÿ9ÿÿ 6ÿÿ9ÿÿ 2ÿÿ89.ÿÿ34/3ÿÿ 83ÿÿ9ÿÿ 8ÿÿ 8ÿÿ8ÿÿ 6ÿÿ 98928+ÿÿ+9695463ÿÿ 69.ÿÿ4ÿÿ 4349ÿÿ8ÿÿÿÿ9ÿÿ 8ÿÿ9ÿÿ 98ÿÿÿÿ8ÿÿÿÿ42ÿÿ 8ÿÿ 4ÿÿ 26754269ÿÿ 56953ÿÿ  )89+97634ÿÿ8ÿÿ 62234569ÿÿÿ 0 08ÿ ÿÿ 569ÿÿÿÿ 669ÿÿ 8 ÿÿ 2465ÿÿ 43ÿÿ5894149ÿÿ 6ÿÿ 8ÿÿ58ÿÿ 583ÿÿ -ÿÿÿÿ -25ÿÿ8ÿÿ3415ÿÿ 6&78ÿÿ(""#ÿÿ$ÿÿ9"":ÿÿ ;<'#7(="ÿÿ >%&ÿ ÿÿ ?'$8ÿÿ @A%("8Bÿÿ  C346-3ÿÿÿ D E583642ÿÿ54249ÿÿ 433ÿÿ -ÿÿ 6/ÿÿ 8ÿÿ 284ÿÿ 6ÿÿ28ÿÿ -65/ÿÿ8ÿÿ296789ÿÿ 8ÿÿ ÿÿ )8 4489ÿÿ 8ÿÿ 6ÿÿ4ÿÿF2495ÿÿ 69ÿÿ 36949ÿÿÿ HIJKLMÿÿ NDOOPQRRÿÿ KRSLÿÿMLRTMUÿÿÿ  E/ÿÿ85F6 23ÿÿ8 ÿÿ E4ÿÿ)47ÿÿ99678963ÿÿ V1 696Wÿÿ  3ÿÿ Xÿÿ8ÿÿ2828ÿÿ 4349285ÿÿÿ  C382ÿÿ6223456789ÿÿ285ÿÿ 69ÿÿ6Yÿ ÿÿ 6223456789ÿÿ8 ÿÿ8ÿÿ )8 4489ÿÿ4ÿ ÿÿ 69ÿÿ 622863ÿÿÿ