CSCC Retreat September 29, 2020 Virtual/Electronic Meeting Meeting Notes Members present: Daman Irby, Kate Kogge, Stella Mattioli, Neeley Minton, Michael Grinnell, Amanda Folsom, Adrienne Ward, Elizabeth Smiley Absent: Dave Norris, Nana Ghartey, Joan Clarke Non-members present: Terri DiCintio, Pat, Joe Rice (Communications), Maxicelia Robinson (Staff Liaison) Call to Order at 4:03 p.m. Chair Comments: Hi friends! I am actively working to make our materials easier to access; we currently have two Google Drives for past information that I cannot add materials to, which makes this challenging. My goal is to have one set place where we can access materials and also add notes. In the meantime, check out our minutes from last Tuesday below. Introductions and Icebreaker - It was mentioned that we need to think of a way to keep our records, perhaps a CSCC Handbook (suggested by Terri). - Overview Strategic Plans and Bylaws - It was also mentioned that we need to make a new, three-year strategic plan. This could be the goal of the next meeting session. - Article IV, Section 2 in the bylaws was brought up - how many people in the meeting makes a Quorum? More than half of the commission needs to be present in order for us to vote. **Confirm availability a week in advance - Co-chairs will send out an email. Overview of Roles - Went over procedures to fill open positions (Business Rep and Youth Rep, which is unexpired). It will be advertised in the fourth quarter. Upcoming Meeting on Oct. 6 (4-7 pm) - City Boards and Commission Work Session - Will determine how we meet and how often; commission members would like to continue meeting monthly. - Might be a good opportunity to bring up our regular $15,000 annual allocation, which we are currently no longer receiving from the city. The budget season begins in November. Our Spanish-Speaking Sister City proposal is a good thing to bring up - citizens have asked for this, but we cannot pursue this if we lose our funding. - CSCC reps will be present Updates on Sister Cities - Besancon: New party in power along with a new mayor. There was a complete turnover of deputies and staff. Are contacts still working? There was a leadership change in Alliaz Francais and Elizabeth knows her. Educational exchanges are at a standstill. - Poggio - no news, but very active cultural exchanges. There are grants from the EU to do different work in the city. Budget update from Max (see PDF she sent last week) - $54,012.48 before grants - with carryover from last year, we’re at $46,275.10...still waiting on outstanding grant awards. Grants update with Amanda - $12,500 committed to new grants in 2020 (2 projects for Winneba, Poggio cultural exchange) - all projects on hold. Winneba received funding - We intended for $20,000 in grants - we only spent $10,500. - Do we extend deadline for grants that are not possible this calendar year? Grants committee will meet and relay information to group. - Will there be a new grants cycle? - Check in with grant recipients and see if they can still feasibly carry on. - Motion was made by Amanda Folsom to conditionally approve extension of 2020 grants subject to ability to fulfill in 2021. Seconded by Kate Kogge. All in favor. Review of goals - what was met, what was not - Grants committee thinking of scholarship process for adults - Peace Pole Project - Final site for mural art on sister cities - Think of SCI Essay Contest for Cville Appointments - Co-chairs: Daman Irby and Kate Kogge (Motion by M. Grinnell; Second by E. Smiley. All in favor) - Secretary: TBD - Treasurer: Michael Grinnell (Motion by K. Kogge; Second by M. Grinnell. All in favor.) - Education Committee: K. Kogge, N. Minton, D. Irby, E. Smiley, J. Clarke (absent) - Finance: M. Grinnell - Grants: A. Ward, A. Folsom, D. Irby, D. Norris (absent) - Outreach and Communications: A. Ward, S. Mattioli, M. Grinnell - Spanish-Speaking City: J. Clarke (absent), K. Kogge, D. Norris (absent) - Strategic Plan: M. Grinnell, E. Smiley (we will meet and discuss this next meeting) Meeting Adjournment at 7:01 p.m.