Charlottesville Christine Gough, Chair Kathryn Gallanosa, Vice Chair Social Services Board Members: Lisa Brown Advisory Board Amanda Key Rebekah Menning Cathee Johnson Phillips Ivy Porpotage City of Charlottesville, City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 911, Nikuyah Walker Charlottesville, VA 22902 Judith Zeitler MINUTES Charlottesville Department of Social Services Advisory Board July 23, 2018 Board Members Present: Lisa Brown, Kathryn Gallanosa, Christine Gough, Cathee Johnson Phillips, Judith Zeitler, Board Members Absent: Amanda Key, Rebekah Menning, Ivy Porpotage, Nikuyah Walker Staff Members Present: Shawn Fry, Diane Kuknyo, Laura Morris, Christine Self, Mary Jane Skidmore, Blair Smith, David Vito The meeting was called to order at 12:13 p.m. Introductions: The board welcomed staff members, Christine Self, Mary Jane Skidmore, Blair Smith, and David Vito Public Comment: None Members’ Report: None Approval of Meeting Minutes: The June minutes were approved with one correction under the Director’s report, annual report section, bullet 2 – Medicaid Expansion: The sentence was revised to reflect that the State has to submit a Medicaid work plan to the Federal Government for approval. Chair’s Report: None Director’s Report: August 12th: Ms. Kuknyo shared that a lot of planning is under way for the August 12th anniversary. The department may be asked to open a family reunification center and emergency shelters if needed. Notice to staff is going out this week asking for volunteers. Ms. Kuknyo and Sue Moffett, the department’s Assistant Director, will be alternating shifts in the Emergency Operations Center from 7 a.m. Friday to 7 p.m. Sunday. Annual Report: Ms. Kuknyo shared the annual report is still scheduled to be presented in September. Due to time limitations, report drafts will be sent electronically for board member feedback. Ms. Johnson-Phillips asked if board members were still interested in sending a letter advocating for additional staff funding with the annual report. All in attendance were on board. Ms. Johnson-Phillips volunteered to draft the letter and will send by e- mail for feedback. Charlottesville Christine Gough, Chair Kathryn Gallanosa, Vice Chair Social Services Board Members: Lisa Brown Advisory Board Amanda Key Rebekah Menning Cathee Johnson Phillips Ivy Porpotage City of Charlottesville, City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 911, Nikuyah Walker Charlottesville, VA 22902 Judith Zeitler Washington State Trauma Informed Care Training Overview: Staff members, Christine Self, Blair Smith, and David Vito presented an overview on the trauma informed care conference they recently attended in Walla Walla, Washington. The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 27, 2018 in the City Hall Basement Conference Room. The meeting was adjourned at 1:46 p.m. Recorded by: Shawn Fry