Charlottesville Christine Gough, Chair Kathryn Gallanosa, Vice Chair Social Services Board Members: Lisa Brown Advisory Board Amanda Key Rebekah Menning Cathee Johnson Phillips Ivy Porpotage City of Charlottesville, City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 911, Nikuyah Walker Charlottesville, VA 22902 Judith Zeitler MINUTES Charlottesville Department of Social Services Advisory Board August 27, 2018 Board Members Present Lisa Brown, Kathryn Gallanosa, Christine Gough, Cathee Johnson Phillips, Ivy Porpotage, Judith Zeitler Board Members Absent: Rebekah Menning and Nikuyah Walker Staff Members Present: Shawn Fry, Diane Kuknyo, and Laura Morris The meeting was called to order at 12:10 p.m. Introductions: None Public Comment: None Members’ Report: Ms. Johnson-Phillips discussed an editorial she submitted to the Daily Progress on how the need to help abused children continues to grow in the area. The Foothills Child Advocacy Center served 256 children in FY16 and 357 children in FY18, a 40% increase over 2 years. Approval of Meeting Minutes: The July minutes were approved as submitted Chair’s Report: Ms. Gough shared that she has been selected to participate in the upcoming Leadership Charlottesville program through the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce. Director’s Report: Annual Report: Ms. Kuknyo shared that due to the planning and preparation for the events of August 10th-12th, the advisory board report to city council has not been completed yet. Additionally, due to other council agenda items, the report had not been added to the September agenda yet. The next available presentation dates are October 15th or November 19th. Board members agreed that October 15th would be best. Ms. Kuknyo will bring the draft report to the September advisory board meeting for review. Ms. Kuknyo also shared that Ms. Johnson-Phillips has drafted a letter advocating for additional staff funding to send with the report. Ms. Kuknyo is reviewing the letter and will send to the City Manager to review as well before it goes to City Council. Charlottesville Christine Gough, Chair Kathryn Gallanosa, Vice Chair Social Services Board Members: Lisa Brown Advisory Board Amanda Key Rebekah Menning Cathee Johnson Phillips Ivy Porpotage City of Charlottesville, City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 911, Nikuyah Walker Charlottesville, VA 22902 Judith Zeitler Board Opening: Ms. Kuknyo shared that Amanda Key has chosen not to seek a second term on the advisory board. Her term ended in June. If members know of anyone who is interested in serving, please encourage them to apply. UVA Study on disproportionality in Child Welfare Caseloads: Ms. Kuknyo shared that the department asked the UVA public interest data lab to review child welfare caseload data for disparity and disproportionality. A group of students worked on the project over the spring semester. Three years of data was provided directly to the class by the Virginia Department of Social Services. Ms. Kuknyo shared highlights from the report and noted that it will also be shared with the community later in the year. The report will be presented to staff in the upcoming weeks and a work plan is being developed to address items. The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 24, 2018 in the City Hall Basement Conference Room. The meeting was adjourned at 1:43 p.m. Recorded by: Shawn Fry