Charlottesville Christine Gough, Chair Kathryn Gallanosa, Vice Chair Social Services Board Members: Lisa Brown Advisory Board Rebekah Menning LD Perry Cathee Johnson Phillips Ivy Porpotage City of Charlottesville, City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 911, Mike Signer Charlottesville, VA 22902 Judith Zeitler MINUTES Charlottesville Department of Social Services Advisory Board January 28, 2019 Board Members Present: Lisa Brown, Kathryn Gallanosa, Christine Gough, Rebekah Menning, LD Perry, Cathee Johnson Phillips, Ivy Porpotage, Judith Zeitler Board Members Absent: Mike Signer Staff Members Present: Tonia Alexander, Stephen Gilliand, Meaghan Gordon, Alyssa Haden, Diane Kuknyo, and Laura Morris The meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m. Public Comment: None Approval of Meeting Minutes: The November meeting minutes were approved as submitted. Introductions: The board welcomed new member, LD Perry and staff members, Tonia Alexander, Stephen Gilliand, Meaghan Gordon, and Alyssa Haden. Cultural Competency Workgroup: Staff members Tonia Alexander, Stephen Gilliand, Meaghan Gordon, and Alyssa Haden provided an overview on the department’s cultural competency workgroup. They discussed the group’s mission and how the work is focused. There is an internal sub group looking at employee training and staff development and an external sub group working on how to better engage and collaborate with the community and partner agencies. Members’ Report: Ms. Johnson Phillips shared that the trauma informed care network’s quarterly meeting is being held today from 1:00-3:30 at city space. The meeting topic is resilience. Ms. Brown shared that Sister’s keeper collective is opening a location on Market Street. There will be a grand opening celebration on February 23rd. She will send the flyer to board members. The center will provide pre- natal visits, birth education, yoga, and massages. Mr. Perry shared that the Charlottesville Time Bank will be hosting a repair café at the Haven. The event is open to everyone. Professionals will on site to provide repairs on certain items as well as computer diagnostics. Charlottesville Christine Gough, Chair Kathryn Gallanosa, Vice Chair Social Services Board Members: Lisa Brown Advisory Board Rebekah Menning LD Perry Cathee Johnson Phillips Ivy Porpotage City of Charlottesville, City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 911, Mike Signer Charlottesville, VA 22902 Judith Zeitler Chair’s Report: Ms. Gough shared that she and Ms. Brown attended the department holiday luncheon in December. Director’s Report: Foster Care Holiday Party: Ms. Kuknyo shared that the department hosted a holiday party for foster care children and their biological families. The event was held at city space. Citizen’s Burger Bar provided the catering for free for the event and also handled the set up and clean up. JLARC Report: Ms. Kuknyo shared that staff from JLARC interviewed herself and Jenny Jones, the department’s Chief of Family Services, at the request of the Virginia Department of Social Services on how the department handles kinship placements and finding foster families for a state-wide report on foster care. JLARC is the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission. They conduct program evaluation, policy analysis, and oversight of state agencies on behalf of the Virginia General Assembly. The report was recently released and noted many deficiencies in foster care. However, Charlottesville was highlighted for excellent work in kinship placement and for our collaboration with Community Attention Foster Families, and Albemarle and Greene Departments’ of Social Services for finding foster families. The state- wide average for kinship placement is 4-6%. Our average is 40%. Organizational Equity Tool: Ms. Kuknyo shared that all city departments have been asked by the city manager’s office to complete an organizational equity tool. She will bring the tool to the February board meeting. FY2020 City Budget: Ms. Kuknyo shared that a budget request to give police officers a 9% salary increase is moving forward. All other city departments have been asked to submit 3% budget reduction scenarios. In order to make this reduction, the department would need to eliminate 2 positions as well as reduce other line items such as office supplies, furniture, and food. A budget reduction would also mean that the department loses matching Federal and State funding. Additionally, all new budget requests are off the table. The department was asking for 3 new positions in the FY20 budget as well as a 3% increase for employees. There were 63 new positions requested city-wide. The first budget work session will be held this Thursday. Ms. Kuknyo invited board members to attend. Board members expressed interest in individually e-mailing city council as well as writing a letter asking that reductions not be made to the department and that the new requests be reconsidered. Ms. Kuknyo will send bullet points for the board to use. The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 25, 2019 in the City Hall Basement Conference Room. The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m. Recorded by: Laura Morris